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A Rose For The Billionaire: Betting On You Series: Book Six by Jeannette Winters (6)

Doug was glad KJ and Drew’s wedding was in a garden rather than some stuffy dining hall. Dressing formally was not his style. He’d yet to see KJ, and still hoped she wouldn’t be angry he was attending the wedding. The happily ever after wasn’t on his radar, and although normally he’d be happy for the couple, he’d attempted to avoid them every chance he could. But, he seemed to get sucked in further to this wedding each day. He would always be available for his friends though, so there was no begrudging his involvement.

He buttoned his crisp, white long-sleeved shirt. It was as formal as he got. Every wedding should be this casual. He left the two top buttons unbuttoned then tucked his shirttail into his jeans.

Doug had met Drew Navarro several times. To the world he might’ve been one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, yet Doug thought Drew was one of the most laid-back and down-to-earth billionaires he’d met. Not that he associated with those influential guys often. Although Doug wasn’t as close to KJ as he was Beckett, he knew her well enough to know Drew was a perfect match for her. She needed someone to make her smile and lighten her spirits.

KJ had been through a lot. Today should be the happiest day of her life. Doug knew there’d be a part of her struggling as she also faced this day without her kid sister. Words weren’t going to make a damn difference. When a person lost someone close to them, the pain they experienced was often solitary. At least, she has someone there ready to catch her if she falls.

Doug looked at himself one last time in the mirror and knew it wasn’t going to get any better than this. He hadn’t slept much since learning about his father, and he didn’t expect that to change anytime soon. What you see is what you get. Luckily, he didn’t have anyone to impress.

He opened his bedroom door and found Martin lounging on the couch. The guy was slouched back with his feet on the coffee table in front of him. Doug was so tempted to go over and kick his feet off.

When Beckett told him he didn’t like the guy, Doug assumed it was just Beckett’s overprotective nature. Doug found the guy annoying as hell too. They hadn’t spoken much but what was said irritated him. The kid was cocky as hell, yet didn’t seem to have anything to back it up. From what he gathered, the guy didn’t have a job. Martin was very evasive when any direct questions were asked.

Toby appeared to be texting on his cell phone and didn’t look up when Doug entered the room. No contact with the guy would be fine with Doug. One problem. He’d agreed to watch this piece of shit while he was on the island. The way he acted around Rose was going to make it difficult.

When he saw how he’d kissed Rose, Doug resisted grabbing Martin by the neck and slamming him to the ground. He came on too aggressively, but had Rose wanted that? Him? Doug hated seeing a woman disrespected, but seeing Rose like that? That pissed him off as he’d never expected or experienced. Doug knew then. His attraction to her was more than it should be. Even if Rose hadn’t wanted him to keep an eye on Martin, he was going to.

He glared at Martin. The kid needed someone to set him straight. Doug would like to think Rose wouldn’t have any guy around her if he was heavy-handed, but he’d seen too many women trapped in abusive relationships. Sometimes out of fear, and other times they’d blamed themselves. Over the years of treating other servicemen and their families, he’d unfortunately crossed paths with others who’d encountered similar situations. How do guys get off being cruel and overpowering to women? Had my father been like that with my mom?

Whether Rose liked it or not, she’d found herself another protector. He walked over to the couch and nudged Martin’s feet off the table. He looked pissed, as though he was going to say something, then clammed up. Doug wasn’t sure if the kid had figured out he was in the wrong or smart enough not to challenge him. Asshole. Either way, Doug wasn’t going to cut him any slack. One move out of line and you won’t need to worry about Beckett. You’ll be dealing with me.

“You ready?” Doug asked gruffly.

Martin got up and said snidely, “Don’t tell me you’re going to be my date for the wedding too.”

I’m going to be so damn close, it’ll feel like it. “Rose will be meeting us there.” Doug didn’t know why he included himself in that. Maybe just to see Martin’s reaction. He was slightly disappointed there hadn’t been one. I can see why Beckett doesn’t trust the guy. He never reacts like you expect, and in war, that is dangerous. Now? Just annoying as fuck.

They didn’t speak the entire way to the garden, now decorated with ribbons and girly stuff and filled with about fifty people. Even though he knew she didn’t want to be there, he was confident she wouldn’t bail this late in the game. Besides, she’d purposely brought Martin here to tick Beckett off. Something told him she wasn’t going to back down on that. Beckett underestimates her.

There was a very small part of him feeling guilty for not having his friend’s back right now. And the other part was looking forward to watching Rose stand up to Beckett. For no other reason than it was going to be good for her. And possibly sexy too. He understood her better than she might think. It wasn’t easy walking in the shadows of everyone else. Rose wanted to be looked upon as an equal in the family. Beckett was a great guy, yet as the oldest, he put responsibilities on himself that didn’t need to be there. Time to let this bird fly.

When Beckett saw them he approached, looking none too happy. “What the hell is he doing here, and where is Rose?” he growled. He almost laughed when Beckett deliberately ignored greeting Martin.

Doug looked around and there was still no sign of her. He didn’t want to be the one to tell Beckett—

“Rose called and begged me to come. She wants to be with me, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it—” Once Martin opened his mouth, Doug didn’t have to. The stupid kid might have said the words to Beckett, but certainly kept his distance as he did.

Beckett looked like he wanted to rip Martin’s head right off. If Doug thought the kid had any common sense at all, it vanished right then. What game are you playing? He was about to intervene when he realized what made Toby so fucking bold.

Rose appeared behind Beckett. Good God, the woman is stunning. She put a hand on Beckett’s arm and softly said, “Gentlemen, we’re at a wedding, not a bar. Please keep your voices down and your attitudes in check.” Her tone matched her warning. “Now let’s find our seats; the bride and groom are about to arrive.”

Beckett never took his eyes off Martin. It was apparent protection might, in fact, be needed. More so if lover boy wants to push Beckett’s buttons again. Would he have stood up to Beckett if Rose hadn’t turned up when she did?

Rose went to sit, and like a faithful puppy, Martin followed. That left Beckett standing beside Doug. “When the fuck did the plan change, and why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because Rose asked me not to.” The answer was plain and simple. Hell, it’s even the truth.

“Are you telling me you approve of that asshole?” Beckett snarled.

Not in the least. “It’s not my place. Not yours either. This is Rose’s decision.”

Beckett huffed, shook his head, then walked down the aisle to sit with Danielle, who had been waving him to join her. Doug couldn’t stand the entire time and looked around for a seat. There were a few open, none that he wanted, and he was tempted to sit in the back by himself. Then he saw Rose turn and look at him. Had she intentionally left an open seat next to her? What-the-hell-ever? As far as he was concerned, it had his name on it.

When he took the seat next to her, she smiled up at him. Martin watched their exchange and placed his right hand on Rose’s bare left thigh. She’s tiny, but that dress and those heels . . . God, he had it bad. Now he wished she’d worn pants. She wasn’t his girl, not his anything, yet just having Martin around her, touching her, made his blood boil.

The music played, and the wedding began. Doug wasn’t paying attention to one damn thing about it; his mind and eyes were on Rose the entire time. She seemed tense, as though she wanted to be anywhere but where she was. At one point she inched a bit closer to him. Was it because she wanted to be near him or was she trying to get away from Martin? Once again, Doug wasn’t sure. He hadn’t spent enough time around her to read her. Or am I simply blinded by lust?

Before long, Drew and KJ were announced man and wife, and everyone stood to applaud. Doug clapped as they walked down the aisle.

Rose whispered to him, “Beautiful.”

“Yes, beautiful.” In that moment, with the sun shining above them, and her honey-brown hair so gorgeous it almost glowed, he wasn’t talking about the wedding. When she looked up at him her eyes became so light they reminded him of a sandy beach. “Take a walk with me.”

Doug reached out and took Rose’s hand in his. She didn’t resist at all.

“Ah, she’s with me, remember?” Toby chimed in.

“Go grab something to eat or drink. We won’t be long.”

“If you know what’s good for you, you won’t be,” Martin said, shooting a warning to Doug.

Doug was tempted to remind the kid he was messing with someone who’d been trained in combat. He looked like he’d shit himself if he was actually in a fight. Doug decided wasting his time with the little twerp was stupid. Right now all he wanted to think about was getting some alone time with the stunning woman by his side.

Brushing past Martin, Doug led her away. There was a quiet spot that had caught his eye earlier. It was by a pond and had a small, charming wooden bridge over it. He wasn’t sure if she’d seen it yet, as it hadn’t been built when they were here for Beckett and Danielle’s wedding.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” Doug said as they went down a winding pathway.

“Doug, they’re going to miss us.”

“We won’t be long.”

“Can’t this wait until after the reception? Toby is there by himself with Beckett and—”

Doug stopped abruptly, turning to face her. “And you think he’ll do something to piss your brother off even more?”

Rose looked puzzled. “No. As far as I know, they’ve only met a few times, but Toby is . . . shy, I guess. He’s reclusive and quiet. I’m not sure I’ve even seen the two of them talking when we were together, but Beckett can be a bit intimidating.”

He almost burst out laughing. That didn’t describe the guy at all. How did Rose think he was shy and reclusive? He would have used cocky and arrogant. Had she chosen to see someone so different, or had Martin purposely hidden that side of himself from her? Something about the guy struck him as a loudmouth. He didn’t have much to go on, just glimpses of behavior that sent up red flags. Doug was aware his judgment might be clouded as well.

“If he can keep his mouth shut, he’ll be fine. Otherwise—”

“Beckett will shut it. I know. Okay, let’s keep moving and get this over with,” Rose said as she urged him to keep walking. Get it over with? Does she really not want to be with me? She hasn’t once pulled her hand away.

Rushing wasn’t what he’d planned. Actually, he hadn’t planned anything. During the entire wedding all he thought about was Rose. He’d been surrounded by her scent, could almost touch the smooth silkiness of her skin . . . Shit. He wanted—no, needed—to talk to her alone. He told himself it was because he was concerned for her, that Martin felt like trouble, and he needed her to be careful. Beckett’s judgment was rarely wrong.

When they came around the bend, he heard Rose suck in her breath at the sight. From the look on her face, she loved it . . . as he’d hoped. She gave his hand a light squeeze and leaned into him. “When did you find this place?” she whispered.

“On one of my runs. Do you like it?”

She looked at him, smiling. It was the first genuine smile he’d seen on her face since they exited the chopper. It was refreshing, and he didn’t want it to vanish. He pulled her hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on her fingers. Again, she didn’t pull her hand away, but her wide eyes and tilt of her head seemed perplexed. Why wouldn’t she be, Atwood? You pushed her away when she kissed you before.

“I’m surprised Drew and KJ didn’t get married here. If it was my wedding, this is the spot I’d want. Right here on this bridge, just me and the man I . . . love.”

He looked down at her as she was staring into the pond below them. “Do you love him, Rose?”

She turned quickly to meet his gaze. “Who?”


“No, I hardly know him. I mean, we’ve been dating for about six months but nothing serious. He can be fun, but he has some growing up to do.”

That and so much more. Doug had no right to ask what her feelings were for Martin. She was free to care about anyone she wanted. Thank fuck she wasn’t in love with that tool.

“Why did you ask me that?” As she looked at him, he was mesmerized by her beauty. Fuck, she is so tempting right now. I want her lips. I want . . .

He wasn’t really sure why he’d asked her about Martin; he just needed to know. “I don’t trust him.”

Her demeanor changed from his sweet angel to someone on the defensive. “You’re just like Beckett.”

Don’t look at me like your brother. ’Cause damn, I don’t look at you like a sister. “Maybe we’re more attuned to what is going on in that guy’s head than you are.”

“And maybe you should mind your business, Doug. Is that why you brought me to this spectacular place? So you can tell me you want me to stay away from Toby? You shouldn’t have wasted your time. I can tell you don’t like him.” Her voice was no longer sweet and gentle. Here was the fiery, spirited woman he’d seen . . . and adored.

She stepped away and walked off the bridge. In a few long strides he caught up to her and put his hands on her tiny waist, stopping her in her tracks. He wouldn’t allow her to leave angry. Rose didn’t try to pull away or say anything. Slowly he stepped closer so he towered over her from behind. Bending down, he whispered softly in her ear, “Don’t leave me, angel.” That small hitch in her breathing spoke volumes.

“Why should I stay?”

“Because I want you to. I didn’t bring you here to talk about Toby or anyone else.”

“Then why did you bring me here?” she asked, still facing away from him. She was shaking a little. Turned on?

“Because I couldn’t stand not holding you in my arms a minute longer.”

He felt her body relax and rest against his, her head leaning toward his. Doug inhaled the sweet smell of her scent. The flowers in the garden couldn’t compete with her.

“Doug.” Her voice so soft it sounded like a gentle breeze.

He couldn’t resist. Doug kissed her neck and nuzzled closer. “I know.”

A moan escaped her lips. Turning her to him, he took what he wanted. He claimed the lips that he’d wanted to taste since the first time he’d met her a year ago. The instant they touched his blood ran hot, and he loved that she met him with the same urgency. What he’d been fighting reflected in her response. She wants me too. He traced her lips with his tongue, and she parted them for him, opening up to give him access to all her sweetness. Her tongue entered his mouth, exploring as he did hers. When they would pull back, the tips of their tongues danced with each other before exploring again. Damn, woman. What are you doing to me?

Doug had kissed many women, but this was beyond any reaction he’d ever had. His cock throbbed from the sublime taste of her lips. He imagined what it’d be like to explore the rest of her.

Pulling her close to him, she moaned into his mouth and pressed against him. He wasn’t hiding that he wanted her. And she didn’t seem to mind.

Rose ran her hands up his chest and around his neck. He could feel her swollen nipples through the thin fabric separating them. His hand slid up the side of her then stopped. He had to stop, otherwise neither of them would be able to turn back. Fuck, I’m already there. God, woman, you’re beautiful. How am I supposed to stay away when everything about you calls out to me?

He slowed, pulling away gently. Their breathing was ragged, and she clung to him, shivering with desire. He was in no hurry to let go, but he had a feeling they were being watched. Doug scanned the perimeter, but saw no one. His gut wasn’t usually wrong, yet his judgment might be clouded.

“Rose, this isn’t over, but we should get back,” Doug said, still holding her in his arms.

She rested her forehead on his chest. “I don’t want this to end.”

He reached up and tipped her chin toward him. “This is not over. Trust me; this isn’t what I want either. The timing is not right.”

This was not just Toby waiting for her. Doug was not the guy for her. He had every intention of leaving right after the wedding and heading back to search for answers regarding Earl’s death. Holding Rose in his arms momentarily overshadowed his promise to his father. Even though he never kept one to me, I have more honor than that.

Rose nodded. “I understand.”

He knew she didn’t, because he hadn’t told her everything. And he wasn’t ready to open up that part of him. His heart hurt, considering there was so much more to say that most likely would never be spoken.

He kissed her briefly again and said, “Come on. I hear there’s chocolate cake, and that’s my favorite.”

She laughed softly as they made their way out of the hidden garden. He hated having to share her with the others, then again she wasn’t his to hold on to. No matter how much I want her to be.

Rose wanted to say she enjoyed the wedding and reception. However, everything seemed a blur. Once Doug sat beside her, she lost all focus. His musky scent drew her in. When he asked her to follow him, she knew she’d follow him anywhere he asked. It was crazy since there was still so much she didn’t know about him, yet it was undeniable; she was powerless to say no. Then again, I don’t want to say no.

Even as she made her way back to the bungalows with Toby, she was thinking of Doug. His kiss still warmed her. The only reason she walked back with Toby was her hope to see Doug one more time.

They came upon a dimly lit part of the path, and she stumbled slightly on a loose cobblestone. She reached out for Toby who pulled his hand away. Steadying herself, she looked up at him and said, “You would’ve let me fall?”

“I’m sure Doug would come by and pick you up,” Toby said, peering down at her.

She put her hands on her hips and said, “What is that supposed to mean?”

Toby stepped closer and grabbed her wrist, pulling her firmly against him. “You never let me touch you like that. You never kissed me like that either. Are you into old men, is that it?”

“You followed me? You were watching us?” She could tell by his eyes he had. “You had no right to spy on us.”

She prepared herself for whatever sharp words Toby would say. Instead his response was a physical one. He kissed her hard and tried to force her lips apart. She refused to open to him. Pushing against his chest, she moved her mouth from his. “Toby, stop this. What’s wrong with you?”

“You’re what’s wrong. For months I’ve wanted you, but you never let me close. But you let some old dude. You can’t tease a man like that and not expect to put out.”

“Toby, you’re talking crazy. There is nothing going on with Doug and me. And even if there was, it is none of your business. You and I dated, that’s all. There has never been any commitment. And never will be. I invited you here as a friend; I was upset after you told me what my brother had said to you. He had no right.” Although now, even more than before, I wish I hadn’t made that call. She needed him to get away from her. Make him understand this was not what she wanted and never had been.

“If I’m crazy it’s because you’re making me that way. Fuck! I need you.” He grabbed the top of her dress and yanked her toward him. The fabric tore as she fought against him.

Reaching up, she slapped him across the face and pushed free. His eyes darkened, and she filled with fear. She’d never seen him like that. She tried to back away, but he was too fast.

Toby raised a hand, and with the back of his right hand, made contact with her right cheek. The force spun her around, and she fell to the rocky ground. Her head was dizzy from the pain. She wiped her mouth and felt the warmth of blood running down her lip and chin.

Her entire body was shaking. She was no match for his brute strength. In the ER, she’d sadly assisted many rape exams. Surely he won’t go that far, will he? Rose knew she had to snap him out of the state he was in before he went any further. Tears streamed down her face, and she begged, “Please, Toby. Stop this. It’s wrong. I don’t want you, and you have to stop.”

He took a step closer and grabbed her by the back of her hair. The pain was excruciating, and she screamed. Toby pulled her along the path, and she felt her dress tear from the contact as well as the skin on her hip and leg. He kept ranting about how much he needed her, would take her willing or not. Please, someone help me. Knowing no one would hear over the loud music of the reception, and feeling defenseless, she was terrified.

Closing her eyes tightly she prayed someone would save her. As she did so, Toby let go of her hair.

Rose knew she needed to take advantage of the small window of opportunity to get away. Pulling herself away, she turned, expecting to see him come toward her. Instead he was exactly where she left him, his eyes bulging. Doug had his hand on Toby’s throat. Toby was struggling with both hands to remove Doug’s, but he was overpowered and couldn’t budge it.

No matter how much she hated Toby right now, she couldn’t let Doug hurt another person because of her. He’d end up in jail, and she couldn’t live with herself for that.

She tried to get up, but her legs wouldn’t hold her. From the ground, she reached out and touched Doug’s leg and begged, “Please, Doug. You’re going to kill him. Let him go.”

Rose saw the look in Doug’s eyes. She wasn’t sure he heard her. Before she could say another word, Beckett was by Doug’s side.

“Stand down, Atwood!” Beckett barked at Doug.

Doug blinked but didn’t release Toby. Rose wasn’t sure if Beckett was going to finish what Doug had started either.

“Please, Doug,” Rose pleaded again, her voice soft and gentle. “Let go of him for me.”

Only then did Doug loosen his grip and finally let go. Toby dropped to his knees, gasping for air, his hands around his own neck.

“You almost killed me,” Toby said in his raspy, whiny voice.

Although Toby was on his knees, Beckett grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him up, letting his clenched fist make impact with the right side of Toby’s face. “Keep talking. I’d love an excuse to finish it,” Beckett said as he released his grip. This time Toby crumbled to the ground, unable to hold himself up.

Doug looked at her, and his eyes were dark, filled with rage. His eyes quickly assessing her before turning back at Toby. “You will never touch her again, you bastard. You think Beckett can make you disappear, I can make you wish you were dead. Understood? I don’t care how you get off this island, you sick fuck, but be off within the hour, or I’ll find you. Trust me, you’ll not be able to hide from me.”

Clearly fearing for his life, Toby stumbled, trying to get up and nodded. Rose looked at him and couldn’t believe the man she was looking at. What’s wrong with you? You never acted like this before. Then again she’d never really paid him any attention. He was shaken as he should be and from the look of the front of his pants, he’d pissed himself too. You’re lucky you’re getting off with just that.

She watched Toby charge up the path toward the suite. “You’re letting him go?”

Doug turned to her and shook his head. “If you didn’t notice, your brother isn’t here any longer.”

She looked around and Beckett was nowhere to be seen. Rose wanted Toby gone, out of her life for good, but not dead. She had no idea what Beckett was going to do. “Beckett isn’t going to—”

“Kill him?”

Rose nodded, her lips trembling, unable to utter the words.

“He’d be dead now if that was the case.” Doug bent down and in a softer tone asked, “Are you okay?”

Rose nodded, although her cheek hurt like hell, and her knees were scratched up. She knew things could’ve been so much worse if Doug hadn’t arrived when he did. “You came just in time.”

He slipped an arm beneath her knees and another around her waist. Slowly he lifted her off the ground and into his arms. “Let me know if I hurt you.”

Her voice was barely a whisper. “You never could.” They weren’t empty words. Being in his arms, she felt safer than she’d ever felt before.

Doug carried her to the bungalow. She knew he was taking his time to ensure Toby was no longer there. “I wouldn’t want to, but I can’t promise I never will.”

Rose knew he wouldn’t physically hurt her, no matter what he might say. Although she had to admit that the ferocity she saw in his expression when he’d had Toby by the neck was a little daunting.

As they made their way to the room, Sharma came running up to them. “Rose, what happened?”

She hadn’t had time to process what happened, but seeing Sharma’s sympathetic eyes, she felt tears form in her own. She didn’t want to draw any attention to herself, but with her dress torn and her face swollen, it was going to be hard to deny. “Uh . . . I—”

“Rose was attacked, Sharma. Can you get some ice?”

“Oh, my. Yes. I’ll be right back.” Before she could tell Sharma she’d be all right, Sharma rushed away.

When they got to the suite Rose tensed up. Doug must’ve felt it. “What’s wrong?”

She looked around. “Is he—?”

“Gone? Yes. He’ll never hurt you again,” Doug said in a tone that sent a chill through her. There was no hesitation, and she wanted to ask why he was so confident in that statement. She needed to trust both Doug and Beckett not to do anything foolish. Neither of you are cold-blooded killers, and you will find a way to keep me safe without hurting anyone.

Doug put her down on the couch, and even though he’d been incredibly gentle, she felt like she’d been hit by a truck. Every muscle in her body ached. Rose pushed past the pain and wanted to ask what that meant, but as she opened her mouth the door to the suite burst open. KJ, Danielle, and Elaine came rushing in. KJ pushed past Doug and was by her side. The nurse in her took over. She was rattling off questions to Rose as she examined her.

When KJ touched her cheek, Rose winced. Then she winced again as KJ’s hand ran over her left thigh. She didn’t realize she’d been hurt there. Things had happened so quickly she wasn’t sure what hurt where.

“What are you guys doing here?” Rose asked KJ who, understandably, was still in her wedding dress.

“Sharma came rushing over and told us what happened. Drew and Trent went to assist Beckett, and we’re here to help you,” KJ said as she took a cool, wet cloth from Danielle and placed it on Rose’s cheek.

Rose reached up and held the cloth in place. “I’m okay. He didn’t do anything.”

“From the looks of you, he seemed to have done something. At the very least, he struck you,” Elaine said angrily.

“God, I hope Drew and Trent can calm Beckett down. I’m sure he wants to kill that bastard,” Danielle said, her voice filled with fear.

Rose looked at Doug. Without even having to speak the words, he understood her request. He nodded and slipped out the door. If he hadn’t come along, Toby could’ve—

Tears began to pour down her face. All the emotions she’d been fighting were free to flow with Doug out of the room. She didn’t want him to see her like this. This mess was all her fault, and she was so embarrassed. Even though he had punched and demeaned her, Toby wasn’t on her mind. It was Doug and what she’d put him through. He almost killed a man because of her. A man that shouldn’t have been here in the first place. He’ll never forgive me for that.

The sobs became uncontrollable, and even though she desperately wanted to be left alone, that wasn’t happening. Instead, she felt arms wrapping around her and holding her while she cried. Three women showing her the love she didn’t deserve, but so dearly needed.

Closing her eyes, she sank into their arms and soaked up their comfort. I’ve ruined KJ and Drew’s wedding, and I’ve made a fool of myself. No wonder my family treats me like a baby. I’m an irresponsible person who never considered the consequences of acting on my pride. How will they ever forgive me?

If felt like hours that they stayed with her. None of them left until they thought she was asleep . . . but how could she sleep? Her night was filled with guilt and remorse. Both well-deserved.




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