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A Rose For The Billionaire: Betting On You Series: Book Six by Jeannette Winters (9)

“What the hell?” Doug barked at Mr. Handa.

“Mr. Atwood, I assure you I will do everything in my power to stop this. The paperwork for this was submitted to the courts first thing this morning. I have requested a hearing in front of the judge. I can’t stress enough how your presence in the courtroom is required. You’re the only living blood relative. Although Candi LaPrade was his legal spouse, your status as son and heir should affect the decision.”

Doug couldn’t believe Candi. His father was dead and buried, and the bitch was requesting to have him dug up and cremated? There was no way in fucking hell he would allow that to happen. Besides the fact his father should be able to rest in peace, there was only one reason why she could want to do something like this. Because you’re guilty as sin.

“Are you meeting with the judge today?”

“Tomorrow morning, nine o’clock in the judge’s chambers.”

He’d promised Rose the entire day today with her. He could still pull it off. All Doug needed to do was get his chopper ready to take off in the middle of the night, and he could make it in plenty of time to meet with the judge.

“I’ll be there.”

“Doug. I know you weren’t . . . close to your father, but the judge will want a rational objection why you believe Candi’s request should be denied.”

Besides the fact that I think she killed my father? Yeah, I get it. “I know what to do.”

Once he disconnected the call with Handa, he called Beckett. This tidbit of information was vital to the case he was working on.

“What’s up, Atwood?”

“My lawyer just called. Time for you to pack. We’ve got some business to attend to in New York first thing tomorrow morning.”

“How heavy do you need me to pack?”

Doug understood it had nothing to do with clothing. Beckett prepared for combat. He wished he could say pack light, but Doug didn’t know what they were facing. If it were just a court appearance, he wouldn’t involve Beckett. There was something wrong with the picture. It made no sense for Candi to make this type of move now. She wasn’t bright enough to have thought this up on her own. Was she someone’s puppet or was she that damn good of an actress? If someone is working with her, that would explain why you didn’t see it coming Dad.

“I have no clue what the temperature is going to be, but pack like it may get hot.”

“Roger that.”

With Beckett on call, all Doug needed to do was plan the day he’d promised Rose. Her bedroom door was still closed. At least, one thing today is working in my favor. Leaving the suite, he went to make the arrangements for a surprise outing.

It wasn’t long before he ran into Sharma. She came rushing over to him.

“How is Ro—Ms. Davis?”

“She’s as good as can be expected, thanks.” He needed some supplies, and it was going to take someone who knew the island. Beckett would’ve been his go-to. There were things on the list he’d rather Rose’s brother not be aware of, though. It could get a bit awkward. I don’t need any interruptions today. “Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“Of course, Mr. Atwood. What do you need?”

He pulled a list out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Can you make all this happen?”

Sharma unfolded the paper and scanned the list. As she read, her eyes brightened. “Oh, my. Yes. I can help with this.”

“Good. Don’t say anything to anyone.”

“She’s going to be so happy,” Sharma said as she hurried away with the paper in hand.

Doug shook his head. He could see why Rose wanted to help her. You didn’t need to know her long to see the kind heart she had.

While Sharma worked on pulling together a few things, he had his own list to complete. He wanted to make this day memorable for Rose. Doug wasn’t what anyone would call a romantic. That didn’t mean he couldn’t try. As Rose slept, he planned what he thought she’d enjoy. It was tough because, he knew they had one hell of a connection, but there was still much they didn’t know about each other. He was going with his gut and hoped she’d find it enjoyable.

Was this their first date? I haven’t officially asked her on a date. What the hell is wrong with me? This needs to be rectified.

Doug had a few more things he needed to do before heading back to the suite. He wished he had the luxury of giving Rose his full attention today, but the call from Handa was eating at him. Beckett was on board, and he needed to think transportation. Grabbing his cell phone, he texted the pilot to have the chopper here and fueled for takeoff around midnight. He wanted to be able to tell him it would be returning the same day, but once that meeting with the judge was over, he knew shit was going to hit the fan.

He could tell Beckett was already onto something—or someone—but wasn’t divulging. Yet. He dealt in facts only. Until Beckett had something solid, he wouldn’t update Doug. But fuck, this is my father we’re talking about. I don’t care what he suspects, I want, no need, to know.

Doug tried calling Beckett’s phone, but it went straight to voicemail. It wasn’t like him to have it off, so he assumed that meant he was with the kids. Hope it’s not at the beach, because I don’t want an audience for my quality time with Rose. Not that I give a fuck, but she may.

He looked at the time on his phone. Everything should be set up. It was time for him to get back to the suite and gather his date.

When he arrived, he anticipated finding Rose either in bed or lounging around on a deck chair on the suite’s balcony. Instead, the suite was empty. This put a kink in the plans, but there was still time to pull it all off. If I can find her.

There were only a few places he knew she’d go: Beckett’s or Trent’s. Given how bruised her face still was, he didn’t think she’d go visit with her other friends and sisters-in-law. It was obvious yesterday that she wanted to conceal the ordeal from as many people as possible. Doug couldn’t blame her. Healing from such a trauma was bad enough. Having everyone asking you how you’re doing was pure hell. People meant well, but for the victim regular scrutiny and attention didn’t let you escape the trauma.

Doug called Trent, subtlety inquiring about Rose.

“Should I be worried?” Trent replied.

“No. I was just hoping to have lunch with her.”

Trent snorted. “You’re a horrible liar, Doug. Why are you looking for her?”

“Personal matter.”

“Fuck that. She’s my sister. Nothing’s personal.”

“Trent, she’s a grown-ass woman, and yes, some things are personal.”

“Beckett’s okay with this?” Trent asked.

“We respect each other’s privacy. You might want to try it some time.”

Trent laughed. “I see why you and Beckett are friends. I’ll tell Rose you’re looking for her if I see her.”

He tried Beckett again, and it went to voicemail. That was odd, and he was tempted to go in search of his friend, but if something was wrong, he was sure Beckett would reach out. He knows I’ve got his six.

Right now he was concerned about Rose. Where has she gone? What would’ve made her leave? He’d found it extremely difficult pulling away from her when they kissed last night. Her lips were as sweet as honey; he’d desperately wanted to swoop her into his arms, carry her to the bed, and make sweet love to her until she couldn’t remember Martin’s name. That was what he wanted as a man, yet the professional in him knew that would’ve been taking advantage of her fragile mental state. No matter what his cock wanted, he’d never hurt her like that. Today I plan on us having a fresh start. So where the hell are you, Rose?

Trying those few spots she’d mentioned she enjoyed before, he became more frustrated as each place was occupied, but not by her. He became concerned that she may not have been feeling well and went to the medical center. He made his way there quickly.

When he entered, he immediately bumped into the doctor. “Is Rose Davis here?”

“Yes, she is. Can I help you?”

“Where is she?” Doug asked quickly.

“Do you need medical attention?” the doctor inquired.

Do I look like I do? Even though his words weren’t aggressive, his thoughts were. That didn’t please Doug, yet when Rose was involved, it seemed his tact and manners went out the window.

“Listen, Doc, if you don’t tell me where she is right now I’ll—”

“Doug? What are you doing here?” Rose called out from behind him.

He spun around expecting to see her in a hospital robe. Instead, she was dressed in a nurse’s uniform. “What are you doing here?”

She smiled. “That’s what I asked you.”

Looking over her attire again, he realized what a ridiculous question it was. “You’re working here? I thought—”

“I’m helping Dr. Fung. I figured while we were going to be here for the week, I might as well be useful since they’re a little short-staffed.”

A week. Yeah, I did say that. Shit. He hadn’t mentioned he was leaving later tonight. That didn’t mean she couldn’t or better yet, shouldn’t stay.

“I’m sure they appreciate your assistance.”

“Doug, do I need to ask you a third time?”

He reached out, took her hand, and led her down the hallway so they could have some privacy. Dr. Fung could still see them, but Doug was confident they couldn’t be overheard.

“No one had seen you, so I was a bit worried.”

“You’ve been asking around about me? What do you think could happen here?”

Look what already has. He didn’t want to remind her. The guy was gone, and as far as he knew, there wasn’t anyone on the island that would ever be a threat to her or anyone else.

“What time are you finished working?” he asked, changing the subject.

“That was the last patient today. The rest are house calls, and Dr. Fung will take one of the staff nurses with him. Why? What’s going on, Doug? You seem so . . . on edge,” Rose said to him, giving him a look of concern.

“I promised you a day together. There are a few things I wanted to make sure we could still do.” That wasn’t a lie. He’d already requested a picnic to be packed and delivered to the beach. They should have the blanket and beach canopy set up by now.

Rose grinned. “I’ve been looking forward to it. I didn’t think a few hours in the medical center would interfere with anything.”

“It hasn’t. Yet.”

She stepped up on her tippy-toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Give me an hour, and I’ll meet you back at the suite.”


“Is there anything special I need to dress for?”

“Fun in the sun.” It was only noon, so they still had hours of sun left to enjoy.

Hopefully though, tonight will incorporate fun in other ways.

Rose couldn’t finish at the center and get back to the suite fast enough. The expression on Doug’s face when he turned to find her in the center was priceless. He looked as though he’d found the one thing he was looking for. If only that were true. I’m not what anyone is looking for.

Although the pain in her body had lessened, the color in her cheek had worsened. It was darker and had spread even higher on her cheekbone. Looking closely in the mirror, she even noticed her right eye was also bruised. Really not the look I was hoping for on our first . . . date.

Was it a date? Rose wasn’t really sure what to label it. Actually, all he said was fun in the sun. She’d done that plenty of times with her friends. Maybe she was hoping for something that wasn’t going to happen. Maybe it shouldn’t. He’s Beckett’s friend. If it doesn’t work out, I don’t want it to affect their friendship.

That didn’t stop her from putting on her favorite pink bikini she’d packed as well as a cute little sundress. No reason a girl can’t look her best even if it isn’t a date.

She came out of her bedroom to find Doug lying on the chaise lounge, his eyes closed. As she made her way over to him quietly, he didn’t move. Watching his chest rise slowly and his breathing shallow, it became crystal clear. My date is fast asleep. Great.

Her heart sank. She had tried not to show it earlier, but she was excited to be spending the day alone with him. What they did hadn’t mattered to her. Part of her wanted to go and wake him, yet she figured he must not have slept well the night before.

Rose turned off the lamp and quietly stepped out of the suite. Even if she couldn’t be with Doug, she didn’t want to miss the beautiful day.

She was halfway down the walkway, heading toward the beach, when she spotted Sharma. The woman was practically bubbling with excitement as she approached.

“You look mighty happy today.”

“Oh, Rose, I can’t thank you enough. I was called into the office today. My heart was pounding, and my hands trembled with nerves. All I could think about was if they were going to fire me.”

“Why would you think that? Everyone here loves you.”

“I love them too. Being here has helped me grieve the loss of my husband. It sometimes feels too good to be true, and I think it’s only a dream. That one day I’ll wake up, I’ll be back in India thinking I might not eat today.”

Rose wanted to reach out and hug her, tell her that’ll never happen. It was a promise she couldn’t make, although she wanted to with her whole heart.

“Oh, Rose, when Danielle told me she was going to meet with me every day, one on one, to continue my schooling, I almost cried. She’d spoken with KJ, who will make sure I receive sufficient training to obtain my nursing license. I thought my heart would stop right then. When I asked them why, do you know what they said?”

Rose shook her head.

“You told them you believed in me. No one has ever believed in me in such a magnitude. I will never be able to repay such a debt.”

Smiling, Rose said, “There is no debt to repay. Your passion for caring for others is payment enough. Your service to those who come to Marpe-Agape will be a testament to many who have forgotten how to dream.”

Sharma smiled shyly. Rose could tell she was touched by the kindness yet wasn’t comfortable with being the center of attention. It was another thing she liked about the woman.

“Thank you, Rose. Thank you. Where are you off to?” Sharma asked.

“I thought I’d take a walk on the beach and enjoy this beautiful day.” Thought it’d be with Doug, but at least I’ll still be out there.

“Without Mr. Atwood?”

“Yep, just me.”

“What happened? I thought that . . . he . . . I hope I didn’t do something incorrectly.”

Rose looked at her puzzled. “What’re you talking about? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But he isn’t here with you.”

“I know that. He’s sleeping so I thought I’d take a walk by myself.”

“On the beach?”

“Yes. On the beach. What’s going on, Sharma? You’re acting like you don’t want me to go down here. Why is that?”

Sharma looked around as though looking for any excuse she could find to flee. No way Rose would let her go without an answer. And one that sounds plausible too.

“Oh, Mr. Atwood won’t be happy if I tell you. Please go back to your room and wait,” Sharma pleaded with Rose.

Wait? For what? “Sharma, I won’t tell him you told me. What is it you don’t want me to know?”

“Oh, I don’t like secrets. I’m horrible at them. I should’ve told him no when he asked me for help. Now, look at the mess I’m in.”

“What help did he need?” Rose prodded. One way or another she was going to get the answers without going back to the suite.

“Mr. Atwood is planning something very special for you. He asked me if I could assist in preparing a few things. It’ll disappoint him terribly if you see it. Please, Rose, if you care for Mr. Atwood, you must go back to the room and pretend to be surprised.”

Her heart began to race with excitement, knowing Doug had something planned for her on the beach. Something so special that Sharma was willing to beg her to stop instead of ruining the surprise. Rose never was good at waiting. When she was young, she’d always find her birthday gifts that were hidden in the house, open and rewrap them, so no one knew. This would be so much easier. I don’t even need any tape.

There was one problem. She also was a terrible liar. If Doug asked her if she’d seen anything, she’d need to tell him the truth. If he’d actually gone to the trouble to surprise her, then Sharma was correct, he’d be disappointed. No matter how curious she was, Doug’s feelings meant more to her.

Rose made her way back to the suite and slipped inside just as quietly as she’d exited. Doug was still fast asleep and snoring. Not extremely loud, but enough to make her snicker a bit. It was just enough to cause him to stir.

As his eyes opened, he said, “Good, you’re ready.”

Yes, I am. “And where are we off to?”

Doug got up off the chaise lounge chair, walked over to where she was standing by the door, and taking her hand, he brought her fingers to his lips. “That, my angel, is a secret.”

Yes it is. A secret for both of us.

She let him lead the way toward the beach, all the while trying not to let on she was aware of anything. Rose had tried to imagine what he’d planned for her, but it seemed odd to be in this situation with him. They’d shared some very deep emotional stuff, yet she didn’t know his favorite color or meal. Most likely he didn’t know her tastes either. Had anyone ever planned a surprise for me? No matter what he’d planned she would appreciate the effort.

Rose had been down to the beach many times during her last visit to the island. It was one of her favorite spots. The feel of the ocean breeze and smell of salt water rejuvenated her. Back home, she tried to go to the beach a few times a year, but being from West Virginia, it wasn’t as close as she’d like. Actually, I’d love to live near the water every day.

Although she didn’t grow up by water, she loved swimming in the ocean. Here on the island, the water was so much warmer than back home.

She wasn’t going to allow herself to be filled with fear over a few sharks or stingrays this time. If Doug wanted to go for a swim, she would smile and race him to the water. And if he wants to sit and sunbath, that works just fine for me too. Doug without a shirt . . .

Even though she’d been on the island a while, this was her first trip to the water. She wasn’t swamped with commitments or things to do since they arrived, but somehow she’d avoided the beach. Now she was glad to be there. It felt good having the rest of the day to do as she wished, especially spending it with Doug. He’s become someone I hold dear.

Rose looked at Doug, who was still holding her hand as they made their way toward the sandy beach. He seemed as though something was on his mind, and it had nothing to do with where they were headed. Doug had been so wonderful and supportive to her; there was no way she wouldn’t do the same for him. If he needed her, she wanted to be there.

Although she didn’t want to spoil whatever he had waiting for them on the beach, she also knew she couldn’t continue without at least asking.

“How was your day?” Oh, God. Really? This is all I have?


His answer was too brief, and he didn’t even look at her. That was no way to start a date if that was even what it was. She stopped walking, and since they were holding hands, he had to as well.

“What’s the matter?” Doug asked her.

“Hmm. That’s my question. You look like you’re a million miles away. And earlier at the medical center, you also seemed on edge. What’s going on?”

He looked down at her then turned away saying, “Nothing’s wrong.”

Oh, how she wanted to stand her ground and tell him she wasn’t going another step until he opened up and talked to her. She seemed to be the one doing all the talking/sharing since he stopped in to check on her. That was going to change. She might not be able to force him to talk, but she could control how much she continued to share with him. It’s a two-way street. I’m only going to give what I get from now on.

“Okay, then,” Rose said in a very nonchalant tone as she brushed past him, starting toward the final bend to the beach.

Doug didn’t follow her. “Wait.”

She stopped, turned back to face him, and asked, “Is there something you want to tell me?”

He smiled. “You’re tough, do you know that?”

Rose shrugged. “Little ole me, tough? You must be mistaken,” she teased.

Doug stood beside her. “Angel, there’s a part of you so tough, I think you could take on the entire Marine Corps and bring us down to our knees.”

“Well then, I guess you have no choice but to spill what’s going on.” This time she gave him a sweet grin of victory.

“It’s a long story, and today is supposed to be fun in the sun, or have you forgotten?”

She could tell he was still trying to get out of having a serious conversation with her. It wasn’t good, but she was going to encourage him to talk. “I hope I didn’t wear this bikini for no reason. The faster you tell me what has you so stressed, the quicker we can get into the fun mood.”

“Don’t tempt me to fling you over my shoulder and—”

“At this rate, the sun will have set, and we’ll still be standing here,” Rose said with her arms crossed.

Doug laughed. “I know I said I’d be staying the entire week with you, but I need to go back to New York.”

“I thought you were from San Antonio.”

“I am. You are aware my father died, correct?”

“Yes.” Oh, God. He’s been helping me, but he only just buried his dad. Rose . . . “I’m so sorry, Doug. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling at the moment.” Rose wanted to be there for him, yet she also knew he was the type of man who held in his emotions. If you want to talk, I’m right here, waiting. She wasn’t sure what that had to do with New York.

“There is a meeting tomorrow with the attorney that I can’t miss.”

Lawyers stressed her out too. And if it had to do with the death of his father, his reticence made total sense. She felt bad about pushing him to talk about it. Grieving and mourning weren’t easy to share, and often a person had to sort through their reactions alone. All she could do was show him she was going to be here if he needed her.

Rose stepped forward, reached a hand up, and touched his left cheek. Her heart went out to him. She was so lucky to have both her parents alive and well. “Would you like someone to go with you?”

“Beckett’s coming.” Rose could almost see an inner turmoil within Doug. Obviously whatever he thought the lawyer was going to say concerned him.

She pulled her hand away slowly. Rose wasn’t about to tell Doug, but it hurt that Beckett was up to date with what was going on in his life, and she wasn’t. There was no reason for her to be jealous. Beckett and Doug have been friends since she was just a young teen. Why wouldn’t he share with his best friend? It’s not like we have anything that’s . . . long-term. “If you can’t come back, I understand.”

“Rose, I want to promise you that I will, but I can’t. Breaking my word to you sucks, but it can’t be avoided. This meeting is crucial. If there were any way I could postpone it, I would.”

They weren’t empty, shallow words. She heard the sincerity in his voice. It didn’t make his leaving any less difficult. This was the first time she’d felt such a connection with someone, and she dearly wanted it to continue. No matter how hard she tried, the thought of him leaving made her stomach sick. When did I start needing you? I’m normally a loner. Your leaving shouldn’t bother me, but it does.

“Doug, we both have our own lives. So why don’t we make the most of the time we have together today?” She forced a smile, which he seemed to have accepted as real. Or maybe you don’t want to see my broken heart any more than I want you to.

Without saying a word, Doug reached out, took her hand in his, and as before, they headed to the beach. She didn’t know what waited for them and right now she didn’t care. All she wanted was to be in Doug’s arms again. Feel his kisses. The man is leaving, and all I can think about is his touch. Am I about to rub salt in my own wound? It’s better this ends quickly.

Rose knew, quickly or not, Doug had touched her heart in a way she’d never encountered before. Denying what was in her heart wasn’t possible. All she could do was not let him know. Hopefully, he’s so distracted he won’t see the pain I’m feeling. He has enough of his own already, and I don’t want or need him to carry mine too.




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