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Stolen Kisses by Annie Rains (16)

Chapter 16

“Just make sure you’re going into this with your eyes open. That’s all I’m saying. It’s my brotherly duty to tell you that and I’d be remiss if I didn’t.”

Krista had come home to Joey wanting to talk to her. They’d talked, he’d gone out to tinker with his cab, and he was back in the living room now, reiterating their earlier conversation.

Krista walked over and made a pot of coffee despite the late hour. If she didn’t have a cup now, she’d be going straight to sleep and it was barely eight o’clock. “Eyes wide open already, Joe. I’m not a helpless little girl, you know.”

“On top of that warning, I want to add, I think you and Noah are a good idea. I like you two together.”

Krista turned in mid-reach to get the coffee mugs. “Now this is news. You never think any of the guys I date are a good idea.”

Joey followed her and helped her retrieve the mugs which were just an inch higher than she could get without a stool. “Helpless little girl,” he tsked, then crowed as she tapped an elbow to his ribs and snatched the mugs. There were two, so she guessed he was having a cup of coffee with her.

“I thought you gave up the nighttime coffee habit now that you’re working days.”

“I did, and I’ll be working nights again just as soon as I get the cab fixed.”

Krista took the pot and poured him a healthy glass. “Yeah? So you’ll quit fishing with Noah?”

“Nope. I think I’ll do both. Fish during the season. Cabby a couple nights a week. I enjoy it.”

Krista poured her coffee and took a sip. “Well, I won’t mind having you drive me, Grace, and Abby around on Thirsty Thursdays again.”

Joey climbed up on the edge of the counter and sat with his cup of coffee. Sometimes Krista thought her brother had no idea how big of a man he actually was. She feared for the counter momentarily, that it might crumble under his muscle and stature. “Grace is about to get married. You’re dating Noah. I foresee those girls’ nights falling apart. You’ve already missed the last couple due to Grace’s wedding planning. Just a matter of time before Grace and Jack start a family.”

“Yeah. I know. Thirsty Thursdays will turn more into me stopping by her place to help change diapers and rock the baby to sleep.”

“You’ll be too busy doing whatever you and Noah do when you’re alone.” He covered his ears. “Not that I want to hear those details.”

Krista laughed, then turned when the doorbell rang. “You expecting someone?” she asked Joey.


Krista headed toward the door. “Noah and I agreed to take the night off.” But a little spark of excitement tore through her veins at the thought that he might’ve stopped by anyway. That he might have been unable to resist.

“Hey,” Noah said, standing just over the threshold as she opened the door.

“Hey, yourself. Couldn’t stay away?” she asked.

“Evidently not.” He looked past her to Joey standing in the kitchen. Yeah, having a roommate put a damper on things. It wasn’t as if she could invite Noah inside for wild, or even tame, sex. And she had her heart set on sleeping in her own bed tonight, so…

“Want to come in for a cup of coffee?” she asked. “I just made a pot.”

Noah shook his head. “I had a beer at Castaways. I might not sleep tonight if I do both. And, while I don’t mind missing sleep for other reasons—”

“That’s my exit cue,” Joey announced. “I have supersonic hearing, you know.” He collected his coffee and walked down the hall to his bedroom.

Krista laughed. “Come in,” she said, gesturing into the living room. Noah took a step inside and she closed the door behind him.

“I don’t know why I’m here. I guess I just didn’t want to go home without saying good night. Is that stupid?” he asked.

“I think it’s romantic.” She leaned against his body, went up on her toes, and kissed him.

“Coffee breath,” he said, breaking into a smile.

“Sorry.” But she was smiling, too.

He kissed her again, deeper this time, letting his hands run over her back and down to her backside. “It just doesn’t feel right ending the day without doing this. And doing this makes me ache to do other things to you.”

Krista’s body ached as well. “I want you, too,” she whispered, suddenly entertaining the idea of fixing Joey’s cab herself. Then he’d be spending his nights driving up and down the streets of Blushing Bay, and she could spend her nights with Noah.

Noah’s mouth dropped down to her neck. There was a new growth of hair on the side of his jaw that set her blood ablaze for him. He guided her back against the wall, which was good because her knees were turning to mush. Then his fingers traced the waistband of the silk pajama pants she’d put on upon getting home. “I just need to touch you,” he growled in a low whisper. His hand escaped down her pants, under her panties, navigating down between her legs. He groaned low in his throat because she was ready for him. Hot and bothered and halfway to an orgasm while fully clothed. He ran the pad of his index finger along her center.

Krista pressed her body back into the wall for support, focusing on the sensation.

“I wish I could put my mouth on you right now,” he said, fanning the flames of her desire.

Her mind searched for ways to make that happen. She loved the feel of his mouth, his tongue. “We can’t,” she finally said with regret.

“I know.” He kissed her neck as his finger continued to stroke her. The man probably had musical talent somewhere in his genes because he was playing her like an instrument right now. “You have to be quiet,” he warned. “I don’t want Joey teasing me on the boat tomorrow.”

She bit down on her lower lip as the pressure built inside her. She needed a release so badly, it hurt.

Noah’s mouth went to her ear. His body pressed against hers, his hard erection pressing into her as his finger worked magic. “I wish I had you at my place right now.”

She wished that, too, as she bit down on her bottom lip and the pressure exploded inside her. Noah covered her mouth with his, kissing her deeply and keeping her quiet until her body went limp, wedged upright between him and the wall.

He pulled his hand away, but he didn’t move until she had her bearings back and could stand without melting into a boneless puddle on the floor. Then he kissed her cheek and grinned proudly. “My duty here is done. Now I have to go home and fix a…situation.

Her gaze flicked to the hard protrusion in his pants.

“Sorry,” she said, still recovering from her seven minutes in heaven sans the closet.

“I’m not.” He winked and walked to the front door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Definitely. We need to finish planning Saturday’s fishing trip for Adam and the anti-bachelor-and-bachelorette party for next weekend.”

“And I need to get ahold of you. In private,” he said. “I don’t want you to keep quiet tomorrow,” he whispered. “Hearing you is half the turn-on for me.”

On Saturday morning, Noah stirred in bed, his body waking before he did. Krista’s warm body hugged against him and he was already hard for her. He was in a perpetual state of arousal these days.

Krista’s eyes cracked. “Thank God. Today is my day off. No work. Just play.”

He slid his index finger across her cheek, pushing away a lock of dark hair. “We are going out on the boat, though.”

“Taking Adam fishing isn’t work,” she said, rolling onto one elbow. “And we don’t see him for a couple hours still. You know what I’m thinking?”

Noah wrapped his arms around her. “I hope so.”

“Breakfast at the BB Café.” She tugged free and left him lying in the bed. “Be right back. Gotta pee!”

Noah frowned as the bathroom door shut behind her. He had not been dreaming about muffins, bagels, croissants, or specialty coffee. He shifted uncomfortably in bed and then sat up and draped his legs over the edge. Naked, he walked over to his dresser and pulled out some fresh clothes. His belly growled, agreeing with Krista. He guessed sustenance would be nice, although he was pretty sure he could survive a long time with just Krista.

A moment later, she reappeared from the bathroom, fresh-faced and smiling. She’d packed an overnight bag and had put on her fresh clothes in the bathroom. “I think I keep the café in business.”

“You and Grace,” he added. “Glad it’s me this morning, though.” Even if he’d much rather stay in bed awhile longer with her.

They drove to the café, filled their bellies, and then got a muffin to-go for Adam. After that, Krista gave the directions as Noah drove to Adam’s house just a few neighborhoods away. The houses were small, cookie-cutter style. He pulled into a driveway at the end of the cul-de-sac. Before he’d even parked, Adam spilled out the front door and came charging toward them.

Krista laughed out loud. “I guess he’s excited about the day.”

“I guess so.” Noah laughed, too, remembering that feeling as a kid, when the water and the fish below had beckoned. These days he got that same feeling from Krista and her body.

Adam’s mother appeared at the door, too. She came down the porch steps and walked to the Jeep as Noah and Krista stepped out. “Thank you again for doing this. I have to warn you, though, he’s a little ramped up this morning. He’s been talking about this fishing adventure all week.”

Krista shook her head. “Not a problem, Mandy. Do you, uh, have plans for today?” she asked, giving Adam’s mom a look.

The mother’s cheeks blushed. “I’m actually having lunch with a new friend at The Landing today.”

Krista squealed quietly.

“My sister-in-law runs that place,” Noah said. “Tell her that Noah sent you and she’ll hook you and your friend up.” He didn’t know who the mother’s friend was, but judging by Krista’s excitement, it was a male friend.

Noah helped Adam in the back where Krista had installed a booster seat, then they drove to the docks. No one would ever know Adam had been sick just a short time ago. He chattered all the way there and didn’t stop as they boarded the boat. “You remember that we have to keep quiet once we throw the lines, right?”

“Aye-aye, captain,” Adam said, giving him a salute. “We don’t want to scare our fish away.”

Noah shared a glance at Krista. “This kid just might join my crew when he’s older.”

“I believe it.” She sat on the boat’s front seating area as Noah navigated out into the ocean. He watched Krista with one arm hugged around the boy as he navigated the boat to one of his favorite fishing spots. She was a natural with kids. He could envision her with four or five of her own, clinging to her waist and calling her mom.

His chest constricted around his heart. He could also envision himself with Krista long-term, but not so much with the four or five kids hanging off him.

Can I even picture one child hanging on me?

Noah considered it. Maybe if the child was a boy. He was good with boys. He’d been raised in a house of only males. A little girl, though? He’d have no idea what to do with one. And the thing about parenting is that you didn’t get to choose. And you didn’t get to back out if you got antsy, which wasn’t so far off-base when it came to him.

Shit, why was he even contemplating parenthood? Neither of them were ready for that. They’d just had sex for the first time last weekend.

Noah slowed the boat when they arrived at a good fishing spot and tossed in the anchor.

Adam came barreling toward him.

“Whoa, there. No running on the boat, remember? If you go overboard, I’ll have to toss Krista in to save you.”

“Ha, ha. Very funny.” Krista put her hands on her hips. She was wearing a fun little dress over her bathing suit that fluttered around her figure in the wind. For a split second, Noah considered that the kid might need to go for a swim anyway so he could put his hands on her. But that would be wrong, and he wasn’t sure Adam could even swim. Either way, he was wearing a life jacket, so he’d be okay for a few minutes. Noah was certain he could satisfy both his and Krista’s needs in that amount of time.

“Remember how to bait the line?” she asked Adam.

The boy nodded enthusiastically. “Yep.”

Noah sat down with him on the front bench and coaxed him as he demonstrated. “Good job. You’re a pro already.”

Adam giggled and Noah’s heart tugged hard. He wouldn’t mind having a family one day if his kid could be just like this one. And his wife just like Krista.

He looked up and met her blue eyes, shaded under a wide-brimmed hat. She was watching them intently, a dreamy expression on her face. Were they thinking the same thing? And heck, if they were, he was getting way over his head in their relationship. And he didn’t have a proverbial life jacket if he started to drown.

Krista couldn’t have dreamt up a better morning. The weather was perfect and every time Adam tossed his line overboard, within minutes he had a fish. If she didn’t know better, she’d wonder if Noah had paid someone to place a ready fish on the hook down below. It was as if the stars had aligned for one perfect day. Perfect because of the weather and the setting, and the man taking his time with one of her favorite kids.

She’d never seen Noah quite so patient. He answered every one of Adam’s questions—and Adam asked a lot of questions—and he told stories about his own childhood. They laughed together and when Adam needed a stern look to keep him safe on the boat, Noah gave it. Before loading the boat today, she didn’t think she could be more attracted to him, but yes, she definitely could.

“You’re staring at us,” Noah said, dipping into the cooler and grabbing a bottled water as Adam sat intently and stared into the blue abyss below.

Krista blinked and realized he was telling the truth. “Sorry,” she said, a little embarrassed.

“You haven’t tossed your line in today. Want me to bait it for you?”

Krista cocked her head. “I can bait my own hook, thank you very much.”

He stepped closer, casting a look at Adam over his shoulder. The child was still staring at the water, so he stepped even closer.

Krista lifted her face to look at him.

“But you don’t like to touch the bait. Too slimy. You told me that once.”

She laughed softly. “And you promised to take that secret to your grave.”

“I will. But I don’t mind baiting for you if you need me to. When no one’s watching.”

She laughed some more, then stopped abruptly as he leaned in and landed a kiss on her lips.

“I don’t mind doing that either when no one’s watching.” He pulled away quickly. He’d gone in just long enough to steal her breath and a kiss.

“Fish!” Adam shouted while jumping up and down.

“That’s my cue.” Noah turned and went to help him pull a half-pound bass onto the deck.

“Wow! I’m impressed!” Krista squatted on the front deck to admire the catch. Pulling out her cellphone, she gestured for them to slide in toward one another. “You two get behind it. I’ll snap a picture of you.”

Noah wrapped his arm proudly around Adam’s shoulders, pulling him in. They beamed above the bass.

Krista clicked the picture and nodded. “Got it!”

“Now for a selfie.” Noah lifted her cellphone out of her hand and pulled her to him. They squatted to align themselves with Adam. “Say ‘shark’!” All of their faces twisted from smiles to wide-eyed terror.

Krista belly-laughed after he’d clicked the button. “I will not be sending that one to your mom, Adam. She might wonder what in the world we’re doing out here.”

She noticed Adam’s expression turned again.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

He shrugged his tiny shoulders. “Nothing.”

“Looks like something to me,” Noah said, sharing a concerned look with Krista.

“It’s just, my mom’s on a date today.”

“Oh. Right.” Krista sat down on the bench and patted the space beside her. She waited for him to sit. “That’s a good thing, right?”

He hung his chin to his chest.

“I think it’s a wonderful thing. Your mom needs friends, too, you know.”

Adam looked at her. Then his gaze flicked to Noah who was icing the fish, but still in hearing range. “It’s more than a friend, I think. I think it’s more like what you and Mr. Noah are.”

Krista couldn’t help but smile. She and Noah were more than friends now. Finally. Even a seven-year-old could see it. “Is that a bad thing? If your mom finds a nice friend, you might like him, too. And maybe he’ll take you fishing or camping or—”

“I already have a dad. He’s a loser. I’d rather have no dad at all than one who only shows up once a year to talk about how much I’ve grown.”

Krista frowned at the boy. “I’m sorry, Adam. That must be rough. But just because one person let you down, doesn’t mean everyone will. You need to know that. You can’t be afraid to take a chance on someone. You made friends with me and Mr. Noah, right? Same thing with your mom’s new friend.”

Adam didn’t look convinced. “Yeah, but you and Mr. Noah aren’t trying to kiss my mom right now.”

Krista gave his little thigh a playful shove. “I can’t believe you just said that. Promise me you’ll give whoever your mom dates a chance. She would never allow someone in her life that she didn’t think would do right by you. She’s smarter than that.” And even though it was only their first date, Krista hoped that Mandy found her prince in this new guy.

It was after three when they docked the boat and hauled the day’s catch to the back of Noah’s Jeep. Adam was quiet on the drive home, tuckered out and happy. He didn’t say a word all the way to his driveway. Krista turned back at one point to see if he’d fallen asleep, but he was still wide-eyed, his little cheeks flushed from the sun and the day’s excitement.

“We’re here,” Noah said as he parked.

Adam sat for a moment. “This was maybe the best day of my life!” he finally said.

“Glad you enjoyed yourself, buddy.” Noah got out and opened the back door.

Adam opened his arms wide and gave Noah a huge hug when he did. “Will you take me every time I get sick and leave the hospital?”

Noah furrowed his brow, scratched his chin. “You don’t have to get sick for me to take you fishing. In fact, I’d prefer it if you stayed well so we can go fishing more often.”

“Really?” Adam’s whole face lit up.

For a second, Krista panicked. You couldn’t make a kid promises that you didn’t plan on keeping. Noah had no idea, but a kid would hold you to your word every time. She relaxed as she watched him lift Adam up from the floor of his Jeep and place him firmly on the ground. She was worried for nothing, she realized. Noah had enjoyed the day as much as Adam. They weren’t empty words, and that made her fall just a little bit more in love than she already was.