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Enthralled: A Box Set by Pamela Ann (38)

Chapter Thirty-Five

The moment I walked in, I felt like I had walked onto a set of the Arabian Nights. The room had an oval-shaped pool that was decorated with rose petals. Further to the left stood a colorful silk tent with beaded throw pillows and kaftan rugs. Plus, there were large, glass bowl-stands with petals and floating candles embellishing the room.

The masseuse tables, situated at the edge of the tent, sat about ten feet from a lightly-lit fireplace. The strategically placed scented candles made the ambiance intimate, seductive and downright romantic. The room smelled of romance, a mixture of roses and berries with hinted notes of vanilla.

I was guided to the ‘his and hers’ changing rooms, where it was requested that I wear this skimpy, barely there thong. I smirked. Great, how the heck will I ever be comfortable lying next to Blake almost naked? If I could relax, I was going to doze off the minute those powerful hands started kneading my back; I was sure of it.

Is romance what Blake has in mind? Is it possible? Why would he book a suite? He could’ve gotten separate rooms, but he didn’t. So, if it is, am I ready to date him? I was and I wasn’t. I had just gotten out of being with Kyle and I was sure as hell was not emotionally ready for someone as intense as Blake. That was like taking on Hurricane Katrina. Besides, he didn’t seem to be keen on long-term relationships, anyway.

Apart from Kyle, I hadn’t been with anyone else; emotionally or physically. Blake was a very intense person, too. How the heck would I handle him? I had watched as women became beyond helpless when he ended it with them. They were hysterical; calling incessantly, hoping he would take them back. He never did. It was mayhem.

No, thank you. I didn’t want to be one of those women. Risking our friendship over sexual satisfaction? Maybe? I shoved that thought quickly to the back of my mind.

I came out of the changing room dressed in a thong and a robe. I made my way toward the massage tables where my masseuse, a tall, stern-looking man—possibly Eastern European—waited patiently for me. He introduced himself as Alec.

Blake was already on his stomach and had a scant towel draping his glorious ass. His back was all ripping-hard muscles, defined and cut. He had his head down, even though the session hadn’t started yet. I was sure he’d done that to make me feel less uncomfortable when I tried to position myself on the narrow table.

Hopefully, that scant towel will be enough to cover my bottom. Alas, as dreadfully predicted, it just barely covered it. Most times, I was proud of my “well-rounded assets,” but at times like these, I wish they were a little less rounded.

As they started working on our backs, Blake turned, reached out and touched my arm softly. “Feeling better?”

I smiled shyly at him. “Yes, thank you. It’s exactly what I needed. Next time, I’ll be the one giving you surprises, though.” His beautiful face lit up, giving me a devilish grin.

“I’ll hold you to that!” I nodded, tranquility washing over me as I closed my eyes while I continued facing him.

Shouldn’t I be mourning the loss of my relationship with Kyle? Yet, from the moment I opened my eyes today, Blake had railroaded my thoughts, putting Kyle somewhere faraway and distant. Except for the email

How was that possible? I was crying my eyes out last night and, today, I felt like an entirely different person.

Powerful hands started to work their way down to my lower back. Hovering around where the slope of my butt started. Kneading thumbs and fingers made the towel slide lower. I gasped from a jolt of pain and then exhaled deeply, lips slightly parted. The pain felt good and I welcomed it. The stress I had from the last couple of weeks had taken its toll on my body.

Opening my eyes, I found Blake staring intently at me. He didn’t smile or speak; instead he kept those magnetic eyes locked onto mine. I swallowed, nervous. Those eyes had the power to penetrate and reach inside of me. It was disconcerting. He’s been doing that a lot today.

Not knowing what to do, I closed my eyes again. Christ, I’m so screwed! Heaven help me if he did try something.

God knows I had a hard time resisting Blake when he asked something of me, however this Blake—pure full-on Casanova-mode Blake—would be my undoing.

The smell of roses and the crackle of fire lulled me to sleep, unperturbed and tranquil. I happily dozed off into a blissful slumber.

I woke up from the soft click of a door closing. Befuddled from my nap, I glanced around and realized that I was alone, lying there, almost naked and asleep.

The darkened lighting from the candles made it hard to see much further into the room.

“Blake?” I called out, sitting up and looking for my robe, but it seemed to have vanished! It was nowhere in sight.

Biting my lip, I pulled my long hair forward to cover my breasts; it was good enough to cover my nipples, but not enough to cover the outline of my boobs. I tried to gather my wits.

“In here!” called out Blake. Where was in here?

Slowly, walking barefoot in a thong with my boobs partially covered by my long hair, I glanced around in the dimly lit room. “Blake!” my voice laced with urgency. I started to make my way to the pool area, but couldn’t see him.

Instantly, out of nowhere, he started gliding from the darkened corner of the left-side of the pool.

My eyes rounded in admiration. My, God! I’m going to have a heart-attack.

Gaping at his muscled pecs, six-pack abs and his wet hair swept back; I felt a jolt of instantaneous lust. I swallowed hard. He was absolutely breathtaking. Wow. I’ve never seen his chest before. NOW, I really think he was made perfectly!

Rooted to where I was standing, heart beating erratically and barely breathing, I was mesmerized by his sheer beauty. I barely forgot to take note that I was almost as naked as he was.

“Care to join?” he asked, glancing at me with the same look he’d had at the massage tables. He looked like he was ready to pounce. Still and waiting… The look was full of yearning… and pure, blatant lust.

My stomach flip-flopped.

Standing there—virtually naked—I was staggered, astonished.

Being in that room, with him, the air—the smell of heady perfumed roses, the darkened setting of candles, making the room glow—I suddenly felt like I was there purposely to do his bidding!

Enraptured and enthralled, I slowly walked to the pool, joining my god-like mortal of a man without breaking eye contact.

I went into the pool that was scattered with rose petals. The water gently rippled as I went deeper in, but I stopped when the water barely hit the tips of my hair.

Standing on the very last step of the pool, I looked over to where he stood, unmoving like a statue, although his electric midnight eyes roved all over my body, branding me. I gasped from the burning, ardent-filled scrutiny of his roaming eyes.

He moved toward me, his tanned, rippling body glistening with water. My eyes examined his abs, slowly making my way to his hardened chest, his broad shoulders, his neck, his enticing lips, until my eyes stopped at his burning, silver-rimmed, midnight blue eyes.

The air was charged, electric and perfervid.

Looking up to his face, I was stunned frozen. He was so tall and all male.

I gasped again as he traced his thumb over my bottom lip, his eyes darkening.

“You look like a goddess; exquisite and beautiful,” he rasped out as the back of his finger gently stroked my neck and collarbone with utter concentration. I shuddered from his delicate touch. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you, my sweet Sienna. I’ve always wanted you—from the moment our eyes met. I wanted you, badly, but you were with someone else. I’ve been patient—biding time—until you were free, and so here we are.”

I drew breath and slightly wetted my dry lips. He’d always wanted me? What?! This was insane! How the heck did I not see this?

Being with Blake would be passionate, thrilling and tumultuous; however, did I have the capacity to go through a circus ring? I wanted him, no doubt. My mind boggled; I couldn’t think straight. As much as I was attracted to Blake, I didn’t know if I was ready, just yet. He was too intense, too commanding, too everything. At the same time, I was hypnotized and my mind was beyond puzzled. It really was disconcerting.

“Blake, I—” I looked at him with beseeching eyes, licking my dry lips. “I don’t think I’m ready for this. I mean, I’m attracted to you, but this is too sudden. You must see—understand—that I need time.” I searched his eyes as he studied mine, waiting for him to answer me.

After what felt like forever, I saw him nod his head. “All right, my lovely Sienna. I’ve waited for eight months; I can wait a little more. I’ll wait until you are ready, but I want to make something clear, I don’t just want you for your body… when you’re mine, I want your all; your body, your soul, your mind. I will consume you. I’ll be your world and in return, I’ll worship the ground you walk on and make you a very happy woman,” he spoke with a strong, decisive and determined voice without his eyes leaving mine.

He wants me. Blake Knightly. Wants. Me. I was excited, yet at the same time, I wanted to run for the hills.

“Blake, if you must insist, but until I make up my mind, you have to respect my boundaries.” I gave him a peck on the left cheek, moved a little closer to his ear and whispered, “Thank you.” I accidentally grazed my nipples on his chest and the friction tingled all the way to my core. He immediately hissed through his clenched teeth. Oh my God. That felt wonderful.

“Sienna, try not to test my limits because I would gladly throw caution out and take you right here until I’ve had my fill of that glorious body; until you’re limp and worn-out from me fucking you,” he warned me with tested patience.


What the hell do I say to that?

I stepped out of the pool, leaving him as his powerful gaze burned holes through my back. I daren’t look back unless I wanted to play with fire. He was searing, scorching and sizzling with fire waiting to be unleashed. ON. ME.
