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Ballers 2: His Final Play by Blue Saffire (13)





I step out of the shower humming to myself as I wrap in a towel. It has been a week since I signed the divorce papers and I just want to move on with my life. I have so much to figure out. I need a place to live. I need to talk to my parents. I’ve decided to take off sometime from work.

I think a little vacation will work out right now. Uri says we will be able to get my clinic going within the next two months. I can use that as an excuse with my clients. I just need the time to get my head right. I can’t help them if my head is not in it.

Nico is my only client that may not want to hear that crap, but I don’t mind. After all he has done for me, I will work with him if he still wants me too. I owe him so much.

This week has been different between us, but not in a bad way. I guess that is why I am humming. Nico insists that I join him for his morning yoga and I have. It has been interesting to say the least. We may not talk with our mouths but the energy in the room does enough talking for us.

When my eyes are not on him, I can feel his eyes on me. I try not to show how self-conscious I am, but I can’t help it. I am just glad Nico doesn’t point it out or make it worse for me. I have seen him eye my workout clothes in amusement but he stays silent nonetheless.

I had a few spare work uniforms in the cleaners and that’s what I have been wearing. My polos and my work jogger pants. Nico made me breakfast this morning and he sang the whole time. I think that is where the humming has come from.

I smile to myself as I think of him singing Next Lifetime with a smirk on his lips. I keep telling myself to stay away from him. This could end badly. There is so much Nico and I would need to talk about before we could start a relationship, but this is not the time for that.

I am still married. I twist my lips in thought as I sit on the edge of the bed rubbing lotion into my skin. Maybe if I call Tam, she will let me stay with her. She is crazy about her space and her study schedule. We would probably drive each other nuts. Alee is back in town, but she has so much going on in her life, I don’t want to intrude there either.

My phone rings, but I am so lost in my thoughts that I reach for it and answer it without looking at the caller ID. Ty hast been calling my phone a million times a day, but that fact slips my mind as I think of where I can move to until I get on my feet.

“Baby,” Ty’s voice comes through the phone after I absently say hello. I growl, stand to my feet, and go to hang up. “Baby, please don’t hang up.”

“What exactly is it you want,” I hiss into the phone.

“You, I want to talk to you. I need to explain. I didn’t want you to find out the way you did. Baby, you don’t know how much that shit is killing me. I need to see you. I need for you to understand I never meant for this to happen,” Ty pleads.

“You didn’t mean for what to happen? For me to find out. You didn’t mean to get caught. Give me a break, Ty. If you never meant for any of this to happen, you would have kept your dick in your pants, but no. You were out there fucking around on me while I had my naïve ass home pregnant with your baby.

“Then you get her pregnant not once, but twice. All this time you knew it was something going on with me, because you knew you were popping out babies elsewhere. Go to hell, Ty. Better yet, go live with that bitch and your family,” I snarl.

“Reese, please. I’m not in love with her. I love you. She has been using my kids to try and trap me from the beginning. I didn’t know what to do, Baby. I have nothing to lose now. I don’t have to be forced into a relationship with her because I have nothing to lose. She can’t threaten to tell you anymore. You already know,” Ty says frantically. “Reese, just come home and let’s talk.”

I snort, pulling the phone away from my ear to look at it. As if I can check to see if he has lost his mind by looking at the phone. I shake my head in disbelief, putting the phone back to my ear.

“Did you bump your head? Or maybe you got tackled too hard or something. Just sign the damn papers, Ty. I know you have them. Sign them. I want nothing from you. Just leave me alone,” I hiss.

“Where are you staying,” Ty growls in frustration. All signs of begging gone. “I have called your friends and they haven’t seen you. They don’t seem to know what’s going on. So where are you?”

“Fuck you, Ty. I don’t owe you shit. I don’t have to tell you a thing. You cheated on me. You have two children with another woman. You have been playing house with her all this time. Why don’t you go back to Miami with your happy little family?” I snap.

“That is not my happy little family. Fuck, this is why we need to talk. I don’t live there with her. It is not the way you think. I have not been playing house. I love my boys. I’m sorry as fuck that I had them with the wrong woman, but I love them. So I have done everything I can to make sure they are taken care of, but I don’t stay with them and I don’t have a relationship with her. Fuck, Reese please let me explain,” his voice goes from angry to pleading once again.

“No Ty, you had my love and look at what you did to it. There is no way you can fix this. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind. Every word out of your mouth is about you and how you feel. Well, I’ll be taking a page from your book.

I want a divorce. I need some time to myself. I want to be loved and I want a man that will make sure I know he loves me every day and night. Not whenever he can pull himself away from his secrets in another State. I need you to sign those divorce papers,” I say with my chest heaving.

“No,” Ty growls. “You’re my wife. I fucked up, but you have always been the one for me. You are the one I have always wanted. Fuck, Reese. I fell in love with you from the first time I saw you. I’m still crazy about you, Baby. Please, don’t do this,” Ty says sounding drained.

“Ty, you did this,” I say and hang up.

My shoulder sag. I can feel him standing there watching me. He has been standing there for some time now. I want to run into his arms, but I know it is wrong. I won’t drag him into my mess.

“I’m fine,” I murmur.

“You can lie to yourself, Bella, but never lie to me,” Nico says before I hear his feet shuffle away.