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A Rose For The Billionaire: Betting On You Series: Book Six by Jeannette Winters (5)

Doug thought he’d get up before the sun and head out for a run. Rose was sitting on the couch, arms crossed and glaring at the wall. She was so deep in thought she didn’t acknowledge him. It was obvious something new had developed since the last time he’d seen her.

Doug contemplated whether he should disturb her at all, yet he made his way over to where she sat and asked, “Is everything okay?”

It was his first mistake of the morning. She turned to him, blinked, leaped from the couch, and was rattling off so much information at once he wasn’t sure he could keep up.

“I can’t believe it. How could he do such a thing?” Rose asked with her arms waving in the air. “He had no right at all. I don’t butt into his life. What gives him the right to butt into mine?”

Doug opened his mouth and was about to answer when she started again.

“I don’t even know how you can tolerate this kind of shit. He’s your friend, and look what he did to you. You didn’t ask to be stuck here as my date. I’m sure you were very capable of finding your own.”

At first, he thought she knew everything. Beckett had failed to inform Rose of all the small details. Like the fact I know what he did and came anyway. Doug knew he should tell her now as waiting was foolish. How the hell did I let myself get dragged into this? Not only is it not professional, it’s not morally right either.

He knew he hadn’t lied to her, yet he was guilty by omission. The truth needed to be said, but first he needed to calm her down a bit so she could hear it. She was so revved up, it’d be like throwing gasoline on fire.

“Rose, I’m sure Beckett meant well.” By her expression that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.

“Of course, you’re going to defend your friend. What is it about you guys? Just because you served in the Marines together doesn’t mean you have to have each other’s back in everything. Can’t you see he’s wrong? Or do you think I am?”

She stood there, daring him to disagree with her. He couldn’t. She had every right to feel as she did. The problem was she still had missing pieces. What those were wasn’t clear. Doug needed to speak to Beckett. If he told Rose anything to contradict what Beckett had, then it was going to infuriate Rose even more. Besides, that was a family issue Doug shouldn’t be part of. A little late now since I’m here sharing a suite with his sister.

“What I meant was—”

“That you think I’m blowing this out of proportion. How would you feel if he’d done this to you? Reached out to your girlfriend and threatened her?”

Doug was taken back. Beckett never mentioned threatening Martin. “Beckett said that? He actually threatened him?”

Rose sat back on the couch, and for the first time, she looked defeated. “I went to Beckett’s last night. Danielle said things that made me question what really happened to change Toby’s mind so quickly. So instead of coming right back here, I went for a walk and made a call. Toby didn’t answer, so I tried again and again until he did.”

Doug sat down next to her. She needed someone to talk to, and although he wasn’t the right person, he would listen if need be. “What did he say?”

“Toby told me Beckett called him. He was told if he knew what was good for him, he’d stop seeing me and never contact me again.”

“Is that all?” Without knowing why or how, Doug reached out and took her hand in his. He could feel her fingers trembling as she spoke.

She shook her head. “Beckett said he could make him disappear and never be found. I can’t believe this, Doug. Beckett has lost his mind. He can’t go around threatening someone I’m dating just because he doesn’t like him. What’s he going to do, fight you if we decided to become lovers?”

He needed to force himself to think past that statement. Doug needed to find out what was going on. Beckett had been on edge, yet threatening physical harm was so out of character for him. Did he misread something because he was too close to the situation to see it? Or was Martin lying to Rose, so he didn’t look like the weasel Beckett made him out to be?

“I can talk to Beckett and see what he has to say about this if you’d like.” It didn’t really matter what her answer was. Doug was going to confront Beckett as soon as he and Rose were through speaking. If what Rose said was accurate, being here on Marpe-Agape was more crucial than he’d been led to believe.

“Please, Doug. I need you to. Because I told Toby there was no way I’d allow my brother or anyone else to dictate my life.”

“As you shouldn’t.”

Rose smiled for the first time. “So you agree with me? That sending Gunny to pick him up and bring him here was the right thing to do?”

Doug almost choked. Hell no, I don’t. Things had gone from bad to worse. “He’s on his way here?”

“Gunny left in the middle of the night. I felt bad about asking him. He’s such a sweetheart. He said anything for Beckett’s baby sister.”

“Are you sure you want to do this? Drawing a line in the sand at KJ and Drew’s wedding might not be the time to do it.” And won’t give me much time to get Beckett under control. “I think you should wait and try to work things out once you get back to West Virginia.”

Rose removed her hand from his and got up. “Well, it’s too late. He’s on his way, and Beckett will just have to deal with it. So will you help me, or not?”

What the fuck? He’s on his way? Damnit! This didn’t make any sense to him. Something had transpired that he wasn’t privy to. Doug got up and stood in front of her. As he looked into her sweet brown eyes, he found himself incapable of saying no. Rose was captivating in a way that was unfamiliar to him. He remembered Beckett showing him pictures of her when she was a young teenager. She’d grown into such a stunning woman. Although she was a tiny little thing, barely five foot four, she held herself with the confidence and strength of a woman six feet tall. Trying to talk her out of what she was doing wouldn’t be easy. Rose obviously was a strong-minded woman, or was she so hell-bent on rebelling against Beckett’s strong-armed tactics that she wasn’t thinking straight? Either way, that left only one thing he could do. Damage control.

Something else troubled him. Doug did not like the idea of Toby Martin being there, sharing a room with Rose. Although he knew she was off limits to him, he didn’t want to see her with anyone else. It was a selfish thought he would need to deal with.

“I’ll talk to Beckett before I leave.”

“Leave? Where are you going?” Rose asked, sounding surprised.

Doug grinned. “Are you planning on taking two dates to the wedding?”

“I . . . I hadn’t thought of that. When I spoke to Toby I was angry and wasn’t thinking about . . . you. You don’t have to leave. You can stay here.”

There is no way in hell I’m staying in one room while you sleep with that asshole in the other. “Three is a crowd.”

“Actually, I thought you and Toby could room together, and I could find another room somewhere.”

That didn’t appeal to him any either. “Why would I share this suite with Toby?”

Looking serious, Rose answered, “So if Beckett loses his mind and tries anything crazy, you’ll be here to intervene.”

Ah yes. Protect Martin. For a minute I thought . . . you might not want to be alone with him. That you were regretting your invitation. “If you’re so worried about this, I suggest when he gets here, you send him right back.”

“I need him here to . . .”

He waited. Then asked, “To what, Rose?” Drive me crazy like you’re going to do to Beckett? Because, seeing you in another man’s arms may do just that. It makes no sense, but damn, I don’t like it. Had his attraction to her a year ago been building up to the point he found himself envious? These thoughts were out of character, and he didn’t know what the hell to do with it. He knew one thing, though. He wouldn’t let her know what effect she had on him.

Thankfully Rose didn’t pick up on his thoughts as she changed the subject. “You’re an only child, right?”

He didn’t know where she was going with this question or why the change of subject. He’d play along for now. “Yes, I am.”

“Then you wouldn’t know what it’s like to feel like you never measure up. I’m the baby of the family. Do you know how much I hate being called that? If it’s not bad enough that I’m twenty-eight and look like a teenager, they still treat me like one. I can’t remember ever being asked my opinion on anything, but I do have one. I only get the respect I deserve at work. They see me as the emergency trauma nurse. The medical staff and patients trust me to help save lives. Why can’t I get my family to look at me the same way?”

Doug recalled trying to please his father when he was growing up. During hockey events, he’d push himself harder than he should, believing if he scored enough goals, his father would come. When that didn’t happen, Doug changed to baseball, then basketball. No matter the effort, Doug had always felt invisible to Earl.

That however, was the opposite with Rose and her family. They adored her. Yes, they were overprotective, but he didn’t believe their intention was to stifle her. If so, they never would’ve encouraged her to be a nurse in the first place. They were a hardworking family with overall good values. Right now I’m questioning Beckett’s. It wasn’t going to be easy to make Rose see that. It would take something outside of work, but the action needed to convince her wasn’t clear.

“You’re right. I don’t know what it’s like to grow up in a large family. But, I can tell you that Beckett loves you and would never hurt you intentionally.”

Although Rose had been strong this entire time, something inside her broke. As quick as a lightning bolt, his world tilted on its axis. He felt like he received a punch to his gut watching her tears fall. Doug didn’t believe he’d said anything to upset her. In fact, he’d purposely stepped lightly. What the fuck just happened? Although he considered himself empathetic, he’d never had this reaction to a woman’s tears before. Fuck!

Reaching out, he brushed a tear from her right cheek with the back of his hand. “I didn’t mean to make you cry,” he whispered hoarsely. “I’m sorry.”

She walked into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. Fighting his own internal battle, he felt awkward and uncomfortable, yet at the same time his heart beat in his throat. Ever since that damn wedding, she’d been in his dreams frequently. He’d been able to keep her at a distance, avoid being physically close to her, best for them both. He knew he should push her away, but damn she felt good in his arms. Pushing her would only make him an asshole. She needed someone. Needs me.

He pulled her closer and held her while she cried, wanting to tell her everything would be all right, but that was something he rarely said. In reality some things never were all right. He dealt with that most often. Trying to help people heal from what couldn’t heal. Wounds so deep they’d last a lifetime. All one could do was learn to cope. Hopefully, my sweet angel, you’re not facing such demons. I can’t bear for you to go through the hell some of us do.

That hell was a life of endless nightmares. When you finally thought they were gone for good, they’d slam you again worse than the last. The best thing to do was distance yourself from others so they didn’t have to witness it. For those lucky enough to find someone who could understand, or at least try to, it made all the difference. It didn’t stop the nightmares or other reactions, but it made life so much more bearable when they came.

As her sobs eased, Doug asked, “Angel, tell me what’s wrong.”

She didn’t look at him. Her voice muffled against him as she spoke. “What have I done, Doug? I just wanted to piss Beckett off for being such a jerk. I don’t want him here, but now Toby’s coming, and I don’t want to be with him.”

That was simple to resolve. And I’m more than happy to handle it. “When he gets here, I’ll send him packing. Simple. No one even needs to know he came.”

She finally looked up at him, and her eyes still glistened. “I can’t do that. First Beckett threatens him, and then I do this to him? What kind of person will he think I am? Toby might not be the one for me, but he doesn’t deserve to be treated so badly.”

For someone who doesn’t want to get involved, I manage to get smack in the middle. “What can I do?”

She smiled so sweetly at him it took his breath away. He knew it didn’t matter what she wanted. His answer would be yes.

“Stay in this suite with Toby. Make him feel comfortable.” What the hell?

He really would rather intercept his transport and never have to meet the guy in person. All he had was Beckett’s take on him. With what Rose told him, he couldn’t trust Beckett’s judgment. Maybe meeting Toby was a good thing. There were a few things that needed to be cleared up, and he knew that some things were best done face to face.

Doug put a hand under her chin and tipped her head up to look at him. “Anything for you, angel.”

Rose reached up, threw her arms around his neck, and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. It was so brief, yet his body reacted so strongly his breath caught in his throat, and the blood rushed straight to his cock. He inhaled her scent, the same scent that had seared his brain when he’d held her the night they met. It reminded him of jasmine and sunshine, a sweet scent that calmed his inner turmoil, yet haunted his thoughts and dreams. Doug knew he should release her. Instead, his arms tightened around her lifting her off the floor, so she had no choice but to cling to him.

His blood raced through him like an all-consuming flame, feeling her delicate body pressed against his.

“Doug, I—”

Don’t say it.

I know.

He gently eased his grip on her letting her slip to the floor again. Doug was angry, not at her, but himself. Her kiss was innocent, and his wouldn’t have been. He wanted her. If she hadn’t spoken, he would’ve claimed those sweet lips and wouldn’t have stopped till he tasted every inch of her.

He needed air. Right now. Doug stepped around her, and she grabbed his bare forearm. “Where are you going?”

Doug didn’t turn back. “To check and see what time my new roommate is arriving.” With that, he left the suite.

His initial thought was to confront Beckett, but given what almost happened between Rose and him, he figured it best to avoid his friend. Eventually, they needed to have a serious conversation. Doug would prefer it not to be about him.

Why? Why did he run off? Rose didn’t want Doug to leave. Something was drawing her to him unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. Did she have a crush on her brother’s friend? She knew she was attracted to him, yet this was stronger than a “hey, he’s cute” feeling. The second her lips touched his, she felt a wave rush through her, robbing her senses of anything but needing his touch.

Just what I need, to lust after Doug. And after he’s being so nice and now is willing to help me with my disaster. How could I have put him in such an awkward position? Rose wasn’t so naïve to not have noticed the look in his eyes after she kissed him. Or the way he pulled her closer to him. She felt his body tense against her.

It’s a normal physical reaction. It doesn’t mean anything.

Although, it hadn’t meant anything to Doug, she was shaken by what she’d just done. This wasn’t him coming on to her. She initiated it. There was no reason for her to reach out and kiss him. Except that I wanted to. I don’t care if it’s wrong or right. I’ve wanted to do that since our first dance. And if I were braver, it wouldn’t have been a small peck either.

No matter what her body was telling her, her brain was glad she held back. Had she followed her desire—gone for a hot, passionate kiss—she wasn’t sure she’d be able to face him again. Under different circumstances things might be different, but the timing couldn’t be worse. She’d invited Toby to be her date for the wedding, and she was thinking about how sweet Doug’s arms felt around her.

This whole awkward situation isn’t fair to Toby or Doug. She was so angry at Beckett for what he did she never took into consideration anyone else’s feelings, including her own. I never should’ve called Toby. Never should’ve asked him here. It was too late. She wouldn’t be rude, treat him like Beckett had. He was innocent in all this. I am a little concerned that Toby hadn’t fought a little harder for me, although, my brother can be intimidating. And I had so quickly assumed he’d found someone else . . .

She went back to the couch and let herself drop onto it. All she wanted was a vacation to rejuvenate. Although this wasn’t the same as the pressures of the ER, this was an entirely different type of stress. One she wasn’t used to.

I wish I had the courage to send Toby back. Tell him it was a mistake. Rose always thought about other people’s feelings over her own. Some might think that was a good trait, but at times, she knew it made her weak. That was probably the only reason she’d been dating Toby in the first place. She hadn’t wanted to hurt his feelings and tell him it wasn’t working. The only positive side was they didn’t see each other much. Dinner, movies, and some necking only.

Beckett believed she was much more involved with Toby than she actually had been. That was her doing as well. All she’d wanted was everyone to get off her back about approaching thirty and still being single. Perhaps in years gone by, that was seen as ancient. These days, there wasn’t—or shouldn’t be—the same pressure to be married. Heck, Beckett was in his forties when he finally settled down. He should be the last one judging me.

Right now, it wasn’t what others thought of her. She was judging herself harshly. The look on Doug’s face when she asked him to share this suite with Toby was one she wouldn’t forget anytime soon. It was apparent he didn’t like the idea, yet he still agreed to do it. That surprised her. Yes, she had begged him, but she was nothing to him. There was no logical reason why he agreed.

And to thank him for being nice to me, I embarrass him. Real smooth, Rose. No wonder he wanted out of here so fast.

Then she remembered where he was going. The next time she’d see him he’d be with Toby. Nothing happened. It’s only in your mind that it was something more.

Sitting there pondering what she should have and shouldn’t have done was a waste of her time. There was a wedding taking place in a few hours. There wasn’t anything she was required to do except attend and look pretty. After her morning, she didn’t feel like doing either.

She went into her bedroom and looked in the mirror. Sure enough, there were bags under her eyes. Sadly, makeup couldn’t fix that. Then she looked around and remembered she’d just offered her room to Toby. That meant she needed to find a place to stay.

Picking up the phone she tried to think who to call. KJ and Drew handled almost everything on Marpe-Agape. Calling them would solve the problem immediately. However, you don’t call someone on their wedding day to ask for help.

Second on the list would be Trent and Elaine. She loved her brother, but that would come with a list of questions.

Third on the list was Beckett. He was partially to blame for all this so it’d serve him right if she caused him some inconvenience. Doing so would mean Danielle would make her stay with them. That was more punishment for her than for Beckett.

Her parents were oblivious to all this, and she wanted to keep it that way, so they were off the list. Rose’s options were running thin. All she needed was a place to sleep.

Rose left the suite and found one of the housekeepers. What do I have to lose?

“Excuse me. Can you please tell me if there are any other rooms available?”

“Is there something wrong with this one? I can call Mr. Davis and have him come right away if there is,” the woman offered nervously as she pulled out her walkie-talkie from her pocket, ready to make the call.

“No. The room is fine. I was just curious, that’s all,” Rose stammered as she tried to stop the woman.

“Oh, Good. Mr. Davis is in a foul mood this morning, and I’ve been trying to avoid him.”

You and me both.

“Oh, please forgive me. I shouldn’t have spoken in such a manner about your brother. It’s not my place. It’s just he normally is not like this. Something is troubling him. I had passed him earlier in the hallway, and he seemed unaware there was anyone around. I hope I didn’t do something to upset him.”

Rose could see her concern and wanted to ease her fears. She assumed Beckett’s bad mood had something to do with her. And right now she didn’t care. Actually she hoped it was troubling him because she was about to step it up a notch. Serves him right. He’ll learn one way or another to butt out. “Don’t pay him any mind. It isn’t anything you did, I’m sure.”

She seemed grateful and relaxed a bit.

“So are there any rooms?” Rose asked again.

She shook her head. “Sorry, Ms. Davis. You and Mr. Atwood have the last one. We normally have plenty of rooms, but we have several families here in need of treatment. The word seems to have gotten out about what is being done here. Each month we see someone new. It’s a very joyous and sad thing all at the same time. Do you know what I mean?”

Rose understood perfectly. These families were here to be able to enjoy the last weeks or months with their loved one. As far as she knew, no other place existed like this. They had set up Marpe-Agape to handle the most sensitive issues in a manner that left everyone feeling loved and welcomed. It was amazing, and she was proud her family was part of it.

“I don’t remember you. How long have you been working here?” Rose could hear the strong accent in the woman’s voice. Although it was obvious English wasn’t her first language, she spoke it very well.

The woman smiled. “I came with my husband a few months back. His liver was failing and no transplant was available. We were living in a one-room apartment, no money for electricity, and barely any food. All money had gone to give my husband medication to make him comfortable. Then one day we heard a knock on the door. They told us about Marpe-Agape and asked if we wanted to come. I was afraid, not trusting. No one ever showed us such kindness before. My husband said it was a gift from God, and we must grasp this time together. To make memories that last a lifetime.”

Rose watched the woman’s face change. Torn between utter grief and joy. She wanted to reach out and hug the woman but instead, stayed silent, and listened. I’ve seen many a grieving spouse need a listening ear.

“After my husband passed away, they asked me if I’d like to stay and offered me a job. I was so thankful. There was nothing for me back home. No children. No family. Even if I can give to another family a little of what I was given, I’ll be a happy woman for the rest of my life.”

Rose looked at the woman’s grief-stricken, yet somewhat peaceful, face and wondered if she would ever know the same sense of purpose. Glancing at her name tag, Rose also wondered if she’d had the chance to talk about her husband before today.

“Oh, Sharma. I am so sorry for your loss. I’m thankful Marpe-Agape holds sad but also good memories for you,” Rose said. “That’s a beautiful name.”

“Thank you, Ms. Davis.”

“Please, call me Rose.”

Sharma nodded and smiled. “Thank you for listening to me, Rose. I don’t know what possessed me to share my story with you. I can see why you are a nurse. There is something about you that is . . . gentle and kind. I see it in your eyes. I’m sure Mr. Atwood sees it too.”

Rose forced a grin. She had no idea what Doug saw when he looked at her. Some things are best left a mystery.

“Sharma, it’s been very nice talking with you. I hope we can do so again before I leave.”

“You’re not staying?” Sharma asked, surprised.

Rose was puzzled. Why would anyone think she was staying? No different than most of the guests who’d traveled for the wedding, she’d be going back home to the life waiting for her. Not an exciting one, but it’s mine. “I’m only here for the wedding.”

“Oh. I thought with how short-staffed we are you’d be staying to help. I heard you’d done so before.”

“Short-staffed?” Rose hadn’t heard anything about it. She wondered if that was because she was a guest this time. She was positive they would’ve mentioned it, otherwise.

“Yes, last night one of our nurses had to rush home due to a family emergency. It wouldn’t have been so bad except there was already one out, having a baby soon.”

“Two nurses down? That’s not good.” Rose knew that meant quality of care could be affected. Yet she also knew everyone here would give more and push even harder, so the patients would never notice a thing.

“Yes, and we’re at full capacity.”

Rose understood the concern she saw in Sharma’s eyes. “Is there a room open in the nurse’s quarters? I know they had one for overnight staff.”

Sharma nodded. “Yes, there is a room, but it isn’t luxury. I’m not even sure the bed is made up. Why?”

“I know you must be so busy, but can I ask a favor?”

“Of course. What can I do for you?”

Rose lowered her voice even though she didn’t see anyone close by. “Can you please make up the room and have my belongings moved there?”

“I can, but why would you want to do that when you have such a lovely suite?”

“Vacationing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Not when I can be doing what I love most.” Rose meant that wholeheartedly. She loved being a nurse, helping others. Knowing she could make a difference, if only for a few days, was exactly what she needed right now.

Sharma smiled. “Are you sure you want to help now? You’re supposed to be at the wedding tonight.”

“I’m sure. And I can attend for a short time and still handle the duties.”

“I’ll have your bags moved right away.”

Rose felt like a weight had just been lifted off her. She’d be back in her element. It also gave her the perfect excuse not to deal with Toby. Would he be angry she had invited him—again—and was not around to relax with him? She doubted she’d be working all day, so she could see him occasionally. Unfortunately, that also meant not seeing Doug. But that’s probably for the best too.

As she made her way down the hall, Rose saw Doug with Toby not far behind. Doug had a look on his face she couldn’t read. Had Toby said something to piss him off? It was possible because the guy never knew when to shut up. Actually, he likes the attention he gets when he pushes people’s buttons. One day it’s going to catch up with him.

If there were any way she could duck and hide, she would. It was too late. Toby had seen her. He pushed past Doug, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into his arms and kissed her hard. What the hell is he doing? It wasn’t a pleasant kiss, actually quite painful, and she thought he bruised her lips. She arched her back, trying not to make it obvious she wanted out of his embrace.

Toby let her go and said, “Baby, I’ve missed you.”

Doug stood behind Toby looking at her. Is he angry? Then he dropped Toby’s bag on the floor and said, “I’ll leave you two to catch up.” Without looking at her again, she watched Doug turn and walk away.

She wanted to tell him Toby was acting like a jerk. Their relationship wasn’t like that and had never been.

Once Doug was out of earshot, Rose turned to Toby. “What the heck was that?”

“I didn’t like the way that guy was looking at you,” Toby said, looking to where Doug had gone.

“Doug? He’s just a . . . friend.” The word didn’t seem to fit. She really didn’t know how to describe him. Before today, she would’ve said he was Beckett’s friend. Yet his willingness to help her even though it might upset Beckett said she also had something with him. Was friendship the right word? It was a good place to start.

Toby shook his head. “I know what I saw. That man had his eyes all over you. Friend or not, I don’t like him.”

Whatever Toby thought he saw was in his imagination. Rose wasn’t going to feed it. He’s just stressed because of everything that happened. I’m sure he’ll calm down. “Well, you’d better find a way to get along, because you two are sharing this suite.”

“What the fuck? I thought you and I would—”

“You thought wrong. I have some patients who need me. You might as well go inside and get settled. I’ll see you at the wedding in a few hours. If you need anything, I’m sure Doug would be happy to show you where to find it.”

Rose didn’t even hug him goodbye before walking away. What was with his aggressive behavior? It was the first time he’d been like that with her, and she hoped it was the last. She brought her fingers up to her lips and touched them gently. Her bottom lip was tender.

Whatever is going on with you, Toby, you better think twice about hurting me again. I’m not the pushover you think I am.

Before she headed to the nurses’ quarters, she looked around for Doug. She wanted to touch base with him, explain what had happened. He had taken off so quickly, and now he was nowhere in sight. Maybe it’s better this way. There are no words to explain what he saw. For all he knows, this is what Toby is like all the time, and he probably thinks I deserve whatever I get.

Opening up the door to her temporary accommodations, she took in her surroundings. Sharma was right; it was far from a vacation quality, but it was exactly what she was looking for. Peace and quiet and all hers.

She noticed Sharma had her belongings delivered and unpacked. She must’ve used the back entrance because Rose hadn’t seen her coming and going. The wedding wasn’t a formal event, which meant she could dress comfortably. Sharma had already pulled out a white dress. It was high collared yet relatively short, showing off her legs. It had just the right amount of sexy. As she touched the light cotton fabric, she noticed a pair of flat sandals had been laid out alongside the dress. Although they matched perfectly, Rose opted for high heels. With her tiny stature, she liked the way they lengthen her legs. What would Doug think about her outfit? Since when does his opinion matter to me?

Rose had no idea when things had changed for her, but she liked him. That knowledge made everything more complicated. Thank God, I have work to keep me focused.