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Lucky: A Rockstar Romance Two Book Boxed Set by Liliana Rhodes (33)


Jude slid a knob on the soundboard up then turned to look at Nathan Fielding. Nathan scribbled furiously in his notepad as the recorder continued churning.

"Sounds like you got Zoey in a talkative mood," Jude said.

"Yes, she was very forthcoming and honest. Her interview alone will give this documentary heart. First love and heartbreak at the hands of one of the biggest drummers in the world? And without her, Silverlight as we know it wouldn't have even existed."

"You realize I was there, right?"

"I'm so sorry. Just hearing your version, too. I'm trying to make sure I get my notes straight."

"Well, you can do that on your own time."

"Just a few more questions. Please, Jude?"

"Fine," Jude said as he looked at the clock hanging on the wall. "Just make it quick, I have things to do, you know."

"I know you haven't talked to Zoey in all this time, but I can't help but wonder by hearing your stories, do you still love her?"

Jude laughed. "You're asking that because you've never been in love," Jude said then raised his hand against Nathan's protest. "Trust me, after you've been in love, real love, you'll understand. You never stop loving your first love. Love just doesn't up and vanish, not if it's true love. It's just sometimes you love someone you weren't meant for."

"And you think you and Lucky, I mean Olivia, are meant for each other?"

"I don't think, I know. Are we done here?"

"Just one more question. We found out last year that you and Donna had gotten married. Would you ever get married again?"

Jude's jaw clenched, hearing her name. "Donna manipulated and took advantage of me when I was at my worst. She just wanted in on the Silverlight money, and all her maneuvering was one of the reasons the band broke up. I was lucky the marriage wasn't legal. Regardless, I'll never get married again."

"Even to Olivia?"

"We know we're together for the rest of our lives. Neither of us needs anything more. Now if you don't mind," Jude got up and pointed to the door. "If you have any other questions for me, you can call my managers Ron Myles and Derek Lane. I've told you enough."

As Nathan left, Jude picked up the phone and dialed. "Sorry Liv, that took much longer than I expected."

"It's okay, I'm still getting ready, but our guests have already started arriving," Olivia said. "Hopefully that jerk doesn't notice them."

"I'm sure everything will be fine. He's so happy with his story I doubt he's paying attention to anything else. Wait, is it bad luck for me to talk to you?”

Olivia laughed. “No, silly! It’s bad luck for you to see me, but we can talk all we want. Except you still need to get ready.”

“Alright then, honey. I’ll see you later.”

Jude left the studio and followed the curving stone walkway towards the large house, then around back to a smaller building. He had spent the night in the guesthouse to avoid seeing Olivia. Not that either of them believed in superstitions, but he didn’t want to tempt fate. Part of him was old fashioned anyway.

As he unlocked the guesthouse door, he heard a pop and then “surprise!”. Cade held the opened bottle of champagne as Zoey passed out glasses to Richard, Matt, and Stone.

“Did you guys break in?” Jude joked.

“No, we just told security we were interviewing you,” Zoey said. "We all know how you love that.”

“That Nathan guy is still talking about how heartbroken you are. Is there any truth to it?” Jude asked.

“Are you kidding me? No, I mean maybe I was back then, but everything fell apart so slowly I think one day we just knew. We simply drifted apart,” Zoey said as she shrugged. “I was young too, really young, so I grew up a lot while you were on tour. You…well…” she laughed.

“Yeah, Jude never grew up,” Stone said. “I swear sometimes I envy you, buddy.”

“Do you envy what happened with Donna?” Cade asked.

“Hell no,” Stone said. “She caused enough trouble without my having to marry her."

“I think Donna was the only part of my story that was 100%,” Zoey said.

“Mine too,” Jude said.

“Why even bother with the charade? I don’t get it,” Cade asked. “Seems like a lot of work.”

“Just to fuck with him really. Olivia and I have been talking about getting married for a while now, but every time we made the slightest step towards it, one of those damn paparazzi would get wind of it. When Richard told me he was thinking about a documentary before we announce our reunion tour, I figured that was the best way to do it. They’re like dogs, so I gave them something to chew on while Olivia gets to have the private wedding of her dreams.”

“You know they’ll find out,” Cade said.

“I know, but when they do, it’ll be in the past. Nothing for them to ruin. They can try to get their hands on photos or whatever, but it’ll be old news.”

“You’re not worried they’ll think you’re some kind of drunk, drug-addicted…never mind,” Zoey said laughing. “I don't know what I'm thinking. You’re a rock star, you’re supposed to be like that.”

“Things aren't always as they seem,” Jude said. “And I've done the charade long enough that they'll believe it. They love the circus, so they’d rather have that story than the real boring one.”

“Well, you need to get ready. I’m going to check on Olivia to see if she needs any help. There’s too much testosterone in this room for me anyway,” Zoey said as she headed out of the guesthouse.

“Hey Zoey?” Jude said. “I really am sorry about the stupid things I did back then.”

“Gimme a break, Jude. We were young, we both did stupid things. At least we were able to be adult about it and stay friends.”

Cade closed the door behind Richard, Matt, and Stone, who all left with Zoey. Jude entered the bedroom and unzipped the garment bag holding his black tuxedo.

“Wow, a tux,” Cade said. “I have to admit I’m surprised anyone could get you to wear something other than jeans.”

“She thinks I’m wearing jeans, but I wanted to surprise her. The boots stay though. I have to stay true to myself," he said as he grinned.

“This is probably the wrong time to bring it up, but I really wanted to talk to you about something.”

Jude’s brow wrinkled as he looked at Cade. “Everything okay? You’re not usually so serious.”

“It’s about Zoey. I don’t know if you remember that talk we had years ago. It’s got to be at least ten years now.”

“When you were such an ass that you told me you were in love with my girlfriend?”

“So you do remember,” Cade said as he grinned. “I meant every word of it. I still do. Jude, you have no idea how much I tried to get her out of my head.”

“Well, I remember the show tent. If that was any indication, I’d say you tried a lot,” he said, scoffing.

“You weren’t so innocent either,” Cade said. “I’m not saying you needed to be. But don’t give me grief for having a good time when we both did things on tour that any interviewer would love to get his paws on.”

“Yeah, good times," Jude said, thinking about the tours after he and Zoey split. "Remember that time you jumped from the hotel room into the pool? Never mind, that was Matt. So what do you want?”

“I just want to make sure you’re okay with it if I go after Zoey.”

Jude laughed. “Yeah, good luck with that.”

“What’s that mean?”

“You’ve known her longer than I have. She doesn’t give a crap what I think, you know that.”

“I give a crap what you think. I’m asking you as my bro if you’re okay if I go after your ex. I love her. I’ve never loved anyone else in my entire life. I know you don’t have those kinds of feelings for her, but you’re still friends and she's still your ex. Are you okay with that?”

“Go for it. Zoey and I have long been over and if you think you’re man enough to make her happy, then I wish you luck. I’d love to see two of my oldest friends get together. I'm surprised you waited so long."

“Thanks, Jude. I figured you’d be okay with it, but you know. If it was my ex, I’m not sure I’d be alright with my friend taking her out.”

“I'm just happy, man. When you meet your Olivia, everything else in the world seems insignificant.”

Cade nodded. “I know. I met my Olivia fifteen years ago.”

* * *

Jude's property backed into the cliffs overlooking the Pacific Ocean. On a clear night, he could see the lights from the Santa Monica Pier, and it reminded him of how good life had been to him. Today was the culmination of a life he knew he was lucky to have and refused to share with anyone but his closest friends.

Shortly after moving in, Olivia had an old-fashioned wooden gazebo built between several palm trees in a back corner overlooking the ocean. Both Olivia and Jude spent hours in the gazebo admiring the view while writing songs. It only made sense the gazebo was where they would exchange their wedding vows.

Chairs were lined in front of the gazebo in one group instead of the traditional bride and groom split. Jude stood in front of the gazebo, now draped with sunflowers, daisies, and roses, dressed in his tuxedo and motorcycle boots with Olivia's family minister beside him.

Having been there when Jude and Olivia met on her first tour, the band asked to be a part of the wedding. Although they didn't want a big wedding or anything traditional, Olivia couldn't imagine a wedding without music, so she agreed. The band was set up next to the gazebo on a small stage where they began playing Here Comes the Bride.

Olivia walked along the pathway to the gazebo, the sun glistening against her long, light brown waves. Her hair swayed freely with a crown of pale pink roses and gerbera daisies that matched the simple bouquet she carried.

Jude couldn't take his eyes off his bride as she made her way towards him. Wearing an ivory chiffon, vintage-inspired dress with a deep V neckline and hand-beaded crystals that lined the cap sleeves and bodice, Olivia looked angelic. Smiling as she reached him, she let out a small laugh when she noticed his boots.

"You don't like them?" Jude asked, grinning.

Lifting the hem of her floor-length dress, Olivia stuck her foot out, revealing a pair of white Converse. "At least mine are new," she said, laughing.

"Olivia," Jude said, "I know we didn't talk about this, but I wanted to say something to you in front of all our family and friends." His expression grew serious and as he looked into her dark brown eyes, the rest of the world fell away. She was all that mattered. "My life was good before we met. I could do whatever I wanted with whoever I wanted. I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone. I was happy. At least I thought I was.

"I didn't realize how dark my life had become," Jude said as he took Olivia's hands in his. "I have my demons, we all do, and at times I've let them control me more than I've controlled them. But when I met you, all of that changed. You were the light that shone through the darkness.

"You're the other half of me. Before you I was nothing, but with you I am everything. I love you more each day, and being with you has been the happiest time of my life. It just keeps getting better. I can't wait to begin the rest of my life with you as my wife."

Olivia sniffed and wiped a tear from the corner of her eye as she smiled. "Damn you, Jude," she whispered. "How am I supposed to speak after that?" She tried to clear her throat, but more tears came to her eyes. "I love you too, I didn't think love existed until I met you," she choked out before her tears spilled onto her round cheeks. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice getting squeaky before she laughed.

Jude laughed and kissed her lips. "You don't have to say anything," he said.

The minister stepped forward, smiling. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You already did it, but go ahead and do it again, you may kiss the bride."

Jude pulled Olivia close and then quickly dipped her, making her drop her bouquet as she grabbed onto him, giggling. Holding her in his arms, he kissed her as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Pressing his nose against hers, he whispered, "From the moment I met you, I knew you would be my happily ever after. They might call you Lucky, but today you made me the luckiest and happiest man alive."

Olivia smiled and shook her head, still choked up. "No, I'm still lucky. I married the man of my dreams and my best friend. We'll be together forever, and that still won't be long enough."

He lifted her in his arms and kissed her again as the small crowd applauded. Looking out at their family and friends, he saw his bandmates and wished for them the kind of happiness Olivia brought him.

Continue reading for the Epilogue.