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Melt by Carrie Aarons (16)



Dozens of trucks lined the waterfront, the fairgrounds teeming with people. This was my Graceland, my Woodstock.

Truckapalooza was the one event of the year where we did our most business, outselling ourselves and usually depleting our stock. It was a chance to get the Cones & Corks name out there, and to make impressions on industry bigwigs who secretly combed the scene, looking for the next big foodie obsession.

“Oh my God, you have got to try this truffle mac n’cheese.” Alice practically moans as she shoves another forkful in her mouth.

I set down the heavy container of green tea ice cream I’m carrying and stare at her. “Are you fucking kidding me? Focus, please. We have ten more minutes to stock and then we’ll be slammed the rest of the day.”

“Yes, boss man.” She salutes me, a piece of her now cotton-candy pink hair flying up. “You know I work better on a full stomach, though. Don’t worry, I’m going to charm the pants and wallets right off those investors.”

If I wasn’t so sure of that statement myself, I would be more jittery. But she was good, we both knew it. And I had high hopes for today.

“Maybe we’ll get a storefront. Or hey! Maybe, Target will want to pick us up and put us in those little cafes in the front of their stores. God, I love Target. You wouldn’t think I would, but just something about all of the shit you could ever want being in the same location.”

I had to laugh at her zeal, but wasn’t trying to dream too big. It had been three years since the business had been born, and we were doing great. But I wanted more, and as the owner, I had to put my neck on the guillotine time and time again to get it. They, whoever they were, weren’t kidding when they said running your own business was damn tough.

“Who would have figured you for a Target junkie?” We began sliding the front windows to the truck open and setting up our promotional materials on the counters outside.

“It’s actually a great date spot. See the weird things that people pick out, whether they match up with your weird things. This one time, a chick picked out a shaving kit, a pair of high-heeled sandals, and some weed killer. I couldn’t get past how odd the combination was … it made me like her even more. You should try it sometime with your little single mommy.”

A boom of laughter erupted from my throat, because I could definitely see Alice taking a date to Target just to get under their skin. “Her name is Samantha, you know that. And retract the claws when she comes around today, she’s bringing her daughter.”

She holds her hands up as if to say, “who me?”

“You’re just worried I might steal her away. You know, since I’m better in bed than you are.”

I roll my eyes, setting out the last of our supplies before the truck is throttled with customers. “Not everyone is interested in a lesbian experience with you.”

“Pshh, how would you know? My hips don’t lie and neither do the abilities of my tongue.”

It’s the last dirty remark she makes for a while, as the food truck fair gets going and the grounds become even more crowded. We both scoop and pour as we network, getting people to follow us on social media, post pictures, take brochures. I just recently opened an option on the website for catering, and a bunch of engaged couples throughout the day express their interest in our truck being the favors at their weddings. It’s exciting and I can feel the adrenaline buzzing through my veins with every sale and sample I hand out.

“I don’t even get to cut the line and I’m dating the proprietor.”

I swing back to the window just in time to see Samantha, Lennon and Molly walk up.

“Will a kiss do instead?” I lean out the window, checking out cleavage as I stare down on her.

In the week since our date, I hadn’t seen her. Sure, we’d talked on the phone, and even had some phone sex after Lennon had gone to bed, but it wasn’t easy dating a woman who had priorities that came before a relationship. I was trying to be patient, and I understood, but fuck was it hard not to see her whenever I wanted.

“Only if it comes with a side of whatever Midnight Caramel Cow is … because that sounds amazing.” She scans the side of the truck, with our signature flavors of the day written on it.

“Come around back.” I nod to the door and walk to meet her on the other side.

As soon as I make it outside, she’s there, a yellow and blue sundress molding to her curves.

“Good to see you.” I tip her chin up with my hand, kissing her out of sight of the chaos in the front of the truck.

“Where the heck is my sample? I wasn’t coming back here to fool around, I really wanted ice cream.”

“I’ll give you some cream.” I wink, knowing my dimple has popped out.

She shoves my arm half-heartedly. “Gross.”

“What else did you eat so far?”

“Oh, just about a bite of everything. This is insane, but I will report that I’ve heard great things being said about this truck right here all afternoon. You’re definitely one of the more buzzed about businesses, just so you know.”

Her news made my chest puff out a little. “Your spy skills may have just bought you a free cone.”

The back door to the truck swings open, and Alice climbs down the steps, a weird look on her face. She approaches Samantha and I, her black army boots completely standing out in the summer heat.

"So, you're the MILF, huh? I get it now." She nods at Samantha like she's assessing her as a piece of livestock for sale at a show.

"All right, that's enough. I told you, no claws, please.” I had to roll my eyes and shake my head at Samantha, Jim Halpert-style.

I knew Alice could be blunt, but she was practically sniffing my girl and trying to pee on me at the same time.

"What, I'm just complimenting her. She's hot. And if she's anywhere near as cool as you say she is, he talks about you a shit ton, then I'm happy for you, man."

She pats me on the back and walks back up the truck steps, out to the masses.

"Jesus, sorry about that. She's a little ... direct."

Samantha wraps her arms around my waist, her small frame fitting perfectly in mine. I don’t know when we went from touching each other only at certain moments in private, to showing affection in public, but I liked it. Normally, it wouldn’t be my favorite thing a girl could do. But I noticed that every time Samantha took our what was happening between us just a touch further, I wanted to take it a mile longer.

“I actually kind of like her. And she called me a MILF, so she’s good in my book.”

I bent down, kissing her neck and allowing her smell to wash over me. “That’s because you are a mother I’d like to fuck. A mother I do fuck, a very sexy woman who makes the sweetest moans when I suck on her

"Ooookay, horn dog, you're going to make me mount you in a public park. And then we'd both be arrested for public indecency. Is that what you want?" She put her hands on my chest.

"Would you believe me if I said I didn't care in this moment?"

The wind blew some of her silky dark strands in her face as she laughed. "Yes. But you have to work, and I need some ice cream. So get to it."

Her hand landed squarely on my khaki-clad ass cheek, giving it a firm pat.

"Did you just spank me, sweetheart?" I was probably sporting a semi on her thigh now.

"Maybe ..."

"Go get your Mom and Lennon, you three come on into the truck. You can help us serve, and eat all the ice cream you want. Do it now before I drag you to that porta potty over there."

Her eyes twinkled with laughter and arousal as she skipped away. Damn, I was really infatuated with this woman.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the crowded truck, which I usually despised if more than two people were working in it. But today, with all three Groff girls chirping around the small metal canister, it was actually kind of fun. Molly was a natural with customers, and Samantha was a little bossy pants who kept things organized. Lennon mostly just ate ice cream, but for a while she chatted with customers and drew people to the truck. I knew it was a plus to have a cute kid around sometimes.

All in all, it was one of the best days I’d ever spent working on my business. And I knew it was not a coincidence that the new lady in my life was there for it.