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The Rebel by Alice Ward (68)


Three days after returning to the states, I sat in a federal courtroom in San Jose as a free woman. Initially, I was charged with aiding and abetting, as well as three counts of interfering with a federal investigation. Asher and William gave their statements and stuck to the story we’d created during our flight home.

William insisted that he forced Asher to leave Atwater in an effort to protect him from the Chavez family. They both told the prosecutor that I’d tracked them down on my own and flown out to persuade them to return home and face the music. The prosecutor seemed as exhausted with the case as we were and agreed to let me plead guilty to lesser charges. I was sentenced to one thousand hours of community service, but no jail time.

I sat behind the defense table, hoping Asher would be so lucky. The court in San Luis Obispo had already dropped the murder charges and ruled Luis Chavez’s death an act of self-defense. We just needed the federal judge to drop the charges stemming from Rachel’s lies and Asher’s subsequent jail break. Kennedy thought our chances were good, but I was afraid to hope.

“All rise.”

I stood at the bailiff’s words with my parents on either side of me. Asher looked over his shoulder and gave me a quick wink before facing the bench. A wrinkled, cantankerous looking man in black robes shuffled into the courtroom.

“You may be seated,” he announced, settling into his black leather chair. “This court is called to order. We’re here today in regards to the United States versus Asher Reynolds. Defense counsel has filed a motion requesting all charges against Mr. Reynolds be dropped. The court has reviewed the new evidence in the case and is ready to hear arguments. Mr. Stevens, you have the floor.”

The prosecutor closed the file in front of him and rose to his feet.

“Your Honor, while the government is willing to negotiate a plea in this case, I feel that complete dismissal of the charges is unwarranted. Mr. Reynolds has a long history of taking matters into his own hands instead of relying on the proper authorities. I feel it would be a grave mistake to reinforce this behavior by letting him off scot-free. The government is willing to let Mr. Reynolds plead to three counts of interfering with a federal investigation and recommends that he be sentenced to community service and time served.”

The prosecutor sat back down and the judge turned to Kennedy.

“Mrs. Montgomery, is your client agreeable to the government’s suggestion?”

She turned to Asher and he gave her a slight nod.

“Yes, Your Honor. The defense has no objections.”

“Then Mr. Reynolds, please stand.”

Asher and Kennedy returned to their feet.

“Asher Reynolds, how do you plead to the charges against you?”

“Guilty, Your Honor.”

“So noted. Mr. Reynolds, there are a few things I’d like to say before I deliver your sentence. As the prosecutor noted, you have a long and disturbing history of taking the law into your own hands. And while you may be innocent of malicious intent, you must learn that the laws of this country are concrete. No one, regardless of their means or abilities, is allowed to bend the law to their favor. The court is willing to grant a certain amount of leniency, considering the unique circumstances of this case. But if I see you in my court again, you won’t be so lucky.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” Asher agreed.

“Asher Reynolds, you are hereby sentenced to two thousand hours of community service and time served. Court is dismissed.”

He slammed the gavel on the bench and Asher turned to me with a grin. He raced around the divider that separated court members from spectators and lifted me into his arms.

“It’s over, baby. It’s finally over,” he whispered into my ear.

It’s finally over. We’re free.

“Congratulations, baby,” I whispered back.

Asher sat me back on the floor and turned to Kennedy. He wrapped her in a hug and planted a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

“Kennedy, you are both a genius and a lifesaver. And if I recall correctly, I owe you all one hell of a vacation.”

“You don’t have to tell us twice,” Dad teased, extending his hand. Asher accepted it and Dad pulled him into a hug.

“I’m glad this is over, son. Now you and Lauren can start your lives. Ellen and I couldn’t be happier.”

“You have no idea how much your support has meant to me,” Asher told him, a single tear in his eye.

“We love you like you’re our own,” Mom assured him. “And we’re so happy you’re finally safe.”

The two men who’d tracked us to the island had been arrested the day before when they attempted to reenter the country with forged passports. The underlings had scattered. William predicted that some would find work with other gangs, some would revert back to petty theft and other street crimes. Only two members of the organization were unaccounted for. William’s theory for their current location involved international waters and cement. We were, in fact, finally safe.

Asher wrapped one arm around my shoulders and the other around Kennedy’s. He practically floated as he led us out of the courtroom.

“So the vacation. Where would you all like to go?”

Mom let out a soft laugh. “As pathetic as this sounds, right now I just want to go home.”

“I second that, actually,” Kennedy agreed. “All I want to do right now is spend a week moving back and forth from my bed to my bathtub.”

“Some quite time at home does sound awfully good,” I told Asher. “We can go back to being newlyweds,” I added, my voice barely a whisper.

He flashed me an infectious grin and kissed my forehead. “Your wish is my command, Mrs. Reynolds.”


I woke up with a hot, wet desire burning between my legs. I stirred into consciousness and instinctively reached down. My hand fell on Asher’s soft curls and he increased the intensity of his tongue. After a series of long, hard lashes, he pulled away and moved his lips to my bare stomach.

“Good morning, wife,” he purred, sliding his tongue from my abs to my breasts. He licked a trail back and forth between my nipples, biting at them with each pass. I squirmed beneath him in delight.

“Good morning, husband. Did you sleep well?”

He licked his way up my neck and gave my earlobe the same lashing he’d just given my clit.

“I slept amazing. You wore me out last night,” he teased, pressing his stiff, throbbing cock against my hip.

I turned my face to Asher’s and bit hungrily at his lips, weaving my fingers through his curls.

“You’ve been wearing me out all week. I’m going to need a vacation to recover from our staycation,” I countered.

“Mmm. I could be convinced to go on a vacation. Do you want to make love at a resort on the beach, or a resort in the mountains?”

“Yes,” I answered with a laugh. “But we’ll have to settle for the house until further notice. We have to go back to the real world next week, remember?”

We had three days left until our honeymoon was over. The following Monday, Asher and I would tackle the seemingly impossible task of rebuilding EnvisionTech Media.

“All the more reason to take advantage of the time we have left,” he replied. He took my left breast between his teeth and gave it a light tug. I rolled onto my side, instinctively pressing my hips into his. Asher moved his lips back to mine and slipped one hand between my legs. He pushed two fingers inside me and gently rolled his thumb over my clit. When I tried to cry out, he kissed me harder, mimicking the movement of his fingers with his tongue. I let out an instinctive, guttural moan and pushed myself down on his hand. He added a third finger and I gushed with satisfaction.

“Oh, baby,” he gasped, pulling his lips away from me. “I think that may be a new record.”

“You have the magic touch,” I replied through heavy breaths.

Asher brought his hand to his lips and licked up my juices. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him again, moving my tongue around every inch of his mouth. Asher’s cock twitched against my thigh when he realized what I was doing.

“You like the taste of yourself,” he moaned against my lips.

I lifted my leg over his hip, angling my eager tunnel at his piercing rod. “I like it on you,” I said boldly.

“Oh God, baby,” he groaned, his eyes widening with shock and lust. With one hard rock of his hips, he buried his cock inside me. He returned his lips to mine and rolled me onto my back.

Asher pumped into me and I clenched my pussy around him. “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of your cock,” I moaned, meeting him thrust for thrust.

I wasn’t just talking dirty for the effect; I completely meant what I said. Since Asher and I had returned home, I couldn’t get enough of him. We’d walked through the fire together and come out stronger on the other side. Every moment that our bodies weren’t connected seemed like a moment wasted.

Asher moaned and slowed to long, teasing strokes. He lowered himself until his lips were just above my ear. He gave the lobe a gentle suck as the tip of his cock hit the deepest place inside me.

“You want me to go slow and make it last?” he whispered with another gentle rock of his hips.

I grabbed a handful of his curls and gave them a light tug. “No,” I moaned. “I want you to take me hard and fast until you explode inside me.”

“Oh, Lauren,” he growled, picking up his pace. He pulled his cock all the way out of me, stroked it against my clit, and then slammed into me again. I dug my nails into his shoulders and sucked his earlobe.

“After that,” I whispered. “I’m going to drag you into the shower and lick your cock hard again.”

Asher let out a groan and slowed his hips. He held my face in his hands and stared down into my eyes.

“I’m going to come before you if you keep talking like that,” he warned.

I held eye contact and tightened my pussy around him again. “Like what?” I asked, my voice light and innocent.

He smiled and pushed into me again. “You know what I’m talking about. Who knew you had such a dirty mouth, Mrs. Reynolds?”

“Believe me, Mr. Reynolds, you’re about to learn just how dirty my mouth can be. But not until you give me what I want.” I moved one hand to his ass, pulling his cock deeper inside me. Asher rocked his hips, faster and harder with each thrust. He rose to his knees, pulling my legs over his shoulders.

“Open your eyes, baby,” he insisted.

I parted my lids and looked up at him as he moved above me. He took my right hand and moved it between our legs, soaking it with my juices. Then, he lifted it to his mouth and sucked it dry.

“You taste so amazing,” he groaned. “I wish I could lick you and bury myself in you at the same time.”

I guess I’m not the only one who can talk dirty. Marriage is awesome.

I wet my hand again and lifted it to his mouth. Asher took my fingers into his mouth one at a time, as he slipped the third between his lips, his cock twitched inside me.

“Oh God, Lauren. I’m going to come,” he warned.

“Come baby,” I begged. “Fill me.”

I gripped his ass with both hands, clawing my nails into his flesh. He cried out with passion and his entire body spasmed. Waves of ecstasy washed over me as we reached euphoria together.

After a few moments, I let my legs fall to the bed and Asher rolled over beside me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head, still struggling to catch his breath.

“That was amazing. You’re amazing.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself,” I teased.

“I fully intend to hold you to that shower comment,” he warned with a grin. “But I may need a half hour or so to regain my strength. And food,” he added as an afterthought. “We’re going to need fuel if we plan on keeping this up all day.”

“All day?” I asked, playfully raising my eyebrow. “You’ve planned past the shower?”

“Hey, a man can dream,” he laughed and rolled out of the bed. He reached for his bathrobe and then reconsidered and turned to me with a daring smile.

“I have a suggestion.”

“By all means.” I waved my hand for him to continue.

“We’re all alone in the house. There are no guards, no cops, no lawyers, or friends. Let’s celebrate our privacy and spend the entire day naked.”

I grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

“On the terrace,” he added.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” I climbed out of bed and took his hand. We made our way to the kitchen and I pulled my phone off of its charger as Asher set to work assembling a makeshift breakfast of fresh fruit and frozen waffles.

“You know I love having our privacy. But I do miss Claire’s cooking,” Asher confessed. “Maybe she could teach you a few recipes,” he teased.

I was too surprised by the message on my screen to react to his sarcasm. “She’s going to be too busy,” I announced, holding up my phone.

He turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “What’s going on?”

“Apparently, Claire’s been secretly auditioning for a spot on Extreme Cuisine.”

“The cooking show with that British guy?”

I nodded. “Her message says she’s made it into the top fifteen. They’re filming this season in Austin, Texas. She leaves on Sunday.”

“Good for her. We should take her out to celebrate,” he suggested.

“I’ll text her later and set something up.”

Asher lifted our breakfast tray from the island and made his way to the terrace doors. I followed with two glasses of orange juice and we enjoyed a peaceful breakfast overlooking the valley. When the food was gone, Asher threw a longing glance to our new hammock.

“You want to take a nap already, don’t you?” I teased.

He grinned and gave me an innocent shrug. “What can I say? My wife’s insatiable and she’s wearing me out.”

I laughed and led him to the hammock. We curled up together and stared up at the clouds. In a matter of minutes, Asher’s breathing slowed and his soft snores filled the air. As he slept, I let my mind wander over the past few months.

Less than a year ago, I was stressing about finals and wondering if I’d be able to find a job once I graduated. Now, I’m married to the most amazing man in the world. The path we took to get here was terrible. But it was worth every step.


Curious about what happens next to Claire from Unraveling the Billionaire? If you loved Lauren and Asher, you’ll adore Claire and her journey to step out of her comfort zone, take a few risks, and discover love. Beware, it’s HOT in the kitchen.

Continue on to read Claire’s story, Recipe for Lust.