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Famous Love by Lelly Hughes (27)

Chapter 27


It’s been just over two weeks since Levi brought the girls back, and while most everything is good, there are times when Stormy and Levi butt heads. I imagine that this is normal for dads and teenage daughters. Willow, though, is probably the coolest kid I have ever come across. If I’m outside reading, she sits next to me and reads. If she wants to go swimming, she asks me. Not Levi or her sister. If I’m cooking, she puts on an apron and helps. I always thought that Van and I would have kids, and being with Willow has solidified my need to be a mother.

When the girls first arrived, Levi and I discussed our sleeping arrangements. They were home, and he didn’t want them to get the wrong idea. The wrong idea is that it’s okay to start sharing a bed with someone that you just met. It definitely wasn’t how I was raised. I had only spent two glorious nights in his bed, and yet I was comfortable there. I understood where he was coming from, even if I craved him every moment of the day. When we could be together and give in to desire, we were off the charts hot.

His house went from quiet and peaceful, to loud, crazy, and fun. I have never laughed so hard in my life and have grown accustomed to their dance sessions when it’s time to do the dishes. Right from the first day that the girls arrived, Levi has made sure to be the one to clean the kitchen. The first couple of times I thought he was singing and dancing to keep the tension away, but quickly figured out that this was his way of getting the girls to let loose. My phone is full of videos of them that I find myself watching daily.

When I come out of my bedroom, the house is quiet except for the light sound of music coming from Willow’s room. I knock lightly on her door, and she tells me to come in. She’s sitting on her bed with a guitar with sheet music spread out on her bed.

“What are you learning?”

“One of my daddy’s songs,” she says, scooting over so I can sit down. “Do you play an instrument?”

“I do. My mom is a music teacher, so my brother and I can play the piano and guitar, but I don’t when I’m on stage.”

“How come?”

“Um…” How does one tell a child that even though you’re following your dreams the label wants to leave the instruments to the men for sex appeal? I sigh and smile. “I guess the songs don’t really call for it.”

“Daddy says that I can do whatever I want when I’m bigger.”

“He’s right,” I tell her. “What do you want to do?”

Willow shrugs. “Stormy says she wants to be a dancer, but she also loves Blaze and has been riding every day.”

It dawns on me that Stormy has dominated Willow’s life and that everything she has done has been to accommodate her sister. “But what do you want to do, Willow?”

She looks at me for a long minute before her eyes drop down to her bedspread. It hurts me to think that her opinion has never mattered, and now that she’s being asked, she seems almost unsure of herself.

“Willow, do you want to be a musician like your dad?”

She nods. “My mom says it’s stupid though, and ruins lives.”

That’s because to her mother, it did, at least that is what Levi has shared with me. I run my hand over Willow’s hair, smiling softly at her. I tell myself that no matter what happens with her father, I am going to make it a point to keep in touch with her. She needs a friend that isn’t her sister.

“Music can be many different things. It all depends on what you want from it. When I was a little older than Stormy, my brother and I started a band. We asked a few of our friends who could play instruments to join us, and we started playing in our garage. We found five or six songs that we really liked and learned for a few months, and finally had a concert.”

“Did a lot of people come?”

“Our whole neighborhood and a lot of our classmates. My mom made food for everyone. She was so proud.” Willow looks away. The action breaks my heart. I would hate to think how she would be if things hadn’t changed for her. It’s clear to me now why she’s so clingy when Levi is around. He’s been the only parent to see her as herself and not a shadow of Stormy. “We continued to play. Learning a new song each week until we had a full two-hour set. My mom started taking us to gigs, and we’d put demo tapes together. Once we got noticed, everything took off for us.”

“Do you love singing?”

“I do, but I’m also happy for the break I’m taking.”

“Because your husband is a douche?”

I blanch at her words and wonder where she heard that. If I had to guess, it would be from the pool party because I know Levi would never say anything like that in front of her.

“Van made mistakes and those mistakes hurt me.”

“And now you love my daddy?”

I think I do, but I don’t know. I think there’s a part of me that is shut off completely to the idea of being in love, but when I think about going back to my house, alone and without Levi, the thought sickens me. I know I told him I needed a month, but with an end date looming the last thing I want to do is leave, and leave him behind.

“I care for him a lot, Willow. Love is a pretty strong emotion.”

“But you like him?”

I can’t help but smile. “I do. Now, why don’t you show me what you’re practicing and maybe I can help.”

She grins and turns back toward the sheet music. She starts playing the song on her guitar and softly singing the lyrics. Even after spending the past few weeks with Levi, neither of us have sat each other down and shared our music with each other. That is one of the major differences between us, but it’s also nice because there’s zero competition. At least I know if we’re ever up for awards, it won’t be in the same category.

Willow sings a song about finding love and hanging onto it. It’s something I can easily relate to because I had been there, and feel like I’m heading down that path once again. Every few chords, she has to stop and find her finger placement again, but she picks right back up.

When she’s done, I clap loudly for her and am awarded the most beautiful smile I have seen yet. “So beautiful,” I tell her, and I find myself once again brushing my hand over her hair.

“I’m going to play it for my daddy.”

“He’s going to love it, Willow. Speaking of, do you know where he is?”

She nods eagerly and sets her guitar down. “They took Blaze to the track, so Stormy could get her out to run.”

“And where is that?”

“Come on; I’ll show you.” She takes my hand and leads me out of the house and toward the barn. Abby neighs as we walk by causing Willow to stop and show her horse some affection. I pet Abby’s mane while Willow feeds her an apple. “This way,” she says, taking my hand again.

I thought I had seen most of Levi’s land, but clearly, he was hiding another portion from me. Out behind the barn and down a path is a fenced in area with my cowboy sitting on the top rail. Stormy is in the middle of the field, on her horse, leaning over to talk to someone.

“Daddy,” Willow yells the closer we get. He turns and looks at us over his shoulder and gives us a smile that makes me weak in the knees. She lets go of my hand and runs to him, climbing up over the fence.

Willow only gets her foot on the slat before Levi is pulling her up and over. I stand back and watch them interact. The way he holds her, the way he lights up when she is near. He takes my breath away. This is the kind of love I wanted from my father. I hope that when we have children, he is like that with ours.

Those thoughts pull me up short and give me pause. I don’t know why, but I can picture Levi with a son… our son, and he’s teaching him how to be a cowboy and I like it. I like it a lot. Levi turns again as if he’s waiting for me. His lips turn into a wide grin as if he knows what I’m thinking.

I’m left with a decision. I can either stand there next to them, or I can join them. I can honestly say I haven’t climbed many fences in my life, but have a feeling sitting next to Levi is going to be worth it.

“This isn’t very comfortable,” he says when I finally angle myself next to him. His arm rests on my back with his hand gripping my hip. “I can get you a chair.”

I shake my head. “This is perfect.” I glance over at Willow who is watching us intently. I think she knows that I’m in love with her father and is urging my brain to catch up with my heart.

“What are we watching?”

“I finally convinced Stormy to try barrel racing again,” he says. There is so much pride in his voice that you can’t help but feel happy right now. Just then, Stormy leaves the person in the middle of the field and trots down to the end.

“When you’re ready, Stormy,” the voice yells out. I am still unable to determine if it’s a male or female out there helping her.

In a flash, Stormy and her horse lurch forward, racing toward where Levi, Willow, and I are. She breezes past us and Willow yells out encouraging words for her sister as she heads toward another barrel. This goes on until she’s rounded each one. When she’s done, I’m left with my mouth hanging wide open.


“She’s good, right?” Levi says. I nod, but honestly, have no idea if she is good, but I do know that what I just witnessed was one of the neatest things I have ever seen.

“I mean, yeah. Whatever she’s doing is really impressive. That takes a lot of skill. I am in awe.”

“Have you never been to a rodeo?” he asks. I turn and look at him, wondering if he's serious. By the set look in his eyes, he is.

I slowly shake my head. “I can honestly say, everything country is new to me, Mr. Austin.” My words were meant to be playful, yet came out rather seductively. His eyes lower to my lips, and on instinct I lick them.

He leans in, kissing me briefly before moving toward my ear. “I need some Zara time,” he whispers, causing my back to shiver. I need Levi time too, but with the girls here our time has been sparse. “I want you in my bed tonight.”

“What about the girls?” My voice is as low as possible, praying that I don’t alert Willow.

“I’ll talk to them,” he tells me. Levi kisses me again under my ear and chuckles when another set of the shivers overtakes my body. “God, how I’ve missed you.”

I’m forced to clench my thighs and grip the side of the fence when he pulls away. He really has no idea what he does to me, not only with his hands, mouth, and body but his words as well.