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Doctor L: A Second Chance Fake Marriage Romance (Doctor's Orders Book 3) by Lilian Monroe (13)

Chapter 16 - Izzy





“Why are you so smiley,” Jess asks as I walk in the door. “You’re home early!” I look at her bright eyes and I want to tell her that soon, all our money problems will disappear. I want to tell her that we’ll go see Cirque du Soleil, she’ll be able to take gymnastics classes, she’ll go to whatever college she wants. A whirlwind of thoughts passes through my brain but I know I need to wait until the money is in my account before I spend it. Even then, I can’t tell my eleven year-old sister that I’ve just agreed to a marriage of convenience.

“Just had a good day,” I respond as I walk over and ruffle her hair. She grins.

“Me too! We were doing gymnastics in gym class, look what I can do!” Before I know what’s happening, she’s upside down doing a handstand and contorting her body in ways I didn’t know were possible.

“Jesus, Jess, be careful! How are you so bendy?!”

“It’s fun!” She says as she flips back over onto her feet, her cheeks flushed and her hair a mess. I feel a warmth spreading in my chest as I look at my little sister. She’s so full of life and happiness. She hasn’t been affected by everything we’ve been through. Sometimes I think she gives me more strength than I give her.

“That’s great, sis. Here, help me get this dinner started. We’ll actually get to eat together today.”

We work together in the kitchen, chopping and cooking and stirring and tasting. My heart is light and I listen to Jess tell me about her day. I feel good. I feel like a weight is being lifted off my shoulders and I can start to breathe again. A part of me knows that the reality of this situation hasn’t sunk in and I shouldn’t celebrate so early, but I can’t help it.

The reality is that I’m going to be married to Dave Langley in a week. We’re going to be married for three months. That’s not that long! Even if it’s a disaster it’s only for a few months.

I don’t even know how it’s going to work. We didn’t talk logistics. Will we have to live together? Will we have to spend time together? Will we have to sleep together?

Surely not. He was very clear about this being a business transaction. Still, the thought of Dave and I together isn’t completely repulsive. I push the thoughts away and turn back to Jess. Right now I just want to feel happy and light and I want to enjoy the thought of providing for my sister the way I always wanted to provide for her.

Jess heads off to bed and I flop down onto the couch. I bring my hands up to my face and rub my eyes, letting my fingers slide back through my hair. I inhale deeply and then let the air out slowly, feeling the way my chest rises and falls as I lean back on the sofa.

What in the world am I doing.

I look towards Jess’s door and I feel a tightening in my chest. I’d do anything for that girl - even get married to a man who openly told me he despises me.

Am I making a mistake? Will this end up being a disaster?! I don’t know anyone who would agreed to do something like this. But then again, I don’t know anyone who’s been through the hell that I’ve been through and come out the other side. I don’t know anyone who has a little sister and an opportunity to give her the world.


The next few days fly by in a flurry of work and preparation. As promised, Dave approaches me a couple days after his proposal with a stack of papers in hand. I’m sitting at my desk tucked away in the back of the kitchen.

“Here’s the contract,” he says unceremoniously as he drops the stack of papers onto the desk. “I assume you’ll want some time to look through it?”

“I.. uh,” I pick up the papers and thumb through the first couple pages. “Yeah.”

I expect him to turn around and start walking away but to my surprise he pulls up a chair and sits down next to me. My heart jumps as his body moves closer to me and I can feel my skin heat up. He smells intoxicating and manly, and it makes my pulse quicken. He flips through the pages of the contract.

“This is the sum of money that you’re promised,” he explains as he points to the six-figure sum. I nod my head slowly and swallow. It’s written right there, in black ink: $100,000 to be paid on the day the wedding certificate is signed, and $100,000 to be paid three months thereafter. Dave turns another couple of pages. “Here’s a list of conditions. It’s essentially a non-disclosure agreement. A formality, really. It’s as much in your interests as mine to not talk about this to anyone.”


Dave leans away from me and turns his head to look at my face. I meet his gaze and once again am almost knocked back by the intensity of his stare.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks gently. His eyes soften and I see something else in them. Like he’s really asking me, like he cares about what I am going to answer.

“I’m sure,” I respond. As sure as I’ll ever be, anyway. “Where do I sign?”

Dave’s face breaks into a grin and he dips his chin down in a small nod. He flips a couple more pages. “Here, here, and here. If you’re free, we can go to the courthouse tomorrow morning and get this over with.”

“I never knew you could be so romantic, Mr. Langley. You really know how to make a girl swoon.” I look at him sideways and can’t help but grin.

He shrugs. “Only the best for my future wife.”

The strangeness of the situation makes me laugh. At least he’s talking to me like a normal person now. It’s nice to be able to laugh together. I glance at him and for a second we just stare at each other’s eyes. I wish I knew what he was thinking. It’s probably the same thing I’m thinking: What the hell am I doing??

I look away and grab a pen. With a big breath I turn to the thick contract: “Let’s do this.”