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Stolen Kisses by Elena M. Reyes (7)

Sunday Funday #2





Overtook my senses and made my every breath almost painful whenever he was near.

No longer myself, I lived for Hunter.

But then again, it had always been that way. Even as kids.

Maybe more so then.

He was home. Here. With me.

We’d been thick as thieves and a part of each other’s daily lives. Even when he hit that awkward teenage growth spurt that came with a squeaky voice for a few weeks, I was the one he always sought out. And with all those crazy imperfections—the changes from child to man—I cared for him as much as my young heart would allow.

For weeks, I couldn’t make heads or tails over the flutter in my belly when he was near, nor the way his smile brightened my day. It was innocent. My feelings were/are pure for him, but that doesn’t mean a part of me no longer knew if she wanted his sudden change of heart.

Believed that he finally saw me.

“What is she doing here?” Emi hissed from beside me, fingers crushing the red plastic cup in her hand. Up until last night, I’d kept my crush on her brother nothing more than that. An infatuation from a girl that looked up to someone she trusted and viewed as important. “God, I can’t stand her plastic ass. Always up his, and never amounting to anything more than the title of his ex. It’s all she will ever be since he’s in—”

“Tell me how you really feel, squirt.” Had to interrupt. Hope was a dangerous thing, and something I didn’t want to dabble in when it came to him.

To us.

I’d done that once and walked away with a broken heart.

It took everything in me to pull up my invisible courage panties and confront him. Tell him in not so many words how I felt.

Emily bristled beside me at the use of her childhood nickname but didn’t reply. Nor did she comment at my snort that followed. We were too busy watching the scene before us unfold.

Watching how overdramatic this reunion was set up to be. A torturous train wreck.

This very moment would hurt to witness, but maybe it was necessary on my end. Would help me keep my heart protected. If he welcomed her affection after my confession all those years ago, it would be the end.

The final nail before we even had the fortune of having a beginning.

“Erica didn’t deserve your commitment or affection, Hunter. She’s a bitch, plain and simple, and yet you forgave it all. Ignored all the rude looks and snide comments she sent your sister and me. By the way, we forgive you for that.”

He entered high school and then things changed. She caused that change.

Erica Simons.

All legs and pin-straight, strawberry-blonde hair—hazel eyes with peaches-and-cream complexion. She was perfection wrapped in a fake bow.

Popular, she was that it cheerleader. The girl everyone wanted, and who pretended to be a sweetheart with those she needed inside her pocket. Those important enough to further along her high school career—to be the envy of those around her.

He ignored the way her distaste for us was plain as day to see, but then again, Hunter was too busy watching her tits bounce to recognize her bitchy attitude.

“Give me a minute, B. Just a minute.”

They met, and the boy I loved was no more. He became distant—withdrawn, no longer interested in hanging out with the two lowly preteens that worshipped him.

Emily, because he was her older brother.

Me? Well, me, because I loved him. Still do.

“Just make sure that the next woman you’re with makes you happy. Deliriously so, and I’ll do the same with whatever guy I choose. Good luck.”

Even to this day, I still found him to be the most beautiful male specimen I’d ever seen.

Tall and lean, but well defined. Muscular in a way that showed the time he put into taking care of himself without it being too much. Hunter was hard all over, but still looked like the best kind of cuddle after a nice ride.

“Hunter!” Erica yelled, loud and with that high-pitched giggle at the end that always grated my nerves. “So good to see you, babe.”

Her sudden rush of excitement left everyone standing gob smacked. Arms up and anxious, she wrapped her slender arms around his neck and pulled him down toward her. The scene was reminiscent of every romantic movie where the protagonist reunited after being apart for years.

I felt sick.

My heart clenched painfully inside my chest.

There was no way I’d watch that shit and survive, no matter how much I lied to myself and said I was stronger, less vulnerable when it came to him.

“Hey.” Someone spoke just as I turned my head. Brad was standing next to me with a slick smile. I’d been so preoccupied with them that I failed to notice that our group had grown. “In need of some company?”

“Are you going to behave?” I deadpanned, my eyes narrowing. I was not in the mood to play nice.

“You wound me, babe.” Brad placed a hand on his chest and jutted his bottom lip out. I’m sure that to some other girl, that would’ve been cute, but to me it was annoying.

How many times would I have to express my disinterest?

“Not today,” I mumbled past the knot in my throat, determined to ignore my internal hell—forced myself not to look toward Hunter and that thing. Instead, I moved past Brad so I could lean against the end of the picnic table. “And what’re you doing here? Emi said you weren’t coming.”

“Ouch.” This time the wounded look seemed a bit more genuine. “Hate me that much?”

“Hate is such a strong word.” Looking away from him, I picked at the frayed edges of my shorts. “Just wish you’d back off and accept that I can only see you as a friend. Nothing more.”

“Give me a chance, Bailey.” He came closer, arm brushing against mine. “We’d look so good together. Be perfect.”

For months this had been his approach. Nice, then a compliment, and then try to steal a kiss.

Sure, we had friends in common and my best friend was dating his brother, but it’d never changed a damn thing. Brad was cute in a conventional way, but not my type.

“I’m sorry, but still a no.”

“Not giving up.” Brad shrugged; his fidgeting hand twisted the cap from his water bottle. He took a long pull, eyes on mine the entire time.

“The wait is going to kill you.”

“Patience is a virtue—”

“That you don’t possess, jerk.” I laughed.

Brad’s eyes narrowed, a serious expression on his face. It screamed determination. “Can we talk in private?” He moved, positioned himself in front of me, and grabbed my hand. “Give me twenty minutes of your time. Just me and you. No bullshit.”

“About? Because I’ve been more than clear on my feelings or lack thereof—”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a boyfriend, Bailey?” he interrupted, face showing displeasure at my resistance. And yet, his voice held calm. Too calm.

Removing my hand from his, I took a few steps to the side and out of his immediate space. “It’s a very recent development.” Didn’t feel the need to elaborate.

“I don’t like it, B. You were supposed to be with me.” This time, a bit of the anger that lay beneath the surface rose, but he tamped it down just as quick. The sole indicator of his annoyance was the flare of his nostrils. “What does he have that I don’t, huh? The guy doesn’t even live here.”

“We don’t always get what we want.” Ignoring his last two questions, I shrugged. “Besides, we’ll always be better off as friends. You wouldn’t make it to your twenty-first birthday without me killing you otherwise.”

“That’s not what I want.”

“Tough, but that’s life.”

“Give us a chance.” Desperation now seeped into his tone, and I hated that. Hated when a man begged for attention.

“I’m sorry.” Even if Hunter had not been in the picture, I’d never be with him. No one could replace Hunter Miles. “We will never be. Please stop.”

My heart belonged to him, even though he would never be mine.

No one could match those steely greys that always made my heart skip a beat. Haunted me.

To that sharp jawline with a short beard that I imagined between my thighs while touching myself. Or the long strands of hair from his overgrown mohawk that I wanted to take down and pull.

Hold on to while I rode his face.

Jesus, I felt flushed. I needed to get ahold of myself. Had to survive until tonight and then once more, lick my wounds.

“Never really stood a chance.” Brad grumbled under his breath, then turned his head to glare at something past me. My heart gave a sharp thump, and I knew. Jesus, I knew who he’d been looking at and what.

He’s watching the man I love reconcile with her.

Ignoring the urge to turn, I looked over our small group and realized that Emily was staring at me with a huge grin.  And not because this was humorous. No. That bitch was gleeful for a reason I wasn’t privy to.

“Something to say?”

At my calling out, she shook her head. “Nope. Just enjoying the view.”

“Share with the class, babe.” Her boyfriend wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead. God, they were stinking cute together. “She has a right to know.”

“Know what?” At my question, she giggled. Girl looked ready to burst. “What—” I couldn’t finish, my words turning into a loud yelp. One second, I was on my feet pretending that my heart wasn’t shattering again, and the next, I was airborne, looking at the world upside down from over Hunter’s back.

A gorgeously defined back. Bare. With ink?

Fuck. Me.

From my vantage point, I could just make out the detailed lion on his back. It was large, with clean lines and bold shading. Realism: this animal was regal yet fierce—came alive on his skin. A true hunter with its piercing stare and a scar coming down his left eye.

This tattoo was gorgeous. Plain and simple.

However, Hunter with this tattoo was a delicious, pussy-destroying catastrophe.

All chatter around us ceased. Every eye in the backyard turned to look in our direction.

Most were surprised, while his parents simply raised their cup and smiled.

“Told you to step off, kid.” That gravely growl caused my skin to pebble and a rush of warm excitement to coat my inner thighs. “What part of that didn’t you quite understand?’

In his hold, I trembled—shifted just a bit. Tried to quell the sudden surge of arousal causing my body to seek more of his touch.

Warning flashes blared across all my processors. Abort. Abort. He doesn’t mean it.

My mind understood what my heart didn’t. Hunter Miles was dangerous for me. To me. What he represented in my life could destroy me.

Because after one taste of him, there was no doubt in my mind that no one else would measure up.

“We were just talking, man. No harm in that.” Brad’s tone wasn’t friendly, held just a slight edge of bitterness. Or was that embarrassment at the way Hunter called him out?

Either way, I needed to separate the two.

Last thing I wanted was for this reunion to turn into a brawl.

“No one asked you what you considered harmful.” Hunter’s fingers tightened their hold—dug into the pliant flesh of my upper thighs. His touch felt good. It was painful to keep in the moan that almost slipped. “She’s taken. Keep those eyes off her tits and ass.”

Oh, dear God. Blood rushed to my face at his heated words, and I closed my eyes. Tried to pretend I was anywhere but there now.

A part of me was appalled by the fact that this barbaric display excited me. I’d never had any guy interested in me behave that way. Stake a claim.

But then again, Hunter was just defending the girl he saw as a sister. Had to be. It was best for my psyche if I viewed it that way and didn’t let my heart hope

“Put me down,” I seethed from between clenched teeth, my own fingernails marking his flesh.

“No.” His response was soothed by the hand on my leg rubbing slow circles on my skin. Almost lulled me.


“Miles, I swear to God—”

“Doesn’t sound like she wants you either.” What the hell was Brad thinking? Why was he taunting him?

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Pushing myself up, I dug my fingers deeper into the hard muscles of his upper back and craned my neck to look at Emily. She was standing next to a tense Thomas taking in the beast holding me hostage and his brother.

Their eyes bounced back and forth. Waiting to make a move if needed.

Jesus Christ. “Emi,” I called out, snapping two fingers.

She looked up, still somewhat dazed. “What?”

“Take them to get some food, please.”

“I’m not leaving you with him!”

“You have three minutes to get off my property,” Hunter seethed, his tense muscles shifting beneath my hands. His anger was palpable. Scorched my skin in the most delicious of ways. “Three. Count your blessings and leave. I’m not going to be this gracious again.”

Some part of me was sick for getting off on this macho display of possession. Made me yearn for it to be real.

However, my attention was pulled from my desires when I noticed his parents making their way over. Jesus, please help a girl out here.

“Emi, go!” Fighting every instinct that demanded I stay in his arms, I twisted to the right and slid down his front, catching Hunter off guard. He never had the chance to stop me, but Jesus that low hiss that left the back of his throat almost undid me. “Please, take them with you.”

At my plea, Thomas snapped out of it and moved toward his brother. “Come on, bro. Enough. She said no.” He placed a hand on his arm, but Brad shook him off.

His eyes were locked on mine—in them there was a mixture of jealousy and hurt. Of ire and humiliation. The look he gave me screamed of betrayal.

That I’d done this.

Our situation had gotten out of hand, and it was up to me to remedy. I’d tried to be nice earlier, but in his delusional mind, he’d blocked out my words.

My declaration. My true feelings.

Brad took a step toward me, but I held a hand out to stop him. “My boyfriend is right.” That word sent a tingle of pleasure down my spine, and I leaned further into Hunter. I knew that this was all a facade, but it would serve a purpose too.

Way I saw it, if Hunter wanted to lie, then I’d use him also.

“Last chance, Bailey. Come with me.”

“Either accept that my friendship is all I can give, or leave. No more.”

“You heard her.” Hunter made the move to stand in front of me, but my hold on his board shorts was Herculean. Two steps, and he stumbled into my back again. His body coiled, ready to strike if need be. “Babe, please move.”

I shook my head and turned to look at Brad once more with pleading eyes, hoping he finally got it through his thick skull. “You need to respect that I’m with him. That I’m his girl.”

“You lost your chance.” He glared back, eyes cold and spiteful. “Don’t come looking for me when he leaves.” Without another word, Brad turned and stalked off toward the house with an apologetic Thomas behind him.

Even Emi was left speechless by the turn of events.

Brad would never know how much those words hurt. Reminded me that Hunter had done so once, and he’d do it again soon. Miles had his life away from us, me, and I needed to remember that.

I was brought back from that thought by his arm around my waist. The possessive way he pulled me back against his chest.

Naked chest.

Skin to skin, I shivered. “What’re you doing?”

His low chuckle met my ear before he placed a soft kiss on my neck. “You’re in so much trouble.”