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Lovers at Seaside by Addison Cole (11)

Chapter Eleven

GRAYSON HELD CHRISTMAS’S leash in one hand and Parker’s hand in the other as they meandered through the shops in Provincetown. It had taken a great deal of mental reassurance for Parker to quiet the voices in her head telling her to primp and paint before going out—no matter how much she hated doing it. But she was glad she’d resisted the urge, because kissing Grayson was bordering on an obsession. And she didn’t want lipstick or anything else to stop them from a single kiss.

She’d returned a dozen messages on the drive up, accepted sincere condolences, and agreed to read a script for an upcoming romantic comedy, which Phillipa was going to have delivered tomorrow. The thought of jumping back into her crazy schedule was exhausting, but it was her life, and she was grateful to have one to be exhausted over.

They explored the shops along the pier, stopped to watch a pantomime on a street corner, and picked up a few small things for the house. Provincetown was a colorful, artsy world unto itself, which was one reason she liked it so much. The other reason was because it was where Bert had gotten his start as a photographer, and that made her feel closer to him. Provincetown was also dog friendly, and Christmas was in his heyday, taking in the crowded sidewalks, sniffing other dogs, and being lavished with attention by strangers. She was happy that Grayson had suggested bringing him. He’d been loving up her boy all day, telling him he was a good buddy when they stopped in a store or allowed someone to pet him. He seemed as attached to Christmas as she was, and that etched his name into another piece of her heart. It was getting pretty full of Grayson, and the fuller it got, the happier she became.

They had lunch at Café Heaven, where one of Bert’s photographs hung behind the counter. They sat out front, people watching as they ate, and talked about Bert. Parker noticed a few whispers of recognition throughout the afternoon, but thankfully, other than two teenage girls asking for a photograph with her, which she was happy to oblige, they had a fairly uneventful day in that regard.

“I’d forgotten what it was like to be away from the paparazzi,” she said on the way to Sky’s tattoo shop. She remembered Bert’s comment about Provincetown being the only place he could really be himself when he was younger. She knew he had been referring to being a gay man in the fifties, but she couldn’t help thinking the feelings she experienced as she moved through crowds without any fanfare were probably similar.

“And I’m not used to them at all, which is why when you mentioned pictures and gossip magazines, I wasn’t too worried. I’ve seen lots of celebrities around the Cape, but I’ve never seen anyone making a fuss. I’m sure they do, but I think going over the top is a West Coast thing. Here, you’re just a beautiful blonde who happens to make movies.” He leaned in for a kiss, and Christmas shoved his nose between their legs.

They both laughed, and Grayson leaned down to kiss Christmas’s head. “You are one jealous dog. But I don’t blame you. If someone else were kissing your mom, I’d do a lot more than shove my nose between them.”

Parker rolled her eyes. “Like you have to worry about that? I’m as loyal as…I was going to say Christmas, but he’s already jilted me for you. So I’ll say I’m as loyal as…me.”

He tugged her in for another kiss. “I’ll take you all day long, baby.”


Grayson leaned closer and whispered, “When you look at me like that, you make me all sorts of crazy.”

“Shh.” She clutched his shirt. “When you use that voice, and…” Her brain was scrambling. Nonono. Not now. She didn’t want to be a swooning mess when she saw Sky, but she needed him to know what he did to her and how good he made her feel. “The way you’re looking at me right now? I’ve never been looked at like that. You look like you want to devour me, like you see all of me, not the actress. So, yeah. You’re hot, built like you were put on this earth to be touched and licked and ogled.” She couldn’t stop talking! “And if that’s not enough, you’re the best kisser on the planet and you love my dog to pieces.” She had Grayson—and Christmas’s—rapt attention. “How do you expect me to look at you?”

A wicked smile spread across his face, and his gaze smoldered. “Just. Like. That.” He hitched an arm around her waist and began walking toward Sky’s shop again. Quickly.

“Why are you hurrying? I think I left my legs back there. These rubber ones aren’t working so well.”

He laughed. “The quicker we say hello, the quicker we get back home. I have some touching and licking to collect on.”

“Ohmygosh.” Yes, yes, yes!

He cocked a brow. “Infuriatingly male?”

“Right. Unfortunately, it turns out that I am totally into infuriating males.”

“Plural?” His eyes slanted to possessive slits.

“Would you have it any other way?” She patted Christmas on the head, then kissed Grayson’s scruffy chin. “One favorite man, one favorite boy.”

He made a cute little growling sound as they came to Sky’s shop. “Is that Sky’s friend Lizzie’s shop?” She pointed to P-town Petals, the flower shop next door.

“Yes. She’s Blue’s fiancée,” Grayson said.

“Blue the woodworking guy? Gosh, everyone knows everyone around here.”

“We like it that way.” He took her hand, and they headed inside.

Christmas lifted his nose and sniffed. The scent of lavender flowed in a stream of dancing smoke from incense burning on the counter.

“Grayson!” A girl with jet-black hair jumped off a stool behind the counter and hugged him. Grayson kissed her cheek with a loud mwah! She had a beautiful smile and an arm covered in tattoos. “I wasn’t expecting you. You must be Parker! I’m Cree. Sky told me you guys were going out.”

“Hi,” Parker said, surprised and delighted that Sky had already spoken of them as a couple.

Cree dropped to her knees and let Christmas lick her cheeks.

“This is my boy, Christmas,” Parker said.

“Love his name!” Cree hugged Christmas around his neck, then popped back up to her feet. Her sunny disposition contrasted with her head-to-toe black attire and her heavy military-style boots.

Sky was leaning over a customer just beyond the counter. Her long dark hair was tied back, revealing the top of a tattoo on her left shoulder blade. The buzzing of the tattoo gun stopped, and Sky looked over her shoulder. “Come on back. I’m going to be a while.”

Cree pushed open the knee-high iron gate that separated the waiting area from the work area. “She’s got a few hours to go on his tat.”

“Is it okay to take Christmas back?” Parker asked.

“Sure. Sky loves dogs.” Cree laughed and returned to the counter.

“Hey, guys.” Sky glanced at Christmas. “Aww. He’s so cute!”

“You see me all the time, and now you notice?” Grayson leaned down and kissed her cheek. “How’s it going, sis?”

“Awesome, like every day,” Sky said. “You just missed Sawyer. He’ll be so bummed. He had to do a training session down in Eastham.”

“He was a professional boxer, but too many noggin knocks took him out of the ring,” Grayson explained. “Now he trains other boxers in Jana’s brother’s club.”

“And writes,” Sky said, turning back to her customer, who seemed so relaxed he could have been sleeping. The buzz of the tattoo gun hummed again as she worked. “Sawyer writes poetry, and he and his dad published two books together.”

“I’ll give you one before you leave,” Cree called to them, holding up a book.

“Wow, thanks. I love poetry,” Parker said.

“Good to know.” Grayson kissed her again.

“You just missed Lizzie, too. She got swamped about ten minutes ago. But you’ll meet her at some point, Parker. Are you guys going to make it over to Seaside for breakfast sometime? Maybe next weekend?” Sky wiped blood from the area she was tattooing, then set the needle right back to work.

“I’ve got a bear of a client breathing down my neck to get her railings done. You’ll have to ask my boss.” He winked at Parker.

I’d like to do a lot more than breathe down your neck.

“A gorgeous blonde breathing down your neck?” Sky laughed. “You poor thing. Parker?”

“Oh, I think he’ll deserve a morning off by then.”

“Good! The girls and I were hoping to see you again soon.”

She and Grayson hadn’t talked about what they were doing tomorrow, much less what they were doing a week from now. In fact, she realized, they hadn’t been making plans at all. They, as a couple, had been a given, and that gave her a solid sense of where they stood.

“So you guys are working while you’re in town?” Sky asked.

“We’re not getting much work done yet, but we will be.” Grayson drew Parker into his arms and lowered his voice. “My famous girlfriend has a new script arriving tomorrow.”

Her heart turned over in her chest at how casually he said girlfriend, and she was glad he’d thought to lower his voice when he’d said famous. Both were such Grayson things to do.

“How exciting!” Sky wiped more ink and blood from her customer’s arm.

Christmas brushed against Grayson’s leg. He petted him as he whispered to Parker, “I can think of a few exciting things I’d like to do to you right now.”

“Grayson.” She hoped Sky hadn’t heard him. Grayson kissed her again and stepped to her side, bringing Sky, who was watching them with aww in her eyes, into view.

“You guys are so cute,” Sky said with an approving smile. “It’s kind of sickening.”

“It’s awesome!” Cree called out. “Sky and Sawyer are the same way, which leaves me out in the cold. Don’t you two have another brother?”

They all laughed. After talking for a few more minutes, Parker and Grayson headed back to the car. As they drove back toward Wellfleet, Parker realized she hadn’t teared up with thoughts of Bert today. Not when she’d seen his photograph in Café Heaven, not when they’d talked about him, and not when thoughts of him had simply floated into her mind. Her talk with Abe had helped her through one of the most troubling parts of her grief, which helped alleviate the guilt she’d carried from being away when Bert died.

She looked at Grayson as he drove down the highway. Without him, she may never have gotten through to Abe. And it was Grayson who was right here by her side, reminding her how wonderful life could be if she slowed down enough to enjoy it instead of racing from film to film. As the sun began to set and Christmas yawned in the backseat, happier than she’d ever seen him, Parker knew that just as she’d been the only one to get through to Abe, only Grayson, with his patience, confidence, and innate understanding of what she needed, could have gotten through to her.