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Dangerous Secrets (O'Connor Brothers Book 3) by Rhonda Brewer (18)

Chapter 18

Two weeks of having her co-workers constantly around and she was about to go insane. Her house had apparently become the main base for Newfoundland Security Services, and Keith was sending out jobs from her house. She’d taken to spending most of her time working in her room.

The guys seemed to be bothering Ruby too because she’d taken to spending a lot of time at Kim’s salon. Kim had offered a job helping with answering phones and keeping the place clean which kept her busy. Evie was enrolled in school and loving her new teachers, but Keith made sure Crunch could be at the school always to keep an eye on her. It was a good plan since all the O’Connor children went to the same school. Keith kept them under protection detail as well. Like her, Keith knew Scott would go after anyone, and he didn’t care if it was a child or not.

Lily loved having a friend close to her age around who liked Disney princess movies too. Apparently, her male cousins weren’t big fans of the movies.

Ian decided to go into practice with his father. He’d concluded that it would be easier with the kids. He’d been going back and forth between her house and his dad’s clinic to set up his office. Although, he’d said he wasn’t going back to work for another month.

Sandy spent her time during the day trying to find anything she could on Scott, but like usual he seemed to have vanished. It pissed her off that Scott could disappear so easily, but there was something in the pit of her stomach telling her he was close.

The O’Connor family had a memorial service for Colleen and the murdered man. They knew he wasn’t the man Colleen married, but they were doing their best to find out who that guy was. All signs pointed to him being the murderer. The man they called Lefty was involved somehow, but from the information, Gerry had given them Lefty was crazy. Something told her she knew the guy, but she didn’t see how that was possible. The guy was from Manitoba, and she'd never been to the province.

“Smash, have you found anything else.” Sandy looked up as Keith walked into her room on his phone. He seemed to think he could do that without knocking and she’d gotten tired of telling him he didn’t own her room. “I know, but Sandy is dealing with Coates. I want you looking for this Lefty and his boss. My nieces need justice, and so does Gerry.” Keith listened for a minute. “Talk to him again. Maybe he remembers something.” Keith tapped his phone and shoved it into his pocket.

“No luck on his side, either?” Sandy sat back in his chair.

“No. Why do the scum of the earth always hide so easily?” Keith bent over the desk and scanned the screen.

“Nothing.” Sandy sighed.

“Don’t worry, kiddo. We’ll find the bastard. I was talking to Shadow, and he’s supposed to be heading out this way, but he’s not sure when.” Keith said.

“He’s never going to give up until he gets justice for his sister.” Lane struggled with Tessa's murder. Any brother would when someone took their sister’s life. He’d made it his mission to find Scott. The only thing that worried her was the lengths he was going to go to get justice.

“That’s why I want him here. That way I can keep him from doing something stupid.” Keith headed out of the room and left her staring after him. She remembered him being ready to be pretty crazy after Tessa’s death, but she wasn’t going there with him now. He’d managed to keep himself from going over the deep end.

“Are you busy?” Sandy glanced back to the door. There was the man that made her heart pound every time he smiled or even frowned.

“For you, I’ll stop being busy.” Sandy stood up and met him halfway across the room. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her against his hard body. His mouth was soft and warm, and she melted into the kiss. He always did this to her when he kissed her.

“As much as I would like to continue, I’ve got something to ask.” He sighed against her mouth.

“Well if you must.” Sandy placed one quick kiss against his lips and pulled back from him.

“The girls asked me last night if they could have a sleepover at my house,” Ian said. “I think they’re getting overwhelmed with all the people here. I just wanted to know if that would be okay with Ruby and if you could possibly not leave me alone with all those little girls.” Ian stuck out his bottom lip in an exaggerated pout.

“To be honest, I’m feeling overwhelmed with everyone here, too. I’m sure Ruby would be okay with it, and I’d never leave you to deal with a little girl’s slumber party. Dear God that would be torture.” Sandy giggled as he pulled her against him.

“Thanks. Plus, when the little girls go to sleep then I can have my own slumber party with you.” She felt his hard length against her stomach and groaned when he squeezed her ass.

“Well, I hope their slumber party isn’t like the ones I had as a little girl. We’d be up all night.” Sandy kissed his chin, and his beard tickled her nose.

“Lots of warm milk.” Ian kissed his way down the side of her face to her ear. “No sugar for them.” When he sucked her earlobe into his hot mouth, she gasped.

“I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.” Sandy giggled when he gave her a quick smack on her ass.

“Ruby said I could sleepover.” Evie’s excited voice floated in from the hallway as she ran into the room.

“Yep, lots of warm milk,” Ian mumbled into Sandy’s ear.

“That’s great.” Sandy’s smiled and lifted Evie into her arms.

“I know. I haven’t had a sleepover ever and Ian, I don’t like warm milk.” Evie informed him. Ian’s expression made her laugh.

When Sandy put Evie back on the floor, the little girl ran out of the room singing some song from the Frozen movie. Sandy turned into Ian’s arms and gazed up at him.

“I’m really starting to hate that movie.” Ian sighed. Sandy stood up on her toes and pressed her lips against his.

“The joy of having little girls.” Sandy ran her tongue across his lower lip and his eyes closed.

“They won’t actually stay awake all night, will they?” Ian slid his hand under her shirt and cupped her breast while she kissed her way down the side of his neck.

“I’m sure they’ll fall asleep at some point.” Sandy slid her hand down the front of his shirt until she reached the hard length of his erection through his jeans. She squeezed gently making him moan and drop his forehead onto her shoulder.

“Baby, that feels so good,” Ian whispered.

Sandy stepped back from him, closed her bedroom door, and locked it. She pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it on the bed. Ian’s gaze slowly traveled down her body, and the heat of his stare made goose bumps form on her skin.

“I fucking love that tattoo,” Ian pulled off his own T-shirt. She could say the same to him, but everything about the man’s body was beautiful. From this muscled chest down his well defined six pack and to that v that would make any woman lose her mind. The man was perfection.

“Why don’t you come here and get a better look?” Sandy teased as she unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid out of them. In only her matching bra and panties that had ‘big girl’ written across the ass, she backed toward the bathroom. She’d locked the bedroom door, but Keith would still come in without knocking. He’d never go into her bathroom.

“I’m trying, but you keep backing away.” Ian dropped his own jeans, and the sight of him made her mouth water. His white boxer briefs were super snug and showed off every glorious inch of his erection.

“Come in the bathroom, and you can get a better look.” Sandy turned and walked out of the bedroom. She made sure that her hips gave that extra swing just to entice him a little more.

“Big girl, huh?” Ian closed the bathroom door and pulled her back against him as he slid his hand slowly into the front of her panties, and she pressed her ass against his hardness. “You’re so damn hot.”

She pressed her ass against him, and his finger slid between her wet folds making her moan. He kissed the side of her neck while he slowly slid his finger inside her. Her head fell back against his chest as he continued to plunge his digit into her heat. Her legs started to tense and trembled as the first wave of her orgasm flowed through her body.

“Ian, yes.” She moaned as her body trembled with pleasure.

Ian pulled his hand out of her panties and spun her around. He covered her mouth with his, and his tongue slid into her mouth as he fumbled with her bra and panties. She slid off his boxers, and his cock slapped against her bare stomach. Ian lifted her into his arms, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. With a quick spin, he had her back against the wall and plunged inside of her.

“Fuck, yes.” Ian groaned with every thrust he slammed into her. He moved in and out with such force that Sandy could hardly breathe or move. This was going to be fast but so damn hot. His fingers dug into her ass while he held her and she loved every minute of it. Another orgasm was building, and her legs tightened around his body.

“Ian, yes.” She panted as he thrust once more bringing her over the edge.

“So. Fucking. Hot.” Ian pumped with each word, and then his body shook with his release.

For a few minutes, Sandy didn’t move. She couldn’t even if she tried. Ian’s full body weight had her pinned against the door, and thankfully she didn’t have to hold herself up because she was literally weak in the knees.

“Do you think anyone heard us? Ian whispered as he pulled out of her.

“Probably not.” Sandy smiled, but her smile faded when Ian looked down and then up again.

“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Ian plowed his hands through his hair.

“What?” She was baffled why he looked like he was about to jump out of his skin.

“I didn’t use a condom.” Ian started pacing the small bathroom.

“Ian, it’s okay. I haven’t been with anyone in a very long time.” Sandy hoped he would say he hadn’t since the last time with Colleen. That thought still hit her in the gut like a punch.

“You already know how long it’s been for me, but I’m not worried about that stuff. I know we’re both clean. I mean…” He stopped pacing and pulled her into his arms. “Shit, Churchie I forgot. You can’t... I mean….”

She realized he’d forgot about her inability to have children. That familiar lump formed in her throat. The one that she always got with the reminder she could never have another baby.

“It’s okay.” Sandy cupped his face. “I think we’re okay with going bare.” She forced a smile, and he covered her hands with his.

“I love you, Sandy.” He stared into her eyes, and she gazed into his blue depths. She loved the way they sparkled when he smiled, but at that moment she could see his concern.

“I love you too.” She kissed his lips with soft feathery touches. “I always will.”

“Finish up in there, I’ve got work for Sandy and Lily is looking for you, Ian.” Keith’s voice boomed from the other side of the bathroom door.

“Didn’t you lock the bedroom door?” Ian pulled on his underwear.

“Yes, but even locked doors don’t keep him out.” Sandy sighed as she pulled her robe off the hook and wrapped it around herself.

“Would you mind leaving the room so we can get dressed, you fucking asshole?” Ian opened the door a crack and growled at his brother.

“Don’t take too long. I’ve got something for Sandy to check out.” Keith said, and then the bedroom door closed.

“I’ll be having a chat with my little brother about barging into your room without knocking first.” Ian left the bathroom and pulled his jeans on.

“Good luck with that. I’ve been telling Keith that for years.” Sandy giggled when Ian stopped half way through putting on his T-shirt.

“I’ll kick his ass if he doesn’t start respecting your privacy,” Ian growled and continued to dress. Sandy smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“It’s okay, Doc. He always makes sure I’m working before he just drops in.” She gazed up into his face. “I love you for wanting to kick his ass, though.”

“I love you too.” Ian kissed her lips tenderly.

“Can we please get back to work.” Keith opened the door, and Sandy had to hold Ian back.

“You really need to knock before you walk in,” Ian growled.

Keith didn’t seem to hear a word Ian said. He hurried over to the bank of computers and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Sandy moved next to him to see what was so urgent it would have Keith touching her computers. He knew she didn’t like anyone at her equipment.

“I’ll let you guys get to work.” Ian kissed her cheek and left the room.

“Smash, send those photos now.” Sandy glanced at Keith. The clenched jaw and tapping fingers showing his impatience. Keith didn't give her a chance to touch her computer. He snatched the mouse from the side of her desk and opened the email. Half a dozen pictures popped up on his screen, and Sandy covered her mouth.

The first were of two women very similar in appearance to her. The next two pictures had her wanting to vomit. The women’s brutally beaten bodies lay naked and bloody on what appeared to be a concrete floor.

“I want all the information on these murders.” Keith listened for a minute. “I don’t give two fucks. Call Uncle Kurt and get him to talk to the detective in charge. We know who did this and he’s getting too fucking close to home.” Keith tapped his phone and tossed it on her desk.

“Scott did this?” Sandy knew the answer. Keith nodded and slammed his two fists on her desk.

“Both women were from Halifax, and were killed at least three weeks ago.”

“You think he’s in Newfoundland?” Sandy was afraid to mention how similar the women looked to her.

“Yes. Sandy, I know you see it. Do you know what this means?” Keith turned to face her, but she couldn’t look away from her screen.

“They look like me,” Sandy whispered.

“He’s coming after you.” Keith turned her to face him.

“I knew he would.” Sandy stepped back. “I’m not afraid of him, Keith.”

“I know, but he knows the best way to scare you. He’s coming after the people you care about.” Keith didn’t have to tell her that. She already knew.