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The King's Secret Bride: A Royal Wedding Novella (Royal Weddings Book 3) by Alexis Angel, Daphne Dawn (96)


I pace the conference room floor as I watch Marcus and Jacqueline leaning over her laptop scrutinizing the security footage of Damian Cain. Marcus was a good choice; he makes a great addition to the team. Well, actually I’m focused on Jacqueline. I can't keep my eyes off her for some reason. Maybe it's because in moments like this when I find her most beautiful. The fire of intensity lights up her gorgeous blue eyes as she studies a case looking for a chink in her opponent's armor. God, I want her, but right now I have to focus on the case. If we can get an acquittal our firm will have more business than we can handle. Every playboy heir and trust fund princess in the city will want us on retainer. We’re in demand now but the Cain case can make us legendary if we win.

I go over and stand behind them Jacqueline and Marcus. I rest my hand light on her shoulder feeling the heat of her body through the fabric. I know both of them are the best at what they do. If Cain stays out of our way, we can win this.

"Anything?" I ask.

"Well so far we have Emily and Damian going into the building and they look every bit the couple in love." Jacqueline says as she pauses the video. The screen freezes on the faces of Damian and Emma staring into each other’s eyes. "Look at how they're looking at each other. I can't believe he could look at her like that and then a few hours later kill her." Jacqueline’s got that fire in her eyes that tells me she thinks she’s found the angle she’s going to work to make Cain likeable. Everybody loves a bad boy with a heart of gold.

I nod my head. "I agree whether he admits it to us or not, and we're going to have to convince him to admit it, Cain looks like a man in love," I say. I should know. On the screen Cain’s looking at Emma exactly the way I was looking at Jacqueline just a second ago. The same way I see Marcus looking at her now. There's something irresistible about a confident woman who takes no prisoners, and clearly I’m not the only man who thinks so.

I force my mind back to the footage. "Let's keep looking,” I say.

Jacqueline plays the footage and we watch as various other residents and visitors come and go but nobody who looks suspicious. I notice a dark-haired girl going into the lobby she's got her face buried in cell phone but she's dressed like your typical college student. I know there aren't many students living in that building. The only students who can afford it have trust fund babies. I wonder if she knew Emma, they seem about the same age it’s possible. I reach around Jaqueline shoulders and stop the footage. "Do we know who she is?"

Marcus flips through a stack of papers lying on the table. "Meagan Scott," he says looking at the papers. "She was a friend of Emma’s. I've got the transcript of her interrogation. She was friends with Emma. Confirmed that Emma had been seeing Damian for a few months. Emma was telling her things were getting serious between the two of them." Marcus flips through the transcript. "She lives in the building too."

"Really. Rich family?" I ask.

"No," Marcus says and I can tell from his tone we’re on the same page.

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"We don’t know," Marcus says, "but by this time tomorrow we’re going to know exactly how Meagan is paying is the bills."

"She's the one who found the body and called the police." Jacqueline adds. "We definitely need to have a talk with her ourselves, or maybe you do Marcus." Jacqueline smiles "Maybe use your masculine wiles on her."

"I always get results but then you know that don't you," Marcus replies.

I watch the color creep up Jacqueline's cleavage at his words. I love seeing her get turned on and still maintain her composure. I lean over and press play again letting my breath ghost across the back of neck. I savor her shiver.

"What else Jacqueline? Focus," I say my lips brushing her ear. She watches the footage intently but see her legs pressing together underneath the table as her eyes remain focused on the screen. "What was that?" Jacqueline says suddenly. Her exclamation catches Marcus and myself by surprise.

"Where?" I ask focusing on the footage on the screen.

"There," she says, "right there. Look at that. The footage jumps like there's something missing"

"Are you sure it's not a defect in this copy?" I remind her.

Jacqueline's phone vibrates, she picks it up. I watch her face as she reads. She looks up at us. "It's not a mistake, Xavier saw it too. There's something wrong with the footage," she continues excitedly. "The prosecution's whole case hinges on the fact that Cain was the last person with Emma; all we have to do is prove he wasn't and prove that someone tried to hide that. They’ll be finished."

"The big bad Wolff’s winning streak just might be over," Marcus says.

"This is exactly why I made you partner, Jacqueline," I say smiling at her. "You take no prisoners and you play to win. I can't wait to see you destroy Wolff."

"I know how much you like to watch Jason," Jacqueline says giving me a wicked grin that makes the blood rush in my veins.

"Oh, you know I like to do more than that," I say, turning her chair to face me.

"Damn, I think we all to drink," Jacqueline says with a laugh.