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Your Honor by Kristi Pelton (7)

Chapter 11



The night air was cooler than when we’d come in. Glad I had thrown on my jean capris, I wished I’d worn my sweater. Swarms of people walked the streets. Even in the business district, there were enough bars and restaurants to make this area fun in the evening. A group of girls all decked out for a bachelorette party laughed on the street corner. Dildo necklaces circled their necks, and the bride carried a dildo cup. I laughed as I walked past them, listening to their slurred, drunken words.

I cast a glimpse back toward the bar door, wondering if Jenner had followed me, but I didn’t see him. Images of him and Hope talking battered my brain. My bi-polar thoughts drove me crazy.

The crosswalk pedestrian signal began the countdown for me to walk. Hustling across the street, I just wanted to get back to my room, away from him. I stopped at the hotel bar and ordered a glass of wine, putting it on my room tab. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but I hated beer and hated even more the fruity crap that a lot of girls drank. Wine I could do…and a dirty martini.

As the elevator moved slowly up, I stared out the glass into the lush courtyard of the hotel. My eyes didn’t spot what they searched for before the elevator dinged at my floor. When the doors opened, I took a sip of my drink and stepped off—and there he was.

The wine stuck in my esophagus mid swallow. I cleared my throat.

“You left the bar because of me?” he asked.

How in the hell had he beat me back? “Yes.” I moved past him. “Careful, Judge. Someone may see us talking.” A sarcastic pitch hung in my tone.

“Lucy.” Something lingered in his tone as well.

I scanned my key over the pad on my door, which flashed green, unlocking the door. I pushed it open, releasing it and silently listening for him to catch the door. After I dropped my purse in the corner, I turned around, staring at him.

“What do you want, Judge.” I hoped my calling him judge annoyed him. “We didn’t swap keys. So, why are you standing in the door of my hotel room?”

A grimace flickered over his facial features, but he remained silent.

“Pleading the fifth? What the hell happened to this matter is fucking adjourned?” I asked. His back and forth on whatever “we” were was exhausting, and every single time he found me, my hopes grew higher.

“Watch your mouth, Lucy.”

Holding on to the stem of the wine goblet, I gulped the red wine until it was gone. “You’re not my father, Jenner.”

“No. I’m not. Not even close.”

My eyes snapped to meet his. He knew something about my father. His words held a knowing comparison. Shit. I didn’t want him to know anything. Embarrassment caused me to ignore the comment.

He shook his head, still standing with both hands in his pockets.

“Why did it matter to you if I went to one of those guy’s rooms?” I asked, hoping to back him into an admission.

“You mean besides them being complete douche bags?”

“Yes, besides that.”

“Is that what you wanted, Lucy? One of them?”

“You know that’s not what or who I wanted, Jenner.”

Before I totally finished my sentence, he raked his fingers through his hair. My phone rang from my purse, but I ignored it. Nothing was going to interrupt us. He took a seat on the corner of my bed. His silence crushing.

“What is wrong with you? Say something!” I raised my voice, turning away and staring out the high-rise window.

“Say something? What do you want me to say, Lucy? Do you want me to read you the oath I took? There was a little part about faithfully and impartially discharging and performing all duties…” He sighed. “That’s the part I’m struggling with. I rule against you one time, and you come to my chambers to argue. I cannot let personal bias get in the way of my decisions. What part of that is confusing to you?”

“I needed you to understand that you made the wrong decision in that case,” I explained.

“You never would have gone to chambers had it been a different judge. You came to my chambers because of the relationship we have. I can’t be impartial when it comes to you. I…can’t.”

My heart swelled and cracked all at the same time. I would never feel his hands on my body again, I just knew it. “I took an oath too, you know.”

“Yes. But I’m the judge, Lucy. I’m held to a higher standard. I’m the one that has to say no. I’m the one that has to back down. I’m the one who has to draw the line.”

“And that’s just so simple for you?”

“It damn well should be. But would I really be standing in your hotel room desperately wanting to touch you if it was that simple?”

The professional and ethical dilemma we found ourselves in was brutally unfair. Quit our jobs. Quit each other. Unjust options.

“Just go, Jenner. It’s fine. I get it.”

“You don’t get it. I’ve been trying to get myself to leave this room since the moment I stepped in, and I can’t leave to save my life, Lucy, let alone my career.”

Our eyes locked as a long minute ticked, the sexual tension almost stifling. It was like the low hum of a power substation—always there.

My phone started ringing again. Something was wrong. It was too late at night for me to just coincidentally get two calls within ten minutes. I grabbed it from my purse. Hank.

“I have to answer this,” I explained. “Hank? What’s wrong?” I turned to face the window again, needing to find an ounce of concentration. Hank never called this late.

“Hey, Little Miss. Where are you?”

“Hank. Just tell me. What’s wrong?”

“Well now, I need you to relax because he’s gonna be just fine. But Pops took a tumble tonight,” Hank clarified. “They called me just a bit ago.

“Where are you?” I snatched my purse up so fast half the contents fell out of it. Tears pooled in my eyes as I bent down to pick the stuff up.

“We’re at the hospital just to make sure that he didn’t mess up his squash,” Hank chuckled.

Suddenly, Jenner was next to me, touching my hands, pushing them away from the things that had spilled. He picked up all my personal things and slid them into my purse. While Hank told me where to go, Jenner got his car keys out of his pocket, grabbed my sweater and stood at the door with my purse in his hand. That’s when the tears spilled over.


When she disconnected the call and followed me out of the room, she didn’t seem to even know which way to go.

“Lucy,” I said taking her hand. “Come on.” I directed her to the elevator unsure myself where we were going, but knowing I’d take her there. “Will you tell me what’s going on?”

She swiped away the tears from her cheeks nodding. “Yes. But you don’t have to do this. I can catch a cab to the hospital. Seriously.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Please, tell me what’s happened.”

“My Pops. The man that raised me. He’s my grandpa. He fell tonight,” she cried, and without thinking, I pulled her close. Intimacy felt right with her. And her god damned body fit perfectly into my side. Though my brain cussed me once we were close. It was like handing a hypodermic needle to a heroin addict.

No sooner did I hold her close to me than the elevator doors slid open, exposing us. Four people waited to get on as we instinctively pulled apart. I silently hoped she forgave me for letting go.

In the car, I stared at her, speechless as soundless tears streaked her beautiful face. I’d seen her cry from anger or frustration, but this was from hurt. I shook my head, irritated with myself as my heart melted, wanting to hold her, to comfort her. All I could do was take her shaking hand in mine.

She caught me staring, but I didn’t look away. I hadn’t been able to show her that I cared; I desperately wanted her to know now. Yet, all I offered her was a tight-lipped smile. I truly was an emotional cripple.

“How did you know about my father?”

My eyes suddenly clung to the road, watching every curve approach and following the lines. Where before I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, now I couldn’t meet her gaze. I had told myself that my research into her past was so that I could understand what had happened with her mother… how that made Lucy the way she was…but I realized it was more than that.

“I read about him.”


After an extremely long minute, I lied. “I wanted to review how the judge ruled in your case. How he managed to get you out of the home.”

Her forlorn eyes left mine and gazed out at the road. It wasn’t a total lie. I did, in fact, want to judicially review the case. But that’s not why I made the request for her file.

“A crazy mother and a criminal father. Pretty impressive, eh?” Her voice cracked, and I squeezed her hand.

“We aren’t our parents, Lucy. Your father robbed banks. He didn’t harm people. Regardless, that doesn’t mitigate what I feel for you.”

Her lips parted at that admission, and her green eyes rounded.

Before my mouth betrayed me more, I lifted her hand to my lips and brushed the soft skin with a kiss. The hospital was still another ten minutes away, but we spent that time in silence.

The emergency department was crowded with people. Generally, just by looking, you could tell who was sick and who was waiting. Given that flu season had just begun—this wasn’t the best time to be in a place like this. I prowled behind Lucy as her eyes scanned the rooms for familiar faces. When she bee lined it for a corner, I followed closely. An older gentleman stood when he saw her.

“Hank,” she cried, latching onto him.

“Hey now, Little Miss. He’s gonna be just fine. But I think he has a broken rib.”

She quickly pushed away from the man and greeted the man in the wheelchair.

“Hey, Pops,” she whispered, touching his shoulder.

“Yes, ma’am. Is my granddaughter here? I need her to know that I fell.”

Lucy nodded. “Yes, sir,” she answered, crippling me with confusion. “She is crazy with worry and told me to tell you how much she loves you,” she cried as the Hank guy rubbed her back.

Perplexed, I touched Hank’s arm, trying to draw his attention.

“Can you tell me if he’s been seen yet?”

“No, sir. You came with Lucy?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.” I wasn’t sure who this guy was, but he seemed important to her. “Will you excuse me?”

Scrolling through my contacts, I hit Bryce Boyles. After three rings, he answered.

“Jenner, what’s up, buddy?”

“Hey, Bryce. I need a favor.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“We are in the ER and I need someone seen ASAP.” I glanced behind me to where Lucy was coming apart in Hank’s arms. His worn hands brushed down the back of her hair.


“Yeah. Sorry. What’d you say?” I’d missed Bryce’s comment.

“What’s the name?”

“It’s Jack Walker. He’s an elderly man that fell tonight. I know it’s not life threatening. But he needs x-rays.”

“Of course. I’ll call in now. Not sure who the ER doc is tonight, but I got you, man.”

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I owe you one.”

“We both know you owe me more than one.”

I smiled as I disconnected the call.

Lucy sat in a chair as worry etched creases in her forehead. Hank sat next to her. There were no empty seats near her, so I sat next to a window and watched her fiddle with her phone.


You ok? I texted.


First, she glanced at her screen, then up until our eyes met.


I will be. Thank you for bringing me.


You’re welcome. I have a question.




I assumed her one question mark was the go ahead for me to ask.


Does your Pops have dementia?


After I hit send, I looked over at her. I watched as she opened my text. Her entire face crumbled. She glanced up at me trying to hide the raw emotion, but when she nodded, two tears trickled down her cheeks. Jesus, I whispered beneath my breath. This poor girl had been dealt the shittiest of hands. It no longer mattered to me who saw us, I needed to go to her. So I did.

Despite the mass of people, she stood as if reading my mind, as I rounded the corner, stepping around folks to get to her. From my peripheral vision, I saw Hank watching me. The moment I got to her, I enveloped her with my arms, lifting her so that her feet dangled. I wanted to carry her burden, to somehow give her a break.

She buried her face in my shoulder. Neither of us spoke; I just wanted her to know I was there for her. I’d hold her for as long as she held onto me.

“Jack Walker?”

Her body stiffened as she shifted around, and I allowed her feet to touch the ground. She wiped her face with both hands and sniffed. She needed a Kleenex, and I didn’t have one.

“Are you Judge Weber?” the doctor in scrubs asked.

“Yes.” I reached to shake his hand.

“Bryce called. Is this the gentleman?”

“Yes, sir,” Lucy stepped forward. “He fell.”

“OK. Why don’t you bring him back, and we’ll get him into X-ray.”

Lucy turned to me before she walked off and whispered thank you.

Two cups of coffee, three email checks, five out dated magazines and a couple of hours later, Lucy strolled out when the electronic door slid open. I’d watched that door all night waiting for a glimpse of her. Her tired eyes spotted me as her brows pulled together.

“Jenner. You’re still here?” she seemed surprised.

I stretched my body as I stood to greet her; my knees cracked in complaint. “Of course, I am. I’m your ride.” I winked at her. “What’s the verdict with your grandfather?”

“Broken collar bone and a rib.”

“Damn. How’s he doing?”

She tried to hide a yawn. “They’re keeping him overnight. Keeping an eye on his lungs. He’s low on iron and potassium.”

“You ready, Little Miss?” Hank asked, coming through the door then spotting me.

“If you don’t mind, Hank, I’d like to take her.” He and I hadn’t officially met so I extended my hand. “I’m Jenner, by the way.”

Hank shifted his posture to give Lucy a cautious look. I made a mental note to ask her about that later. But, he did shake my hand. His handshake was strong and heavy. “Well, Jenner, I reckon Lucy needs to decide who she rides with.”

She laid her head against Hank’s chest. “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Then she tiredly walked toward me. Despite my inner joy that she chose me, I respectfully nodded to Hank, an unspoken reassurance that I’d take care of her—at least for tonight.