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Find And Keep (Boys Of Lake Cliff Book 6) by K. Sterling (4)

Chapter 3


“Rose is acting very strange,” Aiden pointed out and Lane hummed as he relocated the stack of books from the bookshelf in the hallway to the shelf behind the couch in the living room. She was watching them from the hall, groaning softly as her tilted head from side to side.

“She knows something’s going on,” he said absently then stood back. “The trick is to switch things that look similar. The obvious things are too easy and just annoying. This will make his eye twitch,” he stated then sighed happily as he looked around. He spent the afternoon carefully rearranging the house so Lavender wouldn’t immediately notice. He wanted it to be more of a gradual unfolding than a dramatic reveal.

“How does she know? I read that dogs don’t have a very good concept of time,” Aiden said and Lane shrugged as he turned a throw pillow so the pattern was upside down then backed away.

“They’ve made a lot of changes around here to get ready for Robin. Then, they left her with us and now we’re in their house. None if this is her normal routine. And I’m sure things have been tense here,” he added and Aiden cringed.

“Sage said it was pretty bad but we talked this morning and he said Lavender’s been really good with Robin and seems to be handling everything a lot better now,” he said and Lane smiled.

“I hope he’s wearing one of those baby carriers on his chest when he gets here,” he said and Aiden frowned.

“I don’t think he would like that,” he mused and Lane snorted.

“He’d hate the fuck out of it!” He said gleefully then tilted to the side so he could see around Aiden then gasped. “That’s them!” He waved for Rose to come to the door but she lowered and rested her head on her paws.

“I still don’t understand why we had to be here when they got home,” Aiden said as he pushed his hands into his hoodie. “I have terrible luck with babies,” he complained under his breath and Lane laughed as he hooked his arm around his neck.

“Just imagine all those bad things happening to Lavender,” he said then kissed his temple and Aiden brightened.

“Oh. That’s why you wanted to be here,” he said and Lane released another content sigh as they watched Sage get out and hurry to the back seat. Lavender walked around the car and waited as Sage removed the car seat then reached in for the diaper bag. Lane’s brows rose as Lavender pulled the strap around his shoulder and followed Sage to the door.

“I never thought I’d see him carrying a diaper bag. He is taking this well,” he said as he opened the door and waved them in. “Welcome home!” Lane cheered and Lavender slid him a threatening look.

“You don’t have to yell at us like we’re in a bus station or a soup kitchen. We know where we are and Robin’s just waking up from his nap. Are you trying to startle him and make his first day at home traumatic?” He scolded and Lane shook his head slowly as he looked at Sage.

“Sorry, I was just trying to keep the mood light,” he said and Sage rolled his eyes as he patted Lane on the back.

“It’s fine. Robin doesn’t seem to be a light sleeper and he’s a pretty easy going guy,” he said and Lane pressed his hand against his chest and his heart throbbed with joy as he looked at Robin. It was the same rush of intense happiness and adoration he felt the first time he met Henry, Kat’s son.

“He’s beautiful, Sage,” he said as he gripped his shoulder and Sage’s eyes shimmered and his lips trembled as they pulled into a large smile.

“I wasn’t prepared for how beautiful he’d be,” he admitted and Aiden’s lips twisted as he craned his neck so he could see around Lane. Rose was behind him, leaning cautiously for a peek.

“He has many of your features and your eyes,” he observed and Lavender hummed in agreement as he took the car seat from Sage. He presented it to Rose and she gave the baby a thorough sniff. Her large, lazy eyes went to Sage and she was still for a moment before snuffling loudly then took herself off to her favorite spot in front of the fireplace.

“Let’s get him away from the door. There’s a draft and he’d be more comfortable if we let him stretch and crawl around for a bit,” Lavender said then turned and pinned Lane with a severely threatening look. “I’m going to bring the rest of his things in from the car then set up the play yard in the living room. You’re going to put every single thing back before Robin’s settled or I’m going to break a finger for every item I find that’s out of place,” he stated then set the car seat on the table and carefully unbuckled the harness. Aiden’s eyes were huge as Lavender lifted Robin out of the seat then kissed his cheek delicately before handing him to Sage. “You can see to his diaper,” he said then pressed a kiss to Sage’s lips. He was so gentle and protective before giving Lane another hostile glare as he left.

“That was so strange,” Aiden whispered as they watched Lavender stroll down the driveway. Lane blinked in confusion as Lavender opened the trunk of Sage’s Honda and pulled out a stroller and the play yard.

“This is so strange. Who is that?” He asked and Sage’s eyes glowed and his lips curved softly as he hugged Robin to his chest and slowly rocked him.

“That’s Jeremy.”