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A Husband for Christmas by Brown, Beau (14)

Chapter Fourteen



“You’re not mad I wanted to come along, right?” I studied Rider’s pale face in the small room at the doctor’s office. The flickering florescent lights weren’t flattering at the best of times, but he seemed very pale and tense.

He glanced at me, and shook his head. “No. Of course not.”

“Okay.” I continued to watch him. “You just seem really quiet lately.” In the days following his announcement that he was pregnant, he’d been unusually detached. He’d seemed over the moon happy when he’d first shared the news, but in the days since, he’d withdrawn. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. He’d wanted a baby just like me, and now he seemed almost depressed. He’d even been distant in bed with me. He never turned me down, but something was different. He wouldn’t connect with me in the same way he had before. I didn’t like it. I wanted him to be warm and receptive like he’d been before he’d told me about the baby. “Did I do or say something that upset you?”

“No.” He grimaced. “I’m sorry. I’ve just had a lot of nausea. I’m not talkative when I feel sick.”

I wasn’t sure I bought his excuse, but I couldn’t really argue. I had no idea what it was like to be pregnant. I knew he was having morning sickness; I’d witnessed him jumping out of bed in a panic on more than one occasion. But still, I felt something else was bothering him too. “You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”

He smiled weakly, shifting on the examination table and causing the paper cover to crackle nosily. “There’s nothing wrong.”

“I can cut back my hours a little. We could go out to lunch and a movie more often. Would that make you happy?”

His jaw tensed. “You don’t have to make me happy. I don’t remember that being a part of the contract.”

I frowned at his reference to that legal document. I’d hoped we were moving on from the restrictions set forth in that contract. “Of course I want you happy, Rider.”

He opened his mouth to respond, but then the door opened, and the doctor walked in.

Dr. Harp was younger than I’d expected, but he seemed professional enough as he shook both of our hands. “Your blood work looks excellent, Rider.” He studied his clipboard. “I predict this pregnancy will be a breeze.”

Rider sighed. “That would be wonderful.”

Dr. Harp grimaced. “Well, as much of a breeze as any pregnancy can be. Nothing we can do about swollen ankles and morning sickness.”

“I welcome them both because a baby is at the end of it all.” Rider laughed.

Turning to me, Dr. Harp smiled. “How are you holding up? It’s stressful when your omega is pregnant, isn’t it?”

I frowned. “Not really. I guess I just assume everything will be fine.”

“Well, it should be. Rider is healthy and has a good attitude. That’s most of the battle.” Dr. Harp motioned for Rider to lie down.

Rider moved onto his back, and the doctor pushed his hand under the paper gown to examine him. I had to stifle unwilling territorial feelings at the sight of this other alpha touching Rider. Whether I understood he was just doing his job or not, my alpha side didn’t enjoy seeing another alpha putting his hands on my omega. I looked away and focused on reading the charts tacked up on the walls. After about ten minutes, the doctor told Rider he could sit up.

Dr. Harp scribbled some notes on his clipboard, and he looked up. “Do you have any questions for me?”

“When can we do an ultra sound?” Rider asked excitedly.

Smiling, Dr. Harp said, “Six to eight weeks.”

“How far along am I now?”

“From what I can tell, you’re seven weeks.”

That was almost exactly how long it had been since I’d officially claimed Rider. I met his gaze, and he smiled tentatively, as if he knew what I was thinking. “So the baby was conceived on Christmas which means it should arrive in September?” I asked, still holding Rider’s gaze.

“Yes,” Dr. Harp responded.

“Sure would be nice if we could just do the ultrasound today,” Rider said coaxingly.

Dr. Harp laughed. “Yes. That’s true.”

“What do you say, doc?” He smiled.

“It’s a little early still.” The doctor rubbed his chin.

“But it would still work?”


Rider watched the doctor with a hopeful expression.

“Is your bladder full?” Dr. Harp asked.

Frowning, Rider said, “Sort of.”

“A full bladder enhances the quality of the ultrasound. When you’re further along, the amniotic fluid will do the trick, but the fetus is so small now there isn’t much fluid. A full bladder can help with the sonogram.”

“Well, I’m not dying to pee, but I could go.” Rider grimaced.

Smiling, Dr. Harp gave his watch a quick glance. “I think I can squeeze you in.”

“Awesome.” Rider laid back down, grinning. “Ready when you are.”

Dr. Harp chuckled and moved to a machine on wheels in the corner. The doctor rolled the cart closer to Rider, and he flipped a few switches and the machine buzzed to life. The doctor grabbed a tube of gel next to the machine, and he squeezed a generous amount onto Rider’s stomach. “This is conducting gel. It helps the transducer transmit high-frequency sound waves. We won’t be able to see much today, but we might just be able to hear the heartbeat.”

“Really?” Rider sounded excited.

“Yep.” The doctor put the transducer against Rider’s stomach, and he winced.

“Cold.” Rider laughed sheepishly.

“Sorry,” Dr. Harp said distractedly. He continued to move the device around on Rider’s tummy. “At week eighteen or twenty we can do a much more detailed ultrasound. Then we’ll be able to see fingers and toes.” The doctor paused and said, “There. Can you hear it?”

I strained my ears, not really hearing anything.

“It’s very faint. But do you hear that little tapping noise? That’s the heartbeat,” Dr. Harp said.

Rider widened his eyes. “I hear it.” He looked at me, his cheeks pink. “Do you hear it, Jax?”

I did. It was just the faintest of sounds, but that little whooshing noise was definitely there. “Yes.”

He blinked at me, looking slightly emotional. “That’s crazy.”

“Wow.” I met Rider’s gaze and my heart squeezed. This was really happening. Me and Rider were going to actually have a child together. The emotions that rolled through me left me breathless. I could hardly wait to see what our baby would look like, and I felt proud that Rider was my omega. I was unprepared for the truth of that, but as I watched Rider, I was so happy he was mine. Since he’d come to live in my home, the place seemed less depressing. I hadn’t really acknowledged that fact until this moment, but it was true. The atmosphere of my home was cheerier just by having Rider around.

Rider wiped at his eyes. “This is intense.”

“Just wait. You’ll be blown away at the twenty-week ultrasound.” Dr. Harp grinned. He pulled the transducer away from Rider’s stomach, and he wiped the gel from Rider’s skin.

Rider sat up, and the doctor pushed the machine back into the corner. “Be sure and make another appointment for two weeks from now.”

“I will,” Rider said, sighing. “Thanks, doc.”

“Of course.” Dr. Harp smiled. “Take your time getting dressed.” He left the room.

The second he was gone, I couldn’t seem to help myself, I moved up to Rider and I pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed me back, laughing against my lips, and slipping his arms around my neck. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, wishing I could take him right there on that examination table. Something about knowing he had my baby inside him was a huge turn on. When I slipped my hand down between his thighs, he moaned, but grabbed my wrist.

“You’re going to get me too turned on,” he whispered. His eyes were bright with lust, and he licked his lips.

“I wish I could fuck you,” I hissed, stroking his swollen balls.

He whimpered and rubbed his erection against my arm. “We can’t.”

“Yeah, we can.”

“No. No, Jax. They might hear us.”

I didn’t listen. My cock was so hard and painful in my underwear, I had to have him. I left him briefly to lock the door. I grabbed the conducting gel from the tray, and returned to him. “Spread your legs.”

He widened his eyes. “No, Jax. We can’t.”

“Do it,” I growled, unzipping my pants. “We don’t have much time.” I tugged my cock from my underwear, and he looked down at my seeping dick.

“Oh, God.” Breathless, he pulled up his gown, and spread his thighs. “This is nuts,” he panted, but he looked turned on.

I grabbed him around the waist, and I jerked him toward the edge so his ass was half off the table. Then I pressed my cock behind his balls, finding that perfect hole of his, and I pushed in. He shoved his face into my shoulder, stifling his groan, and I started thrusting into his tight heat. Shuddering he clung to me, his breath hot and desperate against my throat. I felt insane with lust, and I pounded into him, my legs shaking. He was so fucking tight I was on the edge of coming instantly. But I wanted him to come first. I wanted his seed to spray my shirt as he clenched around my dick. I didn’t give a shit if everyone knew what we’d done. I had to fuck my omega now.

He pulled my head down to suck my lips and tongue. He whimpered and begged for more, as I slammed in and out of him. “My baby is inside you,” I moaned.

His nails dug into my neck and he shuddered. “Oh, God, Jax.”

“Love being inside you.” My climax buzzed through my balls and zipped up my cock, erupting inside him in long, hot bursts. He came too, his cock jerking against the gown, and soaking the paper with streams of cum. My ass muscles burned and I finished inside him, thrusting weakly as my cock softened. He trembled against me, his hole clenching on my dick as his orgasm quieted.

“Jesus,” he rasped, breathing hard.

I was still groggy from my orgasm, but I knew we needed to clean up and get out of the room before anyone noticed the door was locked. Panting, I pulled out of him and tucked my cock away. Wincing because I was still so sensitive. I kissed him gently, stroking his stubbly cheek, and loving the warm affectionate look in his eyes. “You’re amazing, Rider.” My voice was husky.

He looked guarded, but he returned my kiss. I helped him off the table, and he stripped off the cum soaked gown, and crumpled it up so he could stuff it in the trash. I unlocked the door and leaned against the wall, still weak from fucking. I watched him dress hurriedly, studying his body. Soon his flat abs would bulge with my child. I couldn’t wait. I wanted to experience every second of this pregnancy with him. Originally my idea had been to simply marry him, impregnate him, and then watch him raise the kids. But that didn’t work for me anymore. I wanted to be involved with all of it, and that fact was shocking. What had happened to wanting only a business deal? I wasn’t sure why my feelings had changed, but they had. When I thought of Thomas now, it didn’t hurt as much. I still missed him, and I probably always would. Thomas had been a part of me, and when he’d died, I’d lost that piece forever. But now Rider was beside me. When despair settled on me, Rider’s quiet presence soothed my grief, and he made me hopeful. He made me feel like maybe I could be whole again one day. Maybe.

My heart ached with all the things I wanted to tell him. But I wasn’t even sure how to verbalize what I felt. The realization that I might want more from him than we’d originally agreed on was scary. What if he didn’t feel the same way? I knew he found me attractive, and I knew he craved my affection, but that didn’t mean he loved me. Did I even have it in me to love again? Was falling for Rider disloyal to Thomas? I didn’t have the answers, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted to try with Rider. I wanted him to be mine. For real. I wanted him to love me, and I wanted to love him without guilt.

He finished dressing and he raked a hand through his messy hair. He smiled shyly, his eyes warm with affection. “How do I look?”

A lump formed in my throat, but I managed to say, “You look perfect to me.”


“Finally. I thought my son was making you up because we hadn’t met you yet.” Mom hugged Rider with enthusiasm, and winked at me over his shoulder.

Rider looked startled, but he hugged her back. “It’s great to finally meet you, Mrs. Hamilton.”

Dad stood off to the side, eyeing Rider. His expression was pleasant, and I knew he’d take longer to warm up to my new husband. But he’d come around because Rider was great. I couldn’t imagine either of my parents not loving him.

Mom let go of Rider and she gave me a hug too. Then we all went to the huge family room to visit. The room was long with mahogany paneling, and a big brick fireplace toward one end. We sat near the crackling fire as my dad served us refreshments; whiskey for me, Sprite for Rider.

“So Rider, tell me all about yourself.” Mom sipped her wine, gazing at him expectantly.

He laughed. “There isn’t much to tell. I teach high school art, and I’m twenty-eight.”

She waved her hand at him. “Oh, those are just facts and figures. I want to know who you are.”

He looked to me for help, and I grinned. “He likes long walks on the beach and he’s a Scorpio.”

My dad laughed.

Mom looked less amused. “Very funny. I mean why did you agree to marry a stranger? That must have been terrifying.”

“It kind of was.” Rider nodded. “But I think it worked out for the best. I like your son. He’s been very kind and welcoming.”

My face warmed when both my parents turned to stare at me.

“And now you’re having a baby.” Mom sighed. “It’s like something out of a fairy tale.”

Rider frowned but didn’t speak.

He was probably thinking what I was; that fairy tales usually involved falling madly in love, not business contracts.

“So what’s it like living in that big old house?” Mom smiled. “I always found it drafty.”

“It’s beautiful. But it could use some updating.” Rider seemed to choose his words carefully.

“I’ve given Rider permission to redecorate.” I laughed at Mom’s shocked expression. “Why do you look so surprised?”

“Because I’ve told you for years you needed to do that.”

Shrugging, I said. “I didn’t want to be bothered, but it’s time. Plus, I want Rider to feel at home.”

His smile was warm. “I do. In spite of the haunted mansion vibe.”

I winced. “Ouch.”

He sipped his Sprite and then said, “Emilia wasn’t too happy about me redecorating.” He grimaced, as if he regretted letting that slip out.

“Really?” Mom frowned. “Why would she care?”

Rider met my gaze hesitantly. “I shouldn’t have said anything. It was no big deal.”

I frowned. “Was she rude?”

“It’s fine. I’m a big boy.” He avoided my gaze.

I found it annoying Emilia kept butting her nose into things that didn’t concern her. “Let me know if she’s out of line.”

Rider pressed his lips tight, but didn’t respond.

“Enough about Emilia. How many kids do you want, Rider?” Mom grinned.

“It’s all about the babies for her.” Dad widened his eyes and went to refill his whiskey.

I followed him over to the cocktail area, as Mom grilled Rider about baby stuff. “So… what do you think?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

“You mean about your hubby?”


Dad shot Rider a quick look. “I think he’s nice. I appreciate anyone who doesn’t tell your mom to butt out when she starts prying.”

“She does seem excited.”

He chuffed. “She waited a long time for her first grandkid.”

“True enough.” I watched Rider as he talked to my mom. His cheeks were flushed pink and he smiled easily. My heart squeezed with affection at how accommodating he was being.

My dad laughed and I met his gaze.

“What?” I asked.

He shook his head, sipping his drink.

“What are you laughing at?” I frowned.

“The way you’re looking at Rider. I haven’t seen that in a while. A long, long while.”

“You mean Thomas?”


Lifting one shoulder, I said, “It feels nice to care about someone again.”

“Do you?” He arched one brow.


He nodded.

“Yeah.” A smile touched my lips. “I do.”

“Good.” His smile faded as he watched my mom switch seats to sit beside Rider. “Oh, God. She’s going in for the kill.”

“She’ll have him committed to six more babies before we leave.”

“At least.”

I laughed.

Dad glanced at me. “It’s nice to hear you laugh, Son.”

Flicking my gaze to Rider, I said, “I believe I’m ready to join the living again.”

Dad grinned and refilled both of our glasses. “I’ll drink to that.”




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