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First Taste: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance by Lauren Wood (42)

Chapter 21



“All the paperwork is done. All you have to do is give me the go ahead and I will get it all drafted up and signed all the way around. You won’t have to worry about anything else. I will send the papers to New York when they are ready to sign and everything is in order. Was there anything else that you wanted me to do while I was here?”

I told Geeves that it was all that I needed. I was trying to get out of here, before I decided that I really didn’t want to leave. Being with Molly had been great and it was just like old times. It was always perfect with her and even though I knew that I was going to regret leaving, at the same time I knew I had to go.

“No, that will do it.”

“Are you going to be back in New York or are you staying around there for a little while longer?”

“I’ll be back in the city by tonight.”

“Okay, well it will all be sent to you soon.”

“Thanks. I’m glad you could come out here in such short notice. Has she signed the paperwork on her end?”

He knew that I was talking about Molly and he nodded his head, but didn’t say anymore. I had a feeling that I was making a big mistake, but we were all getting ahead. Everyone was going to make a substantial amount of money and it was only a few tourists. It would help the locals.

I tried in every way possible to justify it in my mind, but at the end of the day I felt like I was letting Molly down once again. I hadn’t asked her to come with me because I knew that she would say no, but I wondered and I didn’t want to leave here wondering what would have happened if I would have just asked. I had to find out.

The lawyer left and I was left debating which flight to get on. There was one that was leaving in less than an hour and one that was going to be leaving in four. I had to get home, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t want a little more time with Molly. All I needed was just one more talk with Molly. Maybe this time I would be able to convince her that I need her to come with me.

I left the hotel where he was staying for the night. Geeves had more business out here to do for me and I was ready to get back to Molly. I had one thing on my mind and this time I was determined to make it happen. This time things had to go my way. This week with Molly had brought back all of the old feelings as well as a whole bunch of new ones. I still felt as strongly for her as I did then. This time around though, I was painfully aware of how rare it was, what we had.

I tracked her down when I went to the house and she wasn’t there. When I got to the restaurant and saw her behind the counter, I knew that she had already signed over her part of the land and she wasn’t happy with me.

“Hey Molly.”

As mad as she was, she wasn’t the type that held a grudge and she smiled at me, though it was a sad smile. It seemed to be all she could muster.

“Hey Chris. Did you see the lawyer?”

Molly was asking more than she was letting on and I knew that she was talking about the deal I made with the cruise line. I didn’t want to talk about that though. It wasn’t a good topic and I hoped that once the money came in for her, she would change her mind. It was easy to be happy when you had a lot of money and now she did.

“Yes, I just left the hotel. He is getting older. I guess we all are.”

Molly didn’t answer and I had to finally break the silence. She knew what was coming. We both did.

“Can we go somewhere to talk Molly?”

She shook her head that we couldn’t and I sighed out loud.  I didn’t want to do this here, in front of everyone, but she was being stubborn and I would if I had to. It wouldn’t be the first time that half of the town heard us argue.

“I think it would be best if we went somewhere Molly or this is going to get awkward around all of these people.”

“You don’t bother me. You are far more worries about your image than I am worried about mine. You’ve always cared too much.”

“You think you are calling my bluff?”


Molly was so sure of herself that she turned around and started to make coffee like I wasn’t even there. I don’t know why, but it pissed me off and I was going to show her that nothing had changed. I hadn’t changed and I would show my ass if I had to. Nothing would stop that. She was tempting me and I was going to be gone soon.

“Molly, I need to talk to you. You can’t just have your way with me and then not call me the next day.”

I saw the look on her face as my voice rose and I was trying hard not to laugh. We had done this many times before and now it was different. Instead of going along with it, she pulled me to the back towards the kitchen.

“God Chris, what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing. I was wondering how long it was going to take you. You used to let it go a while, play along some.”

“Well, this isn’t old times Chris. What do you want?”




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