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Devil (Savage MC--Tennessee Book 1) by Jordan Marie (53)


Two days of pure bliss. That’s exactly what I’ve had with Devil. He’s not left. I love that I go to sleep with him and I wake up with him. I know the peaceful happy times are coming to an end shortly. They can’t help but stop, because Wolf is coming back tomorrow. Devil is pushing for me to tell him. He hates hiding. He’s ready to be done with it all. He also wants me to come back with him. That makes me nervous, but there’s really not much here for me now. The clubhouse and my father’s buddies are not my family. With the exception of Wolf, it’s not like I’ve been close to any of them. I blame them for my father’s death. If they had been quicker, if they had stopped him from trying to do it all himself, my father might still be alive. Someone inside, someone they chose to be part of their group, betrayed my father. What if Crash had an accomplice? What if there are more traitors? I have so many questions and I really don’t have answers. Most of all…

Except for Wolf, I don’t trust any of them.

“What are you thinking about over there, Angel?”

I’m sitting on top of the breakfast bar, Devil is sitting on a stool in front of me and we’re sharing an overfilled plate of sausage, scrambled eggs and pancakes. For some reason, Devil wants to hand feed me. I could feed myself, but I like him constantly touching me, so I’m not about to argue.

“I’m thinking that things are going to change soon,” I tell him. I have to wonder if he can hear the fear in my voice. What if once we get back on the other side of the state, what if when we settle in Jelico, where Devil says he has a house—everything changes? What if Devil grows bored with me? What if it doesn’t work out? I told him that I love him last night. I hadn’t planned on it, but I did. He didn’t say it back. What if he doesn’t feel as strongly for me?

“That’s good though, Angel. Things can’t stay the same. We have a life to start living and as much fun as I’ve had with you the last few days, I’m really not one to live hidden from the world.”

“I guess that means I can’t kidnap you and keep you in the basement.”

“You have a basement?” he asks, surprised.

“A storm cellar really. It’s connected to the club. We don’t get tornadoes often, but they do happen.”

“Good to know. I’ll make sure I don’t let you lure me down dark stairs,” he says with a wink.

“Well, the trap door is in the den, under my father’s desk, but I promise it’s very well lit, and… there’s a king size bed in my part of the shelter…”

“Now we’re talking,” he laughs. “You’re going to have to stop getting that sad look in your eyes, Angel. My heart can’t stand it.” He reaches up to smooth his thumb along my jawline. I look down at him and do my best to give him a full smile.

“I’m fine. Just having a few memories of my dad. You didn’t get to meet him, but I think he would have liked you, Logan.”

“Not sure about that, but I could have given him one promise that he might have liked,” he answers.

“What’s that?”

“I would have told him that I’d bust my ass every damn day I’m alive to make sure his daughter smiles and is happy.”

“You definitely make me happy,” I assure him.

“What are we doing today?” he asks. “Is there something you want to do before we talk to Wolf tomorrow? Are you packed and ready to leave?”

“I haven’t packed yet. Will we really need to leave right away?”

“I’m afraid so, darlin’. I got a call from Fury and Diesel had a part on his bike go out. He’ll be back home tomorrow, though, and the men are staging an intervention.”

“An intervention?” I ask, confused.

“To show him that he needs the club, that we are stronger together than apart,” he says and I think over his words and close my eyes at the bittersweet feeling that envelopes me. “Hey now, what’s that look for?”

“What?” I ask, opening my eyes to look at him. “It’s nothing really. It’s… Well, if Dad had men like that around him, maybe he would still be alive.”

“I thought you said he had Wolf? That they were really close.”

“Well yeah, but there was a leak in the club, so Dad felt mostly alone. If he had the support that your friend Diesel has…” I stop talking and end with a shrug.

“Things would have been different,” he finishes. And I nod in agreement.

“Things would have been different,” I whisper and Devil leans up and kisses me.

“Have I told you how much you mean to me?” Devil asks and my heart skips a beat in my chest. Will he tell me he loves me? If I knew that some of my nervousness about leaving here would ease. I know the word love is just that… a word, but still… It’d be nice to hear it, to have it returned since I’ve already told him that I love him.

“No… but I really would—”

I stop when there’s a knock at the door. My gaze locks with Devil’s and now my heart speeds up for a different reason.

“Tor! Baby, you in there?” I hear Wolf yell.

“Shit,” I hiss and Devil frowns. “Wait a second!” I scream out, wincing at the panic I hear in my own voice.

“Okay, hurry. I’m dying to see you. You owe me a date!” Wolf yells back.

Crap. Crap. Crap!

“Looks like it’s time to tell Wolf,” Devil says, standing up.

“No!” I hiss and that panic is definitely full-fledged terror right now.

“No? What the fuck, Torrent? We’ve talked about this,” Devil growls. I have visions of him ignoring what I want and stomping to the door. That’s followed closely by visions of Devil dying because Wolf kills him.


“I know! I know! But we can’t tell him like this! You’re barely dressed! I owe it to Wolf to be more… delicate.”

“The fuck you do,” he growls and I know the situation is about to get out of control.

“Please? Hide this one last time. Let me get rid of Wolf and set up a time later to talk with him. I promise I will, I have to work up to it.”

“Motherfucker, Torrent. It’s never going to be the perfect time,” he barks. “I’ve had enough of this shit!”

I wince, because Devil is laid back—easygoing. He’s never been hateful around me, especially not directed at me. I know he’s close to the edge and I don’t want to lose him. I’ve got to have a little more time to prepare. I know Wolf. If I blindside him like this, things will be so much worse than they need to be.

“Please?” I beg again. “This will be the last time I ask you to hide, but please, please do this for me, Devil.”

Something goes over Devil’s face then. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not good. He doesn’t even respond to me. He stomps off and I take a deep breath, watching him go. I hope I can smooth this over once I get rid of Wolf. Somehow I think that’s going to be a really big job.

I might need a miracle.