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Dangerous Secrets (O'Connor Brothers Book 3) by Rhonda Brewer (5)

Chapter 5

What the hell was he doing? The woman was recovering from being hit by a car, and here he was devouring her mouth, but damn, she tasted good. He needed to stop before he lost his mind completely, but when he pulled away, she grabbed the front of his shirt and held him close, so their faces were only inches apart. Her eyes were still closed, and he ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

“Sandy, look at me.” He whispered. Her eyes opened, and he smiled. “Say something.” She stared into his eyes.

“You waited until I look like I went a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson, to kiss me.” She sighed.

“You’re still the most beautiful woman in the world to me.” He brushed his knuckle against her cheek.

“You really need to get those eyes checked, doc.” She smiled.

“No, I don’t, but I do want to ask you something.”

“What’s that?” She ran her hand across his cheek.

“How do you feel about me, Sandy?” He needed to know that it wasn’t just him and kissing her only made him fall even deeper in love with her.

“I’m scared to say it out loud. I don’t want to lose you as a friend. Next to Stephanie, you’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”

“Don’t be scared, Churchie.” He called her by the nickname he gave her when she started calling him Doc. “No matter what you say to me, I’ll never let anything ruin our friendship. I’ll tell you a little secret. My brothers think they’re my best friends, but the truth is you took that spot a long time ago.” She smiled. “But the feelings I have for you are much deeper than friendship.” Her sweet little mouth dropped open, and he chuckled as he put his finger under her chin and closed it. “I’ve been in love with you for so long that it feels like forever.”

“You love me?” She squeaked.

“I should’ve told you long ago, but when things got fucked up with that date, I thought I’d lost my chance.”

“You love me?” She said again, and this time a tear ran down her cheek.

“Yes, I love you, Sandy Churchill and I swear if you give us a chance I won’t fuck it up this time.” Ian cupped her face in his hands and brushed his lips against hers.

“I love you, too.” She sobbed as he stared into her glistening eyes.

“When you get out of here we’re going to take a second stab at that first date.” Ian smiled.

“It shouldn’t be too awkward since we already got the first kiss out of the way.” She giggled.

“You’re right, but right now you need to get some rest.” He kissed her cheek, and she lay back on the bed. Ian pulled the blanket up over her and stood up next to the bed. “Close your eyes, beautiful, and sleep. If all your tests are okay, you should be able to go home tomorrow.”

“You think so?” She covered her mouth to hide a yawn.

“I know so. I got an inside scoop with your doctor.” Ian winked, and she smiled.

“You know I’ve got a really sexy doctor.” She turned on her side and tucked her hands under her cheek.

“Is that so? Well, your doctor has a very sexy patient.” Ian crouched down, crossed his hands on the bed and rested his chin on his hands, so his eyes were level with hers.

“You do love me?” Her eyes fluttered closed.

“Yes, sweetheart. I do love you. Now sleep.” Ian watched her for a few minutes until her breathing became deep and even. Even with the swollen eye and the scratches on her face, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen and finally telling her how he felt was like he’d lifted the weight of the world off his shoulders. Of course, knowing she felt the same way made things a whole lot better.

The next morning, Ian won the argument with Stephanie over who was bringing Sandy home from the hospital. His sister-in-law gave him hell about waiting so long to open up to Sandy, but she was excited that he’d finally told her.

“You better not screw this up this time.” Stephanie followed him to his car with her eight-month-old baby girl on her hip. Olivia was the spitting image of her mother, but of course, she had the O’Connor blue eyes and dimples. She giggled at Ian when he tickled her.

“I’m not going to make that mistake again.” Ian kissed Stephanie’s cheek. “What the hell are you feeding this kid. She’s growing like a weed.”

“I know, but she’s isn’t as big as her cousin.” Stephanie chuckled referring to James and Marina’s baby boy. He was two weeks older than Olivia, but baby Colin was the size of a two-year-old.

“I don’t know how Marina carries that kid around.” Ian chuckled.

“Wait a minute! Don’t change the subject, Ian O’Connor. I mean it, if you hurt Sandy again, I don’t care what type of belt you have in Karate I’ll beat you to death with it. Got me?” Stephanie poked him in the chest once for every word. If she weren't such a tiny little thing, he’d be a little scared.

“I won’t hurt her, Steph. I love her.” Ian met her eyes, and she stared at him for a moment, but she must have seen something because she smiled.

“Well, don’t make her wait any longer go get her and bring her home.” Stephanie motioned to the jeep.

The whole drive back from the hospital Sandy was quiet, and it made him a little uneasy. She’d seemed happy to see him when he picked her up, but once they were on the road back to Hopedale, her expression changed. Maybe she was having doubts, but he hoped not because it would gut him.

“Are you okay?” He broke the silence as they reached the halfway point back home.

“I'm fine.” She sighed, and she turned to look at him.

“You’ve been quiet.” Ian glanced at her.

“Sorry. My father called just before you got there and wanted me to…. No demanded that I stay with him until I was well. I told him I was going back home, and he proceeded to do what he always does and make fun of people who live in small communities, and how a daughter of his shouldn’t be living around such common people.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve been dealing with that type of attitude from him since I finally gave in and agreed to a relationship with him.”

“Don’t let him get to you, sweetheart.” He’d heard stories of Stewart Michaels. He was one of the best lawyers in the province, and for the most part, he gave the appearance of being a nice person, but he did have a reputation of looking down on blue collar people.

“I know it just pisses me off because he downgrades people like me, Brad and Kim.” She sighed. “It’s like he’s looking down on us and it pisses me off.”

“Well, how about we get you home and I’ll cook supper, and we can forget all about him for tonight.” Ian turned off the highway onto the road leading to Hopedale.

“Sounds like heaven.” She smiled as he took her hand and brought it to his lips.

It took a little convincing, but he did convince her to stay with him for a couple of days because of the concussion. Once he’d brought her into her house to get a few things she needed they had a heated discussion over her sleeping in his bed. She didn’t want to kick him out of his own bed and have him sleep on the couch. He didn’t want to sleep there either, but he couldn’t sleep in the same bed with her and not want to make up for lost time.

As he was getting ready to start supper, his front door opened, and he groaned. He really should have expected it because it never failed, when someone was sick or hurt his grandmother was the first one to show up with food. Nanny Betty was his father’s mother, and although she wasn’t quite five feet tall, everyone in the family knew better than to get in her way.

“Inky, come take dees containers so I can see how our girl is doin’.” Nanny Betty stood inside the door holding two bags. It wasn’t the fact that she was there, it was the fact she used his nickname. He hated it, and no matter how much he complained to his family, his grandmother still called him Inky.

“Nan, you didn’t have to do this. I was about to cook supper.” Ian grabbed the two bags and brought them into the kitchen.

“Ya need ta be concentratin’ on takin’ care of our lass here not in da kitchen cookin’.” She pulled off her coat and hung it on the hook. Ian inwardly cringed because that meant Nanny Betty wasn’t leaving anytime soon.

“Hi, Mrs. O’Connor.” Sandy was obviously trying to stifle a giggle.

“Mrs. O’Connor was me mudder-in-law, and she was a cranky old witch. Ya, call me Nan.” Nanny Betty bent over and tucked the small throw blanket around Sandy’s legs. “How are ya feelin’, dear?”

Sandy glanced at Ian as he braced his shoulder against the door jam. He shrugged his shoulders because he was no longer in control while Nanny Betty was in the house.

“I’m a little sore, but I’ll be fine.” Sandy smiled at his grandmother, and his heart melted.

“Well, a course ya will because ya’ve got one a da best doctors in da world lookin’ after ya.” Nanny Betty sat next to her on the couch, and her small hand felt Sandy’s forehead. “I brought enough food fer a couple a’ days fer both of ye so Inky can concentrate on ya.” Ian closed his eyes and shook his head. The woman was never going to stop using that name.

“Oh, I’m sure Inky will take good care of me, Nan.” Sandy chuckled, and Ian narrowed his eyes at her. If she thought she was going to get away with calling him that she had another thing coming.

After a discussion on why Nanny Betty was quite capable of walking home on her own, he walked his grandmother to the door. She’d given him specific instructions on how the food in the containers needed to be stored and heated, he walked back into the living room and caught Sandy with her hand over her mouth laughing.

“Don’t even think about it.” Ian pointed his finger at her. “It’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry.” She said, trying to hold back a giggle.

“I’ve been trying to get the family to forget that stupid nickname.” Ian groaned.

“I think it’s cute, Inky.” Sandy giggled again.

“Keep it up, woman, and I’ll take you over my knee,” Ian warned.

“Promises, promises.” She teased, and it went right to his dick.

“Don’t tempt me.” Ian stalked over to where she sat on the couch and brought his face inches from hers. “Because, baby, I’ve been waiting a long time and my willpower is at its breaking point.” When she gasped, he knew she got his meaning. He brushed his lips against her slightly open mouth and ran his tongue across her lower lip. “I hope you heal fast.” He winked as he stood up.

“I think I may be feeling a lot better.” She smiled making him laugh. She may be feeling better, but she certainly wasn’t well enough for what he had in mind.

“I’m going to get some supper for us.” He pressed the remote control into her hand. “Find something for us to watch.”

“You know that you can be really bossy.” Sandy rolled her eyes and flicked on the television.

He’d figured out a long time ago she always had to have the last word. If they were texting, he’d always end the conversation with the phrase ‘in the am’ and she would text back the letter k. He tested her a couple of times and would text a k back to her and sure enough, she’d text another back. It always made him chuckle to see the k.

When he returned to the living room, she was curled up on the couch with her hands under her cheek and her eyes closed. He stood watching her while holding two plates with turkey, ham and a couple of different salads in one hand and two bottles of water in the other.

The swelling in her eye was gone down a lot, but it could have been so much worse. Her brown curly hair hung over her shoulder tied with one of those stretchy elastic things women always had. When he’d first met her, she had her hair a lot shorter, but he really liked it longer.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare or are you going to feed me?” She said without moving or opening her eyes.

“I thought you’d fallen asleep on me.” He placed the bottles and the plates on the coffee table and pulled it closer to the couch.

“No, I was just weak with hunger.” She slowly sat up and flinched. She was obviously still stiff and sore, but she was a stubborn one and wouldn’t take anything for it.

“You’re not going to be a good patient, are you?” Ian put a pillow behind her back so she’d be more comfortable.

“Nope.” She grabbed a piece of turkey off the plate and took a bite, and all he could do was shake his head.