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The Evolution of Us by D. Kelly (12)




“I can’t believe you talked me into going to a gay bar to celebrate moving day. I love you, Baxter, but not having the opportunity to get laid after a night of grinding on the dance floor sucks.”

“I love you, too, Sage. Besides, if you really think about it, Declan probably won’t be the only straight wingman there. Plus, bi guys totally go to gay bars, too.”

“Oh fuck, that’s a good point. How hot would that be?”

“Really hot,” Declan says, wagging his eyebrows at her.

“You’re such a jerk, Declan.”

“You love me, Sage, admit it.”

“Yeah, yeah, but you’re still a jerk.”

When we make it into the club, the place is hopping. Baxter is in eye candy heaven. A couple of months ago, he and Bobby broke up again because the guy is a cheating whore. Bax has been in a serious funk ever since.

Today, Baxter and Sage finally moved into the apartment next door to Declan and me. We’ve been in the same building for a while, and the office promised us as soon as a vacancy became available one of us would be moved next to the other.

As we climb onto our bar stools, we pair off. Baxter wanted to use Declan as a pretend boyfriend in case he decides he’s not ready to hook up with anyone. Sage and I are on Bax’s left and Declan on his right. It kind of sucks I won’t have his flirting or his constant touching tonight, but I know he’ll make up for it when we get home.

Sage is moving in her seat to the steady thumping of the music. “Let’s get drunk and dance our asses off!”

I don’t bother screaming back at her; instead, opting for a thumbs-up. My phone vibrates, and I pull it out of my pocket.

Declan: You look fucking hot tonight.

Hell yeah. He’s going to flirt after all.

I miss your touch already.

Declan: You won’t be missing it later when you’re begging me to let you come.


“Are you two sexting right next to me?” Sage asks, feigning disgust.


Looking over my arm, she reads the thread. “Holy shit, that’s hot.”

The bartender lines up four shot glasses and fills them with tequila. We all toss them back at the same time, and he refills them immediately.

“I haven’t seen you here before. Is it your first time?” the bartender asks Bax.

Baxter flashes him a beaming smile. “First time in a while. I used to come here with my ex until I needed some breathing room.”

The bartender returns the smile and leans over the counter, closer to Baxter. “That explains it.”

“What time are you off tonight?” Bax asks, and I admire his forwardness.

Get em, Bax!

“That depends,” the man drawls.

“Hmm, on what?”

“What time I’m getting you off,” he answers.

For once, Baxter seems shocked. “That’s totally hot, but I’m not that easy. I’m more of the dating type.”

“Too bad,” he says, licking his lips.

“You could always change,” Baxter sasses.

“So could you,” the bartender replies flirtatiously.

“Ha, not likely. I like you, though. We could be friends. If you want my number, let me know. We could have fun together.”

This guy is seriously hot. Sage and I are watching their exchange with baited breath. He’s tall, dark, and handsome, with some serious muscleage going on. He could toss Bax around and do him dirty just like he likes. If only he gave off the monogamous vibe.

“I’ll keep that in mind. Another round in the meantime?”

We toss our shots back once more, and he refills them before checking on his other customers.

My phone buzzes again.

Declan: Was it just me or was that guy perfect for Bax?

In all the ways except the one that counts.

Declan: We’ll find him one eventually. Anyone is better than that asshole Bobby.


So are you done flirting with me?

Declan: Do you have any idea how nice your ass looks perched on that stool?

Probably not as nice as yours does considering the group of guys behind you haven’t taken their eyes off of you.

Declan: They can look but they can’t touch. The only one who gets to touch is you.

And Baxter, you are his boyfriend tonight.

Declan: True, but Baxter doesn’t make me hard. You on the other hand already have me thankful I’m tucked up under the bar.

My eyes dash over to him and he smirks at me. Fucker.

“Ready to dance?” Sage asks.

“Yeah, sure.”

“We’re going dancing, save our seats. Unless someone hot comes up and you have to have him. I’m all for that, but when we come back we get to sit on your laps instead.”

“Or the hot guy can sit on my lap,” Bax counters.

“Yeah, or that, too. Remember, find a hot guy with a bi friend.” Sage is already slurring her words a bit. She’s always been such a lightweight; then again, Declan can be, too. When he tips up his fifth shot and winks at me, I’m pretty sure he’s heading to the drunk side.

We’re not three feet from the bar when she grasps my arm tightly. “Oh shit, Holls. Fuck, look who’s staring this way.”

I’m peering out into the crowd and my eyes lock onto Bobby’s almost immediately. “Shit, this is so not good. Let’s get out of here.”

We turn around to find Declan and Baxter with their heads together—probably so they don’t have to yell—but if anyone didn’t know them, it would look extremely intimate. One of the problems Baxter and Bobby had was Bobby always thought Declan had a thing for Bax. It probably didn’t help that Bax told him he’d been in love with Dec when we were younger.

Sage and I walk over and tuck ourselves into their huddle. “Don’t turn around, but Bobby is here and he’s staring right at you. He looks pissed.”

Baxter’s eyes fill with fear at my words as Declan’s fill with anger. “Bax, play this cool. Bobby is not going to wreck our night. Let me lead on this one. Don’t let him get to you.”

Sage and I move off to the side a bit, and Declan turns their bar stools sideways. He places one hand on Bax’s knee before covering Baxter’s hand with his free hand on the bar.

“Is it wrong that I’m totally getting off on this?” Sage whispers loudly in my ear.

“No, because I am, too.” I know it’s all a farce, but it’s hot because Declan is a good man who will do anything to protect his best friend. Thankfully, Baxter has long been over Declan. They may joke, but at the end of the day, Baxter loves Dec and me being together.

Bobby moves toward them, and Dec sees it out of the corner of his eye. They laugh at some joke and Declan brings his fingers up to trace Baxter’s lips. Sage and I move closer, captivated by what is going on. Baxter’s face flushes, and when Bobby is within hearing distance, Declan practically growls at Baxter. “You’re a fucking sexy piece of man meat, Baxter Ross.”

Bobby’s face contorts angrily as Declan’s hand moves to the back of Baxter’s head. Before my mind can process what is going on, Dec’s tongue is in Bax’s mouth and they’re going at it. I’m decidedly turned on, and so is Sage.

“Fuck me, Holls. Think it would be that hot if we kissed?”

“Nope,” we both say at the same time.

Baxter is playing along, weaving his fingers through Dec’s hair. They look like they’re really into this kiss, and for a split second my heart drops.

“What the fuck is going on?!” Bobby screams at them. Dec moves away slowly, licking his lips in the sexiest way before turning his attention to Bobby.

“I’m not sure that’s any of your business.”

“I knew there was something going on with you two. The whole time you denied it up and down. Explain yourself, Baxter.”

Baxter looks up at him in a lust-filled daze and shrugs. “What I do with my life is none of your business.”

Yes! He’s finally sticking up for himself. Declan stands, looking smug, and the bartender is watching it all play out. He seems highly amused.

“Bobby, I think it’s time for you to go,” Dec says, moving in front of Baxter.

Bobby shoves Dec out of the way, but Declan has lightning-fast reflexes. He punches Bobby and has him laid out on the floor before Bobby knows what hit him. Baxter looks proud but also torn. Declan is pissed. “It’s me or him, Baxter. Don’t you dare go back to him, I’m not joking.”

Sage grips my arm. To anyone else it looks like a lover’s quarrel, but that’s not what this is at all. Declan just put everything on the line to protect Baxter; if he goes back to Bobby, it will kill their friendship.

The bouncer comes up and the bartender points to Bobby. “Only him. He started it.” With a nod, the bouncer escorts a screaming Bobby to the door.

“I wasn’t going to go to him,” Baxter says as the bartender brings ice to Declan for his hand.

“Yeah, I figured,” Declan says as Baxter pulls me to him.

“Your man can kiss.”

Declan smiles, and the bartender looks at him in amusement. “You’re not gay?”

“Nah, just helping my buddy out tonight. Bobby is an ass.”

“Bi?” he asks with a raised brow.

“Don’t I fucking wish,” Sage says. “How about you, sexy? Are you bi? Maybe bi-curious?” She flutters her eyelashes at him, and he releases a full-bodied laugh.

“I’m as gay as they come, sweetheart.” Then, he writes on a napkin and passes it to Baxter before going to help another customer.

I read it with him since he’s still got me wrapped in his arms. “Any enemy of Bobby is a friend of mine. Call me for friendship, and maybe more … Zander.”

“Holy shit, Bax! He’s got a Z name. Isn’t that like the holy grail for you?” I’m so excited for him, I kiss him on his cheek.

“Well, kissing Declan used to be the ultimate holy grail, but this is now since I can scratch that off my list.”

Declan and Sage are chatting, so I pull Bax into a huddle-type hug. “Are you okay after that? I know you used to have feelings for him, and I’d hate to think—”

He places his finger to my mouth to hush me. “I love you, Holls, and thanks for worrying about me, but you don’t need to. Declan can kiss, but his rod of steel didn’t even make an appearance while he kissed me. I know he’s not gay, and even more, I’d never want to be the cause of breaking you guys up.”

“How do you know his rod of steel didn’t make an appearance?”

Baxter feigns an exhausted look. “Come on, Holls, you know me better than that. I couldn’t let my one shot slip past me. Before we broke apart, my hand accidentally-on-purpose ghosted over his cock.”

I bust up laughing. This is the Baxter we all love. “Really, nothing?”

“Not even a teepee tent,” he adds sullenly.

His tone concerns me. “Are you sure that you’re fine with this?”

“Sweet cheeks, I’m more than fine. Declan not rising to the occasion might be a slight blow to my ego, but it was to be expected. Even so, I’m not sure there’s a better feeling in the world than knowing your best friend loves you enough to do what Declan just did. We hit the lotto with him, didn’t we?”

“We sure did, but we also hit the lottery with you and Sage.”

“What the hell, Bax? You going to hog my girl all night? She should be over here kissing me and making me all better.”

“Excuse me, and here I thought you were a tough guy.”

Sage snorts and swaps places with me. Declan wraps his free arm around me and pulls me close. “Need some TLC, sexy?” I ask him.

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” he murmurs as he nips my ear.

“I’m sure sexy piece of man meat is willing to help. What do you say, Bax?”

This time, Declan blushes as Sage and Bax laugh with me.

“That was the best fucking line ever. We’re going to be old and gray in our wheelchairs still laughing at this story. But in the meantime, you tend to the big baby while Sage and I hit the dance floor.”

As they shimmy away, I lift the ice pack off Declan’s hand. He must have hit Bobby harder than I realized. His knuckles are bruising, and one of them is popped open and bleeding a little. I bring his hand to my lips and kiss him carefully.

“Are you okay? I don’t think it’s broken or anything.”

“I’m fine. It’s just a little sore, but it was worth it to lay that fucker out once and for all.”

“What about the kiss? Was that worth it?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe you should kiss me so I can be sure I’m still playing for the right team.”

He weaves his fingers through my hair and fuses our lips together. Our tongues meet in an explosive dance. The music and the club fade away, and it’s just the two of us and our ignitable passion. He moves my hand to his dick and he’s hard as a rock. Groaning, I pull back from our kiss.

“Yup, pretty sure I’m still Team Holly.”

“Tell me the truth and I won’t be mad. You felt nothing when you kissed Baxter?”

“It was like kissing anyone else for the first time. A little awkward, until we found our groove. I got more of a rush from knowing we were pissing Bobby off, though. It wasn’t bad, and I could even see enjoying it if it were someone other than Bax. I’d do anything for him, but as far as sexual favors go, kissing him is where I draw the line. I was more worried I was hurting you.”

“Nah, I knew what and why you were doing it. It was hot in a strange kind of way. Baxter is a little too close for comfort. If you’d been kissing Zander, I could have been really into it.”

“You’re such a dirty girl.”

“What can I say? Sage must be rubbing off on me.”

“I was hoping that was my influence rubbing off on you.”

Declan is borderline drunk and staring at me with salacious eyes. “Come dance with me, Declan James, and then take me home and make me scream your name.”

“Okay, but you have to walk in front of me. Otherwise, everyone is going to be staring at my dick.”

“Well, if there were ever a place to show off your impressive cock, this would be it.”

Laughing, he pulls me close, my back to his front. “The only place I want to show off my cock is in our bedroom.”

We stumble into our apartment drunk and laughing. While I lock up behind us, Declan heads into the kitchen.

“I’m going to get us some ibuprofen and water, and you should go into the bedroom and get naked.”

Following his request, I take it one step further. As I walk toward our room, I strip as I go, leaving a trail of clothes for him to follow. When I’m fully naked, I lie down on my stomach and wait for him to come in. It doesn’t take long.

“Damn, Holly.” He whistles appreciatively as he puts the water and medicine on the dresser. I’ve got my head turned toward him so I can watch him undress.

In record time, he’s kicked off his shoes, shrugged out of his shirt, and dropped his pants. While he slowly peels off his boxers, I watch in fascination. Taking his glasses off, he places them on the nightstand, but my eyes are on his beautiful cock standing at attention.

The bed dips as he climbs on and lays his body over mine. Nothing has ever felt more right than the firmness of his body against my soft curves. Dipping his fingers between my legs, his lips caress the side of my neck. The warmth of his breath trails over my skin while his tongue dances along the curve of my shoulder.

As his fingers trail through the wetness between my thighs, I hiss as he teases my most sensitive spot.

“Declan.” One whispered word is all it takes before he slides a finger inside of me.

“Yes, love?” The huskiness of his words floods me with need.

“More, baby, I need more.”

A second finger slides in as he brushes my hair away from my neck. He sucks my skin into his mouth and it feels heavenly.

“So good.” My body arches against his fingers, trying to pull him deeper, but his body is holding me down. I’m at his mercy. “Please, Declan.”

A third finger works inside of me, and I release a cry. “Is this what you want?” He bites my shoulders and nips across my back. “I think it is. You’re fucking drenched, love.”

“You, baby,” I gasp between thrusts. “I need you inside of me. I’m ready, please.”

He pulls his fingers out one at a time and growls. “I fucking love it when you beg, Holls. Do it again.”

“Declan, please fuck me.”

The tip of his dick is poised at my entrance. He’s careful as he nestles himself inside, but once his head is in, he laces his fingers through mine while holding my hands above my head. In one swift move, he slams into me and it’s pure sensation overload.

“Ahhh … don’t stop, baby, don’t stop.”

“Shit, Holly, nothing feels as good as your pussy gripping my cock.”

“Declan …” I warn, even though I’m almost beyond caring.

“Come on, love, your pussy is a beautiful thing. Be proud, Holly.”

I can barely keep my eyes open. Each time he thrusts inside me, they roll back into my head. He’s positioned at the perfect angle to stroke my g-spot, and I’m not sure I can hold back much longer. “Oh shit, God, ah … yeah … right there, baby.”

Each calculated thrust comes harder and faster. I’m gripping him tightly, but I’m teetering on the edge of a blissful freefall.

“Fuck, Holls!”

“Come with me, please,” I cry before losing my breath as he slams into me harder and harder.



I’ll never get tired of feeling his pulsing release inside of me. Birth control pills are the greatest invention ever.

His lips are immediately against my skin, and I release a contented sigh. There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be.

When he pulls out of me, he rolls us over and kisses me sweetly.

“That was so fucking hot. I’m pretty sure Sage and Baxter probably heard us through the walls.”

“Whatever, they can be jealous then. I don’t even care right now.”

“Love you, Holls,” he says as his eyes flutter closed.

“I love you, too,” I mumble as I fall into my own contented sleep.





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