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Dangerous Secrets (O'Connor Brothers Book 3) by Rhonda Brewer (21)

Chapter 21

Ian had no issue with Sandy talking to Lily, but his little girl seemed overly protective of her little treasure chest. Sandy was probably right about it meaning more to Lily since Colleen died. Ian didn’t even realize Lily had it.

Sandy walked out of the kitchen and smiled at him. He’d packed a couple of bags for himself and the girls because they were staying at Sandy’s house for a while. Ian was happy that Sandy had put his things in her room without even asking. Lily and Grace were in a room right next to Evie. Ruby was in a room down the hall from them, and the room next to Ruby had been set up for her sister Kim. It looked like Sandy was going to have a houseful of people.

“I want you in the room when I ask Lily if I can look in her treasure box.” Sandy rested her hands against his chest. “I know Keith wanted us to do it first thing this morning, but I wanted to make sure you guys were settled in here first. Your brother really has a colorful vocabulary when I piss him off, though.”

He smiled because Keith did have a less than child-friendly way of expressing himself when he was angry. It was funny because when they were young, he was the one that cursed the least. Guess he was making up for lost time.

Sandy stood on her toes and kissed his lips softly. A throat clearing behind him had him wanting to use some unfriendly words himself. Sandy looked over his shoulder and smiled.

“Hey, John,” Sandy said.

“Sorry to interrupt but Keith just filled us all in, and whatever you need we’re here.”

“Thanks, bro.” Ian reached out and shook his brother’s hand.

“You know I’m starting to think that none of us are every going to have a dull existence.” Nick chuckled from behind John.

“No shit. This is why I’m staying single.” Aaron stood next to them.

“Yeah, that’s the reason you’re single.” James walked into the group of men and laughed.

“You can’t keep your dick in your pants long enough to find someone to settle down with.” Mike chuckled.

“If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black.” John laughed. The entire family knew the three youngest O’Connor brothers liked to play the field.

“Can you hear this?” Mike held up his fist with his middle finger pointing down to the floor. “No? Let me turn it up for you.” He turned his fist, so his finger was now pointing up at the ceiling.

“Mikey, doncha let me see dat again.” Nanny Betty slapped Mike across the arm.

“Sorry, Nan.” Yep even as adults, they didn’t cross their grandmother.

“Now, I know we got some confusion goin’ on again, but like always we’ll get it straightened out.” Nanny Betty wrapped her arms around Sandy and Ian.

“That’s right, my darling,” Tom said always backing up the O’Connor matriarch.

“Now, I’m gonna go back home and get a big scoff together.” Nanny Betty’s answer to everything was cooking enough food to feed a small army.

“Mrs. O’Connor, you don’t have to do that,” Sandy said.

“First, Mrs. O’Connor was my mother-in-law, and I'm sure I told ya 'bout dis. Call me Nan. Second, nobody can do anyting if dey don’t have lots of good food in dere bellies.” Nanny Betty held Sandy’s face between her soft hands. “Dat’s wat families do fer each udder.”

“Thanks, Nan.” Ian kissed her cheek, and she gave him a gentle pat on the chest.

“Come on Tom, we got some shoppin ta do.” Nan turned and linked into the older man.

“Who’s the lucky one to cover Nan and Tom?” Aaron chuckled.

“You and Nick.” Kurt walked into the living room with Sean behind him. “It won’t look suspicious if you two are with them. I’ve got all your shifts covered for the next few days.”

“Seriously? Nan is shopping. Do you have any idea how long that takes and how much shit she gets for her big scoffs?” Aaron whined as he put air quotes around ‘big scoffs’.

“Do have any idea what I’ll do to you if anything happens to your grandmother and Tom?” Sean growled at Aaron.

The youngest of the O’Connor brothers didn’t say another word. He followed his grandmother with Nick behind him. Nobody crossed Sean O’Connor either. He may be a doctor, but he also would still kick their asses if they were disrespectful.

Ian sat next to Sandy on the floor with Lily across from them. Her special box perched in her lap, and she looked like someone had taken her best friend but Sandy said to trust her, and that’s what he was going to do.

“Lily, remember when I told you I’d make sure you got your special picture back?” Sandy asked.

“Yes.” Lily nodded, but Ian could see the death grip she had on the box.

“Here you go.” Sandy held the picture out to her, and Lily’s face lit up.

“Thank you, Sandy.” Lily took the picture and held it to her chest.

“So you know I would never do anything to make you not trust me, right?” Sandy said, and Lily nodded. “Lily, you said your mom also put things in the box that she wanted to keep as treasures, too right?”

Lily nodded again.

“Well, there’s something your mom might have put in there that we need to see. Would you mind if I looked in it to see if it’s there?” Lily glanced back and forth between Ian and Sandy as if she was about to burst into tears.

“Lily, Sandy wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t really important.” Ian needed to reassure her because it was killing him to see the look in her eyes.

“I don’t have to touch anything. I’ll just sit next to you while you take everything out and put it all back.” Sandy said.

“What do you think mommy put in here?” Lily tilted her head and stared at her.

“Do you know what a USB stick is?” Sandy asked, and Lily nodded. “Well your uncle Gerry gave her one to hold for him, and it had a lot of important information on it that we need to see.”

“Did Uncle Gerry hurt mommy and Carter?” Lily’s eyes filled with tears and Ian’s heart broke.

“No, Lily. He didn’t hurt mommy or Carter.” Ian wrapped his arm around Lily and looked down at her sad eyes.

“I heard the man tell Mrs. Anderson if she heard from Uncle Gerry to call him because he hurt mommy.” Lily sniffed.

“The man was wrong, Lily.” Sandy touched Lily’s knee. “Your Uncle Gerry is a good person. He’s the one that told us about the USB we need. It could have something on that help us find out who did hurt your mommy.”

“And Carter?” Lily asked. It made Ian tremble with anger that the guy had his little girl believing he was a nice person but at least he didn’t hurt Lily or Grace.

“Yes, and Carter,” Sandy murmured. 

For a moment, they sat in silence as Lily gazed down. Ian glanced at Sandy. What would they do if Lily refused? Yes, she was a little girl, but he didn’t want her traumatized any more than she’d already been, but if it came down to it, they would have to see inside. He had about given up that Lily was going to allow anyone to see her treasures when the little girl spoke.

“If it helps find the bad man that hurt mommy and Carter, you can look inside.” Lily handed the box to Sandy.

“I promise nobody else will look inside and I won’t tell anyone what you have in there.” Sandy smiled and gently placed the box on the floor. “Can you unlock it for me, Lily?”

“You have to close your eyes, Daddy.” Ian chuckled but did as his daughter asked. He heard her running across the room and then back again. “Okay, Daddy you can open them now.” Sandy was smiling when he opened his eyes and shaking her head.

“Don’t tell him where the key is, Sandy,” Lily opened the lock and pushed the box toward Sandy.

“I promise.” Sandy crossed her finger over her chest. Ian shook his head.

Lily observed Sandy carefully take things out one by one and place them gently on the floor. Lily seemed to relax when she saw how gently Sandy was handling her treasures. From what he could see, most of it was pictures and smaller boxes which Sandy opened and closed again. Sandy took everything out and looked at Ian. She shook her head, and his heart sank. It wasn’t there.

“That’s it. There’s nothing else in there.” Sandy sounded defeated as she started to put everything back in.

“You didn’t check the secret bottom,” Lily picked up the box.

“The secret bottom?” Ian raised his eyebrow and glanced at Sandy.

“Yeah, that’s why it’s a treasure box. Really special things are in the secret bottom.” Lily turned over the box and used the edge of the key to slide out a small door to reveal a compartment about two inches deep. Lily turned the box back over and shook it a little. Two USB sticks hit the floor along with a gold ring. Sandy picked up the sticks, and Lily grabbed the ring.

“Do you remember this ring, Daddy?” Lily held it up, and he took it from her fingers. He did remember it. It was a ring he’d given Colleen when they were about ten years old. He’d bought it out of the money he made delivering papers and gave it to her for her birthday. It was a friendship ring, and he remembered telling her that she was the best friend any guy could have.

“I remember it, Lily.” Ian looked down into his daughter’s eyes. It was then he realized that even though Lily had a lot of his features, she had her mother’s smile.

“Mommy said when I get bigger I can have it.” Lily took the ring and put it back in it’s hiding place. “She said it was the most special present she ever got.”

“I’m sure it was, Lily,” Sandy said.

“Can I put my things back in the box now?” Lily asked.

“Thank you, Lily, for trusting me with your special things.” Sandy held the box while Lily meticulously placed everything inside.

“I hope I helped.” Lily closed and locked it again. “Can I go play with Evie now?” Ian nodded, and Lily put her box under her bed. She took her ratty old bunny and ran out of the room.

“What did she do with the key?” Ian stood up and held his hand out to Sandy.

“I’m not allowed to tell you.” Sandy grasped his hand and stood up. “Let go see what’s on these.”

Keith, his Uncle Kurt, and Isaac Hunt stood behind Sandy and Smash as they searched for any information on the USB sticks. He could see Grace sitting on the floor in the living room playing with some musical toy. Lily and Evie were on the couch watching yet another princess movie.

“Gerry, these files are all password protected. What’s the password?” Ian turned when he heard Keith’s voice. He felt useless because there was nothing he could do except keep an eye on the girls. Standing around with nothing to do was making him anxious.

“I don’t think this one has a password,” Smash said.

“Gerry said the password on the stick he gave Colleen was, bring down evil. All one word and lower case.” Keith said.

“Kind of appropriate if you ask me.” Smash was clicking on the keys in front of him.

“I’m in,” Sandy said excitedly.

Ian asked one of the guys to keep an eye on the girls while he joined the group at the kitchen table. He was sure Sandy called the guy Hunter, but Keith said his name was Crunch.

“This one has nothing. I think it’s just personal stuff belong to Gerry’s sister. Folders are all labeled. Pictures, Income Tax, Kids Info, Letters. I think this might be just stuff she wanted to keep safe.” Smash glanced up at Keith.

“Let's just deal with the one that Gerry’s password opened.” Kurt leaned over Sandy’s shoulder. “Does that say what I think it does?”

“Dear God.” Sandy gasped.

“What the fuck is that?” Isaac asked.

“That’s a folder with a file on every one of our family and Sandy’s,” Kurt growled.

“Keith, he’s not just going after Sandy,” Isaac said.

“These are dated six months ago.” Sandy’s voice was shaky. “He was collecting information on everyone. My God he even has the birthdates of Colin and Olivia.” The sound of the names of his baby niece and nephew sent shivers down his spine.

“He must have someone here to be getting all that information.” Smash closed his laptop and sat with his arm around Sandy’s chair. Ian liked the kid, but at that moment he wanted to rip off his arm and beat him to death with it.

“What else is on it?” Isaac asked.

“There’s tons of stuff here it’s gonna take a while to go through it,” Sandy said, but by the sound of her voice, she was seeing something that scared her.

“If we divide it up between both of us, we’ll get through it faster.” Smash opened his laptop again.

Ian’s attention was distracted by Ruby waving from the kitchen door. He met her in the foyer as she was pulling on her jacket.

“My brother just texted me. He’s in St. John’s and wants me to pick him up. If anyone is looking for me, I’m gone to pick him up.”

“Don’t you think you should have one of the guys take you?” Ruby was one of the ones that could be in danger.

“My brother is one of his guys.” Ruby chuckled. “I’ll be okay. I just don’t want to disturb them.”

“Okay, but make sure you call as soon as you get to the airport.” Ian figured it was what Keith would have told her.

“I’m sure Lane will call as soon as he’s in the car. Maybe they’ll have it figured out by then.” Ruby glanced over his shoulder into the kitchen.

“With any luck,” Ian said.

Ruby headed out the door. She pulled out of the driveway and turned toward the highway leading to town.

Ian joined the girls and Crash in the living room while the group in the kitchen continued sifting through all the information they’d gotten. Lily snuggled into his side, and Grace had taken up residence on the couch to have her afternoon nap. Evie sat on the other end next to Crash. Ian rested his head back against the sofa and closed his eyes. It had been a long day, and it was going to be longer.

He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until someone tapped him on the shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked into the beautiful brown eyes of the love of his life. Sandy was smiling down at him with her finger pressed against her lips.

“I don’t want to wake the girls.” She whispered. Ian lifted his head and looked down. Grace was still asleep, and Lily had her head on his leg. Ian smiled when he heard her soft snores.

“I guess we were all tired.” Ian gazed up at her.

“I know the feeling. I had to wake you to ask if you’d seen Ruby. She’s not in her room. Kim just got here and said she didn’t see Ruby today.” Sandy spoke in a whisper, but Ian could sense the concern in her voice.

“She went to the airport to get her brother. He texted her for a ride.” Ian carefully eased Lily’s head from his lap and replaced it with a pillow. When he turned to ask the time, Sandy was already racing out of the room.

“She went to get Lane at the airport,” Sandy said, as Ian followed her into the kitchen.

“Why the hell did he call Ruby instead of one of us?” Keith snapped. His brother was exhausted. Ian hadn’t seen him sleep in over twenty-four hours. Then again none of them had been sleeping very much.

“Maybe he wanted to see his sister,” Ian interjected and suddenly wished he didn’t because everyone’s head turned to look at him.

“Lane knows that fucker is here and we’re keeping everyone close. Ruby shouldn’t have left without one of the team.” Keith had his phone to his ear.

“She said she’d be fine because Lane was coming back with her,” Ian said.

“Straight to voicemail.” Keith tossed his phone on the table. “Track their phones.”

Smash started to click on the laptop keys, while Keith continued to pace. Sandy wrapped her arms around Ian’s waist, and he hugged her tightly as he kissed the top of her head.

“Ruby’s phone is off,” Smash continued to tap on the keys.

“If she went to the airport to get Lane, then we have a problem.” A voice from the hallway floated it. Ian recognized it. It was Dean Nash otherwise known as Bull, another of Keith’s men. He’d only recently gotten back to Hopedale. From what Ian understood, he’d been on leave dealing with some family issues.

“Why?” Keith called out.

Everyone turned as Bull walked in with a man Ian didn’t know but something told him by Sandy’s intake of breath the guy with his hair pulled back in a ponytail and olive color skin was Lane West.




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