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Lucky: A Rockstar Romance Two Book Boxed Set by Liliana Rhodes (16)


"Let's go, everybody! In the bus, in the bus!" Stan boomed in a voice that was much larger than his small frame.

Everyone rushed to board the bus after the show, making sure all the equipment was stored underneath. They just opened for an incredible band Lucky was hoping to listen to, but when Stan wanted something, you obeyed.

"How long of a drive?" Lucky asked.

"Fifteen hours to Phoenix. I'm well rested after that beautiful hotel and..." He cleared his throat and waved to a middle-aged woman blowing kisses at him.

"Stan, you dog!" Lucky giggled.

"I am what I am," he said, grinning. "Feel free to sleep, it'll make the time pass quicker. We'll make one pit stop in the morning so I can refuel and stretch my legs."

Lucky slid into her seat with her messenger bag. Across the aisle from her were Jordan and Dylan, lost in their own world. Those two are too cute. She looked up at Jude as he entered the bus and exchanged a smile with him. As he walked past, he leaned down to her.

"Come sit with me," he whispered then continued walking to the back.

As she grabbed her bag, Kat popped up from the seat behind her.

"You're moving?" Kat asked.

"Umm yeah, Kat. Did you want something?"

"No, I just thought since you invited Ross and Mark on the bus you might want to spend some time with them. Seems I'm always keeping them company."

"No, you invited them," Lucky said. "You just needed my permission to bring them on board. If you don't want them around anymore, just tell them they're off the bus."

"Nah, I find them amusing. You do know though the thing about rock stars, right?"


"They've got a girl in every city."

"What's that got to do with me?"

"I'm just saying, that's all." Kat said with a shrug and then lifted her eyebrow at Lucky. "Sometimes though they find a girl on tour and bring her along. Plenty of stuff happens on tour. It’s almost like Vegas. Whatever happens on tour, stays on tour. Just thought you should know that."

Lucky angrily yanked her bag and moved to the back of the bus. Kat became more annoying as the tour went on. She didn't even know why she needed a keyboardist. All of her songs would be fine without it.

"Something happen?" Jude asked.

"No, nothing. Just Kat. Forget about it."

She looked out the window as the city lights blurred against the windows. Eventually the bus made it back onto the highway and the passing cars and landscape blended together. She turned on a small light and began writing in her notebook.

Lucky spent most of the night writing lyrics. Getting lost in her words, she didn't realize she hadn’t slept until the sun began to rise. She turned off the small light and looked over at Jude asleep in the seat beside her.

"You need sleep, you know," he said with his eyes still closed.

"I thought you were sleeping. Did my light keep you up?"

"No. I can't sleep out in public."

"You're not in public, it’s just us. The same people you've been traveling with."

"It’s public. There are windows. There are people I would never allow in my bed."

She grinned, thinking about how she had slept in his bed twice, but then remembered a lot of women had done more than just sleep in his bed. She had a hard time believing he couldn't sleep because of the windows.

"You're strange," she said.

"Why do you think there's the bed in the back?"

"Really? I thought that was just the Jude Morrison love den," she said as she giggled softly, not wanting to wake everyone.

"Ha, no. Maybe at one time, but not anymore. Come on, I slept great last night. I need you to sleep with me again."

She smiled and got up with him. He quietly opened the door and turned on the lights as they entered and the door closed behind them. Turning towards her, he pulled her close. Her breath caught as she looked up into his green eyes, getting lost as she always did.

The sound of her heart was deafening. It raced while at the same time, seconds slowed as he stepped even closer to her. He touched her chin firmly as he looked directly into her eyes.

"I can't hold myself back anymore, Olivia. I've been waiting too long for this."

His lips came down upon hers and the world began to spin. She felt his hands press her against him tighter, then slide down over the curve of her ass and stay there. Moving her hands up his strong muscular arms, she moved her lips with his. His head tilted to one side, hers to the other. All the things she was curious about kissing were answered in a few brief seconds.

She felt the slow jerk of the bus come to a stop and there was an odd sound, but she pushed it out of her head. Why would she pay attention to anything but him? When his tongue entered her mouth, she felt her legs go weak and held on to him tighter, hoping he wouldn't stop.

"What the hell? I knew it!" Ross yelled as he entered the room and snapped a picture of them with his cell phone.

"Get the fuck out of here," Jude growled at Ross as he moved in front of Lucky protectively.

"Fuck you! I was hoping I'd get something good. Especially after you came on this tour. Everyone knows you'll screw anything that walks. I bet I can make a mint off these pictures," Ross said as he ran off the bus.