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First Taste: My Best Friend's Little Sister Romance by Lauren Wood (75)

Chapter 2


Kyla Fleming looked in the mirror.  She combed her hair and straightened out her clothes.  She had come home and gotten out of the trousers she had bothered from her brother, and into the dress.  Her mother had yelled at her when she had seen Kyla in the trousers.

“Kyla, you are a lady, not a boy.  Stop wearing those trousers.  Go changed now.”  Her mother had yelled when she caught Kyla in the hallway.

Truth be told it wasn’t the first time she had done this, but it had been a while since her mother had caught her.  Kyla didn’t like the dresses she was supposed to wear.  She would rather spend her days in the forest or just hanging around Aiden Scott and his father’s blacksmith shop. 

She had known him for years and she felt comfortable there.  Aiden had never treated her like a lady, but like she was just his friend.  That was what she liked the most, he never treated her differently.  Well that was until recently.  She had noticed once in a while he would get this look in his eyes when he looked at her. 

Kyla liked Aiden; he was a sweet young man.  She often wished that instead of the blacksmith’s son he would have a better position in the village.  Her father could possibly be talked into it, but not with her mother there.  No her mother was all about acting like a lady and marrying into more power.

She thought of Aiden and his red hair, and those muscles he had.  She might only be 16, but she had noticed how he looked different now.  He was bigger and stronger than he was before.  It had seemed to happen overnight. 

What really drew Kyla to Aiden was his green eyes though.  Well that and the fact that he never treats me like a girl.  Her mother would scream if she heard about Kyla hanging out with the blacksmith’s son still. 

It had been okay for them to be friends when they were younger.  She had noticed that.  Her mother had often told her to go and play with Aiden even.  But in the past year her mother had been coming down on Kyla. 

“You must begin acting more like a lady.  You’ll start your etiquette classes soon.  We need to make you more polished to find a good husband.”  Her mother had said to almost a year ago now.

Even with those classes she had snuck out to hang out with Aiden once in a while.  It had been a few months since the last time she guessed.  She had snuck up on him in the shop.  Kyla had actually thought it was Aiden’s father when she first walked in.

“Excuse me Mr. Scott where is Aiden at?”  She had asked the figure.

When he had turned around Kyla was shocked.  “Aiden, it’s you?  Wow, what happened?”  Kyla had said.

“I got older of course.”  Aiden had stated.  But he had hugged her all the same.  “Long time no see Kyla, how have you been?”  Aiden had asked.

“I’ve been okay.  It is hard to get out now though, my mother always has me studying!”  Kyla complained.

They had talked for a few more minutes before someone had come in the shop.  She had told him she would try to make it down again soon.  He had waved at her as she walked out the door.  Kyla had wanted to stay until the person left, but they had been some friend of Aiden’s.  She didn’t really know the person, so she decided to leave.  Plus the fact was she would have loved it to be just her and Aiden talking.  She had missed their times together.

“Young lady, I heard you snuck out with your brother’s trousers on again, didn’t I talk to you about that?”  She heard the gruff voice of her father from outside the room say.

Coming around the corner she looked at the ground.  “But father, I’ve told you I hate these dresses so much.”  Kyla said and looked up as she came around the corner fully.  “Colin that isn’t even right to do!”  Kyla struck her brother’s arm.

“Hey, sorry but I just had to hear mother yelling at me for half an hour straight about letting you use my trousers.”  Colin put his hands up in the air.

“I told you to say I snuck them out of your room.”  Kyla commented.

“You know what Kyla the dress looks really good on you.  In fact you should try and make mother happier.  Once you find a husband, maybe you can wear their trousers instead!”  He laughed.

Kyla made a face at her brother.  He was 18 years old and liked to play jokes on her from time to time.  “You know why I don’t like wearing them.”  She said and turned around.  “I still wish I could learn to fight!”  She stated.

“Mother would never allow it.”  Colin shook his head.

“I know, but I can wish once in a while!”  Kyla stated.

“Aye you can wish, but we both know the truth!  Mother told me to bring you down when you were changed.”  Colin finally told her.

Kyla followed her brother down the stairs.  “Hello mother and father.”  She said to her parents as they entered the room where her parents were sitting.

“Young lady, I think you need to apologize to your mother.”  Her father began what Kyla already knew would be a lecture.

She tuned out; she had heard these words too often through her life.  “I’m very sorry mother; I’ll try to be better.  I promise to try.”  Kyla said.  She said the words again, that had come from her mouth on more than one occasion before.  It wasn’t that she didn’t mean to try; she really did want to please her mother.  It was just that she really hated the dresses and all the clothes she had to put on with them.