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A Rose For The Billionaire: Betting On You Series: Book Six by Jeannette Winters (12)

“Gunny, I don’t care what you’ve been told. I have the right to leave if I want to,” Rose said, holding her bags in her hands. It was bad enough that Doug left yesterday and she still hadn’t heard one word. All her pent-up frustration was probably going to be taken out on Gunny, but she couldn’t help it. She had a responsibility at the hospital she took very seriously. Rose knew she could call and let them know she’d be delayed, but she needed to get off the island. Being alone in that suite was too hard. Each time she closed her eyes, she could feel Doug. And everywhere she walked or sat, his sexy musky scent seemed to linger. Another day here was going to make this heartache worse. I should have stayed in the nurses’ quarters. She packed her luggage and needed to go back to the States. Back to my life before Doug. “I’m expected to be back at work tomorrow. If I don’t show up, I’ll be fired.”

“Miss, I have my orders. This plane isn’t going anywhere without Beckett’s approval.”

She wanted to scream. Everything went full circle, and Beckett was controlling her life again. That’s not happening this time. She didn’t care what she had to do, she was going to be at work tomorrow, come hell or high water.

“Gunny, I don’t really give a shit what my brother says. If you don’t take me, I’ll call Doug, and he’ll send his chopper for me.” She wasn’t really sure about that, but it sounded like a viable threat.

“Miss, nothing is taking off, and nothing is landing here,” Gunny replied in a tone that said she was wasting her breath.

He turned his back to her, and she noticed a gun tucked in the waistband of his pants. Oh my God. Why carry one now and why here? There was no need for guns on Marpe-Agape. The people here were only in need of medical care. There wasn’t any crime to be concerned about. What’s going on? “I tried calling Beckett; he’s not answering his phone. Do you know why?”

She wasn’t as good at reading people as her brothers were, but she could tell Gunny knew something. And he wasn’t sharing. If he wasn’t going to tell her, then she would find someone who would. I already ruined her wedding day. Do I really want to push my luck and interrupt her honeymoon?

Rose hated the thought of bringing KJ into this, but if anyone could overrule Beckett’s stupid orders, it was KJ and Drew. They ran this place, and as far as she was concerned, they had the final say. There was no way they’d deny her request to leave.

She stomped up the dock, making her way to the main bungalow. Each step infuriated her more. It wasn’t just Beckett overstepping his role as big brother, but she still hadn’t heard from Doug. Sharma told her to open up and tell him how she felt. That’s all good, but she actually had to speak to him to do that. Maybe Sharma is wrong. Doug hasn’t contacted me, so maybe I should take that as a hint. We enjoyed one night. He’s not obligated to call me. Not yesterday, today, or ever.

Thinking about Doug, she was adamant to find a way off the island. Once I’m back at work, pulling a few double shifts, I’ll be too overworked and tired to remember his name. Rose was trying to convince herself, but she knew she’d never forget Doug. The one no one else would ever measure up to. My lifetime regret?

Rose never made it to KJ’s home, as KJ walked right in her direction. Normally KJ dressed in something sweet, like a sundress. Today she was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt with sneakers. She had a very serious look on her face. Surely things were going smoothly with Drew right now. Maybe I shouldn’t ask for help.

Rose made up her mind quickly. She smiled at KJ and was about to walk past her, when KJ stopped her.

“We need to talk.” KJ’s tone was so serious it scared Rose. It reminded her of her father when he talked to his men. Although Rose was familiar with the tone, hearing it from KJ was alarming.

Rose prepared herself for whatever had KJ so uptight. “What’s up?”

“Gunny told me you’re trying to leave.”

“Yes. I need to be back at work in the morning. Beckett knew that.”

“Things have changed.”

“My employer doesn’t think so. I called, and I’m still on the schedule.”

“Rose, this has nothing to do with your job at the hospital. Drew is making a call to pull you off the schedule until further notice.”

Further notice. Not just one day? “KJ, why can’t I leave? What’s going on?”

“We’ve been put on high alert.”

“For what? This is a palliative care facility, KJ. Who would want to hurt them?”

“It’s not our patients at risk. It’s you.”

Rose couldn’t have heard that correctly. She was a nurse. How could she be at risk? “Did Toby threaten me? Because I’m not afraid of him.”

That wasn’t entirely true. Toby had instilled a fear in her she hadn’t had before. An attack like that would take time to heal emotionally; it would take time to fully recover. Although she felt less fearful and agitated, sudden noises still spooked her. Walking to the suite last night unnerved her. She thought she saw blood on the path. Mine. When she looked in the mirror, the attack became real. Toby turned on her quickly and violently, and she doubted she’d ever forget the anger and viciousness she saw in his eyes. She’d never forget how easily he overpowered her. Rose hadn’t considered herself weak and defenseless, yet he had proven her otherwise.

“It’s not Toby. This has to do with Doug. There is evidence someone has a vendetta against him. Beckett and Doug are extremely concerned they’ll use you to get what they want.” Me?

“Me? Why? I don’t know anything.”

“It’s not what you know. It’s who you are. They’ll use anyone Doug cares about to force his hand.”

Doug? Why would anyone want to hurt him? “This makes no sense, KJ. Doug is the sweetest man I know. No one would want to hurt him.” Except for Toby. But Toby wouldn’t be crazy enough to try.

“I don’t know the details, but Beckett and Doug believe this is a viable threat, and all precautions have been taken to ensure your safety. Come with me, and we can talk more in my house. There is no need for our guests to worry about what’s going on.”

KJ headed up the path she’d come from. As Rose followed, she saw a bulge in the back of KJ’s T-shirt in the same location Gunny had stashed his gun. If Rose had any doubts about how serious this was, they vanished at that moment. She picked up her pace to keep up with KJ’s long strides.

Once inside, KJ went to the kitchen and came back with two cups of coffee. Drew followed her, carrying his own. Rose sat stunned on the couch. When Doug had left yesterday, she thought her heart would ache with sadness. Now it ached with fear.

Drew remained standing as KJ sat near Rose. She pulled the gun out from behind her and laid it on the coffee table as though it was an everyday occurrence. Rose looked at Drew, his eyes dark and cold as he eyed the gun. It was obvious he didn’t like his wife in this situation.

Rose didn’t doubt the reason KJ and Drew were not on their honeymoon right now had everything to do with Doug and her. Most of their guests had left before Beckett put the island on lockdown. She knew if KJ and Drew wanted to leave, Gunny wouldn’t be able to stop them. I’m glad my parents aren’t here anymore. The less people to worry about, the better.

“I’m sorry to put you guys through all this,” Rose said, even though she still didn’t understand what this actually was.

“This isn’t your fault, Rose,” KJ said firmly.

“You said they might use me to hurt Doug. If it’s not my fault, then whose is it?”

“Rose, it’ll only hurt Doug because of how much he cares for you. Trust me, when I spoke to him earlier, the only thing he asked about was you and your safety,” KJ explained softly.

“You spoke to him? Is he okay?” Rose didn’t care about anything except Doug. She needed him to be okay.

“He’s fine. Beckett is with him, and they’ve brought in additional help.”

“You may have noticed a few new people around the island,” Drew added.

She hadn’t. The last two days she’d either helped at the medical center or stayed in her suite, hiding from everyone. She didn’t want to see pity in people’s eyes due to the bruises on her face. “This is really serious, isn’t it?”

KJ nodded.

“Who else knows?”

“On the island, Trent, KJ, your father, and Gunny. No one is getting on Marpe-Agape. You’re safe here,” Drew said, his voice firm and serious.

Drew, of all of Trent’s friends, was usually the light, humorous one. Seeing his perturbed expression, she could imagine what Doug was going through. “None of this makes any sense. I get why people like Trent make a few enemies along the way, but Doug is just a normal guy. Was it someone he was treating who lost control?”

That made the most sense to her. She knew he worked with former servicemen and women, some with severe emotional issues.

“This has to do with Doug’s father,” Drew replied.

“He’s dead. How can he hurt Doug now?” Rose asked.

“I guess Doug inherited the LaPrade money, and his enemies as well,” Drew stated.

She’d never thought about money. It meant nothing to her. His question on the chopper coming here flashed back to her. He’d asked what she would do if she had enough money to do whatever she wanted. He’d known then that he was now one of the elite. Was his question a test of some type? Why didn’t he tell me? Did I pass?

Rose remembered her snappy comment to him about never taking what she hadn’t earned. It must have been like a slap in the face to him. At that time she was referring to herself, but now she understood why he’d changed the subject quickly. When I see you again, Doug, I have so much to tell you. I need to apologize if I hurt you, and I need to tell you that I love you. So you better keep your ass safe and return to me, or I’m never going to forgive you.

KJ pulled Rose into her arms. She hadn’t realized she was crying until then. “It’s going to be okay. These guys have dealt with a hell of a lot worse. Believe me, Doug will be okay.”

He better be. “I didn’t get a chance to tell him—”

KJ smoothed her hair and said, “Doug knows. And I hope you know he feels the same way about you.”

Rose sniffed. Something in her knew that, but she needed to hear the words from him. Like Sharma said, she needed to tell him every day, show him in all ways, and fight for him. That last part gave her the strength she’d been lacking. Fight for the one I love.

Pulling away from KJ, she wiped her tear-soaked cheek and asked, “What can I do to help?”

KJ looked stunned for a second then responded, “Honestly? If you want to help, you’ll do as he asks. If you don’t, you’ll be a distraction. Something he can’t afford to have.”

Rose looked at her hands, clenched on her lap. Her heart was racing, and her hands trembled. She worked in a high-stress environment. Life and death were common occurrences each day. Yet it felt as though control of her emotions had been severed. She was angry and afraid, but full of hope, which was so out of character for her. Is this what love does to a person? I hope Doug is not going through this same shit.

So much had transpired in one week. If she’d just met Doug for the first time, she’d be questioning her sanity. She knew people experienced love at first sight, but that wasn’t her style. She’d bumped into Doug a few times over the past year and each time had learned more about him. As she’d gotten to know him a little better, her affection for him blossomed into something more. Now all she could do was wait and pray they made it out of this and found their way back to each other. No one could promise her that.

She never thought she’d miss her busy yet mundane routine back home. Thirty minutes ago, she’d been ready to leave Marpe-Agape and return to her normal life. She’d lied to herself. She hadn’t wanted to be there without Doug. She was surprised that in such a short period of time someone could mean so much. Even though Doug has only been to my house once, and doesn’t normally appear in my day-to-day routine, without Doug, I don’t want to be there either. “I feel so useless here.”

“You shouldn’t. We are still short-staffed in the medical center. We can use you, if that’s okay, until our next palliative care nurse can get here,” KJ said as she touched Rose’s hand.

It was true. She’d been going there each morning. An extra pair of hands had kept treatments and visits on schedule, because she knew no one wanted the patients to feel the effects of the short-term shortage.

“Rose, I know we’ve asked before, and you weren’t interested. Although we appreciate you helping us out every once in a while, we’d love to have you here with us full-time. Why won’t you take us up on the offer?”

Without knowing, KJ had asked a loaded question. She knew the answer clearly a week ago. Now things were not so black and white. It was something she could do, but it still wasn’t her dream. Was it time to give up her dream and accept the offer? Move and live on Marpe-Agape?

She’d probably see her family more than she did now. Beckett was here, and lately Trent seemed to be spending more time here as well. Her parents spent so much time here with them and so little back in West Virginia. She got it. What better place to raise a family? You couldn’t ask for a more beautiful environment, and there was no crime. Yet Rose didn’t have a husband and family of her own. It was just her, and she didn’t want to intrude in her brothers’ lives. Unlike they do in mine.

It was tempting. West Virginia might be where the family home was, but her parents were hardly there anymore. If she was going to make a move, this was probably the easiest to make. Rose didn’t make easy choices as much as she made the ones best for her. She would help any way she could, but this wasn’t her future.

“Thanks, KJ. I really appreciate the offer. It’s just not what I want long-term.” That could all change in a blink of an eye because if Doug wanted to be here, I’d follow him with no hesitation. “I think I’ll go change and help out at the medical center.” Rose wasn’t sure if they were offering her the position just to keep her here. That wasn’t why she wanted it. She enjoyed her freedom, and staying here full time might pull what little she had out from under her.

“Thank you, Rose. It is really appreciated. Everything will be okay soon,” KJ said with a small smile on her face. She should be on her honeymoon, relaxing with her new husband. Instead she is carrying a gun and babysitting me.

As she left Drew and KJ’s home, her heart ached. She wanted two things: to tell Doug how much she loved him and him to come back to her safely. Nothing would be right in her life again until she told him. She stopped on one of the walkways high on the hill, overlooking the ocean. Rose closed her eyes. Doug, please feel what’s in my heart. Know that I need you desperately. My dreams no longer are my own. They include you. So please, Doug, don’t let me go. I need you. I love you.

A warm breeze caressed her face, and she swore she smelled his scent. Opening her eyes, wishing to see him standing before her, she found only emptiness.

When did being alone feel so lonely?




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