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Christmas Candy: A Holiday Second Chance Box Set by Angela Blake (31)

Chapter Six


Chez Fromage was a popular high-class restaurant around town. The restaurant served everything that goes well with cheese and that’s practically everything. This is where Tom took Jordyn to on their very first anniversary date and is where he’s taking her again after all those years.

“Grant, Thomas.” Tom waited as the maître de looked up the reservations. “Right this way sir.”

The couple follows the man to a table booth near the bathroom. The maître de left the couple with menus and glasses of wine. Tom apologized to Jordyn as it was the only table he could get on such short notice.

“It’s alright. It’s just a table.” Jordyn’s phone vibrated as a message from Franny read out, “I will be staying out late. Don’t wait up for me. Go have fun on your dinner date.”

“Are you texting your girlfriend?” Tom asked as Jordyn was reading her text message. “If I was bisexual, you would be the first to know.”

“Well whatever the case, she will never be as legendary as I am. I can even make you moan without laying a hand on you.” Tom pulled out a tiny remote from his pocket and pressed the button.

“That’s not fair,” Jordyn gasped as her panties suddenly vibrated.

“Good evening, I am Sebastian and I will be your waiter for tonight. Are you ready to order?” A waiter suddenly approached asking for their orders.

“Jordy, tell the man what you want,” Tom raised an eyebrow at Jordyn.

Jordyn took a deep breath, tightened her grip on the menu and widened her eyes at Tom. “I’ll take the whole salami with the cheesy fountain.”

“Are you sure about that?” Tom tried to stall for more time as he heightened the settings on the remote.

“Yes! Yes! I’m sure!” Jordyn was blushing and her panties were soaking wet.

“Hmmm… I think I will have the three-cheese calzones. What do you think Jordy?”

“Yup. Great idea.” Jordyn was clenching her fists tighter as she fought the urge to let out a huge moan.

“Oh wait. Scratch that. I’m craving for some carbonara. Does that sound better Jor?”

“Yes! Excuse me!” Jordyn rushed into the bathroom pushing away the waiter.

Tom slipped the waiter a bill and tells him to give them an hour. Tom rushed into the same bathroom as Jordyn and locked the door tight.

Jordyn moaned while trying to remove the vibrating panties. Tom sneaks up behind her and embraces Jordyn’s body. He opened up the zipper on the side of her skirt and he slid his hands onto the wet spot between her legs.

“Please, I can’t take it anymore,” Jordyn begs tom as the panties were still on stimulating her nether regions.

“How badly do you want it?” Tom slid his other hand inside her blouse. He cupped her breast sensually massaging while his fingers played with her nipples. He proceeded to make tiny nibbles on her nape.

“So freaking bad,” Jordyn’s body was shivering and her legs felt so weak that she could not stand properly.

Tom continued moving around his fingers inside Jordyn’s buzzing panties and pinching her nipple softly.

Jordyn moaned at the intense pleasure and agony of waiting for Tom to go inside her. She grabbed Tom’s bulge through his pants. It wasn’t only her that’s wet, Tom’s precum seeped through his briefs and onto his pants.

After a while, Tom pulled up Jordyn’s skirt and slowly removed the soaked panties. She sighed with relief as the panties were finally off until Tom suddenly put out his tongue and licked around her center. Tom buried his face onto her and moved his tongue around like a professional.

Jordyn turned around, sat on the bathroom countertop and put her legs around Tom’s neck. His tongue was digging her center and teasing her for something bigger.

“Tom put it in me,” Jordyn was panting and her body was craving for Tom to go faster. Tom started licking upwards while giving her body tiny kisses all the way to her nipples. Tom’s hands were unfastening his belt and unzipping his pants to reveal more of himself.

Tom’s tongue was moving around Jordyn’s nipples and he was teasing her with the head of his rod rubbing around her center. Jordyn put her hands on Tom’s ass and she pulled him towards her. Tom’s rod went in smoothly but the sudden force splashed around Jordyn’s juices. Tom began to move faster while Jordyn’s hands squeezed tighter on his buns.

Tom put his arms around Jordyn pulling her closer as he thrusted faster and faster. “I love you so much,” he whispers while he breathes hot air onto her ear. “I love you too,” Jordyn replies as she moans and gasps for air.

“Let’s have another baby!” Tom suddenly shoots his seed inside Jordyn.

Tom gently put Jordyn down on the bathroom countertop. Her eyes looked glassy. She was fighting back her tears and it’s making her eyes red and puffy.

“I’m sorry! We don’t need to have another baby!” Tom apologized immediately after seeing Jordyn’s eyes.

“I’m okay! Seriously you don’t need to worry about it! Some dust just went into my eyes!” Jordyn was being defensive but deep down inside her she knew she was not okay.

“Jordy please let’s talk about it,” Tom pulled up his pants and put his hands on her shoulder.

Jordyn just let Tom’s hand rest on her shoulder instead of shrugging it off. “There is nothing to talk about. I moved on from Gracie. I know she’s never coming back!” her tone went from being defensive to an angry and sad one.

Jordyn fixed her image in front of the mirror, washed her hands and splashed water on her face.

Tom tried embracing Jordyn but she became disconnected.

“Let’s just go and have dinner,” Jordyn shrugged off Tom’s embrace and began to march back to their table.

“Please wait, Jordy. I can tell you’re not okay. Please, let’s just talk about this.” Tom tried to grab a hold onto her arms.

“I am okay! Can’t you see that I’m freaking okay? I have a stable job and I don’t need anyone replacing our Gracie!” Jordyn shouted at Tom as she tried to defend herself like an animal backed into a corner.

“I don’t need your pity,” Jordyn saw that sad look in Tom’s eyes and she couldn’t look at him directly.

Jordyn opened the bathroom door and the other customers were staring at her and whispering. She bolted out the restaurant trying to escape whatever haunted her.

“Jordy, wait!” Tom tried to follow Jordyn but glances back at their table. He takes out his wallet for a few bills and spills Jordyn’s untouched glass of wine to take a ring.

“To Spooner street please,” Jordyn takes a deep breath now that she is inside a cab taking her far away from the scene. Tom immediately bolts out the restaurant chasing after Jordyn but she was already inside a cab driving away in haste. She looked out the cab with her glassy looking eyes. She takes deep breaths to stop herself from breaking down but she could not fight the emotions and started to sob.

Tom cursed at the skies as he knows he made a huge mistake letting Jordyn slip out of his embrace once again. She may never forgive him now after that catastrophic night.


“I’m at a cab. The night was ruined. I’m headed home.” Jordyn sent out a string of messages to Franny as a distress signal.

“Say no more. I will be right on my way back home,” Franny replied back immediately.

“Is everything all right, Chiquita? The night is still young.” A tan buff man, wearing a tight white V-neck shirt and a leather jacket, said as he put his hand on Franny’s arm.

“I’m really sorry Jorge but I have to head back home. My best friend is not feeling right. Thank you for the great evening.” Franny frantically put down her martini glass and took out her wallet to pay the bill.

Jorge stopped Franny from taking out her wallet. “No need to pay. It’s my treat. Go rush back to your best friend.”

“Thank you very much Jorge,” Franny took her red leather jacket and rushed outside to get a taxi cab back home to Jordyn.

“Taxi!” Franny yelled out hailing for a taxicab to stop.

A man driving a black Harley-Davidson motorcycle stopped in front of Franny.

“Hop in. It will be faster for you to get to your friend.” Jorge removed his helmet and handed it to Franny.

“I’m wearing a dress. I can’t ride on that thing.” Franny hesitated to accept Jorge’s offer.

“Don’t worry Chiquita. Just grab onto me tight and don’t let go.”

Franny thought about it for a second or two but she remembered that Jordyn was in distress.

“Oh that’s alright. I guess I have no choice.” Franny wore Jorge’s helmet, and straddled on the back seat of his motorcycle. She put her hands around his warm and hard ripped body.

Franny’s grip tightened as the motorcycle’s engine roared. She could feel Jorge’s abs through his shirt.

“Really awful timing, Jordyn,” Franny thought to herself as she hands wander around Jorge’s body. If not for Jordyn needing her help, Franny would be riding something else that is hard. Franny would have been going faster than the motorcycle ever could. Franny can’t help thinking about Jorge’s rock hard body even though she really needed to help Jordyn right now.

Franny was shivering and it is not because of the cold air that blew hard against their bodies. Jorge’s body radiated so much heat that Franny’s body began to heat up.

“Just park around there,” Franny pointed at the front of a medium yellow house. The motorcycle’s brakes stopped and Franny jumped off of her seat.

“Thanks for the ride, Jorge! I owe you one!” Franny throws Jorge the helmet and ran towards the door.

“It was my pleasure. I will see you tomorrow.” Jorge blew a kiss to Franny. The engine roared as he drove away.

“Thanks again! See you tomorrow!” Franny screamed back as she scrambled through her handbag to find her keys. She immediately found her keys beside the condom she was saving for tonight.

“Damn it,” She thought to herself while pursing her lips.

Franny tried to insert the keys through the hole of the door knob but the door was already unlocked.