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Sausalito Nights (Montgomery Beauty Book 1) by Stephanie Salvatore (17)

The Castillo Arrow Strikes Again







The next morning, I woke before Christopher and I was freezing cold. Going to check the thermostat on the heating and cooling system. There was an error up on the system. Was it broken? Or did my father have something to do with this?

I knew nothing about fixing heating and cooling systems. Returning to the bedroom, I hated to wake Chris; but I couldn’t sleep even with his furnace heated blood, it wasn’t enough.

Sitting on the bed on his side, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Babe?”

He grunted and reached a hand out blindly wrapping an arm around my waist. “What is it?”

“Something is wrong with the heater. There’s an error up on the thermostat, and it’s freezing cold in here.”

He rubbed a hand on my back before he sat up and pushed the blanket around the back of my shoulders. “Come show me. Bring the blanket, so you’re not so cold baby.”

I led him to the thermostat to show him, and he finagled with it. “Where’s the heater located?”

I showed him to the utility closet.

He stepped in and looked around, taking the cover off the front and pulled the filter out. “When’s the last time you changed this out?”

I looked at it and pursed my lips. “No idea. But there should be an extra one around here. I’ll get it.”

Walking away, I retrieved the new filter and handed it to him. He installed it, replaced the cover and walked back to the thermostat and finagled with it for a few more minutes, before I heard a click.

“Did it just turn on?” he called out.

I went to a vent, feeling the warm air come out. “Affirmative. We have heat!”

He chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

“Thank you, babe. Do you want coffee?”

“That would be fantastic, babe. I’ll cook breakfast.”

I turned and smiled back at him. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

He walked out to the kitchen, waving me off. “I’m fine. A few cuts and a couple of black eyes won’t put me down.” He went to the fridge and brought out a bowl of fruit, and two yogurt cups.

Exiting the cabin, we sat out on the deck and ate breakfast, watching the birds fly over the bay as the sun rose from behind the San Francisco skyline, filling the sky with colors of pink, orange and yellow. It was a perfect sight for a beautiful day. Christopher was alive. We had much planning to do with the baby on the way; but first, I had to deal with my family.

Pulling my radio out from my lap, I turned to Marie’s channel. “Marie?”

A few seconds later, I heard a grunt come through and smiled. “Does that mean you’re awake?”

“Maybe? I’m still deciding. Are you and Montgomery okay?”

“Define okay.”

“Alive and breathing?”

“Yeah, we’re okay. A load of shit went down yesterday, but I don’t want to talk about it now. Long story short, I’m hiding at the Golden Gate yacht club for now.”

“Oh shit. Where at the Golden Gate?”

“Dock B.”

“I can come to you. Plans for Armani’s memorial have been made.”

“Come over whenever. We’ll be here.”

“Roger that.” She giggles. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”

I shook my head and smiled. “I’ll see you soon.” I set the radio on the table and looked at Chris. “So, you get to meet Marie today. She’s my cousin, but you have nothing to worry about with her. She’s also a free bird.”

He smiled. “You two sound close.”

“We are. She’s more like a sister than a cousin. To be honest, I’ve always been closer to her than my siblings. She is also the one that’s been covering for me when my parents ask where I am.”

He chuckled. “You have a little wingman?”

I laughed. “Damn straight. She’s my ride or die.”

A little while later, Christopher and I sat outside at the table set for three, and Marie came aboard to join us, sat down and looked from me to Chris. “You must be the infamous Christopher Montgomery. I’m Marie.”

He smiled. “I am. It’s nice to meet you.”

She shook his hand and looked at me. “Do I want to know what happened yesterday, and if Chris’s cut up face has anything to do with it?”

I sighed. “Well, after everything with Armani went down, shit just kind of went haywire.” I said and continued to explain everything from the pregnancy tests to the rescue I had to make when I trespassed into the Black Diamond Club and finally finished with the argument I had with Luciana.

Marie crossed her arms. “Holy shit. Well first of all, I’m glad both of you are okay. Second of all, I’m going to be a fucking aunt! I’m so happy for you, but what are you going to do about attending Armani’s memorial?”

I sighed. “If I don’t show up, someone’s going to come looking for me and that’s the last thing I want.”

She nodded. “True. Well, they’re cremating him, and your parents want to spread his ashes throughout the bay.”

“That’ll be nice.” I sipped my coffee. “When is it happening?”

“Thursday at 10 a.m.”

I nodded. “I’ll be there, but don’t tell anyone where I am, please.”

“I promise I won’t. You focus on you and Chris, and I’ll deal with the family. Worry about nothing.”

I smiled and stood up to hug her. “Thanks Marie. You’re the best.”

She hugged me back, holding me for a moment. “No, you’re the best. I love you. I’ll see you soon, Lor. Okay?”

I let go of her slowly. “Okay. Thank you for everything.”

She stepped away and went to climb off on the dock. “That’s what family does for each other. We have each other’s back.”

I smiled and waved her off and returned to Chris, sliding into his lap gently, kissing his temple as he wrapped me in his arms. I didn’t know what would come after all this chaos, but I knew that Chris had my back, and whatever happened next, we would get through it together.




Thursday morning, Christopher was insistent to take a run down in the Muir Woods. Two black eyes and taking a knife to his face would not stop him from his everyday routines. He was stubborn like that, but it was also why I admired him so.

After running through the Redwood Trees, we made it to our final destination which was the Muir Beach Outlook on a circular platform. We had some of our most meaningful conversations here.

Leaning against the railing arm to arm, the sunlight hitting our faces, I looked at him after pulling sunglasses over my eyes.

“How are you feeling about today?” He asked.

I groaned quietly, and turned to look out over the water.

“That bad, huh? Do you want me to come with you?” he asked in a singsong tone.

I lowered my sunglasses as I turned to look at him. “Are you crazy? My father almost killed you. Absolutely not. You stay where you are safe on Cakes and Pies, rest, read a book, eat yourself into the deepest of food comas; but you will not come near that funeral. Got it?”

He saluted me quickly and laughed. “Fine. But you best be careful.”

“I am not afraid of the Castillos. I might not be apart of their Nazi Family Business, but I know how to kick ass when I need to.”

He snickered. “That’s really hot, Lor.”

I flashed him a smile placing a hand on his cheek, planting a gentle kiss to his lips as he turned his head toward me. He held onto the kiss for a moment as I caressed the pad of my thumb against his cheek. Slowly breaking the kiss, I pressed my forehead against his. “In all seriousness, we’ll have a quiet night to ourselves tonight when I get back.”

His warm hands cupped over my cheeks. “I’m looking forward to it, beautiful.”

I nuzzled my nose into his, as he pulled me close to plant a passionate kiss against my lips. Returning his kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck; and he pulled my legs up around his waist as he walked back toward the parking lot in a lip lock. I giggled profusely as he managed to get us back to the car with little to no sight on where he was going. Looking up at him with admirable eyes as he set me down and opened the car door, I took his hand as he helped me in. He planted another gentle kiss against my lips and I couldn’t find it in me to push him away.

The fresh thoughts of mingling with family members I hadn’t seen nor spoken to in months had my head spinning and stayed with me as we returned to Cakes and Pies. I disappeared into the bathroom to start the shower.

 One hour later, I exited the cabin to find Christopher on the deck with his laptop set up on his lap. A defined whistle left his lips and I flashed a smile as I approached him and pecked his lips. “I gotta go. I’m running late. I’ll see you in a few hours, handsome. Don’t work too hard, okay?”

“No promises, beautiful. Be careful driving and I’ll see you soon.”

Planting one last peck to his lips, I left.




Upon arrival to the yacht, I went straight to the top of the vessel, and sat on one of the couches staring off into the bay and the San Francisco city skyline. Family members began to gather around, quiet whispers were exchanged as an eerie feeling of sadness took over. There was more to what Armani went through. Had he really protected me? Did he put a stop to the advances Santino wanted to make on me? Was I actually in the clear of Santino trying to force me into a life I didn’t want? Would I ever get an answer?

Pushing my thoughts off as I spotted the poster boards filled with photos. Approaching the first one, Armani’s childhood memories from infancy to becoming a big brother were laid out in front of me. He was only human. No matter what he did, he did not deserve this. I moved from one poster board to the next, taking in the memories of our childhood to becoming teenagers and beyond. We were far from normal, the Castillo name said it all. We came from money, there was no denial in that; but one trait we all had in common was that we were adamant about supporting each other. Sometimes, I felt that the support came with a price.

I felt a gentle hand lay against my back and turned to see my mother. She gave me a gentle push and we walked to the front. Father grabbed a microphone from Luciana, “If everyone could find a seat, we’re going to get started.”

 Taking a seat next to Luciana, I stared off as my father took center stage and began the service. “Good afternoon. Today, we are gathered to remember the life of the beloved Armani Castillo Jr., son to Amelia and myself, a loving brother to our girls Luciana and Lorelai. What I learned raising Armani is that he was a passionate and protective young man to his sisters. He adored his mother, looked up to me and followed instructions like a true soldier.  He loved the outdoors and taking adventures with his sisters whether they rode their bikes through Sausalito or ventured out to the Muir Woods. He was always looking out for them.  As a parent to Armani, I admired his strength and admiration to walk in my footsteps.” He paused as tears filled his eyes. “While I live to regret not being more on top of his actions, his passing came out at the protection of family.” He stopped there and dropped his head slightly, looking down he inhaled a shaky breath before he spoke.. “Rest easy, Son.”

Mother rubbed her hand over his arm as she took the mic from his hand and settled it into the stand. The wind blew through her dark locks gently as she looked around at the family surrounding us. “As our first child, Armani was a very special young man. His passion for life in all aspects, including success, was always over the top. He was loved by many for his sense of adventure and overall caring and protective instincts he inherited from his father. Armani and I did our best to raise our children to be noble, respectful, kind-hearted human beings. Armani always exceeded my expectations from the time he was just a baby.” She looked toward the urn and shook her head as she sobbed.

My father stepped in when he noticed that Mother became overwhelmed and looked toward me. “Lorelai? Do you mind?”

I read between the lines. He didn’t want her to say anything more. God forbid she revealed how she really felt. Swallowing my own tears behind my sunglasses, I stood front and center, taking the mic.

Mother’s wails of sobs and cries grew louder before she screamed. “Get your hands off of me, you bastard! He shouldn’t be dead!”

Heads turned and the whispers began. I pushed past the drama and tried to focus back on what I wanted to say. “Armani…” I smiled. “When our father said Armani loved the outdoors, he wasn’t overexaggerating. From the time that I was just a young girl looking up to my siblings, Armani was there to do what big brothers did best. He showed me the world and how I could keep it at my fingertips through the world of sailing, which he learned from our father and his passion for being on the water. Armani would take me down to the docks, or down to Muir Beach on Saturday mornings where we would paddle board or jet ski depending on his mood. He gave unsolicited advice; and while I never seemed to appreciate it in the moment, I always looked back and realized how important it was.” I inhaled a sharp wayward breath. “Armani was not just a son to our father and mother, he was a brother admired by many, a man of his word, a protector… and most importantly, a hero.” My voice trailed off through the tears that choked me up. I paused and stilled before I found a seat and stared off into the distance, as tears fell from beneath my sunglasses frame.

As the shock value wore off from my mother’s dramatic exit, the emotions kicked in and sobs left me as Luciana took the front of the room. Mother returned with red puffy cheeks and daggers in her eyes as she stood between Luci and I. We walked down the center aisle to the port of the vessel. Reaching in to gather a handful of ashes one at a time, we held onto it until each of us had the grainy textures in our hands. Watching the ashes slip through the cracks of my fingers, I swiped my hands together to rub the residue away and turned to Luci, who was putting on a brave face until now, and embraced her into my arms as we walked back to the front and took our seats. I knew that today of all days, we had to come together for Armani’s sake.




The reception took place immediately after the memorial. I sat alone at the front of the yacht in the outdoor seating area, which happened to be the same spot Christopher and I had our first date. Tears and sobs dwindled down as the cool air dried the tears against my face. The air felt so much colder outside of Sausalito. I was ready to leave this yacht and get the hell away from these people. I wanted to be alone with Christopher to mourn Armani’s loss. He was the only one I needed right now besides our little peanut.

Footsteps against the wooden panels interrupted the massive amount of thoughts running through my head. “Lorelai? May I have a word?”

I jumped slightly at the sound of my father’s tone. “Of course.”

He walked over and Uncle Thaddeus and Matteo followed as they all took a seat. I was ready to make a mad dash overboard and into the bay. Why were all three of them moving in to surround me?

“You wanna tell me what this is all about?” My father snapped and slapped the golden yellow envelope on the table with “Emancipation Notification” slapped across the top of the letter.

I clenched my teeth and pressed my lips together, narrowing my eyes toward him and then Matteo. “You had to do this today?”

Matteo shrugged as he walked from behind the couch. “You said you needed it taken care of, Lorelai.”

Uncle Thad followed him and made himself comfortable. “What I want to know is why you think it’s okay at all to divorce your parents after they’ve done everything for you.”

I shook my head. “It’s none of your business, Uncle Thad. Stay out of it!”

My father filed in and sat on the other side of me, cornering me in.

“No! You will give us an explanation, Lorelai!” My father was now yelling.

“You’re leaving Sausalito with Mama and I told you I wouldn’t leave Christopher behind! I love him and I will go to any length to make sure you don’t get another chance to hurt him!”

He furrowed his eyebrows and snatched the letter up looking down at me after looking it over. “Is this what you really want, Lorelai?”

I stayed quiet and avoided all eye contact. “Yes, Daddy.”

“This kid really means that much to you?” He continued with vivid intimidation.


The hesitation from my end was zero, but the fact that Uncle Thad tagged along made me nervous. I pushed the thought away as my father leaned down to sign the paperwork and set it down. “I hope you’re happy then.” He said and leaned over, pressing his lips against my cheek before he stood up and walked off without another word.

I sighed as Matteo took the paperwork and followed after him.

Uncle Thad remained on the couch, his ankle against the top of his leg, looking me over. “You’ll regret this someday, Lorelai.”

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes toward him. “Is that a threat?”

“A Castillo never turns his or her back on family.” His tone dark and cold.

I narrowed my eyes at him before I stood up and walked off, shivering. I was sure the hair on the back of my neck was standing straight. I needed to get the hell out of here and back to Christopher. Without blinking an eye in the direction of my family, I isolated myself inside of the cabin of the yacht until we were docked. I stood in the distance watching the dock workers drop the bridge walkway; and the second the coast was clear, I fled the scene.