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The Bad Boy's Good Girl by Kylie Knight (5)

Chapter 4

By the end of the week, Nola felt like her old self. The sickness had only lasted a couple of days, along with her grumpy mood. Her only hope was that she’d passed it on to Gabriela except she was feeling better and unable to bring herself to be so petty. Besides, it was Friday and she planned to treat herself to a big fatty soul food meal to make up for all the food she couldn’t eat this week. She planned to enjoy her weekend because she would be glued at the hip with Bronx for seven whole days. Longer if the meeting went well.

“I see you’re in a much better mood since I last saw you.”

She startled at the deep, velvety voice of the man she’d been avoiding for days, emailing instead of hearing his voice or, god forbid, seeing his ruggedly handsome face. “You could say that.” She felt entirely too good to let him rile her up so she took a deep breath, let it out and turned to him. She shouldn’t have because that lazy, confident smile made her belly flip. “Did you need something, Bronx?”

His eyes told her just how he wanted to answer that question as they slid down to her mouth, then her cleavage and back to her eyes with a bedroom smile. “Have dinner with me.”

“Sorry, I have plans,” she answered, quickly. Probably too quickly but she had plans and she was looking forward to them. Alone, since Max had a full sleeve tattoo that would last well into the evening.

“Change them,” he shot back, voice calm and sure that she would obey him. He leaned over, palms flat on her desk so his strong, tattooed arms were on display for her perusal. Making her mouth water, her core tightened at the memory of just how thoroughly she devoured those tattoos.

“Sorry. Can’t.” Why she resisted so hard, Nola couldn’t really say other than the fact the man was entirely too tempting. He was hell on her sanity, her willpower and her ability to think clearly and make smart decisions as evidenced by their Halloween night romp. She packed away all the things she would need for the trip back east, her company issued laptop, tablet and phone, plus folders filled with phone numbers, contracts, and emails. And the company credit card, she reminded herself as she dropped it in her purse. “See you Monday. I’ll meet you at the airport.”

“No need. I’ll pick you up at eight o’clock,” he said in that tone that brooked no argument.

Damn bossy, insufferable man. With her bags packed, she gave Bronx one last look before turning on her heels and damn near running to the elevator. When the doors shut, se released a long deep breath, grateful she’d made it through another encounter with the bad boy. He was hell on her nerves and she was grateful she’d chosen to walk to work today so she could enjoy the cool late evening breeze as she walked to Soul Garden.Her mouth already watering,she knew after the meal with her belly full she would regret the few blocks she had to walk home but that was a problem for later.

Though it was Friday night, it was late for most diners so she got a table right away and picked up the menu, looking at all the mouthwatering options as her stomach growled. As soon as the young waitress stopped at her table she let her eyes do the ordering. “I’ll have the buttermilk fried chicken, Cole slaw, mac & cheese, and the fried green tomatoes to start.”

“You sure, honey?”

Nola smiled. “I was under the weather all week,” she said by way of an explanation.

“Gotcha, how about some peach tea to wash it all down?”

“Sounds good.”

“Add a rib plate to that, would you sweetheart?” Bronx slid in across from her with a wink that made the waitress blush. “And a tall lager. Ice cold.” With a stammering acknowledgement of his order she walked away on wooden legs. “So is this the kind of food responsible for those delicious curves?”

Delicious? She would not let his words move her and she would ignore the way her body responded to his presence. “Seriously, Bronx? Are you following me now?”

“Yes,” he answered simply, taking her righteous indignation right along with him.


“You were walking alone. Late at night, and I wanted to make sure you got home alright.” He looked so sincere she couldn’t possibly hang on to her annoyance.

As much as she wanted to. “Well, I appreciate it even though it isn’t necessary. Serendipity is the safest place I’ve ever lived.”

“Yeah, me too,” he answered vaguely, gaze so focused on her she began to squirm. “You said you had plans.”

Nola would have laughed if he didn’t look so jealous. So completely put out. Besides, she had no idea how he would respond if she continued to poke the bear. “This is part one of my plan. Dinner. My friend couldn’t make it but I’m still hungry.”

“Friend? What friend?” His shoulders relaxed and he nodded. “So you have no real objection to sharing a meal with me?”

Other than the fact that you make me stupid? “Define real,” she shot back, instead.

The waitress quietly appeared and left their drinks, beating a hasty retreat. Bronx took a long, slow pull of the deep brown liquid and she couldn’t help but watch the way the muscles in his neck moved with him. “What I mean is, do you have any objection other than the fact you’re afraid we’ll end up in bed together again?”

Damn, right to the point. She wouldn’t play some shy little virgin, not any longer. “Other than that, no.”

That panty melting smile spread slowly.Every time it grew, her belly clenched. Her throat went dry. Then he laughed and the sound was deep, hearty and so damn captivating she could only watch as the rugged edges were smoothed giving him a boyish charm instead of that sexy bad boy alpha-ness he wore like an expensive leather jacket. “Good to know.”

A comfortable silence settled between them and it left her feeling unsettled because they weren’t friends. They didn’t hang out and have comfortable silences. “So why did you want to have dinner with me?”

“I want to get to know you.” She believed him but she was no fool, there was more to it. There had to be. She watched him. Waited. “We’re going to spend a week together and I don’t want it to be awkward.”

“Why would it be awkward, Bronx?”

“You’re gonna make me say it?”

She nodded and a twisted sense of pleasure shot through her, warmed her from her fingertips to her soul. She wanted him to acknowledge the elephant in the room. See if he had an explanation for his behavior. His mouth opened and closed several times and she felt even better knowing he couldn’t do it. “Let me help you. I was drunk and depressed and practically threw myself at you.” It was embarrassing to even admit that she’d tempted him beyond all reason until he gave her what she wanted. A distraction.

“So far, so good.”

She nodded. “You couldn’t resist what I offered so freely, so you took my virginity and made it good. Really good. And then you left in the middle of the night and pretended like it never happened. Did I miss anything?” Nola thought maybe she would have to reevaluate her standing as a good person because when his skin went from sun kissed butterscotch to ghost white, she felt pleasure. Good. She didn’t regret what happened between them—not much anyway—but she wished his exit hadn’t tainted the memory.

“Shit, Nola, I didn’t realize.” His expression darkened and she wondered what was going through his mind but couldn’t bring herself to ask. “I’m sorry. If I’d known, I would have gone slower, would have made damn sure it was good for you.”

Was he kidding? “It was good, Bronx. Better than I thought it would be. Except the vanishing act.” He opened his mouth to speak but she stopped him with a hand to his arm. “I wasn’t expecting a date or a proposal, Bronx, just you know, something other than you slipping out like a thief in the night.”

“How is that even possible? Did you go to an all girl’s school?”

“You know I didn’t.” She’d moved to Serendipity when she was very young, went to school at a nearby university and took this job, all to stay close to her grandma.

“Then how?” He leaned forward. “How on earth was someone like you still a virgin?”

Someone like her? She wanted clarification but she was afraid it might not be the compliment it sounded like. “Easy. I was focused on school and taking care of Grammie, until recently.”

“Is that what it was, finally doing away with it?”

“Wow, you sweet talker,” she deadpanned. “No. I was drunk and upset, and you’re hot.”

“That’s all?”

“That’s most of it. You’re not getting the rest.”

He grinned. “I’ll just keep on believing that you’ve secretly wanted me and finally took your shot.”

It wasn’t far off so she just shrugged. “You’ll believe what you want, Bronx. If your ego needs another adoring fan you can pretend to feed the beast.” He laughed again and Nola thought maybe she was becoming addicted to the sound.

They ate in silence for awhile after the food was delivered and Nola felt so full she thought her stomach might split the front of her dress. “That mac & cheese is damn good,” he told her as he stole another forkful from her plate.

“My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach,” she groaned. “I’ll just have to roll home.”

“I’ll roll you,” he offered with a twinkle in his eye.

“I’m good, thanks.” The last thing she needed was to have this man within a few feet of her bedroom. Her sofa. Really any flat surface.

“Come on, Nola. If you don’t let me give you a ride then I’ll be forced to walk with you and I don’t want to.”

“It’s just a few blocks,” she insisted.

“After putting away most of your mac & cheese I don’t want to walk.”

She stood. “Perfect, because I didn’t ask you to. I’ll be right back.” She needed a break from this man and his potent masculinity that had her body strung tight like a bow. If she closed herself in his itty bitty sports car, his scent invading her senses, it would be a done deal. She would invite him in to satisfy the craving he’d started within her. “Stay strong,” she told her reflection before exiting the bathroom and joining Bronx. “We should get the check.”

“It’s been paid.”

She frowned. “How much do I owe you?”

“Consider it our first date.” His lips twitched at the argument that was forming on her lips and she decided to bite it back.

“Thanks for dinner, Bronx. See you Monday.” She was halfway down the block when he finally caught up with her.

“Stop being so damn stubborn, woman.” Gripping her arm, he turned her and they walked several steps side by side until she came to her senses.

“You can’t just herd me around like some damn cow!”

He laughed at her. A deep sexy chuckle that brought her violent tendencies to the surface. Then he took her bag and carried it like it was nothing, leaving her feeling conflicted and grateful. “When you’re acting ridiculous I’ll treat you how I see fit.” Then she was in his arms, struggling as he kept walking. “Hold on so you don’t fall.”

“You don’t fight fair,” she groaned.

“Don’t you forget it, babe.”

How could she remember anything when his hands palmed the back of her thighs, a little too close to other parts but still somehow not close enough. Nola did the only thing she could, wrapped her arms around his neck and watched him. The extreme focus and concentration he had on any task was powerful. Sexy. “Is this really necessary? I can see your ridiculous car from here.”

“Ridiculous? This thing can drive itself and does automatic updates just like my computer. The word you’re looking for is mechanical genius.”

Her look softened and she pinched one of his cheeks, enjoying the stunned expression he wore. “You’re right, Bronx, it is very pretty,” she said, all calm and tired.

He chuckled and sat her in the car, placing her seatbelt on before jogging around the car. They drove mostly in silence because she couldn’t stop thinking about whether she would have the good sense to turn him away if he kissed her again.

Turns out she didn’t need to worry because Bronx had other ideas. Handing her bag to her, he cupped her face and slanted his mouth over hers, kissing until her knees went weak and her mouth went dry. His hands gripped her ass and pulled her close to his erection, swallowing the moan it produced.

It was delicious and hot. Erotic and everything her body wanted in that moment if her hands snaking under his shirt and feeling those glorious muscles meant anything. She moaned again before stepping back. “Damn.”

“No kidding,” he smirked, leaning in for another kiss before taking more steps backward. “See you on Monday, Nola.”