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One Shot by B.J. Harvey (6)



The first time you sleep with a guy, the morning after can go many ways. It’s never like those rom-com movies though. The ones where the guy rolls over and welcomes his perfectly made-up lover into his arms with the promise of another go around.

Normally, I don’t have guys staying over in an effort to avoid any awkwardness.

Millen Ross stays the night. He doesn’t sleep—much—which means I also don’t get more than a few hours’ sleep at a time either.

The man is insatiable. If we hadn’t run out of condoms at five a.m., I swear he would’ve continued to use me as his personal sex slave well into the daylight hours. Not that I’m complaining.

Sex has never been like this with anyone else. It’s not just the act—it’s the connection we have. It’s like a palpable thing, indescribable but addictive all at the same time.

Lying next to him, my thigh draped over his, my arm resting on his hip, I stay there, awake but with my eyes closed and biting my lip. That’s because I’ve been woken by Millen’s fingers working miracles on my very over-used lady parts, getting right on down to seeking that first orgasm of the day.

“I know you’re awake, Kenz.”

I struggle to regulate my breathing. His thumb and my clit have become well acquainted during the past ten hours, and Millen knows exactly how to get my engines firing on every single cylinder. Hell, even ones I didn’t know I had.

“Can’t… talk… too… good…” I whisper, a smile curving my lips. I keep my eyes closed, taking in the feelings he’s eliciting from me. I whimper, my fingers biting into his hip as he rubs the heel of his palm against me while covering my throat with good licks, nips, and kisses.

My breathing quickens, my most-sought after climax teasing me on the horizon. Then he stops, pulling his hand away and moving out of reach.

My eyes slam open. Reaching down, he props up my head with his pillow and gives me the sexiest, dirtiest grin I’ve ever seen—and that’s saying something—before he makes his move. He swings his leg over me, placing himself on his knees, straddling my chest, putting his hard, pulsing cock right there within mouth’s reach.

“I think you know what to do with this,” he says, his eyes blazing.

“An even better idea would be for you to do to me what you want me to do to you,” I say, my eyes glued to his cock, my tongue darting out to lick across the head.

Fuck.” He braces himself with one hand on my headboard, the other in my hair—not pushing, not directing, just resting there as I lift my head and take him in mouth. I hum against him as I glide down his length, my lips brushing the base before retreating and repeating. “I definitely like this idea better right now…” Needing something—anything—to quell the ache this hot-as-hell morning wake-up is causing, I reach down between my legs and take matters into my own hands. As if he senses it, Millen turns his head, watching my fingers roll and glide over my clit, his pelvis now rocking into me.

“That’s it,” he says, quickly moving to my side and spinning his body around so his head is where my hand is. “I can’t resist this anymore.”

“Kenzie for breakfast?” I muse, wrapping my fingers around his shaft and giving a slow languid stroke up and down.

“Best meal of the day.” And then he gets to work. By God does he do it well. I thought I was well and truly spent after last night—and earlier this morning—but now that he’s got me primed and ready to go again, I swear I could stay in this bed forever, as long as he was in it with me.

Twenty glorious minutes later, I’m standing in my kitchen wearing a tee and panties, cradling a cup of coffee in my hand and leaning my hip against the counter. Staring out the window, I mentally prepare myself for the awkward “see you later” speech that can happen after first dates and the first times sleeping together.

Millen walks into the room, freshly showered, looking none the worse for wear, and dressed in only his pants and nothing else. I silently curse the god who created a man who can fuck all night—and do it so, so well—and come out of it looking even better than he did before.

He walks right up to me, not hesitating for a single moment before framing my feet with his legs and bracing his arms on the countertop on either side of me. I face him, still holding my cup between us. Dipping his head, he runs his nose along my collarbone, kisses my throat, then stands straight again, meeting my eyes.

“Hey,” he says, a knowing glint in his eyes. What is it with this guy? He can read me like a book.

“Hey. Coffee?”

“If you want me to…” His expression goes serious, his gaze full of sincerity with a flash of confidence.

I bite my lip and look at the cup in my hands before returning my gaze to him. “It’s all the way over there,” I tilting my head toward the coffee maker, not looking away from his addictive grey eyes.

His lips twitch. “Should I go get some?”

I put my cup on the countertop and turn back to him. “That would involve you moving.” I lay both hands on his bare chest and gaze up at him, catching the flash in his eyes at my words. Well, that’s one way to put yourself all the way out there, Kenz.

“You could share yours?”

I gasp, jerking my head back at the proposition. “Right. One thing you should know about me, Mr. Millen Ross, is that my first morning coffee is sacrosanct. Nothing and no one gets between me and that first cup of delicious caffeine.”

Now his lips don’t just twitch; he’s out and out grinning at me. “Sacrosanct?” he repeats.

“Absolutely. This cup is the coffee gods’ sacrifice to me. It’s of utmost importance that I respect their offerings.”

“Of course. You wouldn’t want to offend the coffee gods.”

“I’m glad you understand this.”

He lowers his chin, bringing his face—and mouth—closer to mine. “Do you think they’d mind if I distracted you from your coffee for a few moments?” His eyes are warm, his perfectly kissable lips now just a head tilt away, and screw the sacrifice—it’s my turn to do without.

“I could be… persuaded…” I say with a wry smile, my gaze drifting down and fixating on his mouth.

“One more thing before I kiss you, and maybe more than kiss you, because I’m me, and you’re you, and it seems neither of us can control ourselves around each other.”

“My curtains are open,” I whisper as I move my hands to the counter and hoist myself up to sit on it. Parting my legs—an invitation Millen doesn’t miss and takes up immediately—I lean back on my elbows and look up at him.

“I’m not adverse to putting on a show,” he says roughly, his eyes roaming over my top and down to my now exposed underwear. He laughs, totally ruining the mood. “Do your panties say ‘Eat Organic’?”

Biting my lip, I beam up at him. He leans over me, pressing me back into the counter. “I had an organic breakfast. I highly recommend it. In fact…” He grinds his hips between mine. “I think I should eat organic all day. Maybe all night.” He drops his mouth to mine, giving me a delicious sweep of his tongue before pulling back. “That’s if you’ll have me.”

“You wanna spend the day with me, Millen?” I ask, a coy smile playing at my lips.

“I thought you’d never ask.” And with that, he kisses me.

Then he more than kisses me and it is spectacular.

The rest of the day—after the countertop shenanigans—is spent giving Millen an amateur tour of Davis. We walk around the university campus, have a look at the arboretum, and wander around the farmers’ market.

Gaby calls mid-afternoon, and when I tell her Millen is still with me, she suggests a Sunday night barbeque.

Sitting around the table with Gaby, Bruno, and our workmates Sadie, Sam, Dinah, Mark, Dalyn, and Jake on the bar rooftop, we partake in a few drinks and a late lunch.

“So, Millen, what do you do when you’re not hanging around this neck of the woods?” Bruno asks, leaning back in his Adirondack chair.

“I work all around, but I’m based in San Francisco.” Bruno’s brows lift up, his eyes drifting to me before returning to Millen.

“Sales?” he asks.

“Operations, logistics. I’m VP of my family’s company.” Millen’s leg, pressed up against mine, tenses. I turn to look at him and see his expression—while still open—is tight.

“What company? I was born and bred in San Francisco.”

“Ross Corp.”

Bruno whistles, expelling and breath as his eyes widen. “Nice. So you’re no stranger to hospitality and entertainment then?”

“Nope,” Millen replies with a laugh. He lifts his beer bottle and takes a swig, finishing the bottle. He gives my leg a squeeze. “You want another?” He turns toward me, his eyes warm, his look soft. Damn, I could get use to that look.

Millen’s thumb starts tracing circles on my bare thigh. An elbow nudge from Gaby snaps me out of thoughts of dragging the man downstairs to reenact a dirty supply room fantasy. “I thought I was the bartender?”

“It’s your day off,” he says with a grin. “Besides, you need to conserve your energy.”

“Do I now?”

His attention drops to my mouth. Lifting his hand, he sweeps his thumb across my bottom lip. “The things I wanna do to that mouth.”

“Things you’ve already done,” I whisper.

Leaning his forehead against mine, he sighs, his expression unreadable for a second before he quickly masks it. “Things I wanna do again.”

I pull back and down my beer, handing him the empty bottle. “Only if you get me another drink.”

“You’re trouble.”

“And you’re a troublemaker.”

“When it comes to you, there’s nothing else I’d rather be.” Grabbing my bottle, he stands and turns to the group. “Anyone else need a refill?”

“I’m not driving so I’m not gonna say no,” Bruno says, holding up his empty.

“And I’m never one to turn down a man serving me,” Gaby adds with a wink.

“I see trouble is contagious in this group,” Millen says with a laugh.

“Dude, you get these girls plastered and that’s when the fun really begins. They’re part hilarious, part concerning, part fucking crazy.” Bruno laughs at his rather accurate assessment of all the girls in the group, the rest of us soon joining in.

“I look forward to experiencing it,” Millen murmurs before walking away for drinks duty.

An unexpected wave of warmth rolls through me at his words because at no time today have we talked about whatever this is that’s going on between us, or where it may go. Today was about the two of us spending time together and getting to know each other outside of the fantastic sex.

I love that he stayed and spent the day with me. I love even more that he wanted to come along tonight to hang out with my friends. He’s comfortable with us, and in turn, my friends are comfortable with him, something that’s always a good sign when introducing a new man into one’s life.

But the man still has his secrets. I know where he lives, I know where he works, I know he’s good with his mouth, hands, and cock, but I don’t know much else. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It’s not beyond the realms of normal, but it definitely has me eager to find out more about him.

“So, give me a quick one-minute rundown of events before he gets back,” Gaby says from beside me, drawing the attention of Sam, Sadie, and Dinah in the process.

“Wondered when they’d start picking at his carcass. Ladies, he’s not exactly dead and gone yet,” Mark muses.

“Yeah, but then again, we’re not used to seeing Kenzie with them the morning after,” Jake adds from where he’s manning the grill. The smartass grin he’s shooting my way earns him a glare.

“He’ll be back any minute. We’ll talk about it later.”

“At least tell us if the sex was good,” Dinah says.

“He looks like the sex would be good,” Sam replies.

“No. He looks like he invented sex. He probably wrote The Art of Sex from his high-rise bachelor pad overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge while sleeping on his mattress made from hundred-dollar bills.”

“Twenties, actually. But still the most comfortable bed I’ve ever had.”

A squeak escapes my lips as everyone turns to see Millen standing with an amused smile and a handful of open bottles of Corona.

“But I can’t take the credit writing a sex manual. Although, I will say—since I’m pretty sure you’re grilling Kenz for information about our date—that yes, she took my virginity, and it was a very, very special night that I’ll treasure forever. Any more questions?”

“Oh, I like him. He can stay. He’s almost as much of a smartass as you are, Kenz.”

“Which is still less of a smartass than me, so I approve too,” Gaby adds.

After handing out the drinks, Millen sits beside me in the bench swing. He drapes his arm over my shoulder and maneuvers my body until I’m pressed into his side, my hand braced on his chest and my head tipped up. “Are you alright there?” I ask, brow raised.

“Almost. I’d prefer your ass in my lap and that skirt around your waist, but this will do for now.”

“I’m glad I could accommodate you then.”

His eyes dance with amusement, a look which is as sexy as it is contagious. We may be surrounded by my friends but right now it feels as if we’re in our own little bubble.

He drops his head closer to mine. “I really wanted to kiss you like this last weekend.”

“I really wanted to kiss you here too.”

“This is sort of our place now.”

“Oh, is it?”

“Well of course. It’s where you used your womanly charms to win me over.”

Now that is interesting. I didn’t win him over till that second night on the roof. I jerk my head back slightly so I can get a better look at his eyes. “It wasn’t the challenge I issued that first night?”

“That had a lot to do with it, believe me, but you were more yourself when we were up here. You were honest, and open, and were just being Kenz. It’s when I realized there was no bullshit with you. You say it like you mean it and if people don’t like that, then it’s their problem, not yours.”

“It’s the only way to be.”

He wraps an arm around my hip, pulling me into his lap like we don’t have eight of my friends and workmates as an active—and very nosey—audience. “I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you, Kenzie Sharp.” His eyes are open, unguarded, and so soft and warm, I’d imagine it’s like a pyroclastic lava flow inside those grey orbs right about now.

How can I resist that? How can I resist him?

“You keep talking like that, Millen Ross, and I’ll start thinking you like me.”

“You can start thinking that whenever you like because it’s true.”

Dipping my head, I run my hands up his chest to rest on his shoulders and brush my lips against his. His hands go south, one stopping at my hip, the other dropping down to cup an ass cheek. “You saying you wanna go steady with me?”

“I’m pretty much telling you that you’ve been off the market since last week, and you’ll continue to be while we get to know each other better.”

“Sounds like you’ll be coming back soon.”

“You can bet your ass I’ll be coming back. Next weekend, in fact. You just say the word, and I’ll be here.”

“No life back home?” I tease.

“No you back home.”

Well then. Game, set, match to him.

“Kenzie, wake up, beautiful. I’ve got to go.”

“Hmm…” I moan, not wanting to open my eyes because that would mean the man leaning over me, presumably dressed, is leaving.

Actually, I might not be able to move. Is after-sex paralysis a thing? If not, it should be.

“I wanna kiss you before I leave.”

“Kiss me with my eyes closed.”

“Then I don’t get to see you.”

“I’ll pull the sheet off and you can get a real good look at me. I’ll even let you take a photo so it’ll last longer if you let me keep them closed,” I grumble, like a petulant child…

He laughs and I smile up at him, slowly opening my eyes. “Hey, you.” He runs his hand up my arm to my shoulder, his touch leaving goose bumps in its wake.

“Hey.” I’m groggy and pliant, and that’s all he needs to finagle me into a sitting position across his lap. I scrunch my forehead. “You have this thing about having me in your lap.”

“I like you there. It makes me think of good things.”

“Dirty things?” I ask, my interest definitely piquing at that idea. He chuckles and nuzzles my neck, his mouth leaving a trail of soft kisses across my skin.

“I wish. I wanted to ask if I could call you during the week.”

I push back on his shoulders, pulling his face away so I can see him. Cupping his jaw, I bring him in close so he doesn’t miss a word of what I’m about to say. “You can call me from my driveway, from your house, from your work, in a minute, an hour, a day, even a week, and I’d be absolutely fine with it. I want to see you again. If my vagina has anything to say about it, I need to see you again.”

“I think my cock and your vagina had a meeting of the minds.”

“They definitely had a meeting of some sort.”

“Why am I dressed again?” he asks.

“Because it’s…” I look across the bed to my alarm clock and see it’s only six a.m. “Um, why are you leaving so early? This hour isn’t even human. It’s for extra-terrestrials and heathens.”

“Fuck, you’re cute.”

“No, I’m a woman who works in hospitality and enjoys sleep, especially in the mornings.”

He shakes his head and smiles at me. It’s a “you’re adorable, but potentially crazy” look that I’ve come to recognize over the past few days. “I really have to go.”

I sigh, my shoulders sagging in defeat. “I know.”

“Hey,” he says, turning my head so I’m looking straight into his eyes. No escape now, Kenz. “I will be back.” He dips his chin and kisses me, soft and slow and oh so fucking sweet, before pulling back slightly. “There’s no way in hell I could have a weekend like the one I’ve had with you and not come back for more. I’ve never met a woman like you before.”

I lean in close and return the favor, kissing him soft at first, then deeper, harder, wetter, and definitely with way more enthusiasm than I should probably be putting out there just as he’s about to leave.

He growls into my mouth when we finally move apart. “You can’t kiss me like that when I have to go. I’m gonna have a hard-on from here to Sacramento.”

I giggle because I can just imagine how uncomfortable that’s gotta be. “Sorry?” I say, feigning innocence. His eyes narrow and he shakes his head, kissing me hard and fast before spinning me around and laying me back down.

Pulling the covers over me again, he runs his fingers from my temple down along my jaw, his eyes locked with mine while he does it. “I’ll call. I’ve got a full-on week ahead of me but I will call.”


“I will. There’s nothing that could keep me away.”

“Alright. I believe you,” I say with a giggle.

“You go back to sleep. I’ll lock the door behind me.”

“Okay,” I mumble. Millen leans his forearm into the pillow and brings his face right in close to mine.

“Hey, Kenz?” he whispers.

“Yeah?” His proximity makes sleep the last thing on the mind.

Staring deep into my eyes, he kisses me gently and pulls back. “I like you.” He dips down and kisses me again. This one isn’t quick. We make it last, drawing it out as if neither one of us want it to end.

When we finally part, I can’t wipe the smile off my face. “I like you, too.”

“Thank fuck for that,” he says with a chuckle. He touches his index finger to the tip of my nose before standing straight again. Walking across the room, he picks his overnight bag up off the floor and stops at the bedroom door, turning to shoot me a sexy grin.

But I can’t end it like that. I’m compelled to say something else. Something more. “Millen?”

“Yeah, beautiful?”

I drop my voice to a whisper. “Best weekend ever.”

His grin widens. “And we’re just getting started.”




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