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Tequila: The Complete Duet by Melissa Toppen (12)

Chapter Twelve


I blink against the early morning light, jumping slightly when I register a heavy arm draped over my middle.

Last night floods back to me in waves. Sex against the door. Sandwiches and laughter. Our conversation on the balcony where I told him about Gage. How he made love to me for two solid hours before finally falling asleep. Exhausted from his strenuous schedule and the fact that he drove about six hours to get here. He left Atlanta directly after his show without even knowing if I’d be home or awake for that matter. Just thinking that he wanted to see me so badly that he didn’t care brings an instant smile to my face.

Wanting to let him sleep but in serious need of the bathroom, I gently attempt to slide out from under his arm but am instantly hauled back, my back colliding with his front.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he grumbles against the back of my neck, his voice thick with sleep.

“Bathroom.” I smile as he nuzzles his face into my shoulder.

“I don’t want you to move. You feel too fucking good like this.”

“Well, this is kinda non-negotiable,” I inform him, humor etched into my voice.

“Fine.” He’s reluctant, but he releases me and I quickly slide out of bed.

“How about when I’m done, I whip us up some breakfast? I can make a pretty mean omelet.”

He rolls to his back, tucking an arm under his head, smiling at me. My eyes are momentarily distracted by the bulge of his bicep and how incredible his chest looks on full display. When my gaze finally makes its way back up to his face, it’s clear he knows he’s being ogled.

“How about when you’re done you get your ass back in this bed and let me show you what I’m pretty good at whipping up.”

My insides tingle from the thought.

“And then breakfast,” I agree.

He chuckles when I turn and slip into my en suite bathroom without another word.


“You weren’t lying about these omelets.” Hudson groans appreciatively around his last bite, his throat flexing as he swallows.

God, he makes everything look sexy. Even though he took his time this morning, giving me three incredible orgasms, I still feel the flutter in my lower belly as I watch him.

“My mom is the queen of omelets,” I say, needing to get my mind out of the gutter to focus on something else. “You did not grow up in the Claire household without learning how to make Elise Claire approved omelets. The secret is in the seasoning.” I semi-whisper the last part like someone could be listening. “When Starr and I were kids my mom would have us take turns helping in the kitchen. Starr hated it but I always enjoyed that time with my mom.” Standing, I grab our plates before walking around the breakfast bar to set them in the sink.

“Sounds a lot like me and my siblings. My mom insisted that learning to cook was up there with things like learning to turn on a washing machine or even driving a car for that matter.”

“I didn’t know you had siblings.” I take this opportunity to try to learn a little more about the mysterious Hudson Demasi.

“Three sisters.”

“Oh lord, you poor man.” I giggle. “Older or younger?”

“One older, two younger.”

“Tell me about them.” I slide back onto the bar stool next to him and swivel in his direction. He mirrors my action, settling one of my legs between his so our knees don’t knock.

“Kelly turned thirty-three last month. She still lives in Texas close to my parents. She’s married and has two year old twin boys that keep her pretty busy.”

“Do you see her often?”

“Not as often as I’d like. I go home and visit on holidays and birthdays, but other than that the label keeps me pretty busy.”

“And your other sisters?”

“Brittany is twenty-eight.” He shakes his head, smiling. “She’s a complete and total pain in the ass. Has been since the day she was born.” He chuckles. “She lives in Alabama. Moved there a couple years ago to be with her deadbeat boyfriend.”

“I take it you’re not a fan of her choice in men?”

“That’s putting it mildly.” He shakes his head.

“And your youngest sister?”

“Sara. She’s the baby. Twenty-five years old and as wild as they come. She’s backpacking through Europe this summer, much to my parents’ dismay.”

“That’s amazing. I’ve always wanted to visit Europe. I bet it’s beautiful there.”

“I can show you pictures sometime. She sends me stuff constantly.”

“I’d like that,” I say, momentarily distracted by the way his hand brushes lazily against my leg. “Tell me about your parents. Are they still married?”

“They are. Though sometimes I wonder how. My mom is great. Sweet as they fucking come. When I was a kid, she stayed at home with us but now she dedicates a lot of time working with the church. My dad on the other hand, total opposite. Retired defense attorney and as ruthless as they come. A good man, just a little rough around the edges and sometimes hard to live with.”

“I think everyone can be hard to live with from time to time.” I take a sip of my orange juice before setting the glass back onto the breakfast bar.

“I guess that’s true.” He smiles, the action natural and easy. “What about you? Tell me about your folks.”

“Not much to tell. They’ve been married thirty years. My mom worked as a substitute teacher up until last year and my dad has worked at the same office for nearly thirty years. He’s looking to retire next year. Typical life I guess.” I shrug.

“You close to them?”

“Very. I mean, they drive me absolutely nuts most days, but I can’t imagine not having them close by. Even though I usually only go over for Sunday lunch, it’s nice knowing they’re just a few minutes away if I need them.”

“Sunday lunch?”

“My mom hosts lunch every Sunday. She throws a fit if I miss it, so I do my best not to. It’s usually just my parents, Nana, me, Starr, and more recently, Mark. Starr’s soon to be husband,” I add, not sure if he remembers who Starr’s soon to be husband is. “My Uncle Scott used to come, but he passed away a couple years ago,” I ramble, not really sure why I feel the need to throw that bit of information into the mix.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Hudson’s hand settles just above my knee, giving my leg a gentle squeeze.

“Anyway.” I shake my head. “So yeah, I usually see them every Sunday. If I don’t, my mother has a habit of showing up here and giving me a what for.”

“Sounds like our mothers would probably get along.” He chuckles, draining the rest of his orange juice in one large gulp. “So, what do you want to do today?” he asks, setting the empty glass down.

“Well, since this is one of your only breaks for the next few weeks, why don’t we pack a cooler and head down to the beach for a while? Just take it easy,” I suggest.

“Getting to spend the day with you in next to no clothing? Sounds like a pretty good first date to me.” He smiles, leaning forward to gently swipe his lips against mine.

“Good.” I return his smile, pulling back slightly. “Do you have a pair of shorts you can swim in by chance?” I scrunch my nose.

“I do. I wasn’t sure if I would need them but I brought a pair just in case. I have to run down to the rental and get my bag.” He slides off the stool, laying a soft kiss to my forehead before announcing, “I’ll be right back.”


It’s nearly eleven by the time we make it to the beach. Not surprisingly, it’s packed with people. After all, it is a Saturday in the middle of July. I lead Hudson to the two lounge chairs, complete with a large umbrella, that come with my unit. One of the many perks of leasing from my boss/best friend’s father. He makes sure his tenants are well taken care of.

Dropping our towels across the back of the chairs, Hudson tucks the cooler we packed full of drinks in the small space between them.

“Do all the condos come with these?” He gestures to the long line of chairs that stretch down the sandy beach.

“Not all. Some of them come with the properties, others you can rent.” I shrug out of my white wrap and drop it on top of my towel, instantly feeling Hudson’s eyes on me.

“I know I said I was all for spending the day with you half naked, but what the fuck is that?” he asks, his voice thick.

“It’s a bikini.” I look down at the navy and white polka dot bikini that is far less revealing than some of the others I own. “You don’t like it?” I ask, sliding my sunglasses down onto my face.

“Oh, I like it all right. I’m just not sure I can be out here with you dressed in that strappy thing and not strip you bare and fuck you in front of all these people.”

I choke back a laugh, heat instantly flooding through my body at his words. If he keeps looking at me like that I just might let him do exactly what he’s threatening.

“Come on, Country Star. Let’s get you cooled off.” I nod my head toward the water.

“Good call. That way no one can see us.” He gives me the biggest shit eating smile before sliding his shirt over his head and dropping it on the chair.

“And you’re talking about my bikini.” I gesture to his chiseled abs, sculpted chest, and broad shoulders.

“Baby, if you want to strip me bare and fuck me for all these people to watch, I sure as hell am not going to stop you.” He winks before holding his hand out to me. “Shall we?”

“You’re too much, you know that?” I tell him as he leads me down to the edge of the water.

“You remember the first time we came down to this beach?” he asks, turning his sunglass covered eyes my way. “Pretty sure you stripped out of your bra somewhere in this general vicinity.” He points toward the water.

“Pretty sure you tossed me in the water first. All’s fair in war, baby,” I say mockingly, taking off into the water.

I make it almost to my knees before Hudson’s arm snags me around the waist, hauling me back against his hard body.

“And just where do you think you’re going?” He nips at my earlobe.

“I’m going swimming,” I remind him, trying to keep my voice unaffected by his actions even though my mind is pleading for him to slide his hand lower.

God, what does this man do to me? I’ve never wanted someone the way I want Hudson. Never craved a man’s touch the way I do his. Never knew what true desire felt like until him. No matter how close I am, it’s never close enough.

“Well then.” I hear the smile in his voice seconds before I’m spun around and hoisted over his shoulder.

“Hudson,” I squeal as he takes off through the water. “Don’t you dare,” I warn as I laugh.

“Don’t worry. I’m not gonna throw you in... Again. I just like the way your ass looks inches from my face,” he says seconds before his hand connects with my bare cheek on a firm slap.

“Hudson!” I squeal again, lifting my head to look around, certain that tons of people are probably enjoying the show right about now.

He walks several more feet, not stopping until the waves hit him right below his chest. Shifting me from his shoulder, he holds my body firm against his as he slides me down into the water, making sure I feel every ripple of his muscles against me as he does.

“See, I said I wouldn’t throw you.” When my face is level with his, he stops lowering me. I wrap my legs around his waist as his grip on me tightens. “But I sure as hell am gonna kiss you.”

And boy does he ever. He kisses me so deep I swear I can feel it all the way to my toes. It’s a mind blowing kiss. No, correction, it’s a life altering kiss. Because that’s exactly how I feel when Hudson pulls back, that sexy smirk of his firmly in place. I feel like my life has just been completely altered.


“Do you want another one?” Hudson reaches into the cooler and pulls out a beer, sliding it into his koozie.

“Yes, please.” I hand him my cup, watching through the dark lenses of my sunglasses as he drops a few ice cubes into it from the bottom of the cooler before pouring a can of Mango-Rita over the top.

We’ve been out here for hours. Thank goodness for the umbrella otherwise my fair skin would be burnt to a crisp by now. Even then, I’m not sure I’d care.

It’s been a perfect day. We swam for a while, played in the sand, and then swam a little more. We’ve talked, we’ve laughed, and we’ve laid here staring at the water, enjoying the peaceful silence that easily exists between us.

Hudson is everything I expected him to be and yet so completely different at the same time.

“Thank you.” I smile, taking the cup he extends to me.

About two hours ago we decided we wanted something more than water, so Hudson ran out and picked up beverages, which we’ve been laying here sipping since.

Needless to say I’m rocking a pretty nice buzz, which is intensified by the hot sun, the sound of the waves, and of course, the incredible man sitting next to me.

“What are you doing next Saturday?” I ask, taking a long drink before setting it on the small table that connects the two chairs.

“Saturday.” He thinks for a long moment. “I’m pretty sure we’ll be in Vegas. Why?”

“Oh nothing much.” I lay back, turning my head in his direction. “That’s the day Starr is getting married. Thought maybe I could steal her thunder by bringing a hot country star as my date.” I wink, even though I’m not entirely sure he can see the action through my sunglasses.

“I thought the goal was to not steal attention away from the bride on her wedding day.” He gives me an adorable smirk.

“Where’s the fun in that?” I tease. “But, alas, you’re busy.” I sigh dramatically, turning my gaze back out to the water.

“I would come if I could. You know that, right?” he says after a long moment of silence.

“Probably better that you can’t. The Claire clan is a lot to handle sometimes.” I smile despite the disappointment I feel in my chest.

It’s not like I actually expected he’d be able to come. Hell, we’re just having a little fun and some really, really great sex. Now’s not the time to over complicate things, especially if I don’t want to scare him off.

Then again, the thought of him being there with me, holding me close as we dance. It’s something I can’t deny that I want. I want so many things and yet I fear maybe I’m getting a little ahead of myself.

I mean, seriously. How well do I really know this man? We’ve spent so little time together. We know so little about each other.

So then why does it feel like I’ve known him for years?

Everything with Hudson feels so right when we’re together. But then I remember our situation. He’s touring with one of country music’s hottest acts. Hell, he’s well on his way to being right up there with him. Different cities, different women. I don’t know that there’s a way for me to compete with that lifestyle.

So yeah, while everything is great right now, I’m starting to realize that maybe I’m in a little over my head. I already feel so much for him in such a short amount of time. If I keep letting him in, if I keep letting myself hope for more, I have a feeling I’m going to end up devastated in the end.

Unfortunately, I think it might be too late to prevent that from happening.

“What’s going on in that gorgeous head of yours?” I turn and look at Hudson. His sunglasses are pushed back onto his head and his eyes are locked on me.

“Nothing. Just thinking is all.”

“Thinking about what?” He sits up, throwing his legs over the side of his lounge chair.

“Nothing important,” I lie.

“Sure looked important,” he points out.

“It wasn’t.” I force a smile.

“Lennon,” he pushes, not willing to give up so easily.

“I was just wondering,” I pause, not sure if I should finish what I was about to say.

“You were wondering what?”

“What are we doing here?” I blurt, snagging my bottom lip between my teeth.

“As in you and me?” he asks, waiting for my nod before answering. “Well, that’s a hard question. We’re having fun. I like you, probably more than I should,” he pauses, taking in the smile his admission brings to my face.

“But what happens next? I mean, you’re going to be on tour. Is this... I mean, are we...” I can’t seem to get anything out.

“I’m not planning on sleeping with other women if that’s what you’re asking. As long as you don’t plan on having any other men in your bed.”

“No,” I answer without hesitation.

“Then it’s settled. We only sleep with each other and the rest we will figure out along the way. Deal?”

“Deal.” The tension leaves my body. It’s not a marriage proposal but it’s a start, and right now I’ll take whatever I can get.

My stomach chooses that very moment to let out the loudest grumble I think it’s ever made.

Hudson laughs, sliding his sunglasses back in place. “You okay over there?”

“I think you’re going to need to feed me soon. These Mango things you got me are really hitting me hard and my belly needs food,” I say, holding my glass up as I take another long drink.

“You want to go out or order in?”

“Hmm.” I think for a moment. “Out.”

“You have anything specific in mind?”

“Have you ever been to Beach Side?”

“I don’t believe I have.”

“It’s only about a half a mile down the shoreline. They have a deck that overlooks the gulf, some of the best seafood in the area, and we can walk there. I mean, as long as you don’t think we’re gonna be mobbed by any crazy fans.” I giggle.

“I’m not well known enough for that just yet.”

“The waitress recognized you in Nashville,” I remind him.

“Yes, but that was Nashville. I’ve played there so many times over the years that if you’ve been to a bar downtown you’ve probably seen me at least once. Outside of Nashville most don’t know who I am until I tell them.”

“Give it time. I doubt that will be the case for long. Especially with how hot you are,” I say, not really meaning to.

“Keep going.” He smirks, dropping his elbows to his knees and leaning forward.

“Shut up.” I swipe playfully at him. “If we’re gonna go to the restaurant then we need to head up and take showers to get there before the evening rush hits. Otherwise we’ll never get a table.”

“I’m in. On one condition,” he pauses, his grin turning wicked. “I get to be the one to wash you in the shower.”

My skin instantly prickles. Need pools deep in my belly as I take in his hooded gaze and sexy smirk.

Pushing up, I turn and drop my legs over the side of my chair so that I’m facing Hudson. Without a word I lean into him, trailing my tongue up the base of his throat before peppering kisses all the way to his lips.

“Deal,” I purr against his mouth before kissing him long and deep.




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