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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) by Alexis Angel, Daphne Dawn (119)


I'm in the bathtub, enjoying my time away from work and away from everything. I've cleared my mind to the point that I know what I want ... but it's complicated. The thought of all three guys with me at once has excited me so much. Before I can begin to come again, there's a knock on the door. Shit. Who's here at this hour? I have no idea what time it is because I've been in the tub, lost in my own fantasies.

I raise my body out of the now tepid water, and I pull on my white oversized terrycloth robe. I turn the music down before making my way to the door. To my delight, guess who has arrived at the perfect time?

"Marcus! Gosh, I was just thinking about you."

His eyes take in the situation. Me in my robe with nothing on underneath, music going, candles flickering. He seems genuinely pleased to have shown up at this time and to have had such good timing.

He's gazing at me like he knows what I was probably up to. There's fire in his eyes and I want to join him there. I want to make my fantasies about him a reality. Now I'm not alone. I have at least one man here to fulfil me and to feast my eyes upon.

"Hi babe, I was just coming here to deliver some bad news, but have I caught you at a bad time?"

"No, no. I was just taking a bath, trying to unwind from the day. But I'm done. So you're actually here at the perfect time." I'm disheartened to know he wants to talk about work, but I put my game face on and pretend that's all I'm interested in too.

"Hey, come sit down. Let me pour us some wine. Would you to share a pinot noir?"

"That sounds perfect."

He sits on my white sofa and he gestures for me to join him. I bring both glasses of wine over and I snuggle into his side, grateful for the smell of his masculine cologne, and I'm grateful for the fact that I'm still naked underneath this robe. Maybe it'll get this to point in the direction of something more.

"So, the lead I thought I had about who killed Emma is dead in the water. This means we're basically back to square one, with our focus on one of her boyfriends." He takes a deep slug of his wine and asks if I have anything stronger.

"Of course. Let me get you...?" I look to him.

"Scotch, on the rocks."

Okay, Marcus is not happy. He's certainly nowhere near as happy as I am right now. I go to the little bar in my place and pull out the best I have for him. I give him a deep pour and hope this'll calm him down.

"It's the best," I say as I give it to him.

"Ahh, thank you. I need to get this case off my shoulders. I feel so fucking angry that it's this hard to solve. A girl got killed, and the killer is out there, and it's absolutely our job to bring him to justice."

"I know, I know Marcus. I feel the exact same way."

"I just am so used to seeing the evidence where people think there is none. But now I've hit a wall. I'm not used to feeling so stalled."

He's taking sips of his scotch and I can tell the liquid is warming him, unwinding him because his tense face starts to relax.

"Here, let me give you a shoulder rub, you look all stressed."

I squeeze myself between him and the couch so that he's between my legs and I go to work on his back. All he needs is a little pampering like I've just had. It helped me calm down and it'll help him too.

"Hey Marcus, you've already come up with several ways for us to win this case. Okay? You're so smart and that's why we hired you and I know we'll think of something. Damian is innocent, so we'll find a way to prove that. And, remember it's not all on your shoulders. You can rely on Jason and me too. Between the three of us, we'll get this thing done, and the true murderer will be put in jail forever. Trust me. It's just a big case. Don't let it get to you."

I'm rubbing his back, applying all the pressure I can because his muscles are so big I'm not sure my small hands are doing much good.

He sighs. "Thank you. Jacqueline. Thank you. You somehow put it all into perspective. I knew I should stop by here. I just didn't know you could ground me in this way. I didn't know I needed grounding, but you have done that and it feels so good."

I'm happy I've provided him with some relief.

We're so connected here in this moment. I'm beyond excited that he stopped by. I know he came with urgent law business, but to me, it means that I was on his mind. He wanted to come over and to trust me with his doubts and fears. I so much wanted to assuage him and I hope the back rub helped. I honestly have never seen Marcus like this, so perturbed and unsure of himself. He's normally one of the most confident people I know. And he's confident in a good way like he makes me feel reassured being around him. He makes me feel safe and comforted. So to have the tables turned is a big deal. To see him doubting his prowess at law made me feel like I should really step up and be the one to comfort him for a change. I hope my words were able to help him. He's sitting with me now, seeming more calmed down. I have candles still lit all over the place from my luxurious bath, and the scent of essential oils is still in the air. I have to admit, it's a very romantic setting. What started as a little self-pampering session has turned into a very romantic environment with Marcus.

He looks like a statuesque Roman god, with his huge muscles popping out of his worn, heather-gray t-shirt. Rubbing his back gave me a lovely feeling of how strong he is and having him between my legs as I rubbed down his muscles made the world seem right. I know he feels it too. His actions and the way he puts me at ease, his protectiveness, and his deep dark eyes, tell me all I need to know. Marcus is my fantasy-guy come to life. He's brilliant and beautiful, caring, compassionate, and most of all, he seems to want me back. He seems to see those special qualities in me also and that makes me feel awesome. I want to express this to Marcus.

He's just finished his scotch and I offer him another glass.

"I'm good for now, thanks Jacqueline. You have really helped to ease my mind about this whole case. I'm really glad I can confide in you. Otherwise it feels just lonely."

Oh my God! He said I'm the one person he can confide in. That means so much to me. Because I also feel that I can tell him anything.

"Marcus, thank you. I really am here for you, to bounce ideas off of, to talk. I am always going to be here for you. "

With that statement, he pulls me in for a deep kiss, and I can taste the scotch on his breath and I hope this means that tonight will lead to something special, between us. I'm eager to have something intimate with Marcus, where I can see all the shades of him, from the superficial to the deepest emotions. Here is a man with many layers.

"Marcus, I want to know how much you want me," I say, my lips trembling at little at the question

"Of course I do," he answers immediately.

"No, I want more. I need to see everything. I need to know that I am the only girl in the world that you would ever be with...and I know that is different for me to ask, considering..."

He sighs and interrupts, "Jacqueline, don't you know this already? About me? Have I ever given you a reason to doubt this?"

I look into his eyes. "No, you haven't. He's right. He's always been loyally by my side and I've had many conversations with him, mostly about work, but that connection between us felt so palpable, always.

"Yes, I am and I want you to know that you are all I ever think about Jacqueline. You're on my mind 24 hours a day. I am constantly wondering what you are doing, if you are okay. I mean, I want to know everything, like if you're in your socks watching a movie at home, or if you're out somewhere without me."

Wow, he really thinks about all that? I'm practically melting right now.

He continues, "You're an amazing catch...and it's no wonder three amazing guys are after you. I went after you, and I seldom really go after anyone. You're the only woman I want, and I know that sharing you doesn't change anything for me."

"If you want, Marcus I can help you to understand how much you mean to me. Please, let me help you understand. I want to take this thing deeper. I want to know every part of you. I also want to know what you're doing at every moment, and if you're lounging at home in your sweats, or if you're working m or if you're at the gym, or even if you're out somewhere without me. I want to know everything."

That makes him so happy. He kisses me and again I'm becoming more and more sure of my feelings. I want to make him happy at every level. I want to know him at every level.

He's so strong and secure. Now I feel like having him wrap me up in his arm, and I wrap my arms around him. "Thank you," I tell him.

"Of course," Marcus says. "You’re my girl, and it’s fine that I’m one of your men." He kisses my forehead and stands. "Thanks so much for everything. I know I’ll see you soon, babe, but there’s something I need to take care of."

The smile on Marcus’s face keeps me from being concerned about him running off. I’m glad he came to visit me. I’m glad we had this talk.

I kinda feel like, despite all the odds, everything is going to be okay.