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Stolen Kisses by Annie Rains (8)

Chapter 8

On Friday night, Noah finished packing his bags for the weekend. He’d be leaving first thing in the morning to travel up to the North Carolina mountains where the Sawyer cabin was. It’d been a year and a half since he’d been there. He, Jack, and Sam had traveled up there right after Sam’s separation from Abby. That weekend, they’d discussed any- and everything except Sam’s crumbling marriage.

Noah pulled out his phone and hesitated. Krista had told him she’d drive up separately, but that didn’t make any sense. And why would she want to? They were best friends, even if lately there’d been a wedge between them. One wedge being Dr. Dale. Noah snarled at the image of the doctor in his mind. He didn’t like the guy. Chandler Dale came off as smug and snooty—and not what Krista needed. Noah wasn’t what she needed either, though.

On an inhale, he pushed dial and waited for Krista to answer.

“Hello?” she finally said after five rings.

“Don’t tell me you were sleeping already.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s only eight-thirty.”

“I was out late last night,” she said, breaking into a yawn.

Noah’s back teeth clenched hard. Had she been out late with Dr. Dale? “Oh. That’s great,” he lied. “You must’ve had a hot date.”

“Um-hmm,” she sighed, sleepily.

It was obvious she didn’t want to talk about Dr. Dale with him. Fine. He hadn’t called to talk about that, either. “So, uh, I’m all packed to head up to the cabin tomorrow morning. I know you said you would drive up yourself, but that seems crazy to me. You know how distracted and restless I get on long drives.”


Noah could imagine Krista pulling her lower lip between her teeth and biting down softly like she sometimes did when she didn’t know how to respond.

“And you like to sleep on long car rides. Wouldn’t that beat driving? Especially when you’re sleep-deprived.” Because of Doofus Dr. Dale.

“I guess,” she finally conceded.

“So I can pick you up, we’ll drive together, and then we’ll knock out all the cabin work we have to do as Best Man and Maid-of-Honor. It’ll be a breeze. Sound good?”

Krista hesitated. “Well, I have to make a few stops to buy some, um, romantic items along the way for Grace, which is another reason I thought we’d be better off going separate.”

Noah imagined buying rose petals or something for some other girly romantic gesture. They could find a florist shop on the way, although fake petals might be more practical since the wedding wasn’t for a few more weeks. “Fine by me. I’ll help you.”

“Oh. Okay…Well, sleeping on the way up really does sound nice. Are you sure you don’t mind?”

Noah’s shoulders dropped in relief. An old-fashioned road trip to the mountains sounded like the perfect way for them to get out of their funk. “I’m happy to drive. Pick you up at seven a.m.?”

Krista groaned. “Another reason I wanted to drive myself. Even when you sleep in, you’re up way too early.”

“But you can sleep on the way,” he reminded her.

“Fine. I guess I should get up and finishing packing.”

“Great. I’ll stop and get the muffins from the BB Café before I pick you up.”

“And coffee. Don’t forget that,” she said.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

After hanging up with Krista, Noah stretched his arms overhead. He was tired, but reluctant to hit the mattress. Every time he did, Krista showed up in his dreams, wearing a little less clothing than the time before. He needed to see her as just one of the guys again, wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Except now when he saw her in those, she looked like sex on a stick. And despite himself, he wanted her like he’d never wanted any woman before. And that was his reasoning for why driving to the mountains and spending the weekend with Krista was a bad idea.

Noah honked his horn outside Krista’s townhouse at seven a.m. the next morning. She came walking out her front door, a yawn stretching her sleep-creased face as she opened the back door to his Jeep, tossed her overnight bag in, and then plopped down in the passenger seat beside him, smelling like lavender. Noah handed over her coffee. “Almond milk and four sugars.”

“You’re awesome.” She took a sip, closing her eyes as if the coffee was liquid gold.

Noah had to pull his gaze from her mouth, suddenly fantasizing that same look of satisfaction on her face with him. He cleared his throat, gripped the steering wheel tighter. “All right. Here we go. You just let me know when and where you need to stop to do those errands you were talking about.”

Krista nodded. “The store is about two hours from here. I Googled it last night. We’ll be arriving there as soon as it opens.”

Noah pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the interstate. “What is the place called?”

“Sugar and Spicy.”

Noah nearly spewed the coffee he’d just sipped across the windshield. “What?”

Krista burst into laughter. “I told you I had to get some romantic items for Grace. You said you didn’t mind.”

“I thought you meant flowers or cute little heart-shaped candies or something.”

Krista continued laughing, holding her side like she did when she found something hilarious. “You offered. It’s no big deal. I’m sure you’ve seen sex toys before.”

Noah covered one ear, gripping the steering wheel hard with the other. “Jack is my brother. Grace is going to be my sister-in-law. Thinking about them with toys is extremely gross.” He shuddered.

Krista swatted his shoulder. “Stop. Just don’t think about them. You can help me pick out what you would want if it was your honeymoon.”

And that topsy-turvied his whole mood back from grossed-out to turned-on.

“Not that you’d ever go on a honeymoon because you’re a forever bachelor.”

He nodded. “That’s right.” He shifted uncomfortably, his pants suddenly getting snug in certain places.

“Grace is too embarrassed to go inside a place like that herself, but she and Jack haven’t experimented yet…”

Noah held up a hand. “I don’t need the details. Really.”

Krista shook her head and sipped more of her coffee. “I’m not embarrassed to go in, but I’m also not experienced in things like that.”

Noah glanced over. He really shouldn’t ask. “You’ve never tried toys in the bedroom?”

Her cheeks flushed, and those places in his pants got even snugger. His imagination went wild.

“Yes, of course.” Krista’s laugh was laced with nerves. “I mean, I’ve tried some stuff.”

He lifted a brow. Don’t ask, Noah. Asking can only spell trouble. “Like what?”

“A lady never tells.”

Noah held up a finger and waved it at her as he drove. “Unless it’s her best friend. A lady tells her best friend everything.”

She hesitated, then rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Well…you know those condoms that have little spikes?”

Yeah, he should stop this conversation cold in its tracks. “That’s the extent of your experimentation?”

Krista shrugged. “I haven’t had too many serious relationships, you know. Experimenting is for people you’re serious about.”

He felt her gaze turn on him.

“You’ve never been in a serious relationship that I know of,” she said.

Noah glanced over. He’d never told Krista about the girl he’d dated during his brief stint in college. The one he’d thought he’d gotten pregnant for a millisecond before the extreme relief that it’d only been a false alarm. They’d been somewhat serious, but he’d never been in love with her. He cleared his throat and pushed the memory away. “I don’t agree that you have to be in a serious relationship to experiment. I think two consenting adults can do what they want.”

“That’s the difference between you and me.”

“Yep.” And he’d be wise to remember that. He didn’t do serious relationships. Not anymore. And Krista wanted serious. She wanted the whole kit and caboodle that he would never be able to offer her.

After a moment of awkward silence, Krista pulled the pillow that she’d tossed in the backseat to her and wedged it between her head and the side window. “Wake me when we get there,” she said. “Since you’re so experienced, you can help me decide what Grace and Jack might enjoy on their honeymoon.”

Noah grimaced. “Only if we can agree to pretend it’s not for people we know.”

Krista smiled softly. “Deal.”

Krista awoke to Noah poking her in the side. She twisted around to avoid another poke, then moaned at the stiffness that had settled into her body as she curled in the seat and leaned against the passenger door and window.

“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. We’ve arrived at Sugar and Spicy.”

Krista blinked away the tiredness and focused on the little store. The name was written in large red block print above the door. The window held mannequins dressed in skimpy clothing.

Noah reached over and pressed the release on her seat belt. “Let’s do this.”

Krista slid her feet back into her shoes that she’d kicked off before falling asleep and stepped out. Noah opened the storefront door and let her enter first. She’d never been inside a store like this—no way was she telling Noah that, though. She looked around as Noah stepped up beside her.

“Did, uh, the person-who-shall-not-be-named mention what kind of items she wanted?” he asked.

Krista grinned at him. “Just something sexy that will knock Jack’s socks off.”

Noah acted as if she’d thrown egg at his face. His eyes squinted and his mouth soured. “No names, remember.”

“Can I help you two find what you’re looking for?” A woman dressed neatly in a blouse and navy pants approached them. Her hair was pulled back on the sides and she looked like she belonged in a store that sold fine jewelry instead of sex toys and lingerie.

“Hi. We don’t exactly know what we’re looking for,” Krista told her.

The woman nodded. “Well, what do you two like to do together?”

Krista opened her mouth and a series of dumbfounded sounds stumbled over her lips. She’d told Grace that she wouldn’t be embarrassed to come to a store like this one, but that was because she wasn’t shopping for herself. “No. Um…We’re not…Um…”

Noah bumped along Krista’s arm. She looked over, hoping he’d save her.

“We’re new at these kinds of things. What would you suggest?”

Krista swallowed and started coughing now.

“It’s okay. No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart,” Noah told her. “Right?” he asked the woman.

Krista bordered between embarrassment and irritation, which Noah seemed to find hilarious.

“Exactly. This is my job. You wouldn’t believe some of the things I see. If I were you two, new to toys and such, I’d start over here.” The woman started walking ahead of them.

Krista took the moment to land a hard punch to Noah’s upper arm.

“Ow,” he whispered. “This is fun. We might learn something.”

“We?” she said. “I thought you already knew everything.”

“I never said that.” Noah looked over, his gaze lingering on hers until she couldn’t breathe for a totally different reason. Stop that, Krista. Just friends, remember? She was moving on from her childhood crush. Who knows? Maybe this time next year, she’d be the one getting married. Not to Chandler Dale. He was a great guy, overlooking some flaws, but he wasn’t her guy. He didn’t make her heart skip in her chest or visions of white dresses and rings dance in her head. He was just a nice guy. Someone she’d like to have as a friend.

The woman stopped in front of a display labeled WILDEST FANTASIES. There were handcuffs, whips, blindfolds, and other items that Krista couldn’t begin to know what they were for.

“These are for exploring any fantasies you two might have.” She looked at them expectantly. “Have you done any fantasy or role-playing sex?”

Krista felt like she’d fallen into another dimension. She talked candidly with Grace and Abby about sex, but never this candidly. What had she gotten herself into?

“I don’t know. Do you have fantasies, sweetheart?” Noah turned to Krista.

She was going to take her time when she killed him.

“Oh, um…” She scanned the selection. “I guess the handcuffs look nice?” It was more of a question than a response.

Noah nodded and reached for a pair. “What else?”

Krista shook her head, pulling her lower lip into her mouth.

“May I suggest one of these?” The woman pulled down a large pink feather. “The sensation is amazing,” she told Krista. “You wouldn’t believe how arousing this can be in your lover’s hands.”

Krista took the feather and ran her finger over the side of the feather. “Yeah, it is pretty soft.”

“It’s not for rubbing against your fingers, sweetheart,” Noah said, winking at her.

Krista felt her face grow hot. “I know that,” she snapped, although now she was blocking visuals of a lover—Noah—tracing this feather in places it had no business tracing.

“What else do you have?” Noah asked the woman.

Thirty minutes later, they left Sugar and Spicy with handcuffs, a blindfold, a large feather (not for rubbing against fingers), massage oils, and a box of ribbed, glow in the dark condoms “for her pleasure.”

Krista was relieved to get back in the passenger seat of Noah’s Jeep and head to the mountains.

“Do you think you got what Grace had in mind?”

“I’m not sure what Grace had in mind, but if this isn’t right, I’ll give her the address to come here with Jack.”

“The clerk there is more than happy to help clueless couples.”

Krista giggled. “I can’t believe she thought we were a couple.”

“Well, why not? We’d make a nice couple, don’t you think?” He glanced over. “If you weren’t my best friend.”

“And if you were the couple sort.”

“There’s that.” Noah reached for the radio dial and turned on some soft rock from the eighties.

“You’re not going to make me listen to that for the rest of the drive up,” Krista complained.

“I’m driving and I just took you to a sex toy shop. I think I’m owed some Chicago. Or we could do Sting. Were you hoping for Taylor Swift?” He glanced over as Krista rolled her eyes, but she was still giggling.

“Fine. But on the way home, I’m picking the music.”

A little while later, Noah pulled into the driveway of the Sawyer cabin and blew out a breath. He’d loved coming here as a kid. The cabin was like one big tree house to him and his brothers. All of the walls were wood paneled. The floors were wood. In place of a ceiling were wood rafters. The brothers’ room was equipped with bunk beds. It was a kid’s dream.

Noah glanced over at Krista who stared at the cabin for the first time. “I’ve heard you guys talk about this place, but your description never did it justice. This place is a tiny mansion.”

“With a mountain backdrop.”

“And you’re on a lake.” Krista pushed her Jeep door open and stepped out, stretching her arms overhead.

Noah looked at the ground to keep from noticing her curves, which were all too noticeable in the fitted jeans and T-shirt she had on. “It’s great for fishing.”

Krista frowned and placed her hands on her hips. “Fishing? Is that all you Sawyer boys ever think about?”

“Pretty much,” he said. Until recently. Now, all he seemed to think about was her and that kiss they’d shared. “Let’s go inside. I can’t wait to show you the place.” He hoisted her bag off her shoulder and onto his, then led the way up the stone walkway to the hardwood front door.

Krista looked to her right and gave a little squeal. “There’s a porch swing, too! I love this place already!”

Noah pushed the front door open and gestured her inside.

Krista squealed some more, moving from one room to another. “This is the perfect honeymoon setting. Who needs some fancy island resort when you have a place like this at your disposal?”

“And sex toys to boot,” Noah added, taking Krista’s bag to the main bedroom. “You get to stay in the big bedroom tonight.”

Krista followed him and immediately went to the window overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains. “Are you kidding me? Why didn’t you guys ever bring me here with you?”

“Because you’re a girl.”

Krista glanced over her shoulder. “I’ve always been one of the guys to you, though.” A sadness shaded her blue eyes. Was he imagining that? Did she regret the relationship they’d had until now?

Setting her bag down, Noah walked up beside her to peer out. “Wanna climb later?”

Krista’s lips parted—and he couldn’t help but notice how plump that bottom lip of hers was. He wanted to take it in his own mouth and give it a little nibble. He wanted to hear her sigh into his mouth the way she had a few weeks back. “Are you serious?”

He shook his head. “Not often. And no. I don’t climb. I fish, canoe, and take up residence on that front porch swing while I’m here.”

“Sounds like heaven.” A smile lifted her rose-colored lips. “Grace and Jack are going to have a great time.” She turned around and crossed her arms. “Okay. So we’re here on business, not pleasure. What needs to be done?”

Noah shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “A little dusting, I guess. Change the bedsheets.”

“I brought silk ones,” Krista told him.

Noah narrowed his eyes. “Jack isn’t going to want silk sheets on his bed.”

“It’s their honeymoon and it’s romantic. And Grace will want them, so she wins.”

Noah frowned, but didn’t argue just yet. “We need to stock the freezer and the pantry. I brought a few things for you and me to have tonight. Tomorrow morning, we can head out to get supplies for the happy couple.”


“And I need to cut some wood for the fireplace.”

Krista clasped her hands at her chest and got a dreamy look on her face. “A fire is romantic, too.”

“This is a new side of you I haven’t seen before. Since when do you like romantic things?”

Krista met his gaze. “Since always. In case you haven’t noticed Noah, I’m a woman.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” He didn’t intend the deep rasp in his voice. Coupled with the way their gazes locked, the space between them was purely electric. If he hadn’t gotten such a good handle on his impulse control when he was younger, he’d be pressing her against that wood paneled wall right now and kissing her silly. Pulling that plump bottom lip between his teeth and tasting her again. He cleared his throat, impulses locked down. “It’s supposed to get cold here this weekend. I’ll chop some extra wood for us. Not to add any romance, of course.”

Krista took a step back, a small laugh tumbling out of her. “Of course.”

Noah hitched a finger behind him. “I’ll just go change clothes and head outside to chop a few pieces. It’ll be dark in a couple hours and that’s when the temperature really drops. If I remember correctly, you don’t like being cold.”

“I’ve always said I’d rather be on a sunny beach. But I never had this to compare it to. I might prefer this.”

Noah watched Krista. Her excitement was contagious. “I’m glad you like it here.” And he needed to go chop that wood pronto because Krista was right. He’d never seen the romance in this place. It was just a cabin where he could appreciate the outdoors from a different view. Having Krista here with him, though, turned that view on its head, and he saw why his parents had come here on their honeymoon. And Sam and Abby, too, way back when they were a couple. Now it was Jack and Grace’s turn. “You can just put those items from Sugar and Spicy away. I’ll be back soon.” After he’d worked off his energy and his attraction to Krista.