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First Taste: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance by Lauren Wood (83)

Chapter three


The taste in my mouth was like acid on the tip of my tongue. I had made a mistake and being too cocky had cost me my friend’s life. I was on my knees and he had a hold of my hair making me look at him. The muzzle of his rifle was moving around my lips and I could feel the heat of the barrel after it had already gone off once.

He was a hypocrite for thinking that he was above the law. My vision was cloudy with the blood loss seeping through my fingers. Something was behind him.

I heard the crack of bone breaking. The gun against my lips fell lazily onto the ground. The man himself was twisted in a way that didn’t seem humanly possible. He was lifted into the air and tossed like a bag of garbage into a nearby tree.

I thought it was a bear and I was going to be its next victim. I didn’t know of any animal that wore tight blue jeans and a black and red checkered plaid shirt. His beard covered his face with a masculine mask. His green eyes gave me the impression he was some kind of wild and feral cat.

He knelt on the ground and ripped open my shirt to expose my wound. He produced a piece of cloth and pressed it against my flesh to stanch the blood. He inspected both sides with medical efficiency.

“My name is Logan. I don’t know what’s going on, but maybe you can fill me in on the way. I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner to save your friend. I’ve never seen anybody look into the eyes of death and laugh. The bullet went clean through with mostly tissue and muscle damage. Can you walk on your own or do I have to carry you?” I couldn’t say a word, but I did manage to stand up by holding onto his physically demanding form.

“I don’t think it has hit me yet. I know she’s gone, but I can’t believe it.” I told him my name.

“Give me a moment. I don’t think your friend’s death should be in vain.” He took off his shirt exposing the many scars on his hairy body.

He was digging with his bare hands and I was leaning against a rock admiring the flexing of his muscles. He was making some kind of hole right in front of the prone form of Stephanie. It was maybe a foot deep when he was finished. I didn’t notice the backpack over his shoulder. He took out a spool of wire and attached it to two trees.

Somebody was going to come looking for their friend and stumble over that wire going face first into the hole he had dug. He proved to be quite resilient but the only thing I could think about was how my fingers would feel running down over his body.

He disappeared and I was afraid that he was going to leave me to fend for myself. I couldn’t move and my limbs were frozen with the shock that hadn’t worn off. He returned with a bundle of sticks he was turning into deadly implements with this knife in his hand. He stuck them in the hole and covered it with leaves and thin branches.

I didn’t have to give him any emotional feedback. I think what I was feeling was easily seen by the way that I was undressing him with my eyes. I believed in what I could see with my own eyes. I had to bury my grief. There would be time to relive those memories and give her a proper sendoff.

“That will teach them not to play in my sandbox. I moved here to get out of the rat race and to stop the noise in my head. I feel like I’m back in the jungle hunting my enemies. They are fools playing a deadly game they can’t win. They’re gonna learn the hard way not to mess with a wounded animal.” I yelped in surprise when he lifted me onto his shoulder and began moving quickly without getting out of breath.

I lifted my eyes to where my friend’s body lay motionless. I was deeply saddened by her loss. The revenge I had in my heart to make them pay had grown with the pain in my shoulder a reminder that I should never underestimate them.

“I want to kill them with my own hands. My face is the last one they are going to see before they close their eyes for the final time. I know you can give me the tools to make that happen. Will you do this for the memory of my friend?” They had made it personal and I was going to make them pay the ultimate price.

“I can kill them for you, but I can see this is not going to give you the satisfaction you’re looking for. I can show you a few moves. I feel responsible for what happened to your friend. I saw him pull the trigger and my heart sank. I was trying to sneak up on him, but I wasn’t expecting you to disparage his mother’s name.” I was to blame and it fell on my shoulders to avenge her death with my bare hands around their throat.

“There are three of them. You took out one of them.” The ease which he had dispatched his enemy was unnerving.

“I have this feeling the leader isn’t going to be stupid enough to fall into my trap. He will be bloodthirsty and direct his wrath at you. There’s no way that he can know about me, but it won’t be long before he figures it out. How did you come to be in this position? I thought I was alone. The solitude has given me a new perspective.” He was climbing this incline and my added weight didn’t seem to faze him.

“Peter Winter is probably not even his real name. This was supposed to be a friendly camping trip. My instincts were telling me something was wrong, but I chose to ignore them. I won’t be doing that again anytime soon.” His name was forever tattooed on my tongue and I cursed his name with hatred festering inside me.

“The one thing we have that is worth more than any material object is how we can determine what feels right and what feels wrong. We were born with the uncanny ability to sense danger, but the years of being spoiled buried it deep inside of us. It was awakened when I was called into action.” The terrain was dangerous and one wrong step meant that we were going to come down harder than we went up.

The view over his shoulder had me licking my lips despite the grief covering me in a shroud of regret. His posterior was molded from the hardest clay. It would’ve been a pleasure to see him unencumbered by clothing. My imagination was soaring. Dirty thoughts converged to bring to mind how he would look completely naked hovering over the top of me.

I didn’t know where he was taking me. I was trying to get my bearings and determine the direction we were going, but he was always changing directions.

He finally pulled back the camouflage curtain covering his cabin. It was completely hidden. You wouldn’t know it was there unless you knew what you were looking for.

“This is home sweet home.” The door flung open to an explosion of dust bunnies in the air. It was obvious there was no female in his life to give this place the feminine touch it was looking for. “I know it’s not much, but it is home. I built this with my father many years before I was sent to do things that I still can’t believe I did. I live with that burden hanging around my neck every day. I can’t begin to tell you what sins I have committed in the name of our freedoms.” He lowered me to the hardwood floor and I stumbled with a bit of lingering lightheadedness to knock me off my balance.

I fell against him with my hands slapping heavily against his chiseled chest. I sighed deeply with the implication of what I might find when I uncovered each piece of his exposed skin.

My fingers moved like liquid fire down over his shirt until I was gripping the waistband of his jeans. I needed a distraction and I found the most delightful way to take my mind off of my problems. My balance was shaky. I fell to my knees with no fanfare initiating a striking match to his libido with my fingers massaging the lump of hard coal in his pants.

“It has been too long. You are definitely in a league of your own. This thing should have a zip code named after it. I hope you don’t mind my brazen approach. I have this little catch in my throat with the anticipation of seeing all of you. Don’t you think that you have kept that caged for long enough? Let me breathe some life into it.” He was staring and biting his bottom lip chewing on the facts I had given him.

“I would be a damn fool to resist you.” He grabbed my hair roughly and the firm touch was the fantasy that had become an obsession over the last couple of months. “Is this what you wanted? I can see in your eyes how you desperately need me to satisfy you. Tell me what you want.” My fingers were at work with my lust running cold in my veins.

I batted my baby blues and took a hold of his freezing cold zipper knowing that there was something hotter hiding within.

“I want to be fucked like nobody has ever fucked me before. I want to be used and made your sexual puppet. There’s more to me than anybody realizes. Give me the kind of pleasure women dream about reading those trashy novels at night.” He stuck his fingers in my mouth and I gave him the basic idea of what was waiting for him.

“I think that can be arranged. You know what they say about being careful what you wish for.” The thoughts of my friend vanished with the appearance of his large and imposing knob.

“Stick it in my mouth and make me take it. I don’t know if I have any limitations, but I want you to find out. I’ve been missing the hot hand of a real man.” His cock was ramrod stiff and he gave me some room to maneuver by releasing my hair like a leash.

The mushroom crown of his equipment circled my lips leaving me with the faintest reminder of what he had to offer. I was dangerously close to getting a ticket for going too fast. My engine was overheating and his inflated balls looked painful.

I grabbed him by the base circling my fingers all the way around. I slathered a good amount of my lipstick around the head with my tongue sizing up his member. I opened my mouth wide and force-fed a helping dose of his healthy specimen into my mouth.

It was already soaking wet with my hot spit clinging to every inch. It made it easier to slip it past my lips and over my agile bubblegum tongue.

My eyes were bigger than my mouth. It kept coming and I could feel it hitting the back of my mouth. I took a deep breath and gave myself permission to be a little slutty. I was quite surprised by the static electricity making the hairs on the back of my arms stand up. I charged full speed ahead making his eyes roll into the back of his head.

I had my mouth full and I was looking up at him in admiration. He was my mountain man. There had to be a good 9-inches drilling into my throat. The pumping presence of his manhood was quite evident from the vein down the back pounding a rhythm against the surface of my tongue.

It was a good 10-minutes and I could feel that he was rapidly approaching the end of his rope. I was ready for the onslaught of his honey sweet cream. I wasn’t expecting him to pull away with the appendage between his legs looking ready to burst.




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