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Lucky: A Rockstar Romance Two Book Boxed Set by Liliana Rhodes (30)



Zoey pushed her twin size bed into the corner of the room then stood back to look around her bedroom with her arms folded in front of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Megan leaning against the doorway.

“Whatcha doing?” Megan asked.

“I’m trying to figure out how to get a little more space in here. Thinking the bed in the corner might work.”

“It might save Jude from falling off the bed, too.”

“You heard that?”

“I think the whole building did,” Megan said, laughing.

Zoey’s laugh took on a life of its own as she remembered waking up in the middle of the night to see Jude’s eyes open wide as he reached out towards her before dropping to the floor. Tears filled her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. She didn’t know why she found it so funny, but she couldn’t help herself.

“How are things going with your hot drummer? I mean obviously I know you’ve been practically living together since you got back from Seattle. What’s that been now? Three weeks?”

“Yup, three weeks. I know I should’ve talked to you about it first, but things moved so fast it kind of just happened. I try to sleep over at his place every so often to give you a break, but he’s only got a one bedroom he shares with two other guys.”

“No worries. He seems like a good guy. I don’t mind having him around. I did want to talk to you though.”

“What is it? Is something wrong?”

“No, things are great. I just…I guess I’m worried about you. I mean everything’s changed so quickly. You’re working for this Black guy with the label

“Yes, Richard. Spill it. What are you getting at?”

“I’m worried you’re letting all this music stuff just go to your head. When we planned to work at The Roxy, it was just for fun so we could be closer to the bands and maybe meet some hot guys. You did that and now your whole life plan is changing.”

“No, it’s not. I’m still planning on starting college in the fall. I just have more direction now. You don’t understand, Megan. I love music. Like I need it to breathe. These bands need our support and with this opportunity from Richard, I can give even more than just showing up at a club date. You know people call me a muse

“And you hate that,” Megan said.

“Yes, I do, but maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe what they really mean is I know what’s good and what isn’t. And if I like a band’s sound, then maybe they have a chance.”

“But what about

“About what? Mopping up the crap those wannabes spill? I don’t have to do that anymore. Talking Jude into the audition was the most exciting and amazing thing I ever did. And that had nothing to do with my wanting to get to know him better. Those couple of weeks in Seattle really cemented it for me. This is what I want to do. And I’m going to do it.”

“Okay, I just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing. I was worried about you.”

“You really don’t need to worry so much, Meg. What’s gotten into you?”

“I…I’m thinking of moving back home. I just want to make sure you’re okay first.”

“Why would you go home?”

“You have college coming up, you have a boyfriend now. I’m not needed here anymore, Zoey.”

“But you didn’t come out to LA for me. We came out together.”

“Yeah, but you always had a plan. You had an end point. I never did. I didn’t know what I wanted to do so I figured I’d tag along with you until I figured out what that was.”

“And you decided to move back home?”

“Just to save money. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to jinx myself. I applied to Rhode Island School of Design and they wait-listed me. I didn’t think I’d make it in at all so the waitlist alone was incredible. Then the other day they called and said they might be able to let me in by January! I’ve been dying to tell you, but I keep thinking they’re going to call back and say they were just kidding.”

“That’s so great! I’m so happy for you,” Zoey said as she hugged her friend.

“But I can’t leave if you’re not okay. Maybe Jude can move in and help you pay the rent.”

“You’re really sweet, Megan, but don’t worry about it. I’ll figure something out. If not Jude, then I’ll look for another roommate. It’s not a big deal. Everything has a way of working out. Just don’t lose touch, okay? I’m really going to miss you and I don’t know what I’ll do without you around.”

“I know you, Zoey. You’ll be fine,” Megan said as she hugged her again.

* * *

With Megan gone, the apartment felt cold and lonely. She knew Megan was doing the right thing, but it didn’t change how much she missed her. Walking past the empty bedroom, she wondered what she would do with it.

Zoey hadn’t been completely honest with Megan, and she felt a little guilty about that. She knew Megan was having a tough time financially, and she didn’t seem very supportive about her working with Richard Black. Because of that, she didn’t have the heart to tell Megan that Richard Black was paying her enough to afford the rent on their cheap apartment on her own.

She knew it sounded too good to be true, but she trusted Richard. There was something about him that seemed earnest. And while he did put together Silverlight with the intention to make a lot of money, he really did love music at the same time, which was more than anyone could say about most suits.

Jude entered the apartment with a couple of bags of groceries and set them down in the kitchen before walking over to Zoey, who was still standing in the doorway of Megan’s room. He pulled her close against him and kissed the top of her head.

“You okay? I know you miss her,” he said.

“Yeah, I really miss her, more than I thought I would, but she needs this. She’s really such a great artist. I’m glad she decided to pursue it. I’m just trying to figure out what to do with this room. With you moving in, we don’t need two bedrooms.”

“No, we don’t,” he said as he kissed her and she melted against him. “What about an office? I can write in there and you can do your Richard stuff.”

“That’s a good idea. I can’t believe how much you’ve been writing lately, too.”

“What can I say? When the muse strikes, you have to listen.”

Zoey smiled, but she couldn’t help that the word ‘muse’ always rubbed her the wrong way. Sometimes it made her question whether Jude really cared about her or if he was only staying because he thought he couldn’t play as well without her. Damn Cade for putting that word in his head.

“Listen, Zoey,” Jude said as his brow wrinkled, “we need to talk.”

“Uh oh, that’s never something anyone wants to hear," she said with a smirk.

“No,” he said, laughing, “it’s not like that. I asked Richard to let me tell you first. He’s booked a tour for Silverlight. We’ve got tons of dates at clubs all over the country. Can you believe it?”

“But what about the record?”

“It’s done. It’s going to be released just before the tour. He thinks if we tour right away we’ll build momentum and visibility for the record. He sent clips to the clubs and he said they were all excited to book us. I can’t believe this is really happening.”

“But…” she said as her voice trailed off. She knew he’d be going away eventually, but she had all these visions of going to school and coming home to her hot, sexy boyfriend writing lyrics.

“I want you to come with us. It’s not a huge tour, but it’s going to take two months. You already know the guys and Richard said it was okay.”

Jude’s voice boomed with excitement. She wanted to be just as excited for him, but she didn’t want to put off starting college. Her parents always told her if she didn’t start right after high school, she’d always find reasons to not start. They said life would get in the way, and she could see that happening already.

“I can’t, Jude. I’m really sorry, but I can’t. I wish I could, but I start school in a few weeks.”

“You can’t start next semester? I mean, I know it’s important to you, but how often do I get my first tour?”

“And how often do I get to start college? Something’s always going to come up. I need to start now. Besides, you don’t need some girlfriend following you around on the road.”

“I don’t care about anyone else, Zoey. You know that. I want you there. I always want you there. More than that, I need you there. I can’t do this without you. You’re a part of me,” he said as he held her hand to his chest and she felt his beating heart. “Right there, that’s you.”

“I’ll always be there. Even when I’m here in school. Trust me, I don’t want you to go, but this is something I knew would happen eventually. You’re going to be huge, Jude Morrison. I just have to learn how to share you with the rest of the world.” She swallowed hard and forced a smile, her eyes wet with tears. “Tell me when you’ll be close and I’ll be there. I want to see you guys play. It’s going to be an amazing show.”

Jude looked down, still holding her hand to his chest. “We’ll be in Vegas next month, and I think that’s on a weekend if you could drive out. And then back in LA for our final show a month after that.”

“I’ll be there. Both of those shows. I wouldn’t miss them for anything,” she said. “I’m going to miss you so much. Promise you won’t forget about me.”

“I could never forget about you, Zoey. You’re my everything. I love you,” he said.

She wrapped her arms over his shoulders as he held her tight against him. Tears finally spilled from her eyes and she tried to reply, but she was too choked up. Finally she whispered, “I love you too.”

* * *

Zoey took a bus to Vegas with a large group of senior citizens. It was a quiet ride and she was glad to get a window seat. As the bus pulled up under the covered entrance of the hotel, she thought about how mellow everything seemed. That was about to change.

Making the wrong turn, Zoey ended up on the casino floor. The blinking lights and bursting sounds of the slots surrounded her. Following the carpeted path between the card tables and the slots, she found her way to the lobby where she recognized some groupies from the clubs back home.

Knowing that Silverlight had a series of interviews before doing a meet and greet with the fans, and then a show later, Zoey walked over to one of the familiar-looking girls to find out what was going on.

“Is the meet and greet over?" she asked a girl with bright blonde hair.

"No, not yet. They’re doing interviews. You might be able to get in there. That is, if you can get past security," she said as she pointed to a large bald man with his arms crossed in front of him. “Obviously I wasn’t that lucky.”

Wearing a black t-shirt that was a little too tight over his rounded but once muscular middle, the guard looked like he might burst out of his clothing like The Hulk. Blinking lights reflected off his smooth scalp and the lines of his face showed he had a permanent frown.

Zoey would’ve preferred not dealing with him, but she didn’t have much choice. They were supposed to let her through when she got there anyway. Walking up to him, she smiled, knowing the other girls were watching her. I can’t wait to see their faces when he lets me in, she thought.

“Hi, I’m Jude Morrison’s girlfriend. You know, the drummer,” she said to the big man who had the name Morris on his badge.

Morris scoffed. “Yeah, you and about a hundred others. Go wait over there and they’ll be out soon,” he said before lowering his voice. “Unless you want to be part of the show tent.”

“Show tent? What’s that?” Zoey asked.

“Zoey!” Cade said as he appeared from behind the guard. “Morris, what are you doing, old man? Let her in, this is Jude’s girlfriend. She’s on the list.”

“I’m sorry, Cade. She didn't give me her name.” Morris said as he stepped aside for Zoey to pass.

Happy to see Cade and get past security, Zoey couldn’t help feeling like a giddy groupie for a moment. Turning back to look at the waiting girls she recognized, she smiled before walking past security.

Cade looked different. He was always a good-looking guy, but there was something alluring about him now. He wore rock star well. Dressed in tight leather pants and his usual sunglasses, Zoey could see why so many girls were going crazy over him. He still didn’t compare to her Jude though.

“Sorry about that, but he’s just doing his job,” Cade said. “Jude should be done in a few minutes, he’s still talking to Rolling Stone. I’m sure he’ll have something to say about being last again.”

“No, that’s fine. I wasn’t sure what time I’d get here, so Jude only expected me before the show,” she said. Putting her hand on his arm, she stopped walking, needing to find out about what Morris asked her. “Hey, Cade? Can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“What’s the show tent?”

“Show tent?” Cade said as he rubbed his neck and looked around. “Where did you hear about that?”

“Don’t lie to me. I have my suspicions already so please, just be honest.”

He sighed and pushed open a nearby door that said ‘stage.’ “Come with me. I’ll show you.”

As Zoey followed him through a maze of hallways, she was surprised by how many people they passed. But it wasn't just the number that stunned her, it was that the majority of the people backstage were women. And these women didn’t look like the sweet groupies who were waiting for the meet and greet, these were the kind of women who supported the band in a different way.

A woman with long curly dark hair approached Cade, her high-heeled boots clicking steadily on the tile floor. She wore the smallest black miniskirt Zoey had ever seen, made even smaller by the length of her long legs. Her breasts were squeezed into a leather corset that was barely holding itself together.

“Hey Cade,” she said. “Will I see you later in the tent? You can bring your friend along.”

Cade rushed Zoey past her and then pulled Zoey aside in a darkened corner. “Okay, I was wrong. I can’t show you. I…” his voice trailed off before sighing deeply. “I just don’t want you to know, okay? I’m sorry,” he said as he looked deep into her eyes and then looked away. “All you need to know is that Jude never goes down there. Never. I swear, okay? You know I’d never lie to you.”

Nodding, she hoped he would stop talking. She’d heard enough. She remembered hearing a rumor that Van Halen used to keep a tent under the stage where security would keep girls for them. It was easy to imagine a new band wanting to do things like the big rock bands that came before them.

“You got any green M&M’s?” she asked.

Cade laughed and slipped his arm around her shoulders and led her back towards the interview room. “We actually do. But if you’re looking for any brown, you can forget about it, we gave them explicit instructions to remove those,” he said as he laughed.

Coming back through the heavy doors, Zoey spotted Jude talking to Richard. Cade dropped his arm from Zoey’s shoulders and stepped back as she beelined over to Jude and slipped her arms around his waist.

“There’s my girl,” Jude said. “I was hoping you’d get here early.”

“Zoey,” Richard said as he waved over a tall, beautiful blonde Zoey immediately recognized from the covers of several fashion magazines. “I’d like you to meet Donna Trevose.”

Donna smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, Zoey. Jude has told me a lot about you.”

“Oh? He has?” Zoey said, wondering why this model was hanging around her boyfriend. She tried not to feel jealous, but Donna was everything she wasn’t—tall, slim, stunning. Zoey felt dumpy standing next to her when just before she felt confident. She hated feeling like that.

“Excuse me,” Donna said before running after Cade.

“I needed someone to get on the road with Silverlight and make sure all their needs were being met,” Richard said. “Things are really beginning to come together now, Zoey. You have no idea how grateful I am to you for your help. Donna is looking for a career change and being my niece, of course I said I would help.”

Zoey kept an eye on Donna as she caught up to Cade, grabbed his arm, and slipped it around her shoulders. Last time she checked, that wasn’t very professional behavior. Richard must have been watching too because he let out a loud sigh and went after Donna.

“I get the feeling she’s the kind of girl who will do anything to get ahead,” she said.

“Nah, she’s not bad, hon. Relax,” Jude said. “Don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not jealous,” she said, not caring that she was lying. “Is she the one who put together the show tent?”

Jude laughed. “You heard about that? Man, you wouldn’t believe the things I’ve seen this past month. I wish you were here with me.” He kissed her forehead and stepped closer as he fitted her against him perfectly with his arms around her.

“I wish I could too, but I’m in school. Once I’m done or if you’re on tour during a break, then I’ll join you," she said before sighing and relaxing against him. "I’m just being sensitive, I guess. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.”

Donna returned to Zoey and Jude and cleared her throat loudly until they turned to look at her. “Well, aren’t you two sweet?” she said. “Jude, Rolling Stone wants to take one last photo of the band before the meet and greet.”

“I’ll be right back, okay?” Jude said to Zoey. “Don’t move.”

Jude joined the rest of the band as a photographer started shooting them against a silver backdrop.

“He really loves you, you know,” Donna said. “I know a good thing when I see it, and he is a good thing. You might want to watch your back.”

Donna disappeared into the crowd, leaving Zoey confused. What the hell did she mean by that? With her mind racing, she replayed what Donna said over and over, but none of it made sense. Deep down she knew she shouldn’t trust her, but she knew she could trust Jude, and that was all that mattered.

* * *

After spending the weekend with Jude in Vegas, Zoey returned home feeling miserable. With all the ups that she got from being with Jude, not being with him felt even worse. Time was dragging without him around, and that was made even worse when he stopped calling.

The first month of his tour, he called almost every day. Even if it was just a quick call to say he loved her. But after Vegas, she only heard from him once, and that was right after she left. With him on the road, she had no way of reaching him, and there were too many hours in a day for her to obsess over not knowing what he was doing.

She needed a distraction. A big distraction. So she called her old boss at The Roxy.

“Hey Steve, it’s Zoey Ackerman. I don’t know if you remember me. I worked for you over the summer.”

“Of course I remember you. You’re working with Richard Black now, right?”

“Yes, I am while I’m going to school. I have some extra time on my hands and I was wondering if you’d take me back.”

“Actually, I just had an opening and I think you might be perfect for it. How’d you like to book bands for me?”

“Really? That would be awesome,” she said.

“Mostly you’d have to listen to tapes they send in and decide if they’re good enough for a spot. If you find any other bands you think would be a good fit, you can approach them, too. This probably works hand-in-hand with what you’re doing for Black, and it might take up more time than you want, but I think you’d be a great fit.”

“I love listening to new bands and finding good ones. This will be great. I could use something that'll take a lot of my time. Thanks Steve.”

A week later, she was deep into her job at The Roxy. Steve even gave her an office she could use. She had class in the morning, then spent the rest of the day at work until she was ready to pass out. Being alone in her apartment only reminded her even more of how much she missed Jude.

“Zoey, you have a call on line two,” said one of the girls who normally worked the ticket booth.

“Hello?” she said as she picked up the phone.

“I knew I’d find you there. You always have to return to your muse-dom,” Cade said.

“Cade? Is everything alright with Jude? Why are you calling?” she asked. The line was silent for a minute and Zoey looked at the phone, wondering if she lost him. “Cade? You still there?”

“Yeah, sorry, I’m here. Just a bad connection. Everything’s fine here. You know how it is, living the rock and roll lifestyle, the days just run into each other. Jude talks about you all the time.”

“He does? I haven’t heard from him since right after Vegas. It’s been almost two weeks.”

“Well, I know he thinks about you all the time. You’re the only thing on his mind, day or night,” Cade said before going silent again. “He loves you more than he ever thought it was possible to love someone.”

“Tell him I feel the same way,” she said. “Is he there? Can I talk to him?”

“He’s passed out…I mean asleep on the bus. He hasn’t been feeling well. Don’t worry about him though, he’ll be fine. Just a bad cold. We’ll be in LA in a couple of weeks and I know he can’t wait to see you. I gotta go, Zoey. It was good talking to you.”

He hung up, and she held the phone wishing he would come back on. She didn’t understand why Cade would call, but maybe Jude asked him to tell her all those things. Maybe Jude had been so sick that he didn’t want her to worry if she heard him sick over the phone. Or maybe Jude missed her so much he couldn’t bear to hear her voice. Maybe.

All she had were her maybes, but it would have to get her through the next couple of weeks. They were going to play The Whiskey, a dream come true for Jude. And she would be there as soon as he arrived. She couldn’t wait to be in his arms again. He had been away for too long and it was all her fault. She should’ve gone with him.