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Devil (Savage MC--Tennessee Book 1) by Jordan Marie (37)



I sound lame as fuck. I should have remained in my seat and then got the fuck out of town. Proving I’m a stupid asshole who is hung up over the wrong woman, instead I walk over here. Jesus. If Beast could see me now, after all of the grief I’ve given him, he’d be having a field day.

“Devil…” Torrent says, shock and something else in her voice and on her face that I can’t name.

“I thought you were leaving town,” Wolf says before I can respond to her. He’s easy to read, however. It’s clear from his tone and the look on his face that he wants me gone.

“I was enjoying the sights and entertainment this place had to offer,” I answer, looking at Torrent. She might not get it, but Wolf and I are on the same wave length. He knows there’s only one sight I want to see here—and it’s currently sitting at this table, staring at me with those damn whiskey sunny brown eyes.

“Find anything of interest?” Wolf asks, his voice cold.

“Still looking,” I answer.

“I can see that,” he says dryly.

“How are you doing, Torrent?” I ask the woman our conversation is about.

“I’m okay,” she answers.

I study her—really study her.

“Now why don’t I believe that, Angel?”

“A better question might be why you are so interested,” Wolf responds.

“Wolf,” Torrent whispers.

“I’m worried about a friend. That’s not against the law, is it?” I ask him, finally bringing my gaze back to Wolf.

“It’s not needed,” he answers, leaning on the table as if to get closer to my space. If he wants to intimidate me he’s shit out of luck. “I can take care of Torrent just fine. She doesn’t need your concern.

I let my eyes flicker over briefly to Torrent and the pale look on her face and the tightness that’s there.

“That’s strange,” I answer, forcing myself to look at Wolf again, and not reach out and caress Torrent and make her relax. It’s not my place…not right now.

“That Torrent has someone in her life to take care of her? Or that she doesn’t need you?” Wolf asks like the cocky asshole he is.

“That she needs anyone to take care of her. The Torrent I know can take care of herself.”

I hear her intake of breath, but I still don’t look away from Wolf. It never pays to ignore an enemy and that’s definitely what this son of a bitch is.

“Are you about done here, Devil?”

“Not really. Haven’t really ate yet. Our food just came.”

“Then maybe you should go back to it, before it gets cold.”

“I suppose,” I agree, because there’s really nothing else I can do here.

“Maybe you should head back to your part of the state too.”

“And why’s that?”

“Well, this can be a rough area if you don’t know anyone. I’d hate for you to get hurt or something by accidentally going somewhere you shouldn’t,” the bastard says.

“Wolf!” Torrent gasps, but in this instance both of us ignore her. This is between me and him.

“Is that a threat?”

“Not a threat. Merely showing some friendly concern.”

“I see. Well your concern is noted, but I’ll be heading back tomorrow.”

“So soon?” Wolf answers, sounding way too happy with my answer.

“I don’t really have anything to keep me here. At least not that I know of… do I, Torrent?”

“I… No… at least I don’t think so. I mean, I didn’t know you knew anyone here,” she says, her face filled with color and my question making her so nervous that she’s gripping the side of the table so hard her fingers are white.

“I thought I did,” I tell her and this time it’s her I look at—her I’m giving all of my attention to. “I guess I was wrong.”

“You were?” she asks.

“Apparently, and that makes me damn sad, Angel,” I tell her.

“I think you should go now, Devil. I can send some men out to help give you safe passage out of town if you like in the morning,” Wolf says, and I bet he’d like that. I have to wonder if I’d live to see the city limit sign. Somehow I don’t think I would.

“I believe I can find my way. Unless something happens to change my mind,” I say with a slight shrug of my shoulders.

“See that it doesn’t,” Wolf responds, his voice hard.

“Goodbye, Torrent. If you need me—for anything—you know where to find me, Angel,” I tell her and ignore Wolf’s growl of dislike. Torrent’s gaze locks with mine, but she doesn’t respond.

That’s okay. I think I got my message across. I turn and walk back to my table where Diesel is waiting and I can tell from the look on his face…if I stay here, it will be with Fury watching my back…

And maybe that’s not such a bad thing at this point.