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Sausalito Nights (Montgomery Beauty Book 1) by Stephanie Salvatore (10)

Shine in My World, Montgomery!







When the kiss broke, we stood holding one another until the sun began to warm the air. I looked up at him. “Your parents… they’re probably wondering where you’re at.”

He sighed. “That should be fun to explain… staying out all night. Maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll be asleep.”

“Maybe? I turned to take my camera out and quickly set up the pod stand. “Let’s get some pictures and then we can head back?”

He looked at the hefty DSLR camera equipment. “You like photography?”

I smiled at him. “It’s one reason why I prefer that my parents don’t keep track of me all the time. I’m able to get out and around to take photographs of the area. When I have a collection I take them up to the boardwalk and set up shop to make my own money.”

He smiled. “You should show me your work sometime. Maybe I’ll buy a photo off of you…” He paused. “What else do you like to do for fun?”

“Hmmm…I’ve gotten really good at applying makeup and styling hair from all the black-tie events my family hosts.”

He smiled. “You’re just a jack of all trades, aren’t you?”

I giggled softly. “Uh huh. I know how to cook, too. I learned from Armani and Luci over the years. Then they realized I was better than they were and would take advantage of it.” She shook her head before focusing on the camera. “Okay, we’re all set. Ready?” I walked toward him with the remote and smiled as he pulled me into his arms closely before the camera flashed.

We continued to take a few more shots for good measure. I got one of just him in front of the bridge for the first time. I snickered as he stuck his hands in his pockets trying to be the cool man on campus. “Any other requests, Montgomery?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. Can you set up the timer again?”

I looked at him, refocusing the lens and stepped over to him. Without saying a word, he brought me in slowly with both arms, pressing his lips to mine in a slow sensual kiss. He smiled against my lips after the first couple of shots went off and broke it, looking up. When I looked back into his eyes, his astoundingly handsome features struck me a bit deeper and all I could think was how my luck had changed so drastically since summer arrived, and questioned when it would run out?




Arriving back to the club, I dreaded saying goodbye to him. I leaned against his arm lying across the front seat, placing a hand on his chest. “Let’s not say goodbye.”

He looked back at me, “What would you suggest then? Adios? Or… what’s goodbye in Italian?”

“Goodbye in Italian is Addio.” I pushed my fingers through the back of his hair, a smirk rising over my lips. “I was going to suggest ‘see you later.’”

He tilted his head, studying my face before he spoke. “I think I could get on board with that. Could get creative with it, too. Speaking of which, are you free tonight?”

“For you? Always. Why?”
“I was thinking we could have a picnic on the beach for dinner.”
“Just let me know what time. I’ll be there.”
“How about seven?”

I smiled. This boy. He really knew how to keep me on my toes. I watched as he left the car and walked around to my side. I rolled the window down and met him for a quick, gentle kiss. He pulled away and smiled as he walked backwards. “I’ll be seeing you.”

I waited until he was out of sight and laid my head on the back of the seat. Really? Where had he come from and why had he taken such a deep interest in me? I was the yacht club owner’s daughter, a mob boss’s daughter. Of course he didn’t know that, but it was only a matter of time. The burn and the tattoo were healing.

Hitting the cool air of the early morning, I walked briskly back toward home. Walking out of the elevator on the top floor, I looked out the window taking in the view of the mountains beyond the Bay, a million-dollar view to match my million-watt smile and feels. I was a taken woman.

Chris Montgomery had my entire heart and I wished I could shout it to the rooftops and let all of Sausalito and San Francisco hear it!

Walking through the dark penthouse, the Castillo house was calm and quiet, just the way I liked it, especially for all the sneaking out we would have to do soon.

“Marie!” I yelled in a whisper. “Marie! Wake up!”

She grunted, opening one eye to look at me. “What time is it, you bloody fool?”

“It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee grounds! Let’s go!” I pulled her out of bed in her pajamas, and we disappeared into the early morning cool air.

I stood behind her and helped guide her down the boardwalk to Cakes and Pies. “This better be important, L. Castillo!”

“Oh, trust me, it is!”

She grumbled all the way down the docks until we arrived to Cakes and Pies. I sat her down in the kitchen area and brought her a cup of coffee and a gallon of ice cream with a spoon. “Sip the hot deliciousness!”

She glared at me. “You are way too chipper. What did Montgomery do to make you swoon this time?” She opened the carton of ice cream and stuck the spoon in.

I giggled. “Marie.” I paused. “I…I think I’m in love.”

“It’s only been a week! Don’t get ahead of yourself! What if this move doesn’t work out for his family?”

I grabbed the pile of love letters Christopher sent me multiple times on a daily basis. Allowing her to read them was a sacred act.

She picked them up one at a time and started reading through them, tears flowing down her cheeks, a sob left her lips. “You think? You think you’re in love?” She grasped the tissue box and blew her nose, her eyes red and puffy. “Is this a man or a boy? Are you sure he’s not lying about his age? He sounds like he’s a geriatric in love with his wife of fifty years!”

I giggled. “He’s very mature for his age, but doesn’t act as old as you think. He has his moments, though. He’s a hopeless romantic. He can be very dirty and a huge tease when he wants to be; but at the end of the day, what matters is that he cares about and takes care of me. We have a mutual understanding of what a relationship should and shouldn’t be. He gets me, Marie.”

“Wait! Slow down. Let me ask you this. Have the ‘I’m going to hang out with Marie on Cakes and Pies’ excuses worked?”

All of my facial features dropped, and I sipped my own coffee. “They haven’t suspected a thing. I gave him a walkie talkie from the club, and that’s how we’ve been communicating.”

She crossed her arms. “How long do you think you can go on sneaking around?”

“We don’t turn eighteen until after school lets out next year. We’re literally one day apart. His birthday is on June 25th.”

She rose an eyebrow and sat back in the booth. “Seriously? Maybe you two are meant to be.”

“Speaking of which, we went down to Battery Spencer this morning to watch the sunrise.”

“Yeah, how’d that go?”

“Really good. He…um, he asked me to be his girlfriend.” Digging her spoon into the ice cream, she pushed a mouthful in and pulled the spoon out.

“Shut up! What did you say?”

“I said yes. We took pictures with the camera my parents bought me for Christmas last year. Marie, the time we’ve spent together compares to lying naked on silk sheets. It’s always guaranteed to feel refreshing and intimate with that man.”

Marie giggled. “Sounds kinky, Lor.”

I bit my lower lip in a moment of weakness. “You have no idea. He wants to go down to the beach tonight for a picnic.”

“Daw! Lor, he’s really into you. You better keep him on a short leash and not let him stray away.”

“We’ve been spending our nights at vacant boat houses. Even though he has no issues in the pleasuring department, these last couple of nights he’s been such a sucker for swooning me with his romantic tactics. Candles, music, lying out on lawn chairs staring up at the stars. He’s been pushing for more time to see me, wanting to watch sunsets together. It’s moving so fast, and I can’t say no to him even if it is a risk. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, Marie.”

She smiled brightly, moving her spoon into the ice cream. “I don’t see this as your average high school sweetheart relationship. One, school isn’t even in session. Two, this is a hot summer romance; but if you think it’s going beyond that, you go for it.”

I sighed and shook my head. “It’s not like that. It’s so easy with him. His playful moodiness fits my quirky personality, and he’s even taken a liking to how fast I talk. Did you know wit is contagious?”

She laughed. “Yeah? I would’ve never thought Lorelai Castillo could pass on her wit.”

I laughed. “Yeah, who would’ve thunk?”

“So what time is this hot date?”

“Seven p.m. sharp.”

“Do you have something to wear?”

“Yeah, I brought it down here yesterday and stashed it away just in case we ended up crashing here.”

“Looks like we have a girls date planned. You think we can get last minute spots up at the spa?”

I pursed my lips and stole her spoon, helping myself to a heaping scoop of ice cream and slipped it into my mouth. “Mmm…Mhm!”

She laughed, which caused me to giggle uncontrollably. “Definitely!” I said with a mouth full of the melted creamy goodness.

She shook her head at me. “Swallow!”

I covered my mouth staring at her with narrowed eyes, before I managed to save myself from spewing the sweet cream everywhere. “I hate you with a burning passion.”

She laughed. “I love you too! Next time, I’ll groan. Come on! Let’s go indulge in some luxury relaxation time! Since you two are official, does that mean I get to finally meet this sweet Prince Charming?”

 I sighed. “I’m not sure it’s safe, at least not right now.”

She nodded. “Right, I understand.”

“But, I have something for you in case one of our parents decides to question my excuses.”

“What is it?”

I pulled a radio box out and set it down in front of her. “The best kept secret on how to keep in touch.”

I knew when Marie gave me her word that she would keep my secret safe. I stood up and snatched the ice cream and placed it back in its proper place. Grabbing my keys before we made our way out and back down to the boardwalk toward the spa, we bantered back and forth the entire way.





Walking into the house late Saturday afternoon, I was hot, sweaty, and full of saw dust after preparing for Dad’s first big job for the re-launch of Montgomery Construction.

“Chris? Your mom and I are going to go up to Napa and visit with Nana and Papa and stay the night. Are you coming with us?” I heard him say as I tried to escape to go shower.

I sighed. “Do I have a choice?”

“Do you really feel comfortable staying the night on your own?” he asked.

I turned around to look at him. “Yeah, Dad. I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, well. Your mom has the final say. Go shower.”

I groaned and continued upstairs to go clean up. I needed to convince them that I would be fine on my own.

Walking downstairs in khaki shorts and a tank top, I went to sit on the couch where my parents resided.

Mom looked at me staying quiet for a moment. ”Your father tells me you want to stay home overnight while we go to Napa?”

“Is that okay?” I decided not to beat around the bush. She was going to agree, or there would be an argument.

She sighed. “I don’t know, Chris. Why don’t you want to come along?”

My parents and I were too close for me to lie, and besides that, I didn’t want to lie. I knew if I told them the real reason that staying home wouldn’t be an option. “I’m tired. I would rather cook something quick here at home and go to bed early.”

“And you’re not just saying that to stay here and go see Lorelai?” She turned her head to the side and narrowed her eyes.

“No. I’m not.”

She looked to my dad, and he nodded. “We trust you, Christopher. I’ll leave my cell phone here for you to utilize and keep in touch.”

I nodded. “Okay. Thank you.” I played the tired act, when really my stomach was jumping into my throat for plans with Lorelai to pan out perfectly for tonight. I stood up and walked back up the stairs to my bedroom, quietly shutting the door to go prepare my clothes for the evening.




Within the hour my parents had left, the picnic basket was packed up, and I wore black slacks and a white button up collared shirt keeping the first couple of buttons undone.

Grabbing the two way radio, I turned the volume up. “Hey sweetheart. Are you about ready to go?”

Silence took over for a moment. “Hey babe. Yeah, I’m all ready to go. Where do you want to meet?”

“Kirby Cove. Should we go ahead and drive separate?”

“Probably a smart idea. I may have Marie drop me off.”

The sneaking around to see each other was easier than we thought it would be with all the warnings Lorelai gave off about her family, and the men and women hiding in plain sight throughout the club, people watching. We left in early morning or late night hours and we were never stopped or followed to my knowledge. “Sounds good. I’ll have my radio so just let me know when you’re close.”

“Okay baby. I’ll see you soon.”

“Hey wait. Don’t leave yet. Give it about an hour, and then leave. Okay?”

She came back over the radio, sobbing playfully. “Christopher! I’ve been waiting all day!”

I chuckled. “I know. It’ll be worth it. Promise. Bring your walkie and let me know when you’ve arrived.”




An hour later, a blanket laid on the sand with the picnic basket and a bouquet of red and white roses sitting next to it. Four tiki torches dug deep into the sand and were lit, the fire blowing lightly with the breeze coming off the bay. I turned on the radio and found soft tunes. Standing barefoot with my black slacks rolled up, I waited for my love to arrive with the radio in my pocket.

The scratching static sounded off. “The Princess has landed. I’m heading down.”

I smiled at the sound of her voice, pulling the radio toward my mouth. “Okay. I’m waiting, beautiful.”

A few moments later, I see her come down the hill. Her hair in wavy curls, wearing a black knee length dress. God damn. She looked more beautiful with every day that passed, I couldn’t get enough.

She walked down to where I stood in the shore of the water with her roses on hand, taking in the setup of our picnic. I pulled her into my arms as soon as she was close enough, cupping her cheeks as I planted a gentle kiss to her lips.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as I lifted her off her feet and twirled her around, a soft giggle leaving her lips as I carried her back to the blanket and set her down.

Breaking the kiss, I locked my eyes on hers. “I missed you.”

“Mm…I missed you, boyfriend.” She placed her hand on my freshly shaved cheeks. “You shaved…”

I chuckled. “I thought I’d cleanup for our date.”

She smiled as I held up the roses. “What’s this?”

“These are for you. A beautiful arrangement of roses, for an even more beautiful princess.”

She looked around at the set up and leaned in to smell the roses before she locked her eyes on mine. “This is so romantic, Christopher. I love it.”

I pecked her lips. “I did all of this with your reaction in mind. Let’s sit down and eat, yeah?”

She smiled from ear to ear and planted a deep passionate kiss against my lips. Returning the kiss, I pulled her close, running each of my hands through her hair.

Pulling away from the kiss slowly, I kissed her nose before we sat. I pulled her between my legs. I watched as she admired her roses, becoming entranced in the view. She didn’t just look exquisitely beautiful tonight. Her kind heart and passionate loving soul shined through, and I caught myself stopped in what I was going to do just to watch her for a moment.

The sandwiches and Mom’s homemade egg salad I packed were satisfying. When we finished, I wrapped my arms around her. “Are you full?”

“Yes. Thank you. That was really good.”

I smiled, kissed her cheek and placed the leftovers in the basket watching her for a few minutes as she relaxed back. I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her in close.

As the sun began to set sometime later, I kissed her shoulder and moved my lips to her ear. I whispered,. “Miss Castillo, you look beautiful tonight.”

She smiled and turned to look back toward me. “Thank you. You clean up very nice yourself, Mr. Montgomery.”

I winked at her. “Hmmm… Would you like to dance with me?”

She bit her lower lip. “Right now?”

“Yes,” I whispered back.

She turned to look back at me, a smitten smile crossing her lips. “I’d be honored too.”

Helping her stand to her feet, I wrapped an arm around her back and took her hand with my free hand and began swaying with her. She wrapped an arm around my waist and moved naturally to the slow sway, laying her head against my chest. Looking down, she had her eyes closed. I smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead, and left my lips there for a moment. Opening my eyes, I lifted my head, rubbing my hand up and down her back as her hair blew in the light breeze. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I would remember this moment as a time I slipped further into love with this young woman. Her beauty was beyond words, her soul passionate, and so bright that it blocked out the darkness. She allowed me to take care of her, she opened her world to me and I promised myself right then and there that I wouldn’t let go without one hell of a fight. 





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