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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) by Alexis Angel, Daphne Dawn (102)


"What we have here ladies and gentleman is a man accused of murder. He's a billionaire playboy, known for his bad calls in judgment, and now what we're seeing is really a man who is a criminal at heart and he finally got caught. He's used to throwing money at problems, but all the money in the world won't fix this. He's committed not a crime of passion, but a premeditated attack on an innocent woman who made the wrong move by trusting this dangerous man. He needs to be locked up for good because he's a menace to society and a threat to all people. The prosecution will prove exactly how and when he committed the murder and you, the jury, will all know without a shadow of a doubt that this man is guilty. If you have any doubts about it, then that means we haven't done our job correctly because we will prove his guilt and our evidence is something that can't be ignored. Get ready to meet the biggest bad boy in our town and you'll see why that reputation works against him because it substantiates his guilt."

Wow, Marcus, Jason, and I are sitting as the opposing counsel and we're just blown away by Xavier's opening argument. God, he's good in court. He's very authoritative and he seems to really know what he's doing. I guess he's learned a lot as a prosecutor. That makes me proud of him, seeing his handsome figure standing up there in from of the judge trying to win this thing with such a convincing argument. It really turns me on to see far he's come since our time in law school. Xavier is a total catch and I know our argument is good, but I hope it can top what he's just done.

I look at Jason and we exchange a look like we both know how well Xavier did. Jason's going have to top that because he's opening for us. I watch him walk up to face the jury and he's all stature and muscle and I never get tired of looking at Jason. He's so fucking hot and I'm glad I'm finally able to fuck my boss. Even though he's not technically my boss I will continue to call him that because it gets my pussy so wet to think of him having power over me.

"Friends of the jury," he starts. "While the prosecuting attorney was right about a few things, such as that fact that our client's reputation precedes him, what he does not know is that our client is also completely innocent. He may be a so called ‘bad boy’ but being that does not give anyone the authority to judge him as a criminal. He's been convicted of a crime he did not commit. Damian Cain is innocent. He has been falsely accused because of his reputation and his status among the media. What we need you to do is to look past all the bravado and drama that comes with this case. And we need your to see the absolute truth, which is that an innocent man has been charged with murder. We will prove his innocence and we will make it easy for you to decide as a jury not to have the permanent stain on your conscience of having put away an innocent man for a crime he did not commit. What you'll see here in this courtroom will blow you away as you come to realize how quickly people can point fingers at the wrong suspect. Please give us your unbiased opinions and remain objective, considering a man's life is at stake."

Yay! Jason did so well. He definitely gave Xavier a run for his money and now I feel so proud of him too. Xavier and Wolff will have to make a definite point and present perfect evidence, otherwise, they've got nothing on us. I smile at Jason and whisper excitedly as he sits down, "Great job! You nailed it!”

"All right", the judge says. "First witness."

"We'd like to present you with Damian Cain, your honor," Xavier says.

Damian walk in and he's wearing a suit, probably Gucci, and that reflects his billionaire status and I hope it doesn't sway the jury in the wrong direction. I kind of wish he'd dressed in a less expensive suit because it looks like he's showing off his wealth. Couldn't he have gone with J. Crew? But, Damian is wealthy and I guess he shouldn't have to hide that. He was a bit of an ass to bitch about how much he pays us, but he’s up against some serious charges, and I just want to keep this ass out of prison.

He takes the stand and Xavier cross examines him.

"Where were you on the night of the murder?"

"I was with Emma, but we had sex, got into an argument and then I left."

"Can anyone attest to the fact that you left her apartment at the suggested time?"

"No. I mean I don't have an alibi. It was late, okay man? What am I supposed to say? That I check in with my mommy when I get home? No! I live alone and how was I supposed to know what would happen? You think I don't feel bad about this? Well, I do okay. I feel bad that I left and that she got murdered and if I had stayed maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened."

Oh man, Damian's getting angry and he's not maintaining his composure. If he doesn't cool down quick this is going to look bad.

"We have it on record," Xavier says coolly, that one of your ex-girlfriends, a Ms. Stephanie Sharp, has stated that you were an emotionally abusive man towards her and that she thinks you have the tendency towards violence."

"What the fuck? She doesn't even know me. We dated for like two seconds and this is just her trying to get back at me because I dumped. her. God, man, get some real evidence. Do we have a real lawyer in the house? Anyone? Anyone better than this guy?"

Geez, Damian's really going off the rails and it's not going well. In fact, this is one of the craziest days I've ever had in court.