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Stolen Kisses by Elena M. Reyes (15)

Happy Birthday




FOR BAILEY JONES, I’d become a creeper.

I’d become consumed by her every waking moment.

An in-love fool.

It was the only reason that made sense as to why I’d add kidnapper to the extensive list of offenses. That, and she told me she loved me. That final wall that she fought to keep up crumbled at our feet and she showed me her heart.

That beautiful part of her that beat for me.

Nothing had ever sounded as sweet as those four words: I love you too.

Crawling atop of my pretty girl, I ran my nose up the soft skin of her thighs. Kissed each inch of skin I could. “Time to wake up, beautiful.”

“Shhh, babes. Sleeping.” Bailey shifted, the soft blanket I’d thrown over her body shifting. It exposed the toned flesh of her abdomen. “Stop it, that tickles.”

“Please.” I nipped her hipbone; the small pajama shorts she wore to bed sat low. A little lower, and the edge of her panties would be visible. “It’s after ten, sweetheart.”

“Birthday girls should be allowed to sleep in.” Fuck, her pout was always my undoing.

“I’ll entertain myself then,” I muttered low, nuzzling her belly button. I tossed the blanket aside and lowered her shorts—peeled them off and the underwear beneath. Didn’t give a flying fuck where they landed. All I could focus on was her sweet pussy.

Bailey was completely bare. Not a single hair.

One leg was bent at the knee, exposing her juicy cunt. My mouth watered.

From slit to clit, I ran the tip of my nose over her soft skin. Breathed her in.

“What’re you…oh fuck!” The expletive burst from her as my tongue followed the same path my nose had a second ago. Kissing. Licking. Savoring her sweet essence.

I ate her as if she were my favorite dessert: messily and groaning as each drop escaped her entrance and into my mouth. My cock was hard, and I pressed myself against the mattress to alleviate my painful need.

Her legs shook beside my head, closing around me. Bailey held me against her heat while arching her hips. She rode my tongue, taking her pleasure while I relished in each sweet cry that left her lips.

“Come for me, baby,” I growled into her flesh, flicking her trembling clit. It swelled, and she moaned. Not good enough. “Give me what’s mine.”

Bringing a hand between us, I used two fingers and in rapid succession smacked her sensitive nub.

Her walls contracted at once. “Oh my God!”

Again, I tapped her sex.

Licking her before sinking the same two fingers into her slick pussy in one swift stroke. They massaged—fucked her with vigor.

I wanted her release to drip from my chin.

“Come.” My lips pulled her clit between my teeth and softly bit down. And she did.

Her body arched off the bed, legs holding me hostage while she rode out the waves of her release.

A minute later she fell back against the bed, a sated smile on her face. “Best way to wake up.”

I smirked, feeling like a cocky motherfucker. “You’re very welcome, beautiful. Believe me, it was my pleasure.”

“Cocky son of…wait.” She held a hand up from her place in the bed, her eyes wide and looking around the room. It was finally dawning on her that we weren’t at her house or my parents’. “Miles, where the hell are we?”

“We, my love, are at the Waldorf Astoria in Orlando.”

“Get the hell out!”

“Kid you not.”

“How?” A huge smile overtook her face. “I’ve been dying to stay here. It’s huge.”

Her mother had told me as much, and I could see why. The entire place had an air of opulence that couldn’t be mimicked. With an excellent staff and decorated with lavish furnishings, I was pleased with our room.

The king-sized bed was at the perfect height to bend her over.

The extra pillows atop the bed would be needed to angle her hips.

The table outside on the patio would be useful: I’d eat that pussy while feeding her sweet mouth my cock.

 “I have my ways.”

With the help of her mother and Emi, I managed to pull it off. I’d carried her sleeping form down and placed her in the backseat of what I now knew was her SUV. I made her as comfortable as possible before taking the bag my sister packed for her the day before.

I was adding lucky son of a bitch to my extensive list of achievements. My girl didn’t stir once.

And it was all due to the power of Benadryl.

She’d taken a dose late last night after complaining about her allergies bothering her. Claimed she felt stuffy and was sneezing a bit.

It was literal luck on my side that everything worked out this way.

Of course, it also took some major negotiations on my part with her mom. A steep bargaining session ended with the women in our family taking a trip to the spa on my dime when we returned. Within the offer, they’d receive any treatment they wanted.

That, and dinner at Bailey’s favorite sushi bar.

They were lucky I’d earned some cash while in school. That, and I kept my spending low. With the money Mom and Dad had saved for me in a savings account, my debt was almost nonexistent.

No matter the cost, it would be worth it.

Completely. Anything to have her alone for the next forty-eight hours.

“Answer me, Miles.” Bailey sat up, arms crossed over her chest. Sleep rumpled and sated, she almost caused me to tackle her little ass back into the bed and forget our day out. Almost.

With a small bite to her inner thigh, I sat up and extended a hand out. “Come with me.”

“I’m serious here.”

“You’re adorable,” I said with a laugh and then proceeded to drag her down the bed and to the edge. Bailey yelped, cursed, but I ignored it all and picked up the bed’s sheet on the floor.

With her ass hanging from the edge, I wrapped the soft bedding around her and proceeded to pick her up.

For my efforts, I received a glare and pout.

Our room here was overlooking Disney. Close enough, but not exactly on the property.

The best of both worlds.

We could enjoy the parks tomorrow, and maybe at night, a little of the city’s night life.

But first…

“Are you hungry, baby?” Her stomach answered for her. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Out on the balcony, I had breakfast set up for her. A silver dome lid covered her pancakes, and beside that, she had another with bacon and hash browns. Coffee was hot inside a carafe, and her specific coconut milk in a small creamer.

There was even a single sunflower in a crystal vase.

Pulling a chair back, I sat down at the table with her in my lap. We were high enough that no one could see us—could have a nice breakfast while enjoying the view.

“Are you going to answer my questions?” she asked, eyeing the table with a small smile. It was tiny, but there. “How did you get me here without waking me up? Was I drugged?”

At that I laughed, loud as hell while I squeezed her to me. “Babe, you sleep like the dead. Nothing we did disturbed you, and as to being drugged…your mom was in on this. She helped.”

“But still…”

“Bailey, one word. Benadryl.”

“That crap always knocks me out.”

“Came in handy, but enough about that.” Lifting the lid from the first plate, I presented her with a little something special. Her tiny giggle let me know that it was much appreciated.

“You got me Mickey-shaped pancakes. Love it.”

“Look closer.” At the edge of her plate was a small message in chocolate and caramel sauce. A Happy Birthday and the number 19.

The moment she realized what it said, her face turned my way, lip caught between her teeth. “Thank you, Miles. You have no idea how much this all means to me…even if you did kidnap me.”

“Shut up and eat.”

“Don’t be a jerk, or I’ll kick you out of my room.” Bailey lifted the next dome and did a little wiggle in my lap at the sight of bacon. At once, my cock twitched which caused the little vixen’s shoulder to shake with silent laughter. “Okay, this earned you my forgiveness alone. Bacon is life.”

I shook my head at her antics. “You are too adorable for words.”

“It’s why you love me.”

“I do. And that’s why you’re my girlfriend.”

She arched a brow, smile curling at the edge of her plump lips. “When did that happen? I never gave you my consent.”

“The moment you admitted you love me it was a done deal.” I pecked her lips and then stole a bite of her bacon. Bailey rolled her eyes and then took her own bite. For a few minutes she was silent. Thinking.

A minute later she nodded. “I can live with this. Being your girl sounds really good.”

Maybe it was childish of me to bring her here—to relive a little bit of our younger years, but then again, we all needed to sometimes stop and enjoy life. Let loose. The world was a scary place as it was, and she’d be taking her real first steps in a few short weeks.

Reality and the cocoon our parents created didn’t match. Being an adult came with more than just leaving for school, and I planned to be there for her every step of the way.

Spoil her.

Remind her that there was more to life than responsibilities. To have fun and enjoy the little things with me.

“Best day ever.” She giggled, swaying her ass from side to side on the way toward the hotel’s elevators. We’d spent the first half of the day on International Drive visiting their new Aquarium and then the Ripley’s Believe It or Not attraction.

It was a nice day out, and while the streets were jammed packed with tourist sightseeing as well, we had fun. I held her against my body all day, my arm securely wrapped around her tiny waist.

But now, now I wasn’t smiling as much. No. Not one bit.

I was soaking wet from head to toe, and the little shit was busy laughing a few steps away from me.

This was all her fault too.

Lesson learned. Never trust your girlfriend near any body of water.

“I’m going to get you for this, Bailey. Watch your back.”

“You seem upset, honey. Everything okay?” She bit her lip, shoulder shaking from silent laughter. Hell, her entire body seemed to vibrate with the effort to not bend over and crack the fuck up.


“I should spank you for this,” I hissed low, giving a forced smile to the older couple we passed in the lobby. They too, laughed at my soaking wet appearance.

But in a sense, it was my fault. How had I not seen the evil glint in her eye when she asked for my wallet and phone. Claimed it was for safekeeping inside her backpack while we walked through exhibits and the “petting” animal area.

That, and the fact that she just had to walk through the pool area before we went upstairs to our room.

I was left a hip-checked spluttering mess while she gave me her innocent I don’t know what happened look.

“Promises, promises,” she sang, rolling her eyes at my disgruntled expression. “Besides, you said you were hot.”

Through narrowed eyes I glared at her. “Run.”

“Not scared.”


She whirled around to face me, hand on her hip. “Act your age, Hunter. What will the people in this hotel think?”


“Quit acting like a drowned rat. I heard it was all the rage these days.”

“So that’s how we are playing it? It’s payback for four years ago?”

“Bite me.”

I didn’t wait another second and threw her laughing butt over my shoulder. With a hand on her ass, I walked through the rest of the lobby and inside the elevator. The man inside, a porter heading up, just shook his head at us.

“We’re late for dinner,” I explained with a smirk on my face. To his credit, he didn’t say a word. We didn’t hear a peep until we got off on our floor and his laughter followed us down the hall.

“Keys are inside a side pocket. Placed it there before we got back.”

“Thank you, babe.” Skimming my fingers up the back of her legs, I brushed over the swell of her ass and reached around her hip for the small opening in her dress.

The square piece of plastic was there, and I opened the door.

Once inside, I placed her on her feet. “Sit on the bed and wait for me.”

“Aye, sir.” Bailey eyed me skeptically but did as asked, giving me a captain’s salute. “Will I be punished tonight?”

“Quiet, brat.” Cupping the back of her neck, I tilted her face up and stole a quick kiss. “Give me five minutes. Don’t move.”


A nip to her bottom lip, and I made my way inside the bathroom. When I booked this room, I had asked for a few extra perks to be delivered while we were out at specific times.

I wanted everything to be perfect for her.

On the vanity’s counter I found everything I’d need. Opening the bubble bath brought up from the hotel’s spa, I poured a generous amount into the large tub and turned the water on low.

Next, I lit the candles I’d hidden beneath the sink this morning and flicked the lights off. A warm glow filled the space, and immediately the room filled with the soft scent of lavender and vanilla. Smelled like her.

Last, I moved the chocolate-dipped strawberries to the small alcove with a deep enough ledge at the opposite end.

“Better still be sitting,” I called out, shedding my wet clothing and kicking them aside. Every single article met the floor, and I wrapped a towel around my waist.

I’d ordered a few extras, plus a little something fun to play with later.

“Still here, Miles. Waiting.”