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First Taste: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance by Lauren Wood (146)

Chapter 3



I do not know why, but I couldn’t get that woman off of my mind. Cameron was a short blonde and with her coat on I couldn’t see much, but she had a winning smile and I liked the way she looked at me. She had been nervous at first, but something had made her change her mind and I was glad she had.

The only thing that was different was how she responded to me. I gave her my number and she had barely looked at it. If I knew any better, I would have thought that she wasn’t going to give me the time of day, but I don’t know why I wanted it to be another way. I met women like her all day long, but there was something about the way she had looked down when my eyes met hers that I really liked. There was a lot about the woman that I couldn’t stop thinking about and even as I watched her drive off, I was still smiling to myself from our meeting. They didn’t have a lot of women like that in the city.

I sat at the rest area for a few more moments, grabbing something to drink before I made my way back to the city as well. The night was clear and soon the sun would be rising in the sky. It was a nice night and I was going a bit faster than I thought I was. It wasn’t long before I was passing the car that I recognized from before.

Cameron wasn’t looking my way as I passed and I wondered for a minute if I would ever see her again. It was a strange thought to cross my mind since I didn’t usually think about things like that, but I knew that I wanted to. Wasn’t sure if I would or not, but it would be nice if I saw her again.

But it wasn’t long before I was focused more on the road ahead of me and a couple of cases that I had to argue in a few hours. I hadn’t had any sleep, but I never needed much, not when I was on an adventure. I was far more worried about getting back to the office in time.

I was home about an hour, getting out of the shower when I heard my phone ringing. I wasn’t going to answer it because I had too much to do, but something told me that I should. It was one of those feelings that I got from time to time and I tried not to worry about it too much.  I went with my gut when it happened, sure that it was a sign that was going to help me on the way.


“Hi, this is Cameron. We met earlier and you helped me with my car?”

I knew who it was just by the sound of her voice when she said hello. I was hoping that she would call, but I wasn’t prepared for the raise in my heart rate from hearing her voice on the other end of the phone. Why did I want to talk to her so badly?

“Yes Cameron. Did you make it into the city okay?”

“It took a lot longer than I thought. I don’t know how you guys deal with the traffic.”

“You get used to it I guess.”

“I don’t know if I want to get used to it.”

“Most people don’t drive. I never do in the city. Let the crazies do the driving for you.”

It sounded like a good idea to me, but she was silent and I felt the rush of the fact I was due in court soon. I didn’t want to rush the conversation, but some things were more important than a piece of tail. While she was different and made me think a bit more, work still trumped all in the end.

“So what can I do for you Cameron?”

“Well, you were right about finding a hotel and I am not sure which areas are good or not. Is your offer still open for a place to crash for a few hours? I am sure more rooms will be available after noon.”

It was unexpected. When I had offered that, I didn’t think that she would take me up on it, but I was delighted that she had. I wanted to see her, if only for a moment. I asked her where she was. I directed her to a parking garage and told her I would send a car over to pick her up. She was too far away for me to still be here when she got here, so I left her a message and hoped that I would see her again. We kept passing each other and I always felt like if something was meant to be, it would happen. No amount of sweat, blood and tears was going to change it. I was irritated that I wasn’t going to get to see her, but I wasn’t going to think that this was forever. It was just for now. I knew somehow that I would see her again real soon. Today I was going to be an optimist.


I made it to the courthouse on time, but I was thinking about the woman that was in my house. I called the doorman to see if she had made it and she had. I wanted to get out of court and to see her, but that didn’t seem possible. The day was full and I had a lot to do. I wanted to see her again, but it was just going to have to wait.

“Grey, where are you?”

I pulled my thoughts from Cameron and looked up at my assistant that was bringing me my paperwork that I forgot at the office because I didn’t have time to go get it.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you are staring off into the distance. Are you okay? I don’t think I have seen you like this in a while. Did you have a late night?”

This was what the problem was usually. I stayed out too much, usually in the arms of a beautiful woman and I wished that this was why I was so tired today, but I had been driving out of the city at night to clear my head. I had started driving out and not coming back till the wee hours of the morning. I don’t know what I was looking for, except a peace that came with silence. Now I was starting to think that I was out there for a reason and Cameron could possibly be that very reason. I didn’t believe in fate and all of that nonsense, but maybe I should.

“Yea I did have a late night. Can you tell?”

She told me that I looked tired, but she was always telling me that. “Not more than usual. Must have been a rough one because I have never seen you lose your train of thought so easily in court.”

Ashley was a great assistant, but she liked to get into my business too much. Sometimes I would have to tell her to back off a bit, but after a few years working with me, she would just tell me to piss off. It was funny in a way, but today I didn’t want to share what I was out doing.

“Well don’t worry Ashley. I am going to win this case no matter how much sleep I have had. Would you get me some coffee though? I think that is the only thing that is going to keep me going.”

She agreed to and went off to find the coffee machine down on the first floor. When she came back she had two cups in her hand and I was thankful that she didn’t listen. One wasn’t going to be enough and I loved that she knew me so well. Who needed a girlfriend when I had an assistant like her to take care of all of the important things.

Before the courts started, I asked her to check on the woman at my house. “Just call and make sure she has everything that she needs.”

“Does this woman have a name? Kaika isn’t still there, is she?”

I was irked that she knew so much about my love life, but roping her into it was part of the problem. “No, she is gone. Cameron is staying there now.”

I felt her judgment, but I ignored the look. “Just make sure she has what she needs.”

Ashley agreed and wished me luck. The way I was feeling today, I was going to need it. My optimism had worked, but set upon a whole new set of problems.