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First Taste: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance by Lauren Wood (92)




Trent Jonas was a rough and tough Navy Seal.  He loved the military.  But in his love life he could use a bit of help.  Maybe it was like Kimberly had told him once. 

 “You love the military more than anything.  Perhaps if you loved me like you did it, I would be happy.”  She had told him in their last fight.

She had left him that day.  It had broken his heart.  He really had loved her.  But that was over 20 years ago now.  The sad thing for Trent was that he hadn’t found love again.  Perhaps that was because Kimberly had left a hole in his heart. 

Or maybe it was because she was right.  He wanted to spend 30 years in the military and retire.  If he could he’d spend even longer than that.  However, he had already been informed that after 30 years they would retire him.

It was the danger, he was addicted to the missions they undertook.  He loved how the adrenaline pumped through his veins.  Knowing that this might be the last time he was alive on the face of Earth never bugged him.

That carefree attitude with his own life had been something that had drove Kimberly mad too. 

 “What about how I feel when you go out on a mission?  Have you ever thought that maybe I want you to come back in one piece?   Trent he’s telling you to say your last goodbyes, this is dangerous.  You do get that right?”  She had cried.

He had been heading to Iraq for a secret mission at that point.  It was ver y dangerous and his commander had warned him to say his last goodbyes to everyone just in case.  

 “I’ll be just fine babe.”  He remembered trying to console her. 

 “No you just don’t care if you come back or not.  There is a difference between that and your comment.  I’ll be just fine babe?  You say it every time.  Last time Timmy got shot during the mission.  You remember that?  He pushed you out of the way, or it would have been you.”  Kimberly had been hysterical by this time.

Trent didn’t know what to say.  She had hit on the truth.  He really didn’t care if he came back or not.  It was part of his duty.  If he had to die for his country, he was okay with it.

That had also been the last mission they were together.  She had left him after he came back home.  Trent was happy she had at least stuck around until then. 

He really had loved her.  After Kimberly he had shut off his heart.  Made it protected.  Not that he skipped having sex.  But it was easy for him to hook up for the night. 

 “You know women love a man in uniform!”  He chuckled out loud.  “Why are you thinking of Kimberly right now?”  He asked himself.  Usually this would happen when he was feeling lonely. 

There were times he wished he would have paid more attention to what she was saying.  Would have taken them more seriously, changed how he acted when he left for a mission.  But he couldn’t go back and change those things now.

After she left he had gone down into a hole for a bit.  He had started to drink some after work, and had even stopped working out.  But all it took to get him back into the zone was another mission. 

However, now 20 years after he had watched her walk out the door.  It was only 2 years more until he would retire.  Be kicked out of the military he loved so much.  Sure he could be a recruiter if he wanted, but where was the fun in that?

It wouldn’t be the same as going on the missions they often were sent on.  Like those missions that he had a 50-50 shot of coming back alive, if he was lucky.  Sometimes that was a high number and their chances of survival were a lot less.

In 2 years he would have to give it all up.  He was looking at a life that would be lonely in more than one ways.  Even if he stayed in as a recruiter, which wasn’t even a guarantee.  That life that he had gotten used to for the last 28 years was coming to an end.  He was sad and with this feeling came the temptation to pick up the bottle once more.

Trent didn’t know if he would be able to put it down again if he did.  The last time he had come close to collapsing inside of that bottle and never getting out.  Thankfully a dangerous mission had come up.  It had invigorated him from the moment he learned they were scheduled to leave. 

With only 12 hours’ notice he had barely enough time to sober up before the mission.  They had almost lost a man that time too, and it would have been his fault.  If he hadn’t been so damn drunk for the past 5 months he would have been sharp.

Trent shook his head.  “Fucking Kimberly it’s all her fault.” 

He looked down.  “No I can’t blame this on her at all.  If I had just let myself love her more I wouldn’t be alone right now.  She was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he had let her go.  His own stupidity had made him want the danger more than the love.  He had chased the wrong addiction at the time and he was paying for it now.

 “I want to be addicted to love.”  He laughed, as he listened to the Robert Palmer song of the same name.

It had been one of her favorite songs.  Trent muttered out loud.  “No wonder you’ve never found love, you’ve held onto her for all these years.”

Well he did have a point there.  But he had just clicked with her in so many ways.  She had also been military.  Not a Seal, but she was a security specialist.  “Man she looked hot in that uniform!”  He closed his eyes remembering her as she was the very first time they had met.

A smile came on his face as he saw it clearly, like it was yesterday. 

 “Sir I’m sorry you left your badge somewhere.  But I need to see it to allow you in the building.”  Kimberly had said to him.

 “Are you kidding me?  Call them and ask them who I am.  Get verification and then let me in with your badge.”  He had stared her down.

He had to give it to her she had spunk.  Trent had never seen her before; she must have just gotten assigned here.                “Look Seaman.”   He looked down at her nametag.  “Seaman Sanks, I realize you’re new here and you don’t want to get into trouble.  But you won’t I’m Petty Officer Jonas I’ll sign any paperwork to make sure you don’t get into trouble.”  Trent said to her.

She had looked at him.  Studied him to make sure he wasn’t just feeding her a line.  Though she could easily see his rank and name he knew how some Commanders were.  The security Commander had the reputation of being a real dick to the new people. 

 “No you know what I know you’re Commander.  I’ll go and get my badge.  He’s too much of a dick to deal with!”  Trent had turned to leave.

He had heard her giggle.  She sounded like she was trying to hold it back.  When he turned to look at her, she had lost it in a full blown laugh.

Shaking her head she picked up the phone on the desk and called upstairs.  The next thing Trent knew he was being let inside.  “I’m sorry for the inconvenience sir.”

It took him a month before he finally asked her out one morning.  Every day they would chat a bit more and learn something about the other.  Trent found her not only intelligent, but sexy! 

She stood 5’ 7” tall and her brown hair was often in place.  But the best times were when it wasn’t staying up in place and there would be a few strands hanging loose.  Trent would tell her about it.  As a warning so she could fix it.  Some of the other officers were stricter about those types of regulations.  As far as Trent was concerned the strands of hair looked too sexy he just wanted all of her hair down.

These fantasies of his had taken place quite often until he had finally gotten up the nerve to ask her out.

 “Seaman Sanks I think we’ve learned a lot about each other in the past few weeks.”  Trent had begun.

 “Yes sir I think your right.”  She had nodded her head in agreement.

Trent had given her a quick look.  She never called him sir, not unless someone else was coming.  He saw her head nod up to her right.

 “Captain, good morning sir, how are you today?”  He had stood at attention.

 “Good morning, how are you both today?  He had asked.

 “Fine sir, thank you very much.”  They had answered in unison.

After he was in the door they had both busted out laughing.  The Captain had given them both the strangest look as he went in the door.  They could both tell he had wanted to know what they were talking about.  The Captain was one of the biggest gossips they had ever met. 

 “So Kimberly as I was saying.  Will you go out to dinner with me tonight?”  Trent had finally asked.  The words were out now if she would just say yes.

 “Yes I’d like that a lot Trent.”  She had answered.

Trent had smiled it had made his day.  Hell his year and his life all in one moment.  He had liked what he had learned about her in the past few weeks.

She was a military brat, her father had been a Colonel in the Air Force when he retired, and her eyes were the greenest emerald’s he’d ever seen.  With her brown hair it made her a beauty.

Trent was sure if she had wanted she could have made it as a model.  But she had wanted to join the military.  Since she was the only kid she had wanted to continue a tradition that had been in their family for the past 7 generations.

He thought that made her a very special person.  He was sure she had been told about her looks her whole life.  She had probably even been approached by someone asking her to model.

So the fact that instead she went into the military as a security special, it made her amazing in his eyes.  Trent was also a military brat; his father had retired as a General. 

Trent thought back to that night and how it had ended.  He wanted to take her to bed.  Wanted to touch her body, but she had refused.  “I’m not that type of girl.  You have to date me a few times.  Then and only then if I decide I want to go to bed with you we may; or I may make you wait until we are married!”

His head had spun around so quickly when she said that.  He saw the smile on her face and knew that at least part of the statement was false.  However, she was serious about tonight.

It didn’t take long for him to take her on enough dates to bed her.  About five dates later they were in his bedroom and Trent was looking at her wonderfully naked body.

She was lean and she had some of the nicest breasts he’d ever seen.  They were perfectly round and a 38 D.  The perfect size, at least in his eyes they were.  He devoured them with mouth.  Sucking on her nipples as he played with her pussy, Trent loved to watch her body squirm in pleasure.

He had gone down on her more than once.  But the first time she had screamed so loudly he was worried the next door neighbors had heard her.  Trent never was certain, but after that they neighbors would often whisper to each other and chuckle when they saw Trent and Kimberly together.

When it came to her mouth and wrapping it around his cock, she had been an expert.  Trent remembered many a time when he was getting ready to walk out the door on a mission.  She would stop him and right there at the front door would blow his doors off and suck his cock.  He would walk out the door so relaxed that if a car would have hit him.  Well he’d be a happy man at death!

 “So it was really her fault I walked out the door not caring!”  He laughed.  Trent knew that was a lie.  He had gone often with the wrong attitude.  He had never thought about how she had felt when he left.  Now he could admit it. 

 “All because you couldn’t let yourself love her.”  He muttered to himself.

Though he wasn’t sure what had made him the way he was he had some ideas.  He thought back to his childhood.  His mother had been distant from him.  Trent had always tried to please her, to get her to look at him.  As a young boy he didn’t understand what postpartum depression was.   He had no idea that his mother was suffering from it.

For so many years he had tried to please her and just get her to say “I love you” to him.  But she wouldn’t do it.  No matter how many times he had said it to her.  She would just look at him and not say anything or cry.

Trent still hurt from what he thought was rejection at the time.  But he didn’t realize it was just her mind that was messing with her.  It would be years after her suicide that he would find her diary. 

He had sat down and read it for a day.  In it he could see how hurt she had been at the time.  How much the depression had messed with her as a person?  It didn’t help that his father had never taken her to the doctor.  If she would have been medicated maybe she would still be alive today.  “Maybe she would have said she loved me.”  Trent said aloud.

There was no use on dwelling on his past too much.  If he only thought about sad things he would soon pick up the bottle and start drowning his sorrows.  That wasn’t what he wanted to happen.

Trent needed to focus on his life after 2 years.  What would he do?  He had to leave it all behind, everything he loved.  The only thing he loved that was left.

 “Fuck this I need to go workout.”  Trent headed off to his home gym.  Getting on the treadmill he turned up the speed to 6.5 and ran.  He pushed the button that turned on the music.  The room was filled with “Bohemian Rhapsody”. 

Trent sang along as he ran.  He was in good enough shape that he could belt out the song and still not breathe hard while running.  The exercise and music went well together.  It pumped him up and soon the bad thoughts were gone out of his head.

He was itching to get out on another mission too.  So when his phone rang about half an hour later with the news he loved to hear.  “Pack your bags Jonas we got a live one!”

Trent went to his shower and hoped inside.  He only had a couple of hours to prepare for this one.  Must be something serious he thought, as the hot water cascaded over his hard muscles.  His 6’ 1” frame was all muscle and Trent tried to keep his diet in check so there was little if any fat.

 “I hope this mission is a good one!”  He said a loud.

Getting to the plane he was walking with great pride.  He was ready for this mission. 

 “Alright boys what’s our task?”  He looked up waiting for the information.

 “There has been a kidnapping in the Northern part of Egypt.  Admiral Dumas and his assistant have been taken hostage.  The kidnappers are threatening to kill them unless we give them a payment of $20 billion dollars.”  The Commander told the team.

 “Obviously they thought they had a more important General.”  One of the other team members Jake said.

Trent shook his head in agreement. 

 “So your task is to rescue Dumas and Sanks.  We have 24 hours until the dead line is up.  On the flight we’ll go over the steps of the rescue.” 

Trent had missed most of the last part of what was being said when he heard the name Sanks.  “Excuse me Commander what is the name of the assistant?”  He asked.

The Commander was flipping through the papers.  “Ah here it is, Kimberly Sanks, rank Chief Petty Officer.” 

He couldn’t let on that he knew her.  They would take him off the mission if they found out him and Kimberly had once been lovers.  Trent worked hard to calm his pulse and heart down. 

 “Alright let’s get cracking.”  He heard the Major call out in the back.

Good Trent felt he had hid his emotions quite well.  After she left he hadn’t tried to track her down.  His heart was hurt.  He felt rejected by her much as he had his whole life by his mother.  If only he would have loved her enough when she was with him, she wouldn’t be kidnapped right now. 

The realization hit him, if they didn’t succeed in their mission Kimberly might die.  Suddenly it hit him how she had felt every time he had gone out the door in the past. Trent felt that sinking feeling in your stomach, the feeling that your heart might be ripping apart.  It was shocking how bad it hurt and how much it messed him up.  He considered himself a pretty steady person.  When it came to emotions he had them in check almost all the time.

Trent was thrown for a loop for quite a few minutes.  But he had to focus on the mission.  This was a must in his mind.  What if he messed up and she died because of him?  It would kill him.  He knew that if that happened he would start drinking and wouldn’t stop until it killed him. 

It was also at that moment that he realized he still cared about her.  How that was possible after all these years he didn’t know.  But there was still love in his heart for her.  Maybe it’s because she might die, he thought to himself.

Listening to the plan he tried to study for any weakness he could.  He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect.  He went over the plan again and again with the other guys during the flight.  The fact that the flight itself would take them 4 hours wasn’t making Trent happy either.

 “They couldn’t find a closer team than use?  Why are they taking a chance with this?”  Trent asked.

 ‘Whoa the guy who is always looking for adventure, are you chickening out?”  The team members misunderstood his questions.

The fact that the Admiral and Kimberly were protected by hundreds of armed guards didn’t scare him at all.  No he just didn’t see why they were waiting to rescue them.  But would he really want this rescue in the hands of another team?  No he knew he would rather do it himself, with these guys he’d worked with for the past 15 years or less.

Many of the guys who he had begun his Seal days were gone.  They had retired and some had died along the way.  It was a dangerous job he had to admit.  Maybe he would be ready in 2 years to hang up his boots? 

Trent tried to sleep during the flight after he had exhausted everyone with going over the plan.  But sitting in the seat he just looked down at the ground.  He tried to remember everything about Kimberly.  Her smile, the little dimples she would get in her cheeks when she smiled really big.  Trent smiled remembering her.

He thought about the feel of her soft skin when he would run his fingers along her side, or her breast as they were making love.  The taste of her juices as he would bring her to an orgasm with his mouth.  Trent thought of the way her hotness felt as it was wrapped around his dick when he was going in and out of her snatch. 

The thought of making love to her helped him relax enough so that he could get into the zone that he needed to be in.  He wanted to be in the zone where he would do everything automatically, like a well-oiled machine.  This is what Trent needed to make sure this rescue went off and he could finally tell Kimberly how he really felt and still did.

Trent was honestly shocked that he could still have such strong feelings of love for her after all these years.  But he thought maybe it had to do with the fact he hadn’t moved on at all.  He hadn’t dated anyone since her.  Trent had one night stands here and there, but never anything serious.

Had he really been holding onto her all that time?  Obviously more than he had ever wanted to admitted to before this moment.

 “Hey can I get an ETA?”  He yelled out.

 “One hour.”  He heard back in response.

Laying back he tried to think about those good times again.  But now his mind only wanted to focus on the bad points.  The times she had told him she didn’t want him to go on this mission or that mission.  “It’s too dangerous.  I want to have a family with you.  Not bury you.”  She had told him more than once.

But every time he would shrug it off.  Tell her she was worrying for no reason.  He had even told her that even if he did die she would find another man and she would move on fine.  That had hurt her when he had said that. 

Trent felt bad for everything he had said to her in the past.  Now that he understood what he felt like from the other side especially?  Then he had to wonder, did she find another man?  Is she married?  “No she has her maiden name still.”  He said to himself.

But what if she had kept her maiden name when she got married?  What about if she hadn’t married yet, but was dating someone else?  Then no matter what Trent said to her she would go back to that man.  She wouldn’t be like him and held on to the ghost of a relationship.  Kimberly was smart, she would have moved on by now.

The thought made him sad.  So many years ago he had his chance.  Now it was too late for him.  Trent would have to see her, and hopefully save her for the other man.  Whoever he was, Trent hoped he treated her the right way.  Not the way he had done all those years ago.

 “Where’s the bottle when you really need it?”  He muttered.

Knowing he had to keep his head clear he knew even if there was a scotch right in front of him he would say no.  He wouldn’t take the drink, not with her life on the line. 

 “Alright let’s get ready men, almost jump time.”  He heard called out.

 “Time to get serious now, you can do this.”  He said to no one but himself.  He knew the team was already serious.  But this mission had an extra layer to it that no one else knew about. 

Would he be in trouble afterward when they found out?  Sure he would be.  But if she was safe that was all that would count.  He didn’t are about anything else but making sure Kimberly made it out alive, and he wanted to be alive too.

Trent went to the door and jumped.  The plan was well thought out.  He knew that they had gone through this scenario more times than once before.  Together as a group they had practiced and done this for real several times now.  They were a well-oiled unit and he was one of the cogs that would work the hardest this time around.

He felt a burden to make sure Kimberly made it out.    He wanted to hold her tight to kiss her and tell her “I love you, I’m sorry.”  Along with that would come the words, “I hope you’re not involved with anyone?”  Then Trent would most likely kiss her.  Of course he would wait until they were too safety!

 “Move in, bogey one out.”  He heard the order to advance.  The sniper had obviously taken out one of the bad guys in front of him.  Trent snuck around the corner of the building.  His outfit made him a shadow in the night. 

He was focused and determined to get her out safe.  Sure the Admiral as well, but his focus was more on Kimberly.  Taking a deep breath he peaked around the corner.  Time to move!

Next thing he knew it was all over, he was running out of the room with his other team members and the two hostages.  They had to move quickly the forces outside were converging.  It wouldn’t be safe for a while, and he wanted to make sure no bullets got too close to her.

The kidnapper’s forces were madder than a hornets nest.  Thankfully, the team had gotten most of the way out of danger before an alert had been sounded.  What that also meant was one of his team had failed at something.  He wasn’t sure who, but he hoped they were okay, because he wanted to beat the living hell out of them.

 “Here put this on quickly.”  He handed Kimberly and the Admiral all black gear.  It was the special material the Seals used.  This should help them blend into the night just fine.

 “Thanks.”  She looked up at him.  Just as shocked as he was that they were once again face to face. 

He shook his head giving her a silent no.  She would know that meant “we have to talk about this later.”

Trent really wanted to hug her and hold her close.  But there were too many of the enemy forces around. 

At least their Intel had been a bit off, and there had only been around 20 soldiers who had been guarding the hostages.

Trent held his hand up in a motion for everyone to be still and quiet.  He heard the whistle as a signal and saw the enemy soldier drop to his knees.  He motioned for his group to move out.  They rushed across the last open area; on the other side was their way out. 

He let Jake take lead and flanked the side of the group.  Trent moved right behind Kimberly, watching every second across the opening.  Looking to ensure there were no snipers on the sides waiting to take them out.  He knew his team had most likely cleared the area already.  But his nerves were on high alert anyway.

The space seemed to take ages to cross but finally they were on the other side.  Inside the armored vehicle they pulled out.  They were almost safe.  Though he would feel better once they were in the air and out of Northern Egypt!

Trent still couldn’t let himself focus on Kimberly. But he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and saw her studying him.  He had to fight himself not to sweep her up right at that moment and kiss her. 

 “How close to drop off?”  He asked the driver.

 “No more than five minutes sir.”  The driver answered.

He didn’t know why the time seemed to crawl now that he had Kimberly safe, well relatively safe.  Was this karma getting him back for all the times she had to sit and wait for him?  He seriously had to wonder if that was the case.

 “Sir, we’re coming to the drop point now.  Get ready.  You’ll be in the air in two minutes.”  The driver informed Trent.

 “Let’s get ready.”  He looked at his group.  They shook their heads.  “Keep them secured in the middle of us, you hear.  If one of us has to die it won’t be one of these two.  You got it?”  He looked at each of his guys in the eyes.  Making sure their hearts will still in it.  He saw no sign of hesitation in any of them.

 “Go, go go.”  He heard the driver yell.

They were out the door in a second.  No one knew if they would catch any resistance at this point or not.  But they always planned for the worse and hoped for the best.  Some of the time they would get lucky and it would go smoothly.

This time they got lucky.  They were in the plane and in the air in two minutes time.  As soon as they reached cruising altitude he felt better.  There had been no signs that the enemy had aircraft in their arsenal.

Finally, he went and sat next to Kimberly.  He looked at her deeply and just shook his head.  “I’m so sorry for everything I ever put you through.”  He felt the tears threatening to break through and run down his face.

Kimberly stood up and walked over wrapping her arms around him.  “Thank you for saving me.”  She pulled back and kissed him on the lips.

He knew the guys were watching, and the questions would soon come.  But he didn’t care; he squeezed her tightly and kissed her back.  He picked her up and he didn’t want to put her down and let go.

 “I am so sorry.  I don’t know what else to say.”  He looked at the ground.  Then he looked up.  “I hope you aren’t married or dating, or anything else.” 

She laughed.  “I’m not dating anyone.”

He smiled.  “Great because I’m not letting you go ever again.” 

 “Well see about that.”  She stated. 

Trent could understand her hesitation.  After all she had been with him for years.  She had watched each and every time a mission came up how he would get excited and would smell the scent of adventure and danger.

It was his one and only drug.  But his addiction to it was strong.  So he knew she had to doubt that he could quite that so easily. 

He hoped to prove her wrong.  Really he had a completely different outlook on it now.  Pulling her into his arms again he planted another kiss on her.

 “Um, don’t you think we should maybe stop?  I think everyone is watching us by now.”  She pulled away and whispered into his ear.

Trent knew she was right but he held onto for a few minutes longer.  “If I’m going to get in trouble for coming on this mission, I want to make it worth it.”  He said and stole another kiss from her.

 “Senior Chief Jonas I think we need to have a quick talk.” He heard the voice of his Master Chief.  He knew the questions were about to begin.

 “Look I know I should have told you sir before we went.  But I knew I could keep a clear head.”  Trent tried to explain.

 “It doesn’t matter.  You know that you aren’t supposed to be on a mission where you’re too close.  All it takes is a lapse and a moment where you take your mind off of all involved.  Focusing on that one special person has gotten more than one man killed in the past.”  The Master Chief stated.

 “I know sir.  Whatever, you need to do I accept my punishment.  I can’t fight it; I knew I was in the wrong.”  Trent stated.

The Master Chief looked at him.  “Well we may be able to go light on you.  But you know the higher ups may not see this the same way.” 

Trent knew the Master Chief was referring to the big boys back home in the office.  If and when they found out there might be hell to pay.  “I’m ready sir.  Don’t protect me I’ll take the full heat.” 

He couldn’t ask the Master Chief to put himself on the line for something he had so knowingly disobeyed.

 “Alright Senior Chief just be ready in case.” 

Trent walked away and headed back to where Kimberly was sitting. 

 “Is everything okay?”  She asked.

 “It should be, well maybe not.”  He turned and looked at her.


 “When you know someone who you are rescuing, you’re supposed to bow out of the mission.”  Trent told her.

 “Well that’s dumb; what if it was the President you had to rescue.  Who would do it if you all know him?” 

 “No not know of, but know.  I dated you I should have bowed out.  I put the whole team in danger.  The platoon could have been killed thanks to me.”

 “Oh.  You didn’t tell anyone about me?  But that was 20 years ago, what difference would that make?  It would be different if you still loved me like.”  She stated.

 “I do Kimberly.”  He said softly. 

She looked at him unsure if she had heard him correctly.  “How can you still love me?”  She asked.

 “Maybe it’s the idea of what we used to have?  I don’t know but I was so worried about you.  I should have told them I couldn’t go on this mission.  But the thought of someone else saving you didn’t sit well with me.  What if they wouldn’t have got you out?  How could I ever live with myself?”  Trent told her.

 “Trent I don’t know if it will work between us or not.  Really every time you had to go out I was so scared.  Some nights I wouldn’t sleep, especially on the longer missions.  I lost hair, I didn’t eat.  It hurt so badly.”  She tried to explain.

 “I know how you felt.  I felt it when they said your name as one of the hostages.  When I thought about failing the mission it was devastating to me.  I thought my heart was going to burst from the ache.  I could barely breathe thinking of you, and whether or not I’d see you alive again.”  He told her.

She just stared at him.  Unsure what to say to the words she had just heard.  Instead she sat and let it soak in for a few minutes.  “It’s like I used to feel.  Yes exactly. “She nodded her head.              “I’m willing to give it a shot.  But right now I’m not stationed near you.” 

 “Well I think I may be able to get out of the military sooner than 2 years.  Maybe I’ll be forced out.  I’m not sure.  I did something they seriously frown upon.  So I could come to where you are?”  He stated.

 “You really think you’ll be court-martialed?”  She asked.

 “Either that or they will offer me early retirement with an honorable discharge.”  He stated.

 “But you love the military, what will you do without it?” 

 “I’ll take care of my wife.  Do anything with her that she wants.”  He said.

She sat there her mouth wide open.  “Did you just say your wife?”

Trent shrugged his shoulders.  “Of course I said wife.” 

 “In all the years we were together you never once asked me to marry you.  Is this really the Trent Jonas I know?  Are you an alien?  What have you done with the man I used to know?”  She touched his head, turning it and looking into his ear.

 “Stop already, you’re going to embarrass me.”  He pulled his head away from her prying hands.

 “Oh there he is, welcome back Trent.”  She laughed.

 “I’m serious Kimberly.  I don’t have a ring right now so I can ask you officially.  But will you marry me?”  He got down on his knee in front of her.

The other guys in the plane had turned around and were all watching the show.  “Get up your embarrassing yourself. “  She laughed.

 “Answer me first.”  He said holding his ground.

 “You don’t have a ring.  It won’t count as an engagement if there isn’t a ring.”  She said.

 “Well shoot.  You know usually I bring that engagement ring with me on every mission.  But this time I think I left it at home.”  He stood up and put his hands in each of his pockets. 

Kimberly stood there and laughed.  “You’re crazy.”

 “Hey guys.  I need something I can use as an engagement ring?  Anyone got anything that will work?”  Trent yelled out.

 “Stop it Trent.”  Kimberly said to him softly.

 “Nope the lady said she needs a ring to accept or not accept.  So I need to find a ring.”  Trent looked around at the guys.

Several of them shrugged their shoulders. 

 “Hey I have this, will it work?”  Jake yelled out. 

 “What is it?”  Trent hollered.

 “It’s the ring off of my cigar.”  He held it up for Trent to see.

Trent looked back at Kimberly.  “Well, will it work?”  He asked her.

Kimberly turned red but shook her head yes. 

 “Great she said it would work.  Let me see that Jake.” 

Trent went back to Kimberly and got back on his knees.  With the paper band from around Jakes’ cigar in hand he looked up at her.  “Kimberly Sanks will you please do me the honor of marrying me?”  Trent asked as he slipped the paper band over her finger.

She looked down at the band and laughed.  “Trent I can’t, not yet.  I’m sorry if you would have asked me 20 years ago I would have said yes without a doubt.  But I have to make sure I don’t have to go through the same feelings again.” 

Trent looked down.  “I know I’ll prove myself to you.  But next time I hope you will say yes.” 

The guys had the good sense to not say anything.  They went back to what they were doing.  Letting Trent sulk in his bad luck.  He sat and wondered how he would be able to prove to her he was serious?

 “I’m serious I’ll still move to where you are stationed.”  He looked at her and said.

 “That’s a start.  Trent last time you moved so slow, don’t go to fast this time.”

 “I have a lot of years to make up for though.”  He said.

He looked out the window.  Not sure what else to say to her right now.  He could profess that he changed until he ran out of breathe.  But he had to show her by actions.  Trent knew she wouldn’t just go along with him claiming he was different.

The rest of the flight was quickly done.  “So when will you have to go back your station?”  Trent asked her.

 “I don’t know.  I suspect your team or someone will tell me.”  Kimberly answered.

 “Can I see you while you’re still here?” 

 “I’d like that.”  She smiled.

 “Great take my number and call me when you have free time.” 

Trent left hoping that she would be calling him soon.  Though he also knew he would have some meetings coming up as well.  He had made sure on the trip home that something would be said about him and Kimberly to one of the higher ups.  Who would be told and what they would do was still left to be seen.

Walking in his door he checked his phone again.  Making sure the volume was up.  

 “Nope there’s no message.”  He said after making sure he hadn’t missed one.  “Might as well take a shower since I’m sure I’ll get a call from Kimberly or someone else.” 

Hoping in the shower he tried to move past seeing Kimberly   again.  Admitting how he felt had been hard.  But when she turned his proposal down it had hit him harder than he had let on.  Trent had hoped that him saying he loved her would automatically take away the past.  All the pain and worry he had caused her would be magically erased, or so he had hoped.  When she had told him no, that she wouldn’t marry him, he realized that she had hurt so many times, and so much.  He hadn’t been fair to her at all.  Often times he had scoffed at her, told her she was being too emotional!

Hanging his head in the shower he now realized he was the one being too emotional.  It wasn’t like she hadn’t said she would see him when she was here.  Not only that but she hadn’t shot him down when he told her he would move to her station. 

 “This is a good sign!”  He cheered himself on.

Drying off after his long hot shower, Trent felt a bit better.  Going to his phone he saw the light flashing.  “Oh it’s a message.  Well it will be one of two things.  I sure hope it was Kimberly!”  He muttered hitting the side button to see who had sent him the message.

 “Senior Petty Officer Jonas I need you to report to my office at 0900 in the morning.” 

Trent heard the voice of the Captain, the big deal, the one who oversaw the whole operation of his platoon.                “This can’t be a good sign.”  He said.

Honestly when he thought about it though he really didn’t care the circumstances.  He wouldn’t change his decision.  Not even if they kicked him out of the Seals and hell even the Navy.

 “I’d do it for her again.  No doubt in my mind.  This is what I’ll go in and say.  If it seals my fate so be it!”  Mark said aloud.

He really wished that Kimberly would just stop by and see him.  No call would be needed he would be so happy to see her.  But he knew he had told her a lot today.  She might just be absorbing it all day long.

Trent was tired so instead of watching his phone he decided to lay down for a little nap.  “I’ll get up in a bit and cook, or do anything.” 

As his head hit the pillow he thought about her once again.  Her long brown hair as it hung down.  He imagined seeing her as she was on top of him.  He grew hard thinking about her moistness enveloping his penis. 

Wrapping his hand around his cock, he slowly began to stroke up and down.  He could picture her perfectly.  But now he had a current image of her in his mind.  Not the one from 20 years ago.  But the one that he’d seen today.  No the one he had helped to save earlier in the day.  That image was the one he saw as he rubbed himself.

Trent wanted to cum badly.  But he also wanted to hold back, just in case she did show up on his door step.  Then as he thought about it more, he knew that even if he did orgasm right now he would be ready for her!  “I want her so bad.”  He said aloud as he began to stroke himself a bit quicker now.

His breathing got hard and then he was cumming.  The sperm spraying all over his body he moaned and he felt better.  Trent didn’t even cleanup he fell asleep quickly after his orgasm.  His dreams were filled with Kimberly and him making love in the past.

Groggy he came awake later on.  Something had bothered him in his sleep.  Trying to focus and come awake, he noticed it was now dark outside. 

 “Shit, what time is it?”  He said aloud.

Checking his clock he saw he had slept for over 6 hours.  Picking up his clock he checked to see if he had missed any calls.  There were 2 new messages.  He clicked on them.

 “Trent, hey this is Kimberly.  Um, I’m not sure what to say.  I missed you all these years.  I just couldn’t believe it was you I saw today.  That you had come to save me and it made me think.  If all those years ago you had listened to me, you wouldn’t have been there today.  It would have been someone else.  Another person who wouldn’t care for me the same ways as you do.  What if they had failed?  Then it would have been you who had found out while sitting at home that I was dead.”  She took a deep breath in.  “It wasn’t fair of me to ask you to leave the Seals.  I now know that and I’m sorry too.  Oh why didn’t you pick up?  I would rather say this to you in person.  I miss your touch so much.” 

The message ended.  Trent just stared at the phone.  He looked at the time she had called it was 4 hours ago.  He clicked on the second message and listened.

 “Trent it’s me again.  I guess you changed your mind?”  She hung up.  That call was from 1 hour ago.

He dialed her number back.  She didn’t pick up right away.  Finally he heard her voice.  “Hello.”

 “Kimberly, I was sleeping.  I haven’t changed my mind.  Come over please.”  Trent said.

 “Trent I had thought the chance was gone.”  He heard her choke up.  He could imagine the tears on her cheeks.

 “I’ll come to you, where are you?”  Trent asked.

She told him and he was out the door in a minute.  Driving as quickly as he could without going over the speed limit he was there in about 10 minutes.

Kimberly answered the door immediately when he knocked.  “Come in.”  She said, standing to the side.

He stopped by her and swept her into his arms.  Kissing her deeply, he kicked the door shut with his foot.

 “You taste so good.”  He said coming up from the kiss.

She looked at him with the eyes he had seen so many times in the past.  Those eyes that were inviting him to take her, and he planned to do just that.

He pulled her over to the bed.  Taking off her clothes slowly, he devoured her body with his eyes for a few seconds.  Taking it all in, she was in great shape still.  He lowered his mouth to one of her breasts.  Loving the way she leaned into him as he bit on her nipple.

Trent heard the sharp intake of her breathing that meant she was very excited.  He lowered her onto the bed softly.  Looking down at her naked loveliness, he licked his lips in anticipation. 

Her eyes were bright with passion when he looked at her.  He lowered his mouth onto her sex.  Flicking her clitoris with his tongue he knew it drove her crazy!  She jumped up.

 “Please Trent don’t tease me.”  She moaned loudly.

He snickered.  “Oh it would tease me just as much.  Trust me I’ve missed the taste of your pussy.”  He covered her mound again and bit lightly on her nub.  She screamed in pleasure.

Lapping up her slit he pushed his tongue in.  Holding it straight like it was a cock pushing into her vagina, she thrust her hips up onto his tongue. 

She grabbed his head as her climax hit her hard.  He licked up her juices and stuck his finger into her.  He knew he could make her cum again.

Kimberly screamed out as her orgasm thrashed over her body.  Trent pushed his cock deep inside of her.  The moistness of her pussy wrapping its lovely arms around his prick, he moaned loudly. 

 “I don’t think I can last long.”  He warned.

 “That’s fine we have the rest of our lives together.”  She said.

He stopped and looked down at her a question in his eyes.

 “Yes I will marry you, if the offer is still open.”  She commented.

 “You know it is.”  He said.

 “Then Mr. Jonas you have the rest of our lives together to make love to me.  I don’t care how long you last this time.  Just love me.” 

Trent didn’t need another word from her.  He thrust into her pussy hard and fast.  Letting the wet walls of her snatch hold his cock tightly.  He moaned out as his orgasm took him over the edge.  Trent smiled as he felt her pussy walls quake and her moan as she climaxed.

 “I love you.”  Trent said as he rolled over beside her on the bed.

 “I love you too.”  Kimberly said to him.

He wrapped her in his arms.  As he pulled her close he knew the world was perfect now.  He didn’t care what happened tomorrow.  His decision of saving her and not informing anyone about their connection was his choice. 

Falling asleep he woke up a few hours later.  Kissing her forehead he got up.  “I have to set an alarm to get up early enough to get home and be ready.” 

 “Be ready for what?”  She asked.

 “The Captain called me in for a meeting at 0900.”

 “Trent why did you do it, your career is on the line now?” 

 “Honey I would do it again every time I was asked.  I wouldn’t trust your life in anyone’s hands but mine.  If I get kicked out so be it.”  Trent answered honestly.

She kissed him as he lay down beside her.  “You have really changed.” 

 “No I just realized finally what was important to me.  It took some growing up to do, but I’ve had plenty of time to learn.” 

He pulled her close again and they were soon fast asleep once more.  The alarm woke him in the morning. 

 “I’m sorry love.  I have to go get ready.”  Trent said kissing her.

Her eyes were still full of sleep.  “Good luck.” 

 “I don’t need luck anymore.  I just wanted it for yesterday to make sure I kept you safe.”

He walked out the door to go to his house and prepare for his meeting.  Really there wasn’t much he had to do.  Trent would take a shower and make sure his dress uniform was pressed nicely.  But as far as thinking of what to say, there was nothing he needed to do. 

Trent could only wish for the best. He walked into the office.

 “Hey Melissa I have an appointment with the Captain.”  Trent went up to the receptionist.

 “He’ll be right with you.” 

So it was serious enough that she wouldn’t even say my name, he thought to himself.  His mind raced thinking of what he could do once he was out of the military.  The time is coming quickly, he told himself. 

Well it wasn’t like he was old.  He’d gone in when he was 18 years old.  Just last month he had turned 46 years old.  He could use the money of the GI Bill to go to college.  Or he could even get a private job with a security agency or maybe the CIA.  Plenty of past Seals had moved on to a position in the government.  They still got the fun of adventure once in a while too.

Trent shook his head.  “No dangerous jobs.  I can’t do that to Kimberly ever again.”  He said to himself.

He saw Melissa look up.  “Excuse me did you say something?”  She asked him.

 “No sorry, I was just thinking out loud.”  Trent stated.

The phone on her desk buzzed.  He watched her answer it and shake her head yes.  She looked up at him and said.  “He’s ready for you now.”

Trent got up and went in the door.  Saluting the Captain he said.  “Sir, Senior Petty Officer Jonas reporting.” 

The Captain saluted him back and told him to sit down.  Looking down at his desk and the paperwork in front of him, he sighed.  “I think you know why we are here, right?”

 “Yes sir I know why.”  Trent answered.

 “Well what do you have to say?”  The Captain asked.

 “Honestly sir I would do it again.  If it was her that was captured and she was in danger, I would go in an instant.  I can’t count on another person to save her.  I love her and I would die to protect her.  I think this is the best attitude to have for any mission.  If you know that you would die to protect the person you’re trying to save, how can you go wrong?  You’re going to make sure everything is done just right.  You’ll watch to make sure no mistakes are made.  Sir you would go above and beyond your duty to get the mission completed successfully.”  Trent said.

The Captain studied him and shook his head up and down as he processed what was said.  “Son I know your right.  I honestly do.  It wasn’t me who put this policy in place though.  If it was strictly up to me I would get rid of this and say go about your duty.  But it isn’t me and more than just this office has been involved here.  What I’m saying is we have two choices here.  One you can retire now and earn your pension for 25 years of service.  I’m sorry but they don’t add anything to the amount you would receive between 25 and 28 years.  So you will be losing a bit of money in the long run.  But our other choice is to court marital you, and I would rather not do that.  If you retire you’ll get an honorable discharge that’s the other good thing about doing it that way.” 

He took a deep breath.  “I knew it would probably be something like this.  But Sir I can’t lie and say that I wouldn’t do it again.  Because anytime that it might come up again I would be right there with the rest of the platoon.  I would make sure my wife came back safely.”  Trent stated.

 “What do you mean your wife?”  The Captain asked honestly shocked.

 “Well she’s not my wife yet.  But she will be she accepted my proposal last night.” 

 “So it wasn’t just a passing fancy?  Well let me see if I can do something.  I might have an idea.”  The Captain stated he looked deep in thought.

 “Yes sir, what would you like me to do?”  Trent asked.

 “Could you wait outside for a bit?” 

 “I don’t have any other plans sir.”  Trent walked out to sit down and wait.  He wondered what the Captain was thinking of trying. 

He wanted to call Kimberly to hear her voice.  But he was too nervous and didn’t know what to say to her.  Then he knew the perfect thing to do.  He pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

On the second ring he heard her voice.  He smiled she sounded lovely.  “Hello sweetheart, I just wanted to call to tell you I love you.”  Trent said to her.

He could hear her smile.  “Trent, oh I love you too.  So what happened?”  She asked sounding anxious to know what was happening with him.”

 “I don’t know the Captain sent me out of his office.  He said he had an idea and was going to try something.”  Trent told her.

 “Well maybe this is a good sign?  I’ll keep my fingers crossed.”  She said.

 “I thought you said this was too dangerous, you didn’t want me doing it anymore?”  Trent asked her.

 “I was serious when I told you last night.  Well I guess I didn’t finish the thought, I hung before that.”  She sighed.  “It was never fair for me to ask that of you Trent.  Yesterday I saw what you were like on a mission.  I knew at that moment that you cared if you came home.  You just didn’t know how to tell me.  I should have figured that out a long time ago.”  She said.

 “How could you know if I never told you?”  He asked, wanting to admit his part in the past wrong doings.

 “You did tell me.  When you were talking about your mother and how she was to you.  If I had really listened I would have known why you held back with me.  I mean you told me you loved me, but why you never wanted to do more.  She made you scared to commit when you love someone.  It hit me yesterday.  I think I was more shocked at that realization then that you saying you loved me.  Why I hadn’t seen that before is because I never saw you on a mission.  I never listened to you when you told me you were safe.  Seeing you out there and watching you.  I could tell that you believed that with every inch of your heart.  I always thought you were just placating me, but you weren’t.  I don’t want you to quite something you love.”  Trent could hear her crying as she was talking.

A weight felt like it had been lifted off his chest.  Trent hadn’t even realized that was what he had been doing in the past.  “You know I never knew I was doing it for that reason.  But your right I was doing that.”  He took a deep breath.  “But if they don’t kick me out or let me retire early, I don’t know if I’ll be able to transfer to your station.”  He stated.

 “Baby, I’ll move here to you.  I can easily do this, remember my dad is still good friends with the right people.”  She stated.

Trent smiled.  “You are really the greatest girl who a guy could ever find.  How the hell did I miss out on these last 20 years?  Sometimes I am such an idiot!”  He laughed.

Kimberly laughed on the other side of the phone.  He had to wonder if the Captain was an acquaintance of Kimberly’s dad.  For the first time since yesterday he felt like his chances of staying in the military was good.

 “You are an idiot at times dear.  I love you though idiot part and all!”

Trent looked up as he heard Melissa’s phone buzz.  “Hey I think I have to go.  I love you and I’ll call you soon!”

 “Okay love you too Trent!”  He heard her say as he took the phone away from his ear.

 “He would like to see you again.”  Melissa said to Trent.

He got up and entered the Captain’s office.  “Sit down Senior Petty.”  The Captain said.

Trent took a seat.  His stomach clinched up on itself.  He hadn’t been this nervous since he had first asked Kimberly out.

 “You know this meeting could have been a lot shorter if you had told me about you and Ms. Sanks engagement.”  The Captain looked at Trent seriously.

 “I’m sorry sir; I didn’t realize it might have benefits at that point.”  Trent admitted.

The Captain smiled and said.  “He said Kimberly had told him that when she talked to him last night.”  He laughed.  “Jake and I have been buddies since our days at the Academy together.  Your fine no problems and the rules are being rewritten as of now. “

 What are you kidding me?  She knew when I talked to her it would be okay.”  Trent shook his head.

 “No she didn’t Jake told me that he wouldn’t interfere in this unless you told me something.  He wasn’t taking any steps to help.  He said Kimberly wouldn’t have it any other way.  He also told me that she said to tell you that you would understand that statement now.” 

He shook his head.  “Yes sir I do understand it.  I know I have the greatest wife in the world.  It won’t be a long wait either.  I love that woman.” 

Trent walked out of the office and headed straight to Kimberly.  She was waiting outside for him and as he approached she ran to him and jumped in his arms. 

 “Hey watch the PDA lieutenant.”  He stated.

 “Hell with those rules, we’ll get them changed one day if we can!  Plus I’m not in uniform.  I just look like the wife who is very happy to see her husband home.  Now come in because I’m going to welcome you home in another way.”  Kimberly pulled him in through the door and shut it behind them!






Chapter 1


Colin McGrath was a loyal man, he trusted the king with his life.  The king after all had taken in the young orphan boy and kept him alive for many years.  A loyalty like that will do just about anything for the person they feel bound too. 

He knew that was the reason the king had called him today.  Colin could feel something was brewing in the air; he just wasn’t sure what it was. 

“Colin, you know I love you like my own son.  So since Kaden is already betrothed I need to do this for me.”  King McDowell explained.

“Anything sire, you know I am your loyal warrior, I will do anything you command or even ask of me.”  Colin bowed before the man who he thought of like a father.

“The McCloud girl, Sarah, you and her will be married on Saturday this week.”  The king commanded.

Colin didn’t know what to say, he hadn’t expected this command.  He was thinking he would be ordered to sneak into enemy territory and kill the prince, or someone else just as important.  But to marry, the McCloud girl, he tried to think of which one it might be. 

They fought beside that clan often in the past.  Then he thought of one of them, I hope it isn’t her, he thought to himself.  “Yes sire.”  Colin said. 

He walked away from the king, thinking of what he could picture of the McCloud girl he could recall.  She was a mean woman.  He couldn’t think of a better way to describe her right off.  She wasn’t the most attractive woman in the region either.  Colin had always pictured himself with a lass that was strikingly beautiful. 

But he knew it wasn’t being asked of him to do this, but he was being told.  The only way to get out of this would be to leave the area, flee right now and in secret.  He would be left all alone, much like he had been for so many years of his life. 

For so many years of his life he had been alone.  He couldn’t even recall how long right off hand.  But it had seemed like forever to his young eyes.  Colin wasn’t even sure how he stayed alive all those years, “aye, it was pure luck I tell you.”  He whispered to himself as he thought back.

He had been a frail boy when the king had found him in that alley one day.  Colin wasn’t sure how he had been so lucky to be in the right place and at the right time that day.  But he had been and that day in time had changed his whole world in one moment.

Colin had watched from behind stone in the forest.  He had seen the two men from afar, could tell they were up to no good.  So he had quietly snuck in behind them, they hadn’t noticed him at all.

He could hear a horse approaching from the distance.  The men lowered down and seemed ready to attack something, or someone.  Two thoughts had passed through his mind at that moment.  One was that he should really help the person they were trying to rob.  The other was to help them and then somehow kill them later and get all the loot.

Colin would admit to a few people that the only reason he hadn’t chosen the second choice, was because he couldn’t kill them one on one.  But if he snuck up on them at the perfect moment, he could take one of them out.  That would leave the person coming alone with only one attacker to fend off.  It was a much better average that Colin would live through this event.  But the person who would be the victim might not live through the attack.  That would leave Colin with possible one person left to take out, the other attacker.  He could hope that this person would have been injured as well, and perhaps badly.  Colin could walk away with the valuable of three people, and a horse. 

So he had decided on the option of timing.  He quietly watched the two and listened as the horse came closer.  As the men jumped out, Colin seized that moment to throw the rock he had picked up.  His aim was perfect and he got the attention of the attacker.

Though his friend or partner had turned around at his noise, he continued on with their plan.  The other attacker’s attention was firmly drawn to the rider of the horse and not on Colin.  He smiled as the plan had worked perfectly. 

“Thank you fine lad, I think I might have been dead had you not come along.”  Colin had heard said behind him.

Turning around he had looked at the king for the first time.  He had been a very large man, Colin couldn’t have expected that, but he knew he would have to plan this just right. 

“I had been watching them for a bit out here.  Sometimes they fall asleep at night and leave some food by their fire.”  Colin admitted.

“Where is your family?  I think we should get you back to them.”  The king had said at that time.

“I’m an orphan sire.”  Colin had told the king.

“Then I’ll take you back with me.  You can live with us, and I’ll take care of you.  No child should be out here by themselves.  How old are you son, do you know?”  The king had asked.

“No sire, honestly I’ve been on my own for a while.  I think I was 5 when my parents left me on the streets.”  Colin explained.  He wasn’t really sure if they had left him, or simply died when they were robbing someone.  He couldn’t remember much at all about his parents. 

Now all these years later he felt like the king’s son.  He would gladly lay his life down for the king, no hesitation now.  Sometimes he would feel guilty for having considered robbing the king all those years ago.  But he knew it was just the type of boy he had grown up to be, not who he was when he was loved.

Colin had really felt like part of the family for so long now.  He felt it an honor that his king would ask of him something so important.  It must be an important ally to have.

He thought again of the various McCloud females he knew.  No matter how hard he tried, only one of them stood out in his mind.  She had been a fiery little thing, treating men like they were nothing.  He tried to remember more about her.  But the other thing that was bugging him about this marriage was that he had wanted someone special in his life. 

Colin had seen how the royal couple looked at each other.  He saw the admiration between them.  He really wanted to have that special closeness they seemed to share.  How was he going to have that with a girl he didn’t know? 

But his loyalty wouldn’t allow him to do anything but stay.  He had thought of it many times between the day he found out and Saturday.  However, here he was getting ready to marry Sarah McCloud.  He wasn’t even sure if he had even seen her before. 

Colin hoped she was at least attractive.  It would really be a pain to be stuck with someone he didn’t like, not even physically.  He had been with women in the past, so he knew he liked sex.  But he also knew that this girl had an advantage over him.  That was that she was the real daughter of her father.  Even though for the past 12 years he had lived like family, Colin knew that he was still an orphan in all honesty.

No matter how much the king had treated him like his own son through these years; the king would still not support him.  Not if Sarah would go up to him and tell the king Colin hadn’t been keeping me happy.  Not the type of conversation he would want to happen.

So he couldn’t upset this girl, or she would in essence, tell on him to her father.  Her father will get mad and tell the king, and that would be it.  Colin would learn just how little he meant to the king at that point.  He had felt love for so long; he didn’t want to see the disappointment in the king’s eyes.  But more than that was he wouldn’t want to hear the words of the king.  He could almost imagine it in the king’s voice.  “You let me down Colin.”  He heard in his mind.

“Hey are you about ready?”  Colin heard the king’s voice behind him.

“Yes sire I’m ready.”  Colin turned and went to get married.

He wouldn’t admit that he was completely petrified at that moment, but he was close to it.  Colin wanted to run more than anything at this moment.  But he kept walking and went to see his wife for the first time.

Colin walked in and looked at Sarah McCloud.  She was at least pretty. But she was short.  He had never seen her before that he could recall.  He looked at her, and she seemed just as nervous as he was, he could almost sense her thinking the same thoughts as him.  “Well it’s too late now, you have to do this.”  He could hear the sigh in his mind as he thought.

As the preacher spoke he studied Sarah.  She had long light brown hair, her eyes were a nice hazel, and she was quite a bit shorter than him. 

The ceremony was short, Colin said all the right things at the right times.  But he felt a moment of despair hit him.  Though she was pretty he really didn’t want a loveless marriage.  But he didn’t even know her yet,

“Here’s to the happy couple.”  Her father made a toast at the table. 

Colin lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip of the wine.  He looked at Sarah again; they hadn’t really said anything to each other yet.  He really found it strange that she hadn’t even asked him much.

“I’m sorry that you didn’t get to marry the king’s son.”  Colin whispered.  He knew that every girl in the kingdom wanted to marry the king’s son.

He saw her laugh a little.  “I’m one of the few girl’s you’ll ever meet that will tell you this, but I wouldn’t have married him if I had the chance.”  She said and made a face. 

Colin couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  The table turned towards the couple and made a collective sigh.  “Well it’s great to see you two getting along so well!”  The king beamed at him, pride showing across his face.

At that moment Colin was happy he had married the girl.  Not just because of the pride he witnessed from the king, but from her as well.  Her comment had caught him so off guard he had no idea what to say.

After a few moments of hearty laughter, Colin turned to Sarah and smiled.  “Well you aren’t exactly what I expected.”  He didn’t know how else to put his thoughts.  He continued to shake his with no more words coming to his mind.  Colin knew he had to look like an idiot right now, but he couldn’t help it.  Her words had really tickled him. 

He had to wonder what more he would learn about his new bride next.  Colin had to honestly admit that he was looking forward to it.  He began to look at it as a game, one where he had to find the next nugget of Sarah.  To learn more about her mind, and her body, he thought as he looked at her lustfully.

Colin watched the red spread across her face at his look.  She looked away quickly a gasp of shock coming from her mouth quickly. 

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to, whatever I did, I’m sorry.”  He stuttered out.

Sarah looked at him.  “No it wasn’t you, I just had a, well I don’t know how to explain it.  Plus I don’t think this is the place to talk like this.”  She whispered in his ear.

Colin sat up straight as the feel of her lips close to his neck made his mind go straight to another world.  One where he pictured what her bare skin looked like under her clothes.  He knew this wasn’t something he could keep up long. 

Thankfully, she broke eye contact again and they both were smart enough to try and avoid looking at each other.  Colin hoped this celebration would be short.  He really wanted to see what was under his new wives clothes, and soon.