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Falling For My Ex: A Second Chance Romance by Lauren Wood (43)

Chapter five



The door had barely closed in the hotel room when he turned and pushed me up against it. This is what I had been dreaming of and it only took mere moments from being off the plane to make the leap from friend to lover. I was a little numb, but it was clear to see this was what we both wanted.

“I don’t even know what to say. Yippee…seems like a juvenile thing to say. I’m on cloud nine and I’m begging you to have mercy on me. Take it easy and don’t be in a rush. It might be late, but I can assure you that I can stay up after my curfew.” I was making light when my whole body was trembling to his touch.

“There’s no reason to be nervous. You have my word that I will never hurt you.” In his over-anxious state of mind, he ripped the dress with one of the straps becoming a casualty of this sexual war between us.

“I feel like you are consuming everything there is about me. Your word is more than enough.” He was on his knees with what was left of my dress lying in a heap on the floor underneath me.

“I’m a puppet on your string and I’ve been a slave to your body from the moment I saw you. I’m not just saying that and I mean every word from the bottom of my heart. I don’t treat women like pieces of meat and I might be one of the last good ones. I don’t mean to pat myself on the back, but I do tend to make the woman I’m with feel like she is flying.” He was pulling my panties, but he didn’t remove them.

“I haven’t… I haven’t done this before. I’ve done other things, but I haven’t… I think you know where I’m going with this.” He stopped and looked up at me and then this smile appeared out of nowhere.

“I’m sure that you’ve had your reservations with other guys. You have put me in a difficult position. I know it’s only words, but I do feel that I bring a certain something. I fear that you have nothing to compare it to and that only makes me want to go above the call of duty.” He was on his knees submitting to his hunger for my body. I did see the way that he was licking his lips like an animal about to devour the carcass of some victim.

“Other guys don’t have a clue when it comes to seducing with their eyes. They don’t realize a woman judges them from within the first few seconds of meeting them. It’s not all about attraction and it didn’t take me long to fall for you. I had to wait to see what you were going to say in class and then things became painfully clear.” Tonight was about taking a chance and leaping on the wild stallion to tame the beast.

“The best thing for me to do is to start you out by having a multiple orgasm. I love the look of ecstasy on a woman’s face when they are inflicted with that kind of pleasure. I want to believe this is real, but it feels like it’s happening to somebody else. I am a mere spectator. Watching you lose your virginity is like this obscene movie playing over and over again.” He insinuated his tongue in between my legs and moved the tip up and down the swollen lips of my sex.

“I just lost my breath and the will to stand at the same time.” He lifted my leg over his shoulder and was soon drinking from the fountain of youth. He was proving his claim that he wasn’t just going to phone it in.

“I’ve got you and I promise I will never let you go.” His hands slapped my thighs and I jumped from the contact only to moan his name.

“Darryl… I have so much to learn and I know that you’re the right man to make me a real woman.” I had my eyes closed and I was enjoying the exploding colors of my orgasm.

He had barely begun and already I was three sheets to the wind in my own pleasure. I thought there was no way this could get any better and then he took off the kid gloves. His fingers skewered into me with his tongue laying claim to my enlarged clit.

I pounded on the door and was making quite the racket with the possibility of somebody screaming for us to keep it down. Nothing was keeping down his excitement and I could see it growing by the pronounced bulge in his pants.

He was quite insatiable with a hunger to relieve me of all of my juices. The cool air from the air conditioning contacted my nipples. It wasn’t the main reason they were hard, but it certainly didn’t hurt.

I could feel my heart thumping like a crazy drum and there was no way that I could feel this deliriously happy ever again. I had to hold onto this feeling and keep it for those days when I was lonely.

“You are fucking delicious and I’ve never been this ravenous when going down on a woman. I’m going to give you this one chance to walk out the door. I don’t even know how I’m able to have the strength of character to give you this choice. I hope you don’t take the opening that I’m giving you.” I was completely stunned by his comment and a part of me wanted to make fast tracks down the hallway.

“I have no intention of leaving this room.” The bed was no more than a few feet away and quite elevated off the floor. My virginity was going to become a matter of history. I was tired of living with this burden.

“I was hoping you were going to say that.” I gasped out loud when he flicked my clit with his tongue.

It was oversensitive and made my body somewhat susceptible to what was currently making quite the tent in his trousers.

“I want you to come down from this delirium for a moment. I know this isn’t the time, but I would like to know what tonight is going to mean to you. Guys rarely show their vulnerability. I’m not suggesting a lifelong commitment, but I don’t want you to be a thief in the night.” It was outrageous to be in this room with him. The addition of the way that he had just delivered me to heaven was something hard to forget.

“I’ve never been very good at expressing myself. I don’t know what is going to happen after tonight, but this is exactly where I want to be. I’ve given you more than I’ve given anybody else. I don’t want to say anything to offend. I put up this wall to prevent myself from becoming a victim of circumstance.” He was being honest to a fault and I couldn’t stop myself from making this night something to remember.

He stood up and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips and it wasn’t unpleasant. It was quite erotic and I reached down to touch him. I unbuttoned his pants and wrangled my way into his underwear.

“You do better than you think at expressing yourself. Don’t sell yourself short. It’s not the quantity, but the quality of what you say which matters the most.” I was literally giving him a hand job and enjoying the heated surface of his shaft burning into my palm.

“I’ve always been a man of few words.” His speech became erratic and I could tell that my fingers were dragging him kicking and screaming towards his moment of truth.

“I like a man of action who isn’t afraid to take what he wants. I don’t normally condone this behavior, but I can certainly see how some women can find themselves drawn to the dominant side of a man’s personality.” He was thrusting his hips and essentially fucking my fist with this look of spellbound wonder on his face.

“I’m not that strong and what you’re doing is causing me to lose my focus. Your hand is amazing with just the right amount of tightness to unleash the burning desire from within.” I had to see it and there was no way he was going to get off without watching him in action.

With the other hand, I helped to pull down his pants with his underwear following suit. It was only enough to bring his over exaggerated anatomy into the light. My fingers could barely stretch far enough around the thickness of his member.

“I’m going to finish you off and I think that I can do better than my hand.” I bent over at the waist and didn’t even think about it.

I started with my tongue until I got braver to go that extra mile.

“Yes… I’ve dreamed of fucking your face and making you swallow me. I want you to concentrate your efforts on the head. Don’t forget my balls.” I was still stroking him and attempting to inhale his orbs.

I had done this one other time, but it didn’t go according to plan. The guy didn’t even warn me when he was about to go off like a rocket. It didn’t even occur to me to seal my mouth shut, but it did this time.

“I’m sorry… I have no willpower when it comes to… YOUUUUUU.” He began to shoot like a fire hose between my lips.

I knew exactly how to prolong his pleasure by reaching up with my two hands and twisting his nipples for added effect. He burst out with an ungodly moan of satisfaction which only served to put a smile on my face.

I felt a little dirty and in desperate need of a shower, but secretly it made me feel like I was tapping into a part of myself I didn’t even know I had.