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Untouchable by Ava Ashley (13)

Chapter 27



Just having Branna in the crowd, watching me fight, makes me feel like I can do anything. Tonight’s fight was actually against one of my more well-matched opponents and I generally take a bit of a beating from him, even though I end up winning every time, because he’s still good enough to get some punches in. Tonight, he can’t touch me.

I’m floating on air, jabbing left, leg slam right, utterly destroying him. I can feel no pain, I can do no wrong. With Branna there watching me, I’m invincible. I hear her cheer when my opponent, Slayer, starts going down and it makes me hit faster and fight harder. I’m fighting for my girl.

It isn’t until after the match is over and Slayer is lying on the floor in defeat that I realize what I was thinking. I wasn’t thinking that I need to win this and be a man for Branna. I was thinking I need to do it for my girl. I’ve only been in love once before and it was a dumb enough decision and a painful enough experience that I decided that I’m never doing that shit again. After Sarah, I told myself that I was done. I told myself that I was never letting a woman make a mockery of me again. I stuck to my promise to myself for years, never going beyond casual fucking.

And then one day this mysterious beauty with a secret past and more tightly-locked emotional baggage than there are secrets in the whole Navy combined comes walking into my apartment with a sassy smile and a devil-may-care confidence, and I start to forget myself. Slowly but steadily, and without even trying, the girl has worn down all my defenses. And here I am now, thinking of a girl I haven’t even fucked—haven’t even seen naked—as ‘my girl.’

So much for getting her out of my system.

“What are you thinking about, lover boy?” Vlad whips a towel in my direction as I enter the locker room.

“What makes you think I’m thinking about a girl, man?” I ask.

“That doofy smile.” Vlad laughs and smirks at me. “You did good out there. Maybe a decent woman in your life is what you need right now. I won’t hold you up. I know you want to go see your girl.”

I don’t correct him. I like the way that sounds. My girl.

I take a fast shower and Branna is already waiting for me, just outside of the locker room, when I come out.

“How did you like it?” I ask.

“You were amazing!” Her cheeks are even rosier than usual with excitement, not makeup, and she’s so cute I can’t decide if I’d rather fuck her or just admire her.

Yeah right, I want to fuck her. But I’m also enjoying just looking at her look up at me, all wide-eyed and beautiful.

“You were incredible. I couldn’t even believe half of what was going on. Whoa!” She suddenly wraps her arms around me and gives me a tight hug, pressing her face against my chest. “Good job!”

“Thanks, sweetheart” I say. I fold my arms around her to hold her there as she starts to back out of the hug and she stops. She looks up at me for a moment, with a questioning expression on her face, then lets herself lean back into my body, this time in a peaceful, warm hug.

Eventually, we break out of the hug but it’s probably after whole minutes of standing there like a sappy, loved-up couple and it’s only because the crowds of people are starting to be let out of the cage area and some of the fans have found their way past the guards and back here. It’s just a handful, but my protective instinct kicks in immediately.

“Can I have your autograph?” A redhead with a black sharpie in her hand runs up to me and lifts her shirt up. She isn’t wearing a bra, so her pointy nipples are practically in my face. I instinctively turn away at lightning speed, shielding Branna with my body.

“This way, sweetheart” I say, shepherding Branna to the closest exit. “Don’t worry, you’re safe with me.”

I can tell she’s a little startled by the overeager fan. She’s a down-to-earth girl, without the experience of invasive in-your-face celebrity and the crazy fandom that comes with it. But she takes my reassurance, nodding her head and clutching on tighter to my chest. She looks up at me with her beautiful, wide eyes.

“I,” she pauses, “I trust you.” There’s an odd expression on her face when she says it, like she’s in pain.

That does it. I pick her up and carry her to the parking lot. I drive home wicked fast, never letting go of her hand with one of mine and then we’re home and inside and looking at each other.

“Branna, I—” I don’t want to say anything that will make her uncomfortable or cause her any pain, but I also can’t hide how I’m feeling anymore.

She looks up at me, then gives a small smile and an unbelieving nod of her


“I know,” she says, “Me, too.”

She grabs hold of me by my shirt, curling her fingers around the fabric. She pulls her perfect, warm little body against mine and I’m instantly rock hard against my jeans.

I look down at her, tilt her chin up with my finger, and lean down. Finally, I do what I’ve been wanting to do for so long. I lean my face down toward hers as she turns her face up towards mine.

Our lips touch softly at first, but it’s instantly electric. I know she feels it, too, by the way her body falls against mine and then instinct kicks in and we’re kissing hard like we’re trying to become one through our mouths. Her lips are soft and plump and welcoming, her body pressed impossibly close up against mine, and I could have that moment last forever. At the same time, getting this makes me want more.

She pulls away and stands a yard from me, breathing hard. The air between is crackling with energy, with lust.

God, I want to be in her now.