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Sausalito Nights (Montgomery Beauty Book 1) by Stephanie Salvatore (24)

Tragic Events End with Dessert Buffets







Upon arrival back to my family’s yacht club, I walked with Christopher and Marie’s arms wrapped securely around my lower back. I was still on edge and shaking. Christopher gave me his jacket, which warmed me from the cold temperatures; but my nerves were still a wreck. Luci walked behind us as we made our way down the boardwalk. We stopped at the arch of the Black Diamond Club as one of the larger yachts exited the docks from within the premises.

Men dressed in black suits stood guard on the middle and upper levels of the vessel. More shivers traveled down my spine and into my legs. I had no doubt in my mind that Santino was present on the yacht, locked up under the highest security. What happened to him now was not a worry of mine, I knew my father would make sure he was taken care of in worse ways than any prison would treat him.

Glancing to my right, I saw Luciana standing on the other side of Chris. “Come on, there’s nothing more to be seen here.” She led us under the arches and down the docks to the back of the club.

We stopped at a ground level door to the middle turquoise building and she led us in. She opened a door that appeared to be a utility closet door. Once inside, Luciana inserted a key and pressed the button next to a set of elevator doors. These buildings had more trap and secret doors than I ever knew about. I supposed that knowledge was exclusive to syndicate members only; and here we were, three non-syndicate members getting a taste of what it was like. In my personal opinion, I had enough to last me a lifetime.

Stepping off the elevator, we were inside the vault. Marie looked around as she stepped off and snickered. “That was a top secret entrance, I can only imagine the quick escape routes.”

Luciana looked back at her and smirked. “This is one of many, Marie.”

“Yeah? Interesting.” She paused. “So when’s the ice cream getting here? I think we could all use some indulgence after that.”

“Lots and lots of cream. Gallons!” I sniffled softly, feeling Christopher’s hand squeeze the side of my waist. Turning toward him, I placed a hand on his chest staring into his eyes. The moment felt so surreal and magical. “Hey there.”

He smiled and wrapped me in both of his arms, planting a gentle kiss against my forehead. “Hey yourself,” he whispered.

“We should talk,” I replied. “But first things first. Ice cream and coffee.”

He chuckled, planting another gentle kiss. “I agree.”

Laying my head against his chest, I remained quiet. My nerves remained jittery, but knowing Santino was gone and being taken care of helped. The thought of Christopher working on the same side as Luciana and my father was a sight to break my focus on the tragic events.

I watched on as Luciana disappeared from the vault, squeezing my arms around Chris. I couldn’t manage much more than standing here holding each other. I knew I messed up by running from, not only my problems but, the relationship issues after the miscarriage. The fact that he was still here was a miracle and I would make sure he knew just how grateful I was.




When the ice cream and goodies buffet was delivered, I leapt from Christopher’s hold.

“Hey! Where do you think you’re going so fast?” he growled playfully.

I turned toward him, kissing his forehead. “The quicker it gets set up, the quicker we can indulge.”

He chuckled and walked over to lift the large trays of ice cream off the cart and set them into the industrial buffet cart. I grabbed the toppings and brought them over, setting them up and taking the cellophane wrap off. I stole a maraschino cherry and walked behind Christopher, slipping an arm around his waist. “Lean your head back,” I whispered into his ear.

He chuckled. “Oh god, what are you up to?” he grumbled, doing as he was told.

I dangled the cherry over his lips. “Take a bite.”

He practically choked after taking the cherry off the stem. He stood up and turned toward me as he chewed the sweet fruit and smiled at me. “Get your sweet tooth buffet fix assembled, so we can go talk.”

I nodded. “Good idea. Do you want anything?”

“Grab enough for me to take a few bites.”

I nodded and watched as he took care of our coffee, grabbing the largest cup set on the table while I filled two plates with our ice cream and assorted desserts.

Luciana walked up beside me. “Lorelai…”

I turned to look at her. “Luci…” The last time we saw each other, harsh words were spoken and I wasn’t sure where I stood with being on speaking terms with her.

She sighed. “I know you want some time alone with Chris; but I just wanted to tell you, I’m happy you’re okay.”

I inhaled a shaky breath, avoiding eye contact. “I’m not. I’m not okay right now, but I will be.”

“I understand and I know you need time with Chris. I can show you down to the common area. It’s secure and private.”

“That would be great. Thank you, Luci.” I whispered, looking at Chris. I nudged my head and we followed Luci out of the vault. She took us to the common room and left quietly.

We sat and ate in silence with the the exception of the ‘mmms’ and ‘so goods’ leaving my lips after every other bite. Once we were finished, he placed the plates aside and pulled me back gently into his lap and wrapped me in his arms securely. I allowed him to and looked at him with gentle eyes. “I owe you an apology, Christopher.”

“For what?” he asked, brushing his thumbs against my waist.

“For running away like I did. I knew that you would’ve been there had I let you.”

He sighed softly. “None of that matters right now. What matters is that you’re safe, and that we focus on healing from these tragedies we both had to take head on.”

I laid my head against the front of his shoulder. “How do you suppose we do that?”

I felt his hand rub up and down the side of my back. “Well, I think it’ll take time, and seeking therapy would be an ideal starting point.”

I closed my eyes. “Probably so, but I think it would be beneficial for both of us, as a couple and separately. How to cope and live our lives after a miscarriage, and a family member being murdered.”

He moved some hair behind my ear and lifted my chin so we were eye level. “That and not blaming ourselves for these losses.”

I smiled weakly, tears filling my eyes. “It will definitely take time, but I believe in us.”

He shook his head. “I’ve always believed in us. You heal on your time and terms. I’ll be right beside you the entire way.”

My emotions were running high as the tears flowed down my cheeks. “I know and the way I reacted after the miscarriage, it was wrong. I hit rock bottom emotionally, I felt numb, and cold. My world was falling apart, fading away as I knew it. I was a mess, blaming myself led to believing I didn’t deserve you in my life let alone as a boyfriend.”

His lower lip popped out as he looked me in the eyes and cupped my cheeks. “I think you deserve the world, and I will give it to you.”

More tears fell free from my eyes. “I love you, Christopher.”

He chuckled, tears forming in his own eyes. “I love you, Lorelai Castillo.” He brushed the tears away before he pulled me close. “I will love you for the rest of forever,” he whispered against my ear.

I smiled, nuzzling against him as his hands moved to my back, rubbing up and down. His touch gentle, yet firm and comforting.

Thinking back on how the night unraveled, so many emotions filled me. Turning around to see Christopher in tow behind my father coming to my rescue was pure bliss. My father promised I would always be protected by the syndicate, even though I wanted nothing to do them. He was still there, making sure justice was served. Luciana too. Enemies transitioned to allies in a time of need, it was beautiful in a way. My father let his protective order go and allowed Christopher to be there when I needed him most.

I laid back into Chris’s arms, exhausted after all the trauma I endured from Santino. Feeling his arms wrapped around me, I nuzzled my face into his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart beat practically put me to sleep. The room was quiet aside from breathing, he ran his fingers through my hair and pressed gentle pecks to my forehead.

A few minutes later, the door opened and shut, but I didn’t move a muscle.

“Lor? Dad has returned, and he’s requested you come back to the vault.”

I sat up slowly and looked at her. “Okay.” I looked back at Chris and offered my hand out to him.

He took my hand and we followed Luci back. Upon entrance, we took a seat. My father was busy on the phone talking quietly for a few minutes before he hung up and turned toward us sitting in the office chairs.

“Lorelai. You’re free to go. The area is cleared, and I had my personal security guard track your yacht down over at the Golden Gate. He’s brought it back. You’ll find it anchored on the front of the boardwalk.”

I stood and took Christopher’s hand walking down, standing in arm's length of my father. “Thanks, Dad. I appreciate everything you did tonight.”

He reached out and pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head. “A father will always protect his daughter. No matter what she does to go against his word.”

I smiled, hugging him back before he pulled away and looked to Christopher. We stood in a moment of silence as Chris locked eyes with my father.

“You take care of my Lorelai,” Father practically whispered, offering Chris his hand.

I widened my eyes in surprise as Chris shook my father’s hand. “You have my word, Mr. Castillo.”




Exiting the front of the building, we walked hand in hand down the wooden dock to the boardwalk. As promised, Cakes and Pies was anchored out front. We made our way onboard and I unlocked the door before we made our way in to be met with the broken glass from the picture frames scattered everywhere.

“Whoa… What happened here?” Chris asked.

I turned to look back at him and bit my lower lip. “I kind of lost my shit the night you came to see me.”

He looked at me with gentle eyes and sighed. “Do you want to talk about it?”

I bit my lower lip, sliding down to the couch after making sure it was clear of glass. “I was pissed off, angry at myself for sending you away, I was pissed off that Armani was dead, I couldn’t wrap my head around the miscarriage. I was emotional, I didn’t know where to turn and the picture frames were the easiest thing to throw.”

Without a word spoken, he stood and walked toward the kitchen and grabbed a broom and started sweeping the glass into a dust pan. Stopping after a moment, “I understand that you were upset, rightfully so.” He spoke standing at the edge of the kitchen. He stayed calm and never rose his tone of voice. “They’re only picture frames. Those are replaceable. You’re not.”

I watched as he went back to cleaning up the mess, he pulled out the vacuum and thoroughly made sure not even the tiniest shard of glass was left behind.

Sitting there, I stared off and caught a glance at him every so often. He wasn’t angry, concerned? Affirmative. In that moment, I knew that we made it through some tough waters and that the road ahead of us wouldn’t be an easy one; but we were fighters, we were MontaStillo strong. We offered love and support when it was needed no matter what life threw at us; and one day when we had children, we would be able to pass on that strength to them.