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Rescue by Ashcroft, Sean (30)


Nolan gripped Finn’s shoulders as he positioned himself so the head of Finn’s cock was pressed against him, thighs tense, body thrumming with anticipation.

He’d wanted to sit in Finn’s lap and ride him since the moment they met, and he was finally about to get his wish.

“Take your time,” Finn murmured, already flushed and out of breath, one hand on Nolan’s thigh and the other underneath him, ready to guide his cock inside. “We’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Tell that to my thighs,” Nolan said. “This is what’s gonna finally make me join a gym. And under ‘goals’ on the membership form, I’m gonna say I want to be able to fuck my boyfriend longer and harder.”

Finn laughed, rubbing the hand on Nolan’s thigh up and down it. “Can’t wait,” he murmured, and they both knew Nolan was never actually going to, but that wasn’t the point.

It was so damned good to have him back, and Nolan needed this. The intimacy of having Finn inside him. The reassurance that they were okay, that this was okay, that the two of them still wanted each other.

That they were in love, and that meant they didn’t ever have to lose this.

If Nolan was sure of anything in his life, it was that Finn was for keeps.

Biting down on his lip, Nolan gripped Finn’s shoulders tight and lowered himself a fraction of an inch, adding weight a little at a time. He could feel the head of Finn’s cock pressed against him, hot and hard, the pressure of it so perfect that he could have gotten off just like this if he’d wanted to.

Maybe some other time.

Closing his eyes, Nolan sank down, his breath hitching as Finn breached him. The first few moments were always his favorite part, the feeling of being stretched to his limits. The way it made him feel like Finn had been made just for him, like they were a perfect fit for each other, not a fraction of an inch between their bodies.

He’d never get tired of this, he was pretty sure. Thankfully, Finn didn’t seem to want to stop either.

Nolan let a low, needy moan escape him as he lowered his weight, shifting his hips to ease the way, taking Finn’s cock inch by inch as his thighs trembled with the effort of holding his weight.

“You feel huge at this angle,” Nolan murmured, pausing halfway to rock his hips while he adjusted to the stretch, just on the edge of painful.

“Too much?” Finn asked, stroking Nolan’s thigh again. He shifted his other hand to Nolan’s ass, taking some of his weight and easing the burden from his thighs.

“Not quite,” Nolan said, voice tight. “Totally worth if for how good it’s gonna feel in a minute.”

“I love you,” Finn said, as though he’d been barely holding the words in and they’d just come rushing out.

Nolan really hoped that was going to turn into a habit. The way it made his stomach clench felt incredible with Finn’s cock inside him.

“Feeling’s mutual,” Nolan panted, already exhausted from the effort. He groaned as he let his weight fall the rest of the way, gritting his teeth as Finn stretched him to the very edge of his limits and breathing a sigh of relief once he didn’t have to hold himself up anymore.

If he’d thought Finn felt huge a moment ago, it had nothing on how he felt now.

This position was definitely going on Nolan’s growing list of favorites.

Everything he’d tried with Finn had become a favorite.

Panting, Nolan let Finn take a little more of his weight, leaning against his chest and letting his head fall against Finn’s shoulder. He loved the feeling of being pressed against him like this, all the skin-on-skin contact he could ever want, warmth and closeness flowing between them. This was comfortable.

This was what he’d always imagined sex would be like. Intimate and satisfying, an extension of his feelings for his partner.

With Finn, it was. He’d fallen hard and fast for him, and he never wanted to give that up.

“I got you,” Finn murmured, running his broad, callused hands up and down Nolan’s sides. Some combination of the friction and affection made a shiver roll down Nolan’s spine.

“Need a minute,” Nolan said, surprised by the tears welling up in his eyes. Not tears of pain—this didn’t hurt—but tears of joy. All-consuming, overwhelming joy that he had Finn, and Finn wasn’t going anywhere.

That they’d found each other and they got to keep each other.

After a few moments of catching his breath, Nolan gave an experimental rock of his hips, his cock skimming over Finn’s belly as he moved. Sticky precome smeared between them, easing the way, encouraging Nolan to thrust a little harder.

The way Finn’s breath hitched made his heart clench. Knowing that Finn was enjoying this as much as him was definitely the best part.

“Glad you taught me everything I know?” Nolan asked, rocking his hips a little harder this time, lifting himself an inch or so out of Finn’s lap. A moan caught in his throat as he sank back down, perfect friction setting off waves of tingling pleasure inside him.

“You knew plenty before I got here,” Finn said, his voice warm and rough, strained just enough to tell Nolan how he felt about this. “More fun with two people though, right?”

“Oh yeah,” Nolan agreed, letting his head fall forward so their foreheads were pressed together, a swarm of butterflies taking off in his stomach at the simple gesture.

Finn’s hands slid down from where they’d been stroking his sides, fingers curling firmly around Nolan’s hips, holding him in place. Finn’s grip tightened as he thrust up, shoving deep into Nolan’s body, closing the last of the gap between them.

Nolan gasped, feeling the stroke as though it’d ended somewhere around his navel, a sharp jolt of pleasure coursing through him.


“In a minute,” Finn responded, smirking. “You’ll figure patience out one day.”

“Unlikely,” Nolan said, breathless, waiting on edge for another hard thrust from Finn. The air between them was impossibly hot, Nolan’s lungs burning already, his thighs tight, the base of his cock aching with arousal.

He rolled his hips, encouraging Finn to move again, wanting to feel his cock as deep inside him as possible.

Finn laughed this time, bucking his hips hard against Nolan’s, making him cry out as another spark of pleasure lit up his nerve endings.


“I’m so glad one of us knows what we’re doing,” Nolan said, breathless. He moved his hips again, wanting more from Finn, the pace driving him to the point of frustration already.

He was never going to learn patience, which only meant that Finn could tease him like this forever. A lifetime of being so turned on and desperate that he wanted to scream.

Which, honestly, sounded good.

“I’m just doing what makes you make sounds like that,” Finn murmured, squeezing Nolan’s hips. “I wanna make you happy. All the time.”

“You already do,” Nolan said, tilting his head to catch Finn’s lips, sucking the lower one into his mouth as they both rocked together, finding an easy rhythm between them. Their bodies moved with each other like they’d been made for it, the push and pull of pleasure flowing back and forth between them, give and take and give and take.

Nolan could imagine a lifetime of easy rhythm. In bed and out of it.

He’d found the thing other people searched their whole lives for on the first try. He was never risking losing Finn again.

“Every little noise you make is so hot,” Finn gasped between kisses, and Nolan made a desperate, needy sound for him in the back of his throat just because he’d said it. Not that it was hard to make those sounds—it was much harder to hold them back. Everything Finn did, every touch, every whisper, every stroke of his hips felt so damned good that Nolan wanted to whimper and moan and gasp for him constantly, an endless stream of praise and enjoyment.

“Yeah, exactly like that,” Finn continued, his thighs tightening between Nolan’s, the tension in them too strong to miss. Definitely one of his favorite positions. Any time Nolan had Finn between his legs, he was happy.

He laughed at the thought, but it turned into a gasp as Finn worked a hand between them and curled his fingers around Nolan’s cock, circling the head at first and then stroking down the length, squeezing just a little.

“I’ll make any noise you want if you keep that up,” Nolan said, his thighs burning as his body urged him to go harder, faster. He was bouncing on Finn’s cock by now, panting harshly, his lungs tight in his chest and his head spinning from lack of air.

All of it was perfect. Like every other moment with Finn had been.

Nolan crashed into Finn’s mouth again, biting down on his lower lip as he fucked himself on Finn’s cock, needy little grunts escaping him every time he bottomed out, his gut aching with arousal. A rush of pleasure flowed down his spine, making him want to shiver all over, or go faster, or… something. Anything. Anything to get more of this, to feel more of it.

“Harder,” he demanded, though he wasn’t sure there was harder to go. Finn gripped his thigh with his free hand, fingers digging in deep enough to bruise, his hips coming up to meet Nolan’s thrusts so he could feel Finn’s cock hitting sensitive places deep inside him, tears welling up in his eyes again at how good this felt. How incredible Finn’s cock was, how being together made his heart feel too big for his chest, like it could burst at any moment.

Finn was it. Finn was what he wanted, what he’d always wanted.

“Perfect,” he sighed, letting his eyes fall closed and his head fall back to Finn’s shoulder, keeping up the pace even as he could feel his thighs wanting to give out on him.

They’d hold until he could come. They’d have to, because Nolan didn’t plan on stopping, not for anything.

The death grip he had on Finn’s shoulders would leave a mark, and he knew it, and he was excited to see it in the morning. To know that Finn was his, that he’d agreed to this, that he’d picked Nolan.

Now and forever.

“Close,” Finn gasped, his voice rough. Nolan could tell by now, anyway. From the tension in Finn’s body, from the way his already bruising thrusts got harder and more demanding as he approached the edge.

Nolan was already tip-toeing along it, pressure building in the pit of his stomach, Finn’s cock stoking the fire and his hand pushing Nolan forward, bringing him right to the point of no return.

One good jerk of Finn’s hips was all it took to set him off, the head of his cock hitting Nolan just right inside and starting a rippling wave of pleasure that washed down his spine, gathering in his balls for one agonizing heartbeat before spilling over in a rush of relief. He cried out as the pressure spilled over, pulse pounding in his ears, hips jerking forward as he started to come.

Oh this was so good, and he could keep having it, and he wanted it more than anything in the world. With Finn.

Everything was so much better with Finn.

Because Nolan loved him, and Finn loved him back, and he could barely handle the overwhelming warmth and joy that filled him with every time he thought about it.

Love felt incredible, and it made sex feel incredible, and they could keep doing this. It was worth everything. Finn was worth everything.

Nolan clung to the feeling as pleasure flooded down to the base of his cock, his stomach clenching as he rode out his orgasm, fucking himself eagerly on Finn’s length as it rolled through him, tingling pleasure flowing over his whole body, intensified with every thrust.

Finn moaned right as Nolan did, their voices joining in chorus, hips jerking again as he came in hot spurts, sending shocks of pleasure bouncing around Nolan’s insides, drawing his orgasm out just that little bit longer.

“Finn,” Nolan gasped as the last wave of his orgasm hit, his hips jerking a final time before all the tension left him and he slumped against Finn’s chest, thighs aching, gasping for breath.

Nolan ached just about everywhere, spent and wrung out, but so goddamn happy he could barely stand it. This was what love was meant to be like.

For long moments, all either of them did was catch their breath. Nolan could feel Finn softening inside him, but as long as he didn’t move Finn wasn’t going to slip out in this position, and he liked it that way. Finn’s cock was comforting.

Finn was comforting. In so many ways that Nolan wasn’t sure he’d ever learn them all.

A soft, happy hum vibrated in Finn’s throat where Nolan had his nose pressed against it, head resting on his shoulder. He moved his hands, running them up the outside of Nolan’s thighs, just briefly over his ass, and then up to his back, splaying the fingers wide.

Holding him close, with just a hint of possessiveness.

Nolan’s heart did an excited little somersault. He really didn’t mind that. He was happy to be Finn’s.

“Feeling better?” Finn asked, sympathetic.

“Way better,” Nolan said, sighing happily. “I did the right thing. I made the right choice.”

“Glad you think so,” Finn murmured, rubbing circles into Nolan’s back with his thumbs. “Glad you’re here.”

“I wanna take that job. With the kids,” Nolan said. “I mean, if they’ll give it to me. They seemed enthusiastic the first time they got in touch.”

“They’d be lucky to have you.” Finn shifted to kiss Nolan’s temple, nuzzling his hair afterward. “You’ll get it. And if you don’t, there’s always something else. Life is full of opportunities if you’re brave enough to go looking.”

Nolan hummed softly as Finn ran his fingertips up and down his spine, soothing him. “I’m brave enough if I’ve got you.”

“You’ve got me,” Finn promised. “Always.”

“I dunno how much use I am, but you’ve got me, too,” Nolan said, letting his eyes fall closed. He was safe here. He could rest.

Finn would take care of him.

“Well, you’re hot,” Finn said, laughter in his voice. “And kind, and supportive. And as big a dork as I am. And you rescued Ollie, which was also hot.”

Nolan chuckled. “That little otter was the best wingman I’ve ever had,” he said.

“I think he owed you,” Finn murmured, tilting his face to catch Nolan’s lips in a soft, needy kiss. Nolan’s stomach swooped, arousal blossoming in the depths of it. He was exhausted, but Finn had no trouble turning him on.

“I love kissing you,” Finn said as he broke off, brushing their noses together. “I’m not sure I ever said.”

“You’ve got a thing for kissing, huh?” Nolan asked. He’d noticed, but it’d never come up. Mostly because he loved it when Finn kissed him, too.

“Oh yeah,” Finn agreed. “Thanks for indulging me.”

“Always,” Nolan promised, snuggling just a little closer to Finn.

“Guess you’re coming to Thanksgiving at the sanctuary this year, huh?” Finn asked.

“Am I invited?” Nolan blinked at him.

Finn shrugged. “I just invited you, didn’t I?”

Nolan’s heart clenched hard enough to hurt.

He was family. Finn’s family, and part of the sanctuary family, too.

It was everything he’d wanted.

And all it’d taken was standing up to Gavin for once in his life. Like he should have years and years ago.

Well. It had taken meeting a sexy veterinarian who rescued animals for a living, too. He’d always be grateful to Finn for showing him where his inner strength was.

He’d always be grateful to Finn for a lot of things.

“I love you,” Nolan said as the thought popped into his head, unable to stop himself from grinning broadly.

“Love you too,” Finn murmured, leaning in for another kiss.