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Mr. Control by Maya Hughes (17)


As we entered the museum, Rhys checked my coat and led me into the event. His hand that warmed me back in the apartment, set me ablaze as he settled it on the small of my back. His fingers were flush against my bare skin, making me hyper-aware of every bit of exposed skin and every inch of contact between us. I held my head high as we walked into the event space, which showcased various pieces of artwork. Heads turned as we made our way further into the room. My shoulders inched a little higher with each new set of eyes turned our way.

“Relax,” he whispered, tickling my ear with his warm minty breath. “I would tell you they’re not looking at you, that they’re looking at me, but I know with you in that dress they are definitely looking at you,” he said, plucking two champagne flutes off the tray from the waiter who had approached us. “Here you go. Don’t let it go to your head,” he said. I didn’t know what part of tonight I shouldn’t let go to my head. The fairy-tale makeover, him taking me out, the champagne, or the way he looked at me that made me want to drag him into an empty closet and beg him to end my misery.

But his remark cemented how much I didn’t fit in with this crowd. I didn’t know how to hold my champagne glass and my hands were super clammy for each embarrassing handshake, and the heels made me wobbly with each step. But his hand didn’t leave my back for most of the evening. He guided me through the crowd, introducing me to everyone we met, smiles all around. With him leading the way, I relaxed. I smiled and tried to play my part as his date without falling on my face.

After a couple of turns on the dance floor, his face got closer to mine and he talked to me. Told me stories about a lot of the people in that room. Our whispered conversation, so private even though we were surrounded by a room full of people. He moved like a man who’d been born dancing, and all my worries about face planting out there were swept away as he used his firm, steady grip to lead me where he wanted me.

As the night wore on, the mystery of his world grew even bigger. People were talking mergers and acquisitions, golfing, yachting and every manner of things so far out of my league, I couldn’t even comprehend that being my everyday life. Rhys was at ease, so in control of everyone around him. People deferred to him in almost every conversation. Waiting for his reply before they made up their minds about something and he took it in stride. I’d also never seen him smile so much before. This person he was in public was the one I remembered from the news stories and magazine covers, but he wasn’t anything like the man I’d shared the same apartment with over the past few months. I wondered which side was the real him.

While the smiles were there for every conversation with people who approached him continuously throughout the evening, every turn to me, every glance turned on the heat. The butterflies in my stomach were flapping their wings so hard they threatened to sweep me away.

“Don’t drink too much champagne. I have plans,” Rhys said against my temple as he was pulled away, nodding to the glass in my hand. The tingling of the champagne was pushed aside by the throbbing I felt from the promise in his voice.

I licked my lips in anticipation of what that might mean, his eyes were riveted to them. When he glanced up his eyes brokered no argument that tonight would be one I wouldn’t soon forget. My skin flushed and I knew it wasn’t from the drinks, but from the heat pouring off him. I needed to get out of there for a bit. Cool down before I made a complete ass of myself in front of everyone. I wandered out onto the balcony. The frigid air kept most people inside, but it was perfect for my overheated body. My breath was visible, floating in front of my face as I gazed out over the city, lights twinkling. Headlights and taillights looked like tiny dancing decorations coating the streets.

Goosebumps pebbled my flesh and I rubbed my hands up and down my arms, welcoming the air to snap me out of the haze I’d been stuck in. I needed a clear head around him as much as possible. It was so easy to let things get out of hand. And as much as I wanted him. Wanted to feel him. I had to keep my wits about me or he might completely decimate me.

“Do you want some company?” came a smooth voice from behind me, making me jump. I whipped around and stared at the man who’d entered my icy retreat. The tall blond stood a few feet from me, admiring the city, but I knew his attention was also on me. Whereas Rhys wore his tux with confidence and poise, this man looked like he’d beaten it into submission before putting it on. He was large where Rhys was lithe. His muscles strained against the jacket that had to have been tailor made for him. Maybe a professional athlete?

“I’m okay. It’s a bit cold, I was just heading back in.”

“Keep me company then. These stuffy parties can be such a bore, and I always feel so out of place,” he said, standing next to me. I glanced through the doors to the balcony, where Rhys was still talking over whatever he’d been dragged away to discuss. And I knew all about feeling out of place there. Although I couldn’t imagine this guy felt out of place. He might not have looked like he was born to wear one, but he certainly looked good in it. The black contrasted with his light blonde hair and striking blue eyes. If I wasn’t already completely mindfucked by a certain green-eyed enigma, I might have been tempted by the man before me.

“Sure,” I said, checking the doors again.

“Here, take this,” he said, shrugging out of his jacket.

“No, it’s okay,” I protested. But he shook his head and put it around my shoulders.

“It’s the least I can do if I’m asking you to stay out here with me.” The warmth from his jacket immediately soaked into me, relaxing the muscles I’d tightened to keep the cold at bay. I wrapped the warm jacket around me tighter. The cold had settled in deeper than I realized.

“Thanks,” I said, following his gaze out over the city.

“You’re here with Rhys Thayer, right?” he said, peering over at me.

“Yes, I am.” Nervousness bounced around my stomach, ping-ponging back and forth.

“I have to say, there’s only a handful of things I’ve been jealous of in my life, but when I saw you two walk in, I wished it was my hand resting on your back. His stare turned from playful to molten in an instant. It set me ablaze.

My breath came out in stuttered puffs. I didn’t get the feeling this was just about me looking nice in this dress. Something was up, but I didn’t know what. Power pulsed off him, nearly overpowering me. But it wasn’t the same as it was with Rhys. This didn’t make me want to drop my panties, bend over and beg for his attention. It made me want to run away.

“Thanks.” I didn’t quite know how to handle this. I didn’t want to tell this guy off. I didn’t want to embarrass Rhys. Who knew who this guy was? A business associate? A potential client or something?

“Killian,” he said, extending his hand.

“Melanie,” I said, placing my hand in his to shake, but then the shake stopped being just a friendly formality when he covered my hand with his.

“So where did he find you?” he said, running his fingers along the back of my hand. I shivered, this time not at all because of the weather. I had the feeling I had the starring role of a bug stuck in whatever kind of web Killian wove and I didn’t know how to get out.

“I’m just the nanny. A last-minute person to come with him. He’s been working really hard lately and I don’t think he had time to find a real date.” I tugged on my hand, but his grip was strong.

“I don’t believe that at all,” he said, his eyes roaming all over me.

“I don’t know what to tell you. I’m definitely the nanny.” I managed to tug my hand free from his grasp.

“Oh, I believe that one hundred percent, but I don’t believe for one second that you weren’t his first choice for a date. Rhys isn’t known for letting anything slip through the cracks, so I’m sure he brought you here with a specific purpose in mind,” he said, taking a step closer. I took a step back, my back hitting the stone railing.

“Listen, I’m going to head back inside. It was nice meeting you,” I said, trying to step around him, but he sidestepped right along with me and I ended up banging into his chest.

“I’m sure there are all kinds of things you’re able to do for him other than just watch his daughter, aren’t there?” he said, touching my chin with his fingers. My first instinct was to jerk away, but I balled up my fist tucked in the sleeve of his jacket and was ready to deck him when Rhys swooped in and did it for me. The smack of his fist against Killian’s face made me jump, nearly toppling over in my heels. He glanced over at me before he leaned right back into Killian.

As happy as I was for his rescue, the look on his face didn’t spell out ‘prince saving me from a villain’ it was more like, “betrayed hero promising retribution.” My stomach dropped as I watched him lay into Killian.