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Untouched Perfection (Timeless Love Novel) by Kristin Mayer (43)



Chapter Forty-Five



The ride home had been relatively quiet. Garrick made sure to keep constant physical contact, but I needed to get my thoughts together. Tonight had been a roller coaster. And deep inside I felt guilty that it would be difficult to give Garrick a child. Lost in my own head, I followed Garrick through the door.

“What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

I walked over to the windows to look out at the twinkling car lights below. “Just the whole evening. It’s kind of on repeat in my head.”

Garrick poured himself a drink at the bar and handed me a glass of wine. “Are you having second thoughts?”

I glanced over my shoulder and caught his expression before he schooled it. I’d created that doubt in him. I rushed to him, never wanting to hurt him. “Never. Oh, Garrick, I don’t have any second thoughts. Today was emotionally tough. Your family wasn’t happy about us initially. Then the talk with your mom. It was just hard.”

“It was. I’m sorry how they were in the beginning. But I can tell they love you.”

I sighed, remembering the coldness from his brother. Even saying goodbye, I got another head nod. “Except for Marcus.”

Garrick poured himself another glass. “He’ll come around. He’s the most skeptical of us. Amanda isn’t his first wife. And it took a lot of time and patience from Amanda for Marcus to commit.”

“Did he lose his first wife?”

The thought hurt my stomach.

“No, he caught her cheating with his best friend. Their relationship happened faster than ours. I imagine that was why he reacted the way he did.”

I could understand how things might have hit too close to home. Sometimes ghosts unearth themselves from the past without warning. “That’s terrible. Amanda seems like a nice girl.”

“She’s wonderful—perfect for Marcus. They’ve been married for eight years.”

Marcus was the second oldest. Between all the siblings, there was a span of fourteen years. Garrick finished off the rest of his drink. “Now, it’s time for me to make love to my fiancée.”

“I think I’d like that very much.”

His phone vibrated, and I saw the agitation as he answered, “Yes, Joe. Are you serious? Fine, send him up.” Garrick ended the call. “Marcus is here. Dammit. My entire family is cockblocking me.”

I laughed. “They are not.”

“Trust me. My nieces and nephews are the worst.”

The phone vibrated again. This time, he ignored the phone call. “Hastings is pissed about the sale. He’s been calling nonstop since Dad told him the news. I’ll deal with him later.”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Garrick walked toward the door and opened it. “You have impeccable timing.”

I blushed. Marcus winked. “I’m sure I do. But, I needed to stop by and say something. Amanda and the kids are waiting for me at Mom and Dad’s.”

After Marcus walked in, Garrick closed the door. As they made their way toward me, Garrick warned, “Go ahead. But watch it, Marcus. I’m out of patience.”

The room fell silent as we waited for Marcus to speak. It wasn’t long before he said, “I heard what you told Mom before you left.”

Garrick swore under his breath. Where is this going? I felt my pulse increase. I didn’t want to talk about not being able to have children again.

He continued, “I also heard what you said about my brother. I’m not sure if Garrick told you or not, but my first marriage failed. You’re different from my ex-wife. She wanted to trap me for my money. I’m sorry for lumping you with her. I was wrong. You’re nothing like her.”

How is this the same brother who was at the house earlier? This version was warm and kind. I was graceful in my response but still felt guarded. “Thank you. I appreciate you saying that, Marcus.”

“Well, I hope we can start off on the right foot. We’re not normally like what you experienced. We stand by each other through thick and thin. My wife and kids absolutely adore you. I don’t think they’ve stopped talking about you since you left.”

I walked up to Marcus. “In the spirit of Suzette, I think we should hug.”

Marcus put his arms around me and gave me a friendly hug. “Take care of my baby brother.”

“I promise.”

We released. “Now, I’ll leave you to celebrate.”

“And tell the rest of the family to stay away for at least a day or so,” Garrick said.

Marcus laughed, putting his hand on Garrick’s shoulder. “I heard the girls planning a spa day or some shit. The kids are asking for a sleepover. I think Uncle Garrick is going to have a lot of company.”

“Oh, a sleepover would be fun.” I clapped.

“Now your fiancée just shot into the amazing category.” He winked at Garrick.

Garrick shook his head and let out a long breath. “You want a free sitter, you cheap bastard.”

“You bet. And alone time with my wife.” Marcus walked to the door and opened it. “Congratulations again. We’ll have a proper toast the next time we get together.”

We called after him, “Bye!”

The door closed, and I hoped next time, the awkwardness would be gone. All felt right with his family now. Garrick wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my ear. “Now, where were we?”

“I think you were about to make love to your fiancée.”

The desire surged forward. I needed the connection of being one with each other. “I think you’re right. Let’s head to the bedroom. I have a surprise for you.”

Instead of letting me go, he brought me closer. His tongue traced my jaw. “I’m going to devour every inch of you.”

A shiver ran through me.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Damn it all to hell. I’m going to kill him. That cockblocking son of a bitch.”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“He’s got exactly two minutes.”

I kissed his ear and whispered, “Patience.”

“No. I’m done being patient. Two minutes.”

It was hard not to laugh with how serious Garrick became. Garrick stormed to the door. Kurt stood there with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, good. You’re home.”

Kurt motioned for me to follow. “You’ve got to see this!”

I looked over my shoulder. Garrick appeared agitated as he followed us. I blew him a kiss.

Kurt unlocked the door, and as I looked around the apartment, the furniture was as I remembered it. A few things were added, like his guitar in the corner, but other than that, it looked the same. “What did you want me to see?”

“Her room. Come!” He sounded excited.

I quickly glanced around and saw none of his things lying around. Maybe he’d listened. The door to one of the bedrooms was open, and I gasped. Behind me, Garrick chuckled.

“Oh dear,” I said.

Kurt beamed and opened her door further. It was worse than I’d initially thought. I mean, it was Sawyer’s furniture. But her normal decor had been replaced. Every surface was covered in Reverence fan stuff. The bedspread was of Kurt’s band. There were posters on every wall. Cardboard cutouts of the band members lined the walls. Even the lampshade had the band’s logo.

To top it off, a huge wall decal of Kurt’s face was above Sawyer’s bed. There was nothing in her room that wasn’t Reverence related.

“She’s going to kill you. Where’s her stuff?”

“In storage at a secret location. Once she comes around, she’ll get it back.”

I put my hand to my mouth as I touched the picture of Kurt’s face printed on the pleather chair. “Why did you do this?”

“She said our memorabilia was cheesy. I figured if she’s marketing for the firm, what better way to come up with ideas than to have every piece we have on the market.” I raised my eyebrow. “Okay, I had some additional stuff made. It’ll do her good to get to know the band she’s working for.”

I giggled. “I have to be here when she comes home.”

“I’ll call you when she’s on her way up.” Kurt’s eyes widened. “Congratulations!”


His face fell. “Wait, that’s not an engagement ring? Oh fuck, Garrick asked for my blessing, so I assumed. Double fuck.”

“It is an engagement ring. He proposed today.”

Kurt shook his head and let out a breath. “Wow, he didn’t wait long. When he first asked, I said I had to think about it. He’s persistent. Called me every day. Guess it was burning a hole in his pocket.”


Garrick brought my hand to his mouth. “It was. Now, I’m going to take my fiancée back home and lock the door.”

Kurt shook his head. “Don’t go any further, man. She’s like a sister to me.”

As we left, I called. “See you in the morning!”

“Bye, squirt!”