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Find And Keep (Boys Of Lake Cliff Book 6) by K. Sterling (10)

Chapter 10


Aiden glared over his glass of juice as Lane jogged up the driveway. His left leg dragged slightly and he was favoring his right side. He climbed the steps and paused at the front door and grimaced as he rotated his right shoulder before pushing it open. His eyes brightened as they met Aiden’s.

“You’re up!” He said as he unzipped his hoodie then hissed as he shrugged out of it and tossed it at the steps. He was filthy, his grey t-shirt was smeared with grass stains and mud and Aiden’s face twisted as he glanced at the windows. It was foggy and raining and cold outside.

“What did you do? Why weren’t you here when I woke up?” He asked. He was disturbed by Lane’s appearance. But he was still mostly grumpy because he woke up alone and his dick hurt. Lane raised a brow at him as he headed for the fridge.

“I told you I was running and sparring with Lavender this morning. We try to every weekend but it’s been harder lately, with the baby. He was a fucking beast this morning, he had a lot of pent up aggression,” he said as he grabbed a bottle of water and shut the door.

“I wasn’t paying attention. I assumed I’d be sleeping so I didn’t care,” Aiden said then chewed on his lip. “Sage said everything was going really well. Why would he have all this aggression?” He worried and Lane waved it off.

“It’s nothing like that. He has no outlet for any of…his bullshit right now. Everything’s calm and things with Sage and the baby are finally settled and under control. He’s happy and content, I think. That’s got to be stressful, in a way, for him.”

“Like soldiers, when they have to adjust to civilian life,” Aiden mused then shook his head. “I don’t care as long as they’re ok,” he said then looked at Lane as a startling thought took shape. “Does he run and spar in a suit?” He asked and water sprayed from Lane’s lips as he coughed.

“No. Shockingly enough, he doesn’t run in a suit and leather oxfords,” he said and Aiden’s brows pushed up his forehead as he waited. He wasn’t breathing or blinking as he leaned closer. Lane rolled his eyes as he screwed the cap back on the bottle. “It’s just a polyester track suit, usually. Sometimes he wears shorts,” he stated and Aiden’s brain might have been melting.

“No…” He shook his head as his ears burned and his nose began to run. Aiden wiped at it, afraid it might be cerebrospinal fluid. “He wears shorts?” He whispered in awe and Lane fell forward and grabbed his knees as he wheezed and gasped.

“I’m dying!” He cried as he stumbled back and hugged his stomach. “Could you imagine him in a track suit? Or shorts?” He added hysterically and Aiden’s lips pulled tight as he scowled at him.

“Obviously, I can’t,” he said and Lane giggled to himself as he pointed. “I thought you were having a stroke.”

“I think I might have been,” Aiden said then gave him a hard, expectant look. Lane made a delighted, satisfied sound as he turned and headed for the stairs. “Where are you going?” He asked as he followed and Lane smiled over his shoulder as he toed off a sneaker and kicked it at the door.

“I’m covered in mud and grass and I got the shit kicked out of me. I need a shower and for you to beat whatever pent up aggression I’ve got left out of me with your dick,” he said and Aiden became alert.

“Is that why you let him kick the shit out of you? Because you need an outlet for bullshit?” He asked as he hurried up the steps after him. Lane chuckled as he stopped at the top of the stairs.

“It’s fun and a great workout. I get stressed at work and it helps to shove it all in a box until I can take it out on him in the woods,” he explained as he caught Aiden’s chin and kissed him. “He doesn’t always kick the shit out of me. It took me a few weeks but I found a video and figured out this batshit Krav Maga strike he favors and I’m landing more blows. He said I bruised the shit out of his ribs last time,” he bragged and Aiden fisted his hands in the front of Lane’s t-shirt.

“What the fuck does he wear?” He asked and Lane’s eyes flickered and bounced as he considered and Aiden was utterly stunned. Why wouldn’t he have noticed something so remarkable?

“It’s a lot of black lycra and nylon and really fitting. Probably whatever he wears when he’s in the mood to repel off a skyscraper or fight motorcycle ninjas. What would you expect?” He asked and Aiden shook his head wildly.

“I don’t know! Why are we just talking about this now when you’ve been doing this for… What? Months?” He asked and Lane’s head cocked.

“Probably closer to two years,” he said and Aiden threw his hands up in disgust.

“Two years!” He complained loudly. “You’ve been doing this for two years and I’m finally learning about it now?”

“Talked to any stalkers or arsonists lately?” Lane asked flatly and Aiden winced hard then offered Lane a large, sunny smile.

“Congratulations on bruising the shit out of his ribs! I’d love to fuck you in the shower!” He did his best to mimic the exuberant charm of a gameshow host as he extended his arm into the bedroom, toward the bathroom door. Lane snorted as he pecked at his lips then pushed him into the room.

“Why are you even up this early? I usually have time to take a shower and read the paper in bed before you wake up,” he said and Aiden raised a shoulder as he untied the waist of his pajama pants then pushed them down his legs.

“I guess I tried to find you and you weren’t there. Your side of the bed was cold so I couldn’t really sleep right and I woke up,” he explained as he stepped out of his pants and flipped on the bathroom light. “I couldn’t remember where you were but your running shoes were gone when I came downstairs to fuss at you,” he said and Lane groaned as he pulled him against his chest and danced them into the shower.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I love watching you wake up,” he said and his teeth dug into the side of Aiden’s neck. Aiden’s eyes rolled as he swatted at the faucet.

“God, I love you,” he said. Hard heavy swirling need made his cock heavy and bright warmth radiated from his chest as he backed Lane against the glass. He worshipped Lane with his hands, lips, fingers and his tongue then fucked him slow and hard until he was completely wrung out and sated. They spent the rest of the rainy morning in bed, kissing and nodding off until Aiden pushed Lane out of bed to make breakfast. Then, they spent the rest of the afternoon napping and fooling around on the couch. It was Aiden’s perfect day. Even if it started off a little bumpy and cost him a few milliliters of cerebrospinal fluid.