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Hold On To Me by Taylor Holloway (41)


I took Rosie back to her new apartment. She’d been excited for me to see the inside of it, and when I came to pick her up for our date, I could see why although we didn’t have time for a tour. The new apartment was a big improvement over the old one. Even the parking lot was a lot nicer. It had lights. And clearly marked parking spaces. Rosie was moving up in the world.

In the nice building that actually looked as if it were regularly maintained, the apartment sat on the top floor. That meant six flights of stairs to climb, but it also meant no one could establish an illegal business on top of her. Smart thinking.

“I see you’re taking no chances with a ground-level apartment,” I said as we climbed.

Rosie giggled and pulled my hand to make me climb faster. “Nope. I insisted on a top floor unit.”

“Is Trina home?” I asked, wondering if we were going to need to keep things down for her roommate. I liked Trina, but right now, I sincerely hoped she wasn’t around. I didn’t like to share Rosie, and I didn’t like to be quiet.

Rosie shook her head her eyes glinted mischievously. She flashed her white teeth at me. “Nope.” She fished her keys out of her handbag and unlocked her door excitedly. “She’s staying with Chris tonight and won’t be back until after class tomorrow.”


Once we were inside, I submitted to the short tour of Rosie’s new place. We looked at the kitchen, the living room, and the hallway. Whatever. I wasn’t really seeing it beyond the fact that the apartment was safe, warm, and clean. I was happy for Rosie that she’d found a nice new place to live. I was happier that we were alone here.

“So, where’s your bedroom?” I asked bluntly.

Rosie didn’t so much as blush. “Don’t you want to see the coat closet?” She teased instead. I reached for her, and she danced out of my reach. “Or where the washer and dryer are?”

They have their own laundry. Fancy. Still…

She tried to make toward the kitchen, but I blocked her. “Don’t you want to see the dishwasher?” she said innocently.

“Not particularly,” I replied, using my longer grip to snatch her close to me. I threw her up over my shoulder. “Which way to the bedroom.”

Rosie squealed and giggled. “Hey!”

Since she wasn’t sharing, I went hunting. The first door I opened had pictures of Trina and a bunch of her towheaded relatives. Wrong one. I headed across the hall.

I dropped Rosie unceremoniously on the bed and she giggled and reached for me. I didn’t keep her waiting.

“You know,” I told her between pulling off her little shirt-dress thingy and kisses, “when I first came to your apartment and I was going through the apartment and turning things off, I found your vibrator.”

“You what?” That did make Rosie turn a delicate shade pink.

I smirked. “I’ve been thinking you need another one,” I told her.

She bit her lip. “Actually, Trina went back in and grabbed it for me.”

That was true friendship, right there. It ranked right up there with having a buddy to delete the porn off your browser if you suddenly passed away.

“Where is it?” I questioned. Rosie fished it out of a nearby box and set it on the bed between us.

Something about the way she dropped in on the bed like it might bite her tipped me off. “You’ve never used this thing before, have you?”

She shook her head.

“Why not?” I asked gently. I didn’t want to push her into something she didn’t want to do. Some people don’t like sex toys, and while I wasn’t one of them, if Rosie was, I wasn’t about to push her.

“I don’t know how.” If anything, her expression looked frustrated and lost. “Trina bought it for me as a birthday gag gift.”

Women buy each other vibrators? That was news to me, and fascinating. Men don’t buy one another sex toys. Ever. At least in my book, that would be a decisive friendship-ender. Too weird. Way too weird.

I shook my head to focus back on Rosie and the conversation we were having. “Do you want to play with it tonight?” I asked. “They can be pretty fun.”

Rosie shifted from side to side on the bed and nodded. Her smile became mischievous again. My heart rate leapt.

I opened my arms to her and she leaned up against me, pushing us both down against the mattress. Her eagerness was back with a rush. I went to work on stripping her out of her clothes immediately. Her outfit was adorable, but it was time for it to go. Getting it off of her didn’t take long.

Beneath her pretty, fashionable date-night outfit, Rosie had also stepped up her lingerie game. She had on a pink, lacey bra and panty set covered in little sparkly rhinestones. It looked phenomenal on her and even more phenomenal on the ground. I’d always been the type to rip straight through wrapping paper to get to my presents. I took the same approach to Rosie’s fancy underthings.

She certainly didn’t seem to mind. Rosie curved up against me, wrapping her arms around me and seeking the contact and friction that we were both burning for. I lavished attention on her chest, taking one perfect nipple before the next between my lips, and watching her arch her back and sigh. She liked that. I could tell. It took serious restraint on my part to grab the vibrator instead of a condom. Rosie jumped when she heard the toy turn on.

“What are you going to do with it?” she asked. Her voice had turned nervous.

“I’m not going to do anything with it,” I told her, pressing the handle into her palm. “You are.”

I propped myself up on my left side and smiled at her.

“You mean you just want to… watch?” She sounded confused as to how that could be the case.

I grinned at her. “I want to watch.”

Well, maybe not just watch. I unzipped my pants and took myself in hand. Her pupils widened and dilated when she saw that I was dead serious.

Shyly, she angled the toy between her thighs, jerking when she felt the vibration. Moments passed as she fiddled with the setting, delicately shifting and wiggling against it until she found something that felt good. She met my eyes, holding it against herself with open lips. Every now and then she’d whimper, gasp, and then continue. It was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen.

Good girl, I thought to myself as I fucked my own fist. Make yourself come with your little toy.

“It’s almost too much,” she whispered. There was a high, desperate tone to her voice. If she’d never used a vibrator before, that was hardly a surprise. Her skin was flushed pink and her green eyes were heavy-lidded.

“Do you want me to do it instead?” I asked her.

Rosie shook her head. “No. No, I want to…” she replied. Her voice had gone breathy. Her eyes slipped nearly closed, but they were now fixed firmly on my cock. She was getting close.

Rosie spread her legs wide, giving me an even better view as she reached around her hardened nipples to pleasure herself. She arched her back, gasping hard as her orgasm shook her, dropping the vibrator and staring wide-eyed at the ceiling.

Once her body stopped shaking, I couldn’t wait any longer. I rolled a condom on and pulled her close to me, hitching her leg up over my hip. She was dripping wet and ready, and she pushed her hips forward, smiling. She took my cock with the same focused excitement with which she’d used the vibrator. Her body was soft, giving, and perfect.

I rolled her fully on top of me, maneuvering her easily, and watching her ride. I was hypnotized by her bouncing, round tits. She was getting very proficient at being on top, and that suited me just fine. The view was better from the bottom. I grabbed for the vibrator, angling it between us to put pressure on her clit. She came almost instantly when it was applied to her, squeezing so tight around my cock that I was pulled right with her into orgasm. I came undone beneath her, gripping her slim hips and moaning her name between clenched teeth.

We held another for a long moment afterwards, reveling in the feeling of skin-on-skin. If Rosie knew what I felt for her, it might scare her. She was young and carefree. I considered telling her that I was falling for her, but out of fear that she’d run away from the sort of commitment a thirty-year-old man might want from a woman, I held back.

It would be wrong to tell her, I told myself. She would swiftly outgrow me anyway. It was better to enjoy this time now, while we could still pretend our relationship wasn’t founded on shaky foundations. That way when the earthquake finally came and I couldn’t hold onto her any longer, at least I’d have happy memories of her.