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Untouchable by Ava Ashley (11)

Chapter 23



I don’t get much done over the next two hours. I file maybe ten files, and end up having to re-file three of those when I realize that I’d filed by first instead of last name. I’m so busy staring at the framed photos on the wall of some of the most impressive works done in the parlor that I keep tripping over things and bumping into the furniture. Finally, Tamryn gives up entirely on getting any useful work out of me and sends me to the back room with a book of designs to flip through until it’s 4:30.

I lose myself in the designs for a bit, but by 4:15 p.m. I’m out of the back room and bustling around the store, eyes trained on the door like I’m expecting a miracle to come walking through the door. I kind of am.

At exactly 4:30 p.m. on the dot, my miracle comes walking through the door, looking as crushingly handsome as ever, with an easy smile on his face.

He walks up to the front desk. “I’m here for a 4:30 p.m. appointment with Branna.”

“Hi,” squeaks Tamryn. “Can I have your autograph?” Her voice is at least five octaves higher than normal. She clears her throat. “It’s for my, um, nephew. He wants to be a fighter.”

“Sure thing,” says Cooper. “Tell your nephew he better hit the gym hard before he tries out the cage. Maybe I’ll get to fight him someday.”

Tamryn pretty much slides right down off of her seat in a swoon. She giggles and hands Cooper a piece of paper to sign. It’s sweet of him to do it, and I know it’s making Tamryn’s day, but I want them to hurry up so I can get started on his new tat. I’ve only been waiting for this moment for all of my life!

“Thanks,” Tamryn breathes, as she takes the signed paper back from Cooper and folds it carefully before placing it tenderly back in her desk drawer. “Right this way, sir.” She gets up and leads him back to the backroom. I’m confused for a moment. Why would she bring him to the private bodywork room? I hear her say, “Branna will be with you momentarily.” Then she comes back out of the room and winks at me.

As she passes me as I head back to the bodywork room and she returns to the front desk, she whispers in my ear, “You’re welcome for the private time with Hunk McSteamy.”

I open my mouth to protest, but she waves me off.

“I’m a great friend, I know.” She rolls her eyes. “I guess you’re just a lucky girl to have a friend like me.”

I shake my head and smile as I walk back towards the bodywork room.

“Hi, sweetheart,” says Cooper. “Where do you want me?” He raises an eyebrow and I can tell he phrased it that way on purpose. My stomach swoops.

“Listen, thanks for this,” I say. “Really. But you didn’t have to...I mean, understand if you want someone who’s done this before. Your tats are perfect. I don’t want to pretend like I’ve done this professionally before.”

“Don’t give me that.” Cooper’s face is serious now. “Can you do it.” It’s not a question.

“Yes,” I say, putting my chin up.

“I know.” Cooper nods. “So don’t think you’re the grunt worker around here because you aren’t more talented than everyone else here. I want a tattoo from a talented artist. That’s why I’m here to see you. Now, where do you want me?

“Over there is good,” I say, pointing at the padded table. “What do you want to get today?”

“Whatever you want to give me,” Cooper says. It sends shivers up my spine.

“But—” I protest.

He holds up a hand and shakes his head. “Give me what I need and what you dare to give. That’s all I’m asking.”

I wonder if he’s still talking only about the tattoo, but I nod.

“My sleeves are done, but I want something on my left shoulder blade,” Cooper

says. Right behind his heart.

“Do you mind if I take a look at your other ink first?” I ask.

“Help yourself,” Cooper says. He pulls his shirt over his head. I breathe in at the sight of his perfect, naked chest. I resist the urge to reach out and run my fingers down his perfectly distinguished pecs, down to his chiseled eight pack, snug between a ripped V-line pointing down to happier places.

The tattoos are even more mesmerizing up close than from a distance and I’m in awe. They’re also inked on a flawless canvas, but the art itself is interesting.

“I got the sleeves over many years,” Cooper explains softly. “I got my first one, this one here, after finishing my first boot camp as a Navy officer. I finished my right sleeve when I left the Navy and started my left sleeve when I started fighting. This one here is from my first tournament victory.”

He lets me examine the tats a little longer, then gently lifts my chin to look me straight in the eyes. I catch my breath, heart racing out of control as I look up at his face, mere inches from mine.

“Everything I’ve done, everything I’ve experienced, is part of who I am.” He says it softly but firmly. “My ink immortalizes my experiences and lets me always carry my memories, and their lessons, with me.” He pauses then, and even quieter, murmurs, “Sometimes you have to take a chance, pretty girl. Life is going to happen whether or not you live it.”

I’m not sure how long we stay that way, our faces inches from each other, because time stops for me. After an eternity, but also much too soon, Cooper releases my chin. 

I take a deep breath and clear my throat before I trust my voice enough to ask a question. “Would you like me to sketch out your shoulder blade piece for approval before I ink?” It’s a courtesy question, but I have no doubt that the answer will be yes.

Cooper surprises me, shaking his head. “No. I trust you. Give what you want, I’ll take it.”

He turns and shows me his back. I reach out a hand and rest it on his shoulder blade. It’s stacked with muscle, but still on bone. This won’t be a painless tattoo.

I pick up my instrument, suddenly no longer hesitant or uncertain at all. I don’t have a clear image of the final result in my mind, but as I work and etch the black ink into Cooper’s skin, I always know the next move instinctively.

We don’t talk the whole time that I work and neither of us looks at the clock. In the back of my peripheral consciousness, I notice that the parlor goes quiet after a while. I keep working, looking at nothing but Cooper’s skin, illuminated under the bright, florescent light. When I finally put down my instrument, I’m exhausted but so thoroughly satisfied, like never before. I step back and admire my work. 

It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever done.

Cooper turns and meets my eyes. Though we haven’t said a word to each other in hours, it feels like we have just been through something incredibly intimate together. He takes my hands in his and pulls me closer to him. I’m standing between his legs, breathing in sync with him, and mesmerized by his gaze. Without breaking eye contact, he gently lifts my hands in his and gives them a kiss. My stomach swoops up to somewhere around my throat.

“Thank you, pretty girl.”